Selenium ClickAndHold doesn't work on new Kendo Chart - kendo-chart

I've been upgrading my Kendo version recently, and upon the change, one of my tests broke. It tries to select an area over a kendo chart. Previously, it worked just fine. However, with the new Kendo version, the test fails. It lines up the mouse over the beginning and end of where it should be selecting, but it is not selecting anything. Here is the snippet of code that should be selecting the chart area:
new OpenQA.Selenium.Interactions.Actions(WebDriverContext.Current)
Has anyone else encountered this issue?


DOJO drop down selection is not working

After migrating to DOJO 1.8.14 in the dropdown even though I am selecting different one it is selecting by default different option than that is present before.
You can see the dropdown after close button that should select different one and also one more issue is few functionalities are working in IE browser and not working in the mozila firefox browser
Someone help me out.
In code it had return to sort by label and the particular element is disabled so it is not selecting once after I had added sortbylabel id as false and then it is working fine.
The problem is DOJO migration that I had done will sort the label by default we need to apply the label to false then it will work fine.

Selenium not working with JQWidgets listbox or Datagrid

I am testing my web site using Selenium IDE 2.9.0 for Firefox.
My web site uses JQWidgets.
Selenium seems to work fine until you need to simulate clicking on a list item or selecting a row from a data grid.
I have seen other posts similar to this problem like this one
Selenium webdriver ‘jqwidgets – jqxgrid ‘ data grid with java: How to scroll and get the rows visible?
but I can't work out the problem.
When I use the record button to record my interaction with the website it shows the following :-
When I double click on this to execute the command it does not select the line in my list.
I have tried mouseDown and clicking on the outer div first and every combination.
Any ideas ?

Old deleted form still running at startup

I'm new to and need some help.
I'm not sure what's happening but a deleted main form loads on start up even after setting a new form as start up.
I took a few buttons and copied it on a group container and named it Dial Pad on the old form. After testing to see if it works I adjusted the dimensions and ran again but this time it stayed the same. I clicked on the buttons but nothing happened. Check the code and there was code in it and correct. However there seem to be other set of buttons name as same but with a 1 at end.
I checked the solution explorer and it didn't show, only the originals showed. After frustration I created a new form and copying the code and created new controls. I deleted the old problematic form and set the new one as start up but the old form with the dial pad still appears and only exit button I added and coded works. The datagridview on old forms works as well and is the old way I can get to the other forms which still work.
This problem sometimes indeed occurs. The solution is pretty simple. Go in the menu to Build > Clean Solution and rebuild. Or else, open the context menu on the solution node and select Clean Solution.
Screenshot of the menu:
Screenshot of the solution node context menu:
I had the same problem with a web page in VB. Rebuilding website/solution didn't work for me. The only things that worked were 1. Completely restarting VB or 2. File -> Close Solution and then loading it again File -> Recent Projects and Solution. This one at least spares some time.

Kendo UI Stock Charts does not display on Safari

I'm attempting to create a stock chart using Kendo UI. I created the chart and it displays fine on every browser (IE, FireFox, Chrome) EXCEPT for Safari, where it will only display a default placeholder chart area but no data, numbers, chart info, range slider, etc.
Here also is my code in jsbin:
This only occurs when using Stock Charts, otherwise I have no issues creating other charts and displaying it with Safari. If anyone has any suggestions or ideas that could help fix this, it would be greatly appreciated.
Looks like Safari barks at the date format. You can confirm this by executing:
new Date("2011-06");
> Invalid Date
Switching to a more conventional format (2011/06/01) seems to solve this.

Move target out of bounds exception

I am writing tests for a web application and all went well until I had to choose an option from a menu and that option displays a drop down list when hovered or clicked. When I click an option from the drop down list, I get the following error:
MoveTargetOutOfBoundsException: Element cannot be scrolled into view
Does anyone know what this error is about and what I should look for in my code?
Selenium version 2.25.0, java version 1.6.0_31
I've been checking some selenium and google groups regarding this issue in older versions!topic/selenium-users/EuZ7a6_lB9Q
a more recent discussion
Is it a known issue for Selenium 2.25.0 or is there a way to fix it? I recently upgraded to Firefox 15.0 :|
Note: I found a temporary solution until someone magically fixes this...since I can't find where the problem is...
I run the code before that point where it crashes, I put it to sleep for 10 seconds, I manually click the menu and the option from the drop down list, the window I want is displayed and the code continues with actions from that point. It works for now...I hope this will be fixed since I can't believe that I can run a script in Selenium IDE but I can't run my java code in WebDriver ...this is crazy :|
I guess you are trying to click an element from a dropdown.
You should keep in mind, that Selenium helps you replicate exact human behavior. So if the code fails because the element is not visible, it is probably because the element is not visible.
To make it work, you might want to put a click command on the menu before the failing bit of code.
(to replicate the sleep 10 seconds manually click the menu button method you are using)
Once again, if you can show us your code and also the HTML snippet of the Menu section, we can provide an exact solution.
Maybe you're opening new popup window while opening select box.
This may help you:
WebDriver.SwitchTo().Window("newDisplayedWindowPopupName"); // continue to test