how to make FTP client frontend using windows 7 theme - sql
As you can see in the image, in greenbox i am fetching localhost system files and functions.. which work perfectly.
but as you know FTP client has 2 modes, local and Remote site.
Now in red box you can see it blank, there i want to integrate windows 7 look like remote panel.. so once user login using his email and password and other required details.. he must see layout same as he see in green box.
I hope anyone can help me better here.

do you want to show the tree level in remote site, right ?
If you're using .NETFramework, you can use library, it's support for the protocol in FtpWebRequest, in the same way as HttpWebRequest supports web requests.
Here's the step for to do like a green box :
After providing user and pass, you make a command to list all parent directory and then you show it in tree panel.
after tree panel has been generated, you can make a command list for each click in tree panel to change directory from directory parent.
If there's file in current directory, you can show it using icon file in next panel.
next is up to you, what's going on after a file has been clicked, double clicked, or right click.


can't change odoo logo in bitnami solution

this is my context:
i have an instance of bitnami's odoo solution running in google cloud plattform. the server run in perfect state.
i've tried to change the company's logo (settings>>company>>logoImage>>click on "pencil icon">> upload the image). And when i finalize the process the logo appear inside the company's form but it doesn't appear in the landpage; also it doesn't appear in the top-left corner (panel).
i've read and tried , every one of the "cache solutions" but still not working, i've probed on firefox and chrome; both respond similary. in firefox's case i had never used before the test access.
so, how can i change the company's logo to showup in the login page?
this is the image in the landing page...
and this is what i want :
That logo is a png file located in
When odoo don't have a cashed logo of your company in the browser he load this logo (odoo logo). means you need to install a costum module that change the logo or replace that file by your company logo.
sorry i'm using my phone search forr logo file inside web module and replaced or install a costum module that do that if you can.

Can't change document root in MAMP Pro

I have version 3.3 of MAMP Pro. When I click the icon to change the document root for one of my virtual hosts, it shows all of the blue folders in my Finder as grayed out. There is one exception, I am able to go into Applications/MAMP/htdocs and successfully select that directory.
Why are all the rest of my directories grayed out?
Seems a permission rights issue.
Check who is the runner of your Mamp services in settings (usually you or www/sql).
Check the permissions applied for folders you want to use as document root.
Change permissions to allow the "services runner" to read and write in this folder.
If necessary add this user in Get info window of this folder by clicking Alt and + button at the bottom left of window.
It works for me by adding _www (# World Wide Web Server) group to read and write.
Hope this helps.

First Time Trying to Edit a SharePoint File

This is my first time trying to edit a sharepoint file. It is used as a list of links in an iframe on a web site on another server. But this has nothing to do with the problem. I have been asked to modify the list of links and I just want to get to it and do it. But however one does this, it does not seem very intuative to me.
Let me tell you the steps I have taken and how things go wrong and maybe I can get some advice. The sharepoint file is on a server that I log into remotely. I run the "Sharepoint 2010 Central Administration". On the page that comes up, I click on "Manage web applications" under "Application Management".
From there, I see the page I want to edit. But when I click on the name of the item (which appears in red text) the area is hilighted but nothing happens. In the ribbon menu at the top of the page there is a drop down entitled "Site Actions" but there is no option there to "edit". Please advice.
I was given a username and password to "log in" because I was told I need that. The idea was that maybe I need a special admin account to see the missing menu options to edit a page. But at first I could not use it to log on to the server where the sharepoint system is. Then I found that I could try to use it to log onto the "Sharepoint 2010 Central Administration" program. But this did not work.
Then I tried to see if there was anything I could so from the desktop computer. I found "Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010"
I tried this and it looked promising"
But then eventhough I could see the file name, I could not edit the file:
I went back to the server and tried a few other things. I tried to switch my account in the Central Adminstration to this special account that someone suggested had more privledges but it did not work. The error said "Error: Access Denied". I tried putting the web page in the address bar and that just brought up the page without any way of editing it.
Please advise.
Central Administration is not meant for content editting. That is the core of SharePoint with all kind of configuration options.
You have to create a web application for content editting and create a site collection there. In that site collection you can edit the page, add webparts, etc. In your case you can try a Publishing Portal template for your site collection and add a content editor webpart. In that content editor webpart you can put HTML for your iframe.

Access Web Inspector in Safari with Applescript

I'm trying to create an Applescript script which essentially downloads files from Safari. However, the files are not available for download via the web page, so I usually open up the Web Inspector and then go to Resources and then in a folder called Other, download the file.
I've been searching the web for a method to do this via Applescript, but to no avail. My question is therefore: How can I access the Web Inspector > Resrouces > Other files in my current Safari window? I know that it is possible to bring up the Web Inspect using ⌥⌘I, and then you can change pane inside of the Inspector using ⌘]. But I can't get focus on the list of Resources Files, as shown below:
Is it possible to access this .mp3 file inside of the Other folder without using shortcut commands? And if not/if so, how can I access the Other folder inside of this window pane?
Thanks for your help in advance.
Is it possible that you can access the .mp3 file some other way? Rather than using the Web Inspector, perhaps you can find the link to the .mp3 file within the page source code, and then download it.
If you want to access the "Other" folder, then you will have to copy the web address you need it for, reset safari, go to the web page via the html bar and then open up the web inspector via alt>cmd>I and it should be there.Not sure what Apple Script has to do with anything (But I have never used it :P)
Hope this helps

How Do I Change the Label of a Cpanel Icon?

The Cpanel product for Linux has a way with its SDK to create a new icon for your own custom form and PHP scripts to do various tasks. I joined a project where the original developer is no longer there, and left no documentation. We can change the PHP scripts and the form, but we have not been able to figure out how to change the label for the Cpanel icon that is shown to customers on this hosting plan.
How do we change the label on our custom cpanel icon? What file do we edit? Where do we make the change? Do we have to do anything after this editing in order for the change to be seen by all the customers?
On shared hosting you need at least WHM access.
If you have WHM access, you will see in cPanel a new functionality called Branding cPanel, in there you can play with css files and html files used to change the look and feel of you cPanel.
Anyway it's not an easy task. To change a label you would probably have to find the id of such label and using the branding editor upload a javascript file in the cPanel header that gets the id of the DOM object of the icon you want to chnage the label.
I mean in the branding editor I don't rememebr you can change a label of an icon, but just the icon image.
Here's the cPanel documentation for branding/customization