Style class A + class B AND class A only - less

I have the following setup at the moment
.classA {
&.classB {
&.classC {
// some more
So every class is dependent on classA. Not requirements changed and I need to have classB,c ... working outside of classA.
However, it's important that it's still connected to classA via &.
I'm looking for something like
.classA, {
... // the comma should indicate classA or nothing

The clean way would be
.classB {
&, &.classA {
// style here
for every class


Is there a Design Pattern that solve this problem?

2 (+1) Requirements
1.- The user must be able to add many types of Equipment
2.- When the type of equipment is "SOME VALUE" then ...
N.- ... future requirement ... now when the type of equipment is "SOME OTHER VALUE" then ...
The situation is that in one side, I know that the "Types" could change, but also I know that some values must exist particular values of "Type" in order to perform particular behaviors.
private int SomeAction(Equipment e)
if (e.Type == "SOME VALUE")
// Do something for that special case
else if (e.Type == "SOME OTHER VALUE")
// Do something for that other special case
// Do the other thing
One option is to put the logic into the Equipment class as suggested by #NicoGranelli in the above comment. This is a good approach especially if you have different subclasses of Equipment
Another alternative is factor out an Action interface. You would have different Action implementations and map each equipment type to a specific action. With this approach you eliminate the conditionals. It also facilitates unit testing of each Action implementation.
interface EquipmentAction { void perform(); }
class SomeAction implements EquipmentAction { void perform() { ... } }
class SomeOtherAction implements EquipmentAction { void perform() { ... } }
class DefaultAction implements EquipmentAction { void perform() { ... } }
class Client {
private final Map<EquipmentType,EquipmentAction> equipmentActions = buildEquipmentActionMap();
private final EquipmentAction DEFAULT_ACTION = new DefaultAction();
private int SomeAction(Equipment equipment) {
EquipmentAction action = equipmentActions.getOrDefault(equipment.Type, DEFAULT_ACTION);

TableView and Fragment to edit Details with tornadofx

I use kotlinx.serialization for my models.
I'd like the idea of them to not depend on JavaFX, so they do not expose properties.
Given a model, I want a tableview for a quick representation of a list of instances, and additionally a more detailed Fragment as an editor.
consider the following model:
data class Person(
var name: String,
var firstname: String,
var complex: Stuff)
the view containing the tableview contains
private val personlist = mutableListOf<Person>().observable()
with a tableview that opens an instance of PersonEditor for the selected row when Enter is pressed:
tableview(personlist) {
column("name", Person::name)
column("first name", Person::firstname)
setOnKeyPressed { ev ->
selectedItem?.apply {
when (ev.code) {
KeyCode.ENTER -> PersonEditor(this).openModal()
I followed this gitbook section (but do not want the modelview to be rebound on selection of another row within the tableview)
The editor looks about like this:
class PersonEditor(person: Person) : ItemFragment<Person>() {
val model: Model = Model()
override val root = form {
fieldset("Personal information") {
field("Name") {
field("Vorname") {
fieldset("complex stuff") {
//... more complex stuff here
fieldset {
button("Save") {
action { model.commit() }
button("Reset") { action { model.rollback() } }
class Model : ItemViewModel<Person>() {
val name = bind(Person::name)
val firstname = bind(Person::firstname)
//... complex stuff
init {
itemProperty.value = mieter
When I save the edited values in the detail view, the tableview is not updated.
Whats the best practize to solve this?
Also I'm unsure, if what I'm doing can be considered good practize, so i'd be happy for some advice on that too.
The best practice in a JavaFX application is to use observable properties. Not doing so is an uphill battle. You can keep your lean domain objects, but add a JavaFX/TornadoFX specific version with observable properties. This object can know how to copy data to/from your "lean" domain objects.
With this approach, especially in combination with ItemViewModel wrappers will make sure that your data is always updated.
The setOnKeyPressed code you posted can be changed to:
setOnUserSelect {
Notice though, that you are not supposed to instantiate Views and Fragments directly, as doing so skips certain steps in the TornadoFX life cycle. Instead you should pass the person as a parameter, or create a new scope and inject a PersonModel into that scope before opening the editor in that scope:
setOnUserSelect {

Specialized Singleton implementation

I am looking for specialized singleton implementation, probably I might be using wrong terminology and hence looking for expert suggestion. Here is my scenario:
There is common code which can be called by ComponentA or ComponentB. I need to push telemetry data from the common code. Telemetry needs to have information that whether this common code get called by ComponentA or ComponentB.
So common code will have just this line of code:
telemetry.pushData(this._area, data);
where this._area tells the telemetry data is getting pushed for which component
I need to push telemetry data from multiple places so it would be good if object got created once and used through out the code lifetime
One option I can think of passing component context to the common code which in mind doesn't look right, hence looking for suggestion what kind of pattern one should use in this case?
This is what I am thinking
// Telemetry.ts file present in shared code
export class Telemetry extends Singleton {
public constructor() {
public static instance(): Telemetry {
return super.instance<Telemetry>(Telemetry);
public publishEvent(data): void {
if (!this.area) {
throw new Error("Error: Initialize telemetry class with right area");
pushtelemetryData(this.area, data);
public area: string;
// Create Telemetry object from component A
Telemetry.instance().area = "ComponentA";
// Shared code will call telemetry publishEvent
It's not a good pattern to use in TypeScript where you would generally inject dependencies.
If you must absolutely do it then you can do it by faking it somewhat:
namespace Telemetry {
var instance : SingletonSomething;
export function push(data: Any) : void {
if (instance == null) {
instance = new SingletonSomething();
class SingletonSomething() { ... }
and then you could call
You can imitate the singleton pattern in typescript easily:
class Telemetry {
private static instance: Telemetry;
public static getInstance(): Telemetry {
if (Telemetry.instance == null) {
Telemetry.instance = new Telemetry();
return Telemetry.instance;
If you have your code in some sort of closure (module, namespace, etc) then you can replace the static member with:
let telemetryInstance: Telemetry;
export class Telemetry {
public static getInstance(): Telemetry {
if (telemetryInstance == null) {
telemetryInstance = new Telemetry();
return telemetryInstance;
But then you can also replace the static method with:
let telemetryInstance: Telemetry;
export function getTelemetryInstance(): Telemetry {
if (telemetryInstance == null) {
telemetryInstance = new Telemetry();
return telemetryInstance;
export class Telemetry {
At this point, in case you are using some sort of closure, you might ask yourself if you really need the class at all?
If you use this as a module:
// telemetry.ts
export interface TelemetryData {
export function pushData(data: TelemetryData): void {
Then you get exactly what you're looking for, and this is more of the "javascript way" of doing it.
In the telemetry module there's no need to know the users of it.
If the Telemetry.pushData function needs to have information about the object that called it then define an interface for it:
// telemetry.ts
export interface TelemetryData {
export interface TelemetryComponent {
name: string;
export function pushData(data: TelemetryData, component: TelemetryComponent): void {
Then in the other modules, where you use it:
// someModule.ts
import * as Telemetry from "./telemetry";
class MyComponent implement Telemetry.TelemetryComponent {
// can also be a simple string property
public get name() {
return "MyComponent";
fn() {
Telemetry.pushData({ ... }, this);
2nd Edit
Because you are using a module system, your module files are enough to make singletons, there's no need for a class to achieve that.
You can do this:
// telemetry.ts
let area: string;
export interface TelemetryData {
export function setArea(usedArea: string) {
area = usedArea;
export function pushData(data: TelemetryData): void {
The telemetry module will be created only once per page, so you can treat the entire module as a singleton.
Export only the functions that are needed.

Creating delegating methods in IntelliJ

Suppose I am writing a method that delegates part of its work to an existing method (A factory method invoking a constructor would be a good example).
I would like to be able to automatically add the arguments to the method I am writing based on the method it invokes. However, IntelliJ does not seem to have the right shortcut for this. For example:
I have
class Foo {
Foo(ArgClass arg);
and I've just created
class FooFactory {
Foo createFoo() {
return new Foo();
Is there a shortcut (or a sequence of them) that would get my factory to
class FooFactory {
Foo createFoo(ArgClass arg) {
return new Foo(arg);
without manually typing "arg"?
I recommend doing it like this. Copy & paste arg once here (| is text cursor):
class FooFactory {
Foo createFoo() {
return new Foo(arg|);
Invoke Alt+Enter and select the quick fix Create parameter 'arg'. The Change Signature refactoring dialog appears, type Ctrl+Enter to accept. Result:
class FooFactory {
Foo createFoo(ArgClass arg) {
return new Foo(arg);

Can Swift Method Defined on Extensions on Protocols Accessed in Objective-c

Is it possible to call methods defined in a protocol extension in Swift from Objective-C?
For example:
protocol Product {
var price:Int { get }
var priceString:String { get }
extension Product {
var priceString:String {
get {
return "$\(price)"
class IceCream : Product {
var price:Int {
get {
return 2
The price string of an instance of IceCream is '$2' and can be accessed in Swift, however the method is not visible in Objective-C. The compiler throws the error 'No visible #interface for 'IceCream' declares the selector ...'.
In my configuration, if the method is defined directly in the Swift object's implementation, everything works as expected. i.e.:
protocol Product {
var price:Int { get }
var priceString:String { get }
class IceCream : Product {
var price:Int {
get {
return 2
var priceString:String {
get {
return "$\(price)"
I am nearly certain the answer to this is "no", although I haven't found official Apple documentation that spells it out.
Here is a message from the swift-evolution mailing list discussing the proposal to use dynamic dispatch for all method calls, which would provide calling semantics more like Objective-C:
Again, the sole exception to this is protocol extensions. Unlike any other construct in the language, protocol extension methods are dispatched statically in a situation where a virtual dispatch would cause different results. No compiler error prevents this mismatch. (
Protocol extensions are a Swift-only language feature, and as such are not visible to objc_msgSend().
If it is ok to remove the priceString from the protocol, and only have it in your extension, you can call the protocol extension by casting IceCream to a Product in a helper extension.
#objc protocol Product {
var price:Int { get }
extension Product {
var priceString:String {
return "$\(price)"
// This is the trick
// Helper extension to be able to call protocol extension from obj-c
extension IceCream : Product {
var priceString:String {
return (self as Product).priceString
#objc class IceCream: NSObject {
var price: Int {
return 2
Protocol extension does not work with #objc protocol, however you can extend the class in swift as a workaround.
#objc protocol Product {
var price: NSNumber? { get }
var priceString:String { get }
// IceCream defined in Objective-C that does not extend Product
// but has #property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) (NSNumber*)price
// to make it confirm to Product
extension IceCream: Product {
var priceString:String {
get {
return "$\(price ?? "")"
This code is not clean at all, but it works.