Propagating user information to all layers in Dropwizard - authentication

I am using basic authentication mechanism in my Dropwizard application, where I am capturing logged in user details, something like this:
public Response function(#Auth User user) throws Exception {
//some logic around here
Now for auditing purposes, I want this user information to be passed at each layer of my application, I mean in services, DAOs, ExceptionMappers etc and I don't want to pass it as function parameter everywhere as it looks clumsy and also has maintainability overhead. so my question is, is there any way by which we can set some global configuration per REST call or user session and can fetch it anywhere I want?
I have been a Ruby user and in that we were able to do something like this:
Thread.current[:user] = user
which which accessible throughout per user session.

One way to achieve this is by using ThreadLocal of Java wherein you can set the User object and it will be available to that particular executor thread.
Add the following to your resource class.
private static ThreadLocal<User> localUser = new InheritableThreadLocal<>();
public static ShortenerServiceUser getUser() {
return localUser.get();
Whennever your function() method is invoked, you just need to set the User object into the ThreadLocal variable.
Now, whenever you need to access the User object from the current thread context, all you need to do is as follows
User localUser = YourResource.getUser();
You can clear the User object from the context by using the ThreadLocal.remove() method.


How to properly do resource-based authorization in ASP.NET Core 2.2?

I have an ASP.NET Core 2.2 application where I am displaying some documents. Most documents are public, so anonymous access is fine. However, some documents are private (i.e. they require authentication/authorization), and in the future some documents might also require a valid subscription. All documents are retrieved using the same actions, so we only know the required permissions after the documents have been loaded. We also load some resources as static files (IApplicationBuilder.UseStaticFiles), but I guess that shouldn't really be an issue as StaticFileOptions.OnPrepareResponse can be used for custom authorization code.
The logic for who gets access to private documents is currently really simple. And at the moment, we only display documents, we don't allow any other kind of operation on them (editing, deletion etc.). To me, this sounds like a pretty standard case of resource-based authorization.
Anyway, I have found this article and from what I've understood, I need to define a policy (identified by a magic string - what's up with that?!) as well as a requirement and an AuthorizationHandler<MyRequirement, MyResource> which will perform the actual authorization logic. Then, inside my controller action, I will need to call IAuthorizationService.AuthorizeAsync and pass in the user, the resource and the policy name (the magic string) and, based on the result from that method, allow or deny access. That seems more than convoluted for what I'm trying to accomplish. It would probably be easier if I simply defined my own kind of "authorization service" and simply dropped the whole policy and requirement stuff. I also think it's less than ideal that I would have to replicate the if-else logic in all affected controller actions.
Surely I'm not the only one with this issue. Is there something I've missed?
If there are indeed good reasons for using policies and requirements, how would you name them in a case like this? I'm really feeling a little lost.
Maybe it would make sense to use the type of document (public, private, subscribers-only) as the policy name?
In the end, we didn't want to deal with this stuff and just wrote our own AuthorizationService, which is injected into the controller like any other service.
It loads the required permissions for all documents the first time it is used and caches them.
Our controller methods then look something like this:
public async Task<Document> GetDocument(string documentId)
if (_authorizationService.MayAccess(User, documentId))
return _documentRepository.GetDocument(documentId);
Response.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status403Forbidden;
return null;
I recommend the last approach explained in this article -
Allows you to keep you controller clean, by just applying annotation with the name of the policy. In the handler you must implement the logic checking if person can access the resource - it can be based for example on checking a property ownerId in a resource(for example in database table column) or a member of a certain group in AD, or anything else.
Using Requirements and RequirementsHandlers - I have done something similiar.
I don't know how should your logic exactly work, so I am just going to assume some.
lets say you have a get endpoint: documents/documentId
You want to apply logic which will make this document accessible only to the document owner. Obviously, you need somewhere to store who is the owner of the document, so lets keep that in property of a document entity.
protected override async Task HandleRequirementAsync(AuthorizationHandlerContext context, IsDocumentOwner requirement, DocumentRepository documentRepository)
if (context.Resource is AuthorizationFilterContext ctx)
var documentId = ctx.RouteData.Values["documentId"]?.ToString();
//here load document from repo and check if the property ownerId is equal to current user id
var userId = context.User.Claims.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ToString().Contains(oid))?.Value;
//if yes, make the request pass to the body of a controller with the attribute
implement IsDocumentOwner:
public class IsDocumentOwner : IAuthorizationRequirement
in your Startup.cs add:
services.AddAuthorization(options =>
policyBuilder => policyBuilder.AddRequirements(
new IsDocumentOwner()));
then, last step, apply attribute on your controller method
[Authorize(Policy = "IsDocumentOwner")]
public YourDocumentObjectResultClass GetDocument([FromRoute]string documentId)
//stuff you do when current user is owner of the document, probably just display the doc
To your IsDocumentOwner handler you can inject any service by constructor(visualised by repository above), for example, to check if the user is a member of a group on azure ad

How to override "OnActionExecuting" defined in the Startup class inside a controller?

This code run for every incoming request to check whether it contains a valid JWT token.
services.AddMvc(options =>
That's what I want in most case, except for the first time (when the user is attempting to log in). Because it's running at every request, user can't log in.
I've tried to add an attribute on top of the login action, but it's still not working.
public async Task<JsonResult> Login([FromBody]Credentials formData)
What should I do to override the OnActionExecuting in the startup class just in this one case, so that user can log in.
Thanks for helping
By using a custom filter, instead of the built-in authentication and authorization system, you will not be able to use [AllowAnonymous] here since that is directly linked to the auth framework.
What you can do is add additional metadata which you then check as part of your JwtAttribute filter. For example, create another attribute like so:
public class DisableJwtAttribute : Attribute, IFilterMetadata
{ }
You can now add this attribute to your controller action with [DisableJwt].
And inside of your JwtAttribute filter, you can now check for that filter’s existence to stop processing the request. E.g. if your filter is an authorization filter, that would look like this:
public async Task OnAuthorizationAsync(AuthorizationFilterContext context)
if (context.Filters.Any(item => item is DisableJwtAttribute))
// filter is active
That being said, the better solution would be to embrace the authentication system and have your JWT validation be part of the normal authentication process. That way, you could actually benefit from all the authentication and authorization things within ASP.NET Core.

Detecting actual login in Spring Security filter chain

For a non-trivial setup involving session concurrency control, authentication is not equivalent to login. For example, a user can be authenticated successfully but still redirected to a logout or error page if this is a second login attempt and max-sessions="1". If I have post-login logic that needs to be invoked at the point of login (not authentication), what is an optimal way to incorporate this logic into a Spring Security-based webapp? The solution I came up with, based on my limited understanding of the framework, was to implement my own custom ConcurrentSessionControlAuthenticationStrategy adapter extending the framework's ConcurrentSessionControlAuthenticationStrategy and inject it into CompositeSessionAuthenticationStrategy in my Spring Security configuration XML. I created a 1-arg constructor and onAuthentication method. onAuthentication performs my post-login processing before calling super.onAuthentication. Is there a better way to do this?
My custom onAuthentication method looks something like
if (sessionCount < allowedSessions) {
// Record login timestamp in database
Date now = new Date();
Because sessionRegistry member variable is declared private (as opposed to protected) in the parent, I had to declare my own sessionRegistry and initialize it inside the 1-arg constructor so that my onAuthentication method would have access to it.

Obtain servlet user credentials (password) after login, e.g. from j_security_check

I need to access the user's password in a Jetty application after authentication, and can't figure out how.
I am migrating a set of web pages away from basic authentication in an embedded Jetty servlet application. I cannot, however, completely remove basic authentication from all of the services that these pages call, so I need to forward the user credentials in some cases, which means storing and later retrieving the user's password.
I introduced forms authentication to the root context via the standard markup in web.xml, which works fine but I can find no way of getting the user credentials programatically. As far as I can tell there is no way to place a Filter on j_security_check to intercept and store the form parameters in the session state. Jetty provides all the user credentials in the session state but this is in a container-specific key and although the application is currently tied to Jetty I would strongly prefer a container-agnostic solution. Here are some specific questions that I've tried to formulate after going down a number of seemingly dead-end streets:
How can I obtain the user's password after login? Even if I moved the services away from basic authentication I would still need to perform some secondary action such as obtaining a token, in which case I would still need their credentials under my control for a brief period.
Assuming I can't obtain the user's password directly, perhaps I can leverage something in the container to store the credentials. I can implement my own LoginService that wraps the actual implementation, but that class does not have access to the HttpSession or Request objects. Where is the proper place to do this?
If I need to implement a custom login solution, I'm not quite sure where to start...the FormAuthenticator has a lot of complicated session state management that I would like to preserve and not reproduce willy-nilly, and I would still prefer to defer to the container standard as much as possible. Is there some standard method for extending or overriding the j_security_check logic?
I finally found one solution, for anyone else attempting similar - and I've found quite a few other posts from confused devs, and some badly hacked together workarounds. I believe this one is correct, although you must do the URL filtering yourself and it leaves open the question as to why this is possible, if indeed j_security_check should be exempt from this type of interception for security reasons, as is claimed many places online. Perhaps I am merely exploiting an unknown gap in the Jetty security measures, so I will leave this question open for a while to see if there is a more robust or explicit solution.
ServletRequestListener allows you to latch onto the j_security_check post request before it is fully initialized. There you can get both the form parameters and the session object. So in the end it was just a matter of exhausting every possible servlet-related class in Jetty until I found one that would give me access to the j_security_check request. Some code:
public class PreAuthenticationRequestListener implements ServletRequestListener {
public static final String USERNAME_KEY = "USERNAME";
public static final String PASSWORD_KEY = "PASSWORD";
public void requestDestroyed(ServletRequestEvent sre) {
public void requestInitialized(ServletRequestEvent sre) {
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest)sre.getServletRequest();
if (request.getRequestURI().contains("j_security_check")) {
final String username = request.getParameter("j_username");
final String password = request.getParameter("j_password");
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
session.setAttribute(USERNAME_KEY, username);
session.setAttribute(PASSWORD_KEY, password);

JEE6 application session scoped objects

I'm still pretty new to JEE6 having come from a Servlets + JSP style of development on legacy systems. In the applications I worked on we would just throw objects into the various supplied scopes (request, session and application) keyed on a constant String. For example, the User object that represented the currently logged in user would be in the session scope keyed under "current_user".
I've done the same in our new JEE6 application, when the user logs in the User object is bound into the session scope. I'm wondering though if there is a better, more EE, way of handling this?
The problem I'm having is that now I've got the User stored in the session it's awkward to get access to it again. I can get it via JNDI look up or with a few lines of boiler plate code involving FacesContext but neither are very elegant.
Rather than boiler plate code all over the place (the User object is need in a few places) it would be great if I could just get the object injected into a field or method. After all there can only be one object in the session bound to a particular name so there shouldn't be any ambiguity about what I'm asking for. Is this possible?
Maybe the CDI could be of any help?
Could you define the way you achieve the User object into one, main method?
If so, and you're working with Java EE 6 environment, you could use the Producer method. Something between these lines:
public class ClassWhichCanAccessUserObject {
public User produceUser() {
User u = ... // get the user as you do it right now
return u;
Then in the place you want to use this class you just Inject it (in the field or method) and use it:
public class MyLogic {
User u;
You need to remember to add the beans.xml file to your classpath, as without the CDI will not work for your module.