can't change odoo logo in bitnami solution - odoo

this is my context:
i have an instance of bitnami's odoo solution running in google cloud plattform. the server run in perfect state.
i've tried to change the company's logo (settings>>company>>logoImage>>click on "pencil icon">> upload the image). And when i finalize the process the logo appear inside the company's form but it doesn't appear in the landpage; also it doesn't appear in the top-left corner (panel).
i've read and tried , every one of the "cache solutions" but still not working, i've probed on firefox and chrome; both respond similary. in firefox's case i had never used before the test access.
so, how can i change the company's logo to showup in the login page?
this is the image in the landing page...
and this is what i want :

That logo is a png file located in
When odoo don't have a cashed logo of your company in the browser he load this logo (odoo logo). means you need to install a costum module that change the logo or replace that file by your company logo.
sorry i'm using my phone search forr logo file inside web module and replaced or install a costum module that do that if you can.


How to preview a static site?

With Ruby on Rails I can run rails s -p 3000 and preview my site at localhost:3000.
With React I can run npm start and view the site at localhost:8080.
What if I just have html and CSS files, how do I preview that?
On OSX, you can run a simple web server from any directory using this command:
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
Then, you can hit the directory in your browser by going to http://localhost:8000/path/to/file.html
You can try click 2 times in index.html to open the file in browser.
Every time you update the code in sublime text, you need to reload the browser and the updates will be aplied.
This usually depends on your device/OS and what your eventual goals are, but usually you can either use (online) software that renders the HTML and the CSS for you (such as, etc.) whilst you are typing it (to live preview any modifications/additions), or you can put the documents live using a local webserver such as Xampp or OSXs built in simple web server, and check their respective localhost locations every time you save changes using your code editor.
You could also simply use online applications like Codepen, which can also render HTML and CSS, and even JavaScript. Codepen just today launched Codepen Projects which allows you to create entire website projects at their website. It is however, a pro (paid) feature.
Here's a short overview of code playgrounds that offer the functionality you requested (by no means an exhaustive list):
And ofcourse you can insert Snippets here on StackOverflow, which is also able to render HTML and CSS (and JS).
If you really only use HTML and CSS, previewing in a browser is also possible, opening the .html file by double clicking and opening in Internet Explorer, Chrome, etc.

Application logo missing from OneDrive application settings page

I have integrated Microsoft One Drive cloud service to one of my web applications through the REST API.During the time I registered my applications with One Drive through the Application Settings page, I had uploaded application logo's for each of the application which I had registered. But right now when I open it after some days , I find that the logo's which I uploaded for few of the applications are missing while for few, its present as it is. For few applications, it just shows 'Image of a 48 by 48 logo' message in place of the logo. This is kind of weird because I had uploaded the same logo for all the applications initially. Also, when I inspect that image element I find the src attribute for the image has some different location internal to Microsoft and my image is not present there. Even if I try to upload the same image again, it just saves the changes but doesn't show the image there. Can someone help me out with this?
Thanks for this report. We found an issue with some of the icons and it should now be fixed. Your URL works now.

Loading pdf in web browser control with requireAdministrator UIaccess does not render pdf properly

I have a small vb6 application where I show PDF files in a web browser control. So I navigate to a required file using “WebBrowser1.Navigate”. It works well and the pc should have adobe reader installed.
But I have observed some strange behavior in windows 8 pcs (checked in about 4 PC).
If the application has asInvoker level manifest then pdf appear proper as expected.
If the application has requireAdministrator
level manifest then pdf does not appear and blank page appears.(so pdf is not rendered).Same problem comes for highestAvailable level if user is administrator.
I have observed loading webpage does not have this kind of problems.
So why the strange behaviour is shown if a application run as Administrator.
You can download the file from this link and check the said error.(EXE are already created with different manifest levels). Or adding web browser control to a form and just add WebBrowser1.Navigate("path to pdf") .Even no need to add manifest .running by using right click run as administrator gives error.

how to make FTP client frontend using windows 7 theme
As you can see in the image, in greenbox i am fetching localhost system files and functions.. which work perfectly.
but as you know FTP client has 2 modes, local and Remote site.
Now in red box you can see it blank, there i want to integrate windows 7 look like remote panel.. so once user login using his email and password and other required details.. he must see layout same as he see in green box.
I hope anyone can help me better here.
do you want to show the tree level in remote site, right ?
If you're using .NETFramework, you can use library, it's support for the protocol in FtpWebRequest, in the same way as HttpWebRequest supports web requests.
Here's the step for to do like a green box :
After providing user and pass, you make a command to list all parent directory and then you show it in tree panel.
after tree panel has been generated, you can make a command list for each click in tree panel to change directory from directory parent.
If there's file in current directory, you can show it using icon file in next panel.
next is up to you, what's going on after a file has been clicked, double clicked, or right click.

How Do I Change the Label of a Cpanel Icon?

The Cpanel product for Linux has a way with its SDK to create a new icon for your own custom form and PHP scripts to do various tasks. I joined a project where the original developer is no longer there, and left no documentation. We can change the PHP scripts and the form, but we have not been able to figure out how to change the label for the Cpanel icon that is shown to customers on this hosting plan.
How do we change the label on our custom cpanel icon? What file do we edit? Where do we make the change? Do we have to do anything after this editing in order for the change to be seen by all the customers?
On shared hosting you need at least WHM access.
If you have WHM access, you will see in cPanel a new functionality called Branding cPanel, in there you can play with css files and html files used to change the look and feel of you cPanel.
Anyway it's not an easy task. To change a label you would probably have to find the id of such label and using the branding editor upload a javascript file in the cPanel header that gets the id of the DOM object of the icon you want to chnage the label.
I mean in the branding editor I don't rememebr you can change a label of an icon, but just the icon image.
Here's the cPanel documentation for branding/customization