Im trying to filter a report in business objects,
Im mostly where I want to be from multiple queries being run and custom variable in the report.
What Im struggling with is creating a column that displays [AccountID A] that is not in [AccountID B]
these account ID's came from the same object but are different lists from the run queries
example Formula attempt for column
=[AccountID A] where ([AccountID A] <> [AccountID B])
This comes up with no entries however and I know from exporting and filtering my test batch in excel there are 3 ID's that should display. Also been attempting variations with NOT, and variation with INLIST with no luck so far, anyone able to suggest an approach?
I think the simplest approach would be to create a query filter specifying that [AccountID A] Not in List [AccountID B]. You have to choose "Results from another query" so you have something like this.
Does that work for you?
I've been searching the internet for hours trying to figure out if the following is even possible:
To choose the AS400 query records directly from Excel.
I haven't found any solution or description of how this could be achieved, which makes me guess that it's simply not possible. However, I haven't seen anyone confirm that it is impossible.
So my question is: Is this possible? And if it is, could you point me in the right direction in order for me to start learning how to do it?
I know its possible to run a query from Excel, and then adding parameters via SQL statements, but in my case, this presents several problems that could be avoided by choosing the records before the query is executed.
I have a query with a column (lets call it ColVal) that can hold the values 1 and/or 2. In the AS400 program under the menu "Work with queries" and then "Choose records" I can specify which records the query should contain when it has run based on the value in ColVal. This means i can get three different situations (A, B and C) when i run the query:
A) The query only contains records where the value in ColVal is 1
B) The query only contains records where the value in ColVal is 2
C) The query contains records where the value in ColVal is either 1 or 2
The goal is to be able to choose which situation I want from Excel in order to circumvent opening and using the AS400 program.
However, using situation C and then editing the query in Excel with an SQL statement to mimic situation A or B is not an option, as this means the query still contains undesired records.
This whole thing boils down to the following: Is it even possible to run the query from Excel essentially changing the data it contains and not just outputting it to excel? If this is possible, is it then possible to pass a parameter to the AS400 system and use it to create situation A, B or C?
I hope this example makes sense.
Edit - New example
Say i have different customers A and B. I can open the AS400 program and run a query in which i have specified that I only want data on customer A. I can then open Excel and use filters (as Hambone described) on the query to determine which records I want to output. However, if I want to work with data from customer B, I have to open the AS400 again and run the query with different parameters. I would like to be able to "change" my dataset from customer A to B from Excel, without having to include both in my recordset and then filter out one of them.
I imagined this is doable if you could pass a parameter to the AS400. The AS400 then runs the query using this parameter as the criteria for which records should be stored in the query. This means that if the parameter is Customer B, then there is no way to acces data from customer A, without running the query through AS400 again.
Any ideas are greatly appreciated :)
Follow up to my comment, here is a quick primer on how to run an ODBC query directly in MS Excel using Microsoft Query. This is very different than Power Query, which you referenced, in that MS Query is standard with Excel -- it's not a plug-in. This is relevant because it means everyone has it. If you are deploying a solution to others, that's an important consideration.
To start an MS Query in Excel, go to the data tab, select "From Other Sources" -> "Microsoft Query."
A list of your ODBC connections will come up. Pick the one that you want and select "OK."
It may or may not ask you for a login (depending on which ODBC connection you use and how its configured).
The next part is important. MS Query is going to try to have you use its builder to create the query. If you have the SQL, skip this part. It's horrible. Click "Cancel" on the query wizard, and then click the "SQL" button to enter your own SQL. If you can, make sure the result set is small (like use where 1 = 2 in the query).
When MS Query returns results, click the button next to the SQL Button to have it return the results to the spreadsheet. It looks like a little door.
From here, any time you want to refresh the query, you can simply right-click the data table in Excel and select "refresh." Alternatively you can go to the data tab on the ribbon and select "Refresh."
By the way if you have linked pivot tables and charts, the "Refresh All" option will refresh those as well, in the correct order.
To edit your query at any time, right-click on the table in Excel, go to Table-External Data Properties:
Then Click on the Connection Properties icon (highlighted below)
Click on the second tab (Definition) and edit the SQL Directly.
Parameters can be declared simply by inserting a bare "?" in place of your literal.
In other words, if your query looks like this:
select *
from users
where user_id = 'hambone'
Just change it to:
select *
from users
where user_id = ?
Excel will prompt you for a user id before it runs the query. From here, you also have the option of putting the parameter value in a cell within the spreadsheet and having the query read it from there. You'll see these when you right-click the table and go to the "Parameters" menu option.
Let me know if this helps or is unclear.
-- EDIT 7/23/2018 --
To follow up on your latest edit, it is possible to handle the scenario you describe, where you want to be able to filter on a value, or if none is given, then not have a filter. You see this a lot when you present multiple filter options to the user and you want a blank to mean "no filter," which is obviously counter to the way SQL works.
However, you can hack SQL to still make it work:
select * from activities
(activity = ? or ? is null) and
(energy = ? or ? is null)
In this example you have to declare four parameters instead of two, two for each.
You might also have to play with datatypes, depending on the RDBMS (for example for numerics you might have to say ? = 0 instead of ? is null or even ? = '' for text).
Here is a working example where a single filter was applied on the query above and you can clearly see the second one did not have an impact.
Yes it's possible. You need to use an ODBC driver to connect to the AS400 and retrieve the data. The driver and documentation are Here
So, in short, I need to connect from data to a SQL query. I had not trouble doing this with a fixed query. I however, want that query to update based on values in certain cell. Since the person using it might not be familiar with SQL, Excel, or VBA, I was tasked with making the data update simply with the Excel refresh button. Anyway, super simplifying, I want to run a query like this:
column1, column2, column3
important_date BETWEEN [A1] and [A2]
AND thing1 IN [list from A3]
AND thing2 = [A4]
I saw this thread here: Excel: Use a cell value as a parameter for a SQL query and it did not seem to answer my question for 2 reason:
One work-around seemed to require that the table itself be pulled into excel. The table in question would contain millions of rows, making his infeasible.
Some suggested a question mark (?) workaround, but entering ? for dates, lists, or strings simply outputted errors.
Given this, is there a possible way for me to do this? If so, how? and finally, if I can, how would I go about dealing with a blank list? For instance, if someone does not list anything in A3, I'd like the query to simply ignore the "AND thing1 in [list from A3] part of the code.
Thank you,
you most probably going to think "what an idiot" but remember i never done any type of coding before so this is all new to me,
My problem are that i'm working on a HUGE excel sheet with loads of data that is not needed. i need to sort the data into a few columns, i only need column "A,K,AN,AQ" but in column "AS" i only need certain values (yes,no,blank) i only want the yes and blank values. like i said never done any coding before but i know that you can use an macro to do it so please help, how do i go about this?
before trying to get into macros, try to use functions with if else statements. They are quite easy to handle. Like: If (yes) then put it into X. Later, you could select all needed. Also, check the, how the dollar sign is used
use this links to see, if it is something for you.
One quick and dirty way of getting this job done would be to:
Delete the columns you don't need.
Select all cells in the range you're interested in, click the Insert menu, and choose "Table". If your columns have titles, select the box for "My Table has Headers."
-This turns your data into an array so that Excel recognizes that each row is an entry (instead of thinking that the cells are unrelated).
Now you can use the filter icon in the column headers to select and display only the rows containing the values in column X that you're interested in.
Note that there are some limitations to what the table feature is good for, so, as always, whether this is a good solution for you depends on what you want to do with the data.
In my PowerPivot I have a master data table which comes via an extract from system x. Now I want to be able to "GROUP BY" over a certain column from the same data. What would be the best approach here? There are more than 600.000 lines involved.
I have already tried following DAX query but it won't work:
SUMMARIZE('SAP extract', [cost element], sum('SAP extract'[val]))
Query(1,, 47) Function SUMMARIZE expects a column name as argument number 3.
I would suggest creating a new measure -- guessing from you question, that would probably be a simple SUM (see documentation here), something like:
This should be then automatically added to your currently active powerpivot table.
If you then want to group the data by anything, simply drag the dimension into the rows section and you should be able to see the aggregated sums sliced by the dimension you chose.
Hope this helps.
I had a problem in creating the Dynamic report in SSRS. My problem is:
In a table I have stored SQL scripts with the column SQLScripts. If you execute these SQL scripts you get different number of columns for each script.
My problem is, I have one report with buttons of these scripts, for example test1, that. If you press test1 button this should take the test one SQL script and should display the report with appropiate columns in that sqlscripts.
I can't create individual reports for each test report, they are plenty. Are there any options for me to solve this problem...
The only way I've been able to get this to work sofar is:
Each report has 2 datasets.
The "DataHeaders" need to have the proper name of the datafields in "ReportData". Be careful since SSRS replaces blanks and special characters with "_"
Now, create a table (or matrix) and drag the DataHeaders as the Columns of your report. (This should be a grouped column). If you run it at this point, you'll see all your columns without any data. Now comes the magic:
Create another report that takes a "DataField" parameter. Create another table or matrix within this report and set it's dataset property to be "ReportData". In the DATA cell for the table, set it to the expression =Fields(Parameters!DataField.Value).Value
Now go back to your first report. Right click and insert a subreport. Right click on the subreport and select "Subreport Properties". Under general, select the second report you created to be used as the subreport. Under parameters, select the DataField parameter and set its value to something like =Fields!DataField.Value
In my case I did some formatting in this expression to fix the above mentioned issue with spaces and special characters, since my stored procedure was initially used in ASP.NET and this was just a proof of concept.
Also in my experience the performance isn't great. In fact it was kinda slow, though I haven't had a chance to switch it to use a shared dataset, which I suspect would help a bit. Please let me know if you find a better solution.
I have not found a way to do this completely dynamically. Here is a similar question with some possible solutions:
How do i represent an unknown number of columns in SSRS?
You basically need to create a 'master dataset' from the other Datasets that are based on your multitude of SQL scripts first.The master dataset should contain the data to be presented in it's most simplistic form, i.e. in a simple list format.
Finally, go to the toolbar in SSRS and drag a 'Matrix' into the report. A Matrix table acts similar to a pivot table in Excel or a CrossTab query in Access that will display whatever's in the Dataset.