Cartopy AzimuthalEquidistant projection: zooming into a region and coastlines - cartopy

I am trying to plot some data on an AzimuthalEquidistant projection using cartopy. However, it gives me a couple of problems. First the coastlines no longer show for this type of projection. Not sure if this is my code or a Cartopy problem. I also notice that if I use a ccrs.PlateCarree() transform in the pcolormesh command the coastlines do show but then, presumably, my data is on the wrong type of prejection?
Second I would prefer if the axis boarder was circular after plotting the data, is it possible to use set_extent or some similar function to do this?
The code below should reproduce the problems, the circle shows how I would like the boarder to look.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as ccrs
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
clat = 55.0
clon = -8.0
lons = np.arange(clon-15,clon+16,0.5)
lats = np.arange(clat-15,clat+16,0.5)
d = np.random.rand(lons.shape[0],lats.shape[0])
trans = ccrs.AzimuthalEquidistant(central_latitude=clat, central_longitude=clon)
ax = plt.axes(projection=trans)
CB=ax.pcolormesh(lons-0.25, lats-0.25, d.T,, alpha=0.5,
p1 = mpatches.Circle((clon,clat), radius=15, color='k', lw=5, fill=False,

If the data you are plotting is in latitude/longitude coordinates then the correct value for the transform keyword is indeed ccrs.PlateCarree(). This is common gotcha for new users. The transform argument tells cartopy what coordinates your data are in, and is completely independent of the projection you want to plot onto.
To make the plot circular you'll need to set the boundary yourself. The Cartopy documentation have a couple of examples of this: and


Is there a function in plotly that is equivalent to plt.axes('scaled') in matplotlib for the aspect ratio of a graph?

I want to plot some coordinates using Plotly express because it allows me a more interactive approach, but I can not find the way to control the scale in the axis in the way I can manage with matplotlib.pyplot in one single line
Could you please share some suggestions? Thanks.
Here is the code using Plotly express:
fig = px.scatter(coordinates_utm, x='EASTING', y='NORTHING', title=name,
hover_data={'NORTHING':':.6f','EASTING': ':.6f'})
fig.add_trace(px.scatter(coordinates_utm_lineal, x='x', y='ylineal',color_discrete_sequence=['red']).data[0])
Here is the code using plt:
plt.scatter(coordinates_utm.EASTING,coordinates_utm.NORTHING, s=2)
This is my current output
Sadly, you didn't provide a fully reproducible example, so I'm going to create my own.
Also, I'm not really familiar with plt.axis("scaled"), as I usually use plt.axis("equal"). Reading the documentation associated to plt.axis, they appear to be somewhat similar. See if the following answer can satisfy your needs.
import as px
import numpy as np
t = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi)
x = np.cos(t)
y = np.sin(t)
fig = px.scatter(x=x, y=y)

How to control the axis units in a map made with astropy and matplotlib?

When using astropy and matplotlib to create a map, the units in the right ascension axis are deg/min/sec, instead of h/m/s. I do not find an easy way in astropy to select the units h/m/s.
For example, if I try to reproduce the map of the Horsehead nebula as in the documentation of astropy.wcs, I get a R.A. axis in deg/min/sec.
The code is simply:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from import fits
from astropy.wcs import WCS
from import get_pkg_data_filename
filename = get_pkg_data_filename('tutorials/FITS-images/HorseHead.fits')
hdu =[0]
wcs = WCS(hdu.header)
fig = plt.figure()
fig.add_subplot(111, projection=wcs)
plt.imshow(, origin='lower',
It is supposed to produce this:
correct units
but I get that:
wrong units
You can use:
ax = fig.gca()
ra = ax.coords[0]
e.g. as specified here:
However, when I ran the same example, it defaulted to hours, so I'm not sure what configuration you have set that defaulted to degrees instead.

Cartopy plot high/low sea level pressure on map

I'm migrating from basemap to cartopy. One thing I would like to do is plot high/low pressure on a map, such as in basemap. There is a good example on this page of how to do this: ("Plot sea-level pressure weather map with labelled highs and lows"). I'm not going to copy and paste the code from this site, but would like to know how to do the same in cartopy. The main thing I can't get my head around is how to do m.xmax and x > m.xmin and y < m.ymax and y > m.ymin in cartopy (some kind of vector transform I'd imagine.
I've had a good look and can't see this particular example translated into something compatible with cartopy. Any help would be welcome!
In order to write an equivalent program using cartopy you need to be able to translate two concepts. The first is finding the extent of a projection, this can be done with the get_extent() method of a GeoAxes:
import as ccrs
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
my_proj = ccrs.Miller(central_longitude=180)
ax = plt.axes(projection=my_proj)
xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = ax.get_extent()
You also need to transform coordinate points from geographic to projection coordinates, which is the function of the transform_points() method of a coordinate reference system instance:
import numpy as np
lons2d, lats2d = np.meshgrid(lons, lats) # lons lats are in degrees
transformed = my_proj.transform_points(ccrs.Geodetic(), lons2d, lats2d)
x = transformed[..., 0] # lons in projection coordinates
y = transformed[..., 1] # lats in projection coordinates
Now you can use the same technique as in the basemap example to filter and plot points, where instead of m.xmin you use xmin etc.
There are of course alternate ways of doing this which have pros and cons relative to the basemap example. If you come up with something nice you can contribute it to the Cartopy gallery.

How do I match the projection of my cartopy map with that of a shapefile?

I am trying to synthesise the projections of a coastlines() map with that of a shapefile, whose .prj file says:
My attempt is:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as ccrs
from import shapereader
# set up a map with coastlines around Auckland:
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
platecarree = ccrs.PlateCarree(globe=ccrs.Globe(datum='WGS84'))
ax = plt.axes(projection=platecarree)
extent = [174.25, 175.25, -37.5, -36.5]
# read in shapefile and plot the polygons:
shp2 = shapereader.Reader('auckland_geology_wgs84gcs.shp')
formations = shp2.records()
for formation in formations:
# plot water blue, and all other rocks yellow
if formation.attributes['MAIN_ROCK'] == b' ':
ax.add_geometries(formation.geometry, ccrs.PlateCarree(),facecolor='blue',alpha=.1)
ax.add_geometries(formation.geometry, ccrs.PlateCarree(), facecolor='yellow',alpha=.1)
I tried giving the globe parameter in my platecarree definition the radius and inverse flattening from the prj file, but I didn't see any change to the output if I set or even varied those numbers.
In addition, with the defined "platecarree" projection (with the call to the globe with WGS84) as the crs in the add_geometries calls, my output is blank.
As is, the result looks to me like a projection mismatch
I've tried to reproduce your problem using QGIS and data downloaded from Natural Earth (10m coastlines) and from GADM (NZ adm0 level). It looks like the NE10m coastlines are the culprit ! The GADM aligns perfectly with your geology layer, while the NE10m is off (and deformed). screenshot of QGIS with Geological map & coastlines

How to add a point-feature shapefile to map using cartopy

I have two shapefiles. One is a point feature shapefile, named "point.shp", the other is a polygon shapefile named "polygon.shp". Both I want to add to a map using cartopy.
I managed to add the "polygon.shp", but failed with the "point.shp".
Here's my code:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from cartopy import crs
from import Reader
from cartopy.feature import ShapelyFeature
ax = plt.axes(projection=crs.PlateCarree())
# add the polygon file, worked
ax.add_geometries(Reader("polygon.shp").geometries(), crs.PlateCarree(), facecolor='w')
# or(also worked):
ax.add_feature(ShapelyFeature(Reader("polygon.shp").geometries(), crs.PlateCarree(), facecolor='r'))
# but these two ways both failed with the "point.shp"
ax.add_geometries(Reader("point.shp").geometries(), crs.PlateCarree())
# or, this doesn't work neither:
ax.add_feature(ShapelyFeature(Reader("polygon.shp").geometries(), crs.PlateCarree(), facecolor='r'))
Does any one know how to do this, or why, without retrieving all the points' x, y coords and then plotting them?
And with coordinates(x, y values), ax.plot() works, but ax.scatter() fails, why?
add_geometries currently turns a geometry into a polygon and then colours it appropriately, which of course means that when you pass points the add_geometries, the polygons are not visible. Potentially cartopy could do a better job of this in the future, but in the meantime, it sounds like you just want to use something like scatter to visualize your data.
You can achieve this by getting the x and y coordinate values out of the geometry and passing these straight on to scatter with the appropriate transform:
import as ccrs
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fname ='10m',
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.Robinson())
ax.set_title('Populated places of the world.')
points = list(
ax.scatter([point.x for point in points],
[point.y for point in points],