JEE6 application session scoped objects - session-variables

I'm still pretty new to JEE6 having come from a Servlets + JSP style of development on legacy systems. In the applications I worked on we would just throw objects into the various supplied scopes (request, session and application) keyed on a constant String. For example, the User object that represented the currently logged in user would be in the session scope keyed under "current_user".
I've done the same in our new JEE6 application, when the user logs in the User object is bound into the session scope. I'm wondering though if there is a better, more EE, way of handling this?
The problem I'm having is that now I've got the User stored in the session it's awkward to get access to it again. I can get it via JNDI look up or with a few lines of boiler plate code involving FacesContext but neither are very elegant.
Rather than boiler plate code all over the place (the User object is need in a few places) it would be great if I could just get the object injected into a field or method. After all there can only be one object in the session bound to a particular name so there shouldn't be any ambiguity about what I'm asking for. Is this possible?

Maybe the CDI could be of any help?
Could you define the way you achieve the User object into one, main method?
If so, and you're working with Java EE 6 environment, you could use the Producer method. Something between these lines:
public class ClassWhichCanAccessUserObject {
public User produceUser() {
User u = ... // get the user as you do it right now
return u;
Then in the place you want to use this class you just Inject it (in the field or method) and use it:
public class MyLogic {
User u;
You need to remember to add the beans.xml file to your classpath, as without the CDI will not work for your module.


Autofac Multitenant Database Configuration

I have a base abstract context which has a couple hundred shared objects, and then 2 "implementation" contexts which both inherit from the base and are designed to be used by different tenants in a .net core application. A tenant object is injected into the constructor for OnConfiguring to pick up which connection string to use.
public abstract class BaseContext : DbContext
protected readonly AppTenant Tenant;
protected BaseContext (AppTenant tenant)
Tenant = tenant;
public TenantOneContext : BaseContext
public TenantOneContext(AppTenant tenant)
: base(tenant)
In startup.cs, I register the DbContexts like this:
Then using the autofac container and th Multitenant package, I register tenant specific contexts like this:
IContainer container = builder.Build();
MultitenantContainer mtc = new MultitenantContainer(container.Resolve<ITenantIdentificationStrategy>(), container);
mtc.ConfigureTenant("1", config =>
mtc.ConfigureTenant("2", config =>
Startup.ApplicationContainer = mtc;
return new AutofacServiceProvider(mtc);
My service layers are designed around the BaseContext being injected for reuse where possible, and then services which require specific functionality use the TenantContexts.
public BusinessService
private readonly BaseContext _baseContext;
public BusinessService(BaseContext context)
_baseContext = context;
In the above service at runtime, I get an exception "No constructors on type 'BaseContext' can be found with the constructor finder 'Autofac.Core.Activators.Reflection.DefaultConstructorFinder'". I'm not sure why this is broken....the AppTenant is definitely created as I can inject it other places successfully. I can make it work if I add an extra registration:
I don't understand why the above registration is required for the tenant container registrations to work. This seems broken to me; in structuremap (Saaskit) I was able to do this without adding an extra registration, and I assumed using the built in AddDbContext registrations would take care of creating a default registration for the containers to overwrite. Am I missing something here or is this possibly a bug in the multitenat functionality of autofac?
Here is fully runable repo of the question:
Why is line 66 of Startup.cs needed if I have lines 53/54 and lines 82-90?
As I expected your problem has nothing to do with multitenancy as such. You've implemented it almost entirely correctly, and you're right, you do not need that additional registration, and, btw, these two (below) too because you register them in tenant's scopes a bit later:
So, you've made only one very small but very important mistake in TenantIdentitifcationStrategy implementation. Let's walk through how you create container - this is mainly for other people who may run into this problem as well. I'll mention only relevant parts.
First, TenantIdentitifcationStrategy gets registered in a container along with other stuff. Since there's no explicit specification of lifetime scope it is registered as InstancePerDependency() by default - but that does not really matter as you'll see. Next, "standard" IContainer gets created by autofac's buider.Build(). Next step in this process is to create MultitenantContainer, which takes an instance of ITenantIdentitifcationStrategy. This means that MultitenantContainer and its captive dependency - ITenantIdentitifcationStrategy - will be singletons regardless of how ITenantIdentitifcationStrategy is registered in container. In your case it gets resolved from that standard "root" container in order to manage its dependencies - well, this is what autofac is for anyways. Everything is fine with this approach in general, but this is where your problem actually begins. When autofac resolves this instance it does exactly what it is expected to do - injects all the dependencies into TenantIdentitifcationStrategy's constructor including IHttpContextAccessor. So, right there in the constructor you grab an instance of IHttpContext from that context accessor and store it for using in tenant resolution process - and this is a fatal mistake: there's no http request at this time, and since TenantIdentitifcationStrategy is a singleton it means that there will not ever be one for it! So, it gets null request context for the whole application lifespan. This effectively means that TenantIdentitifcationStrategy will not be able to resolve tenant identifier based on http requests - because it does not actually analyze them. Consequently, MultitenantContainer will not be able to resolve any tenant-specific services.
Now when the problem is clear, its solution is obvious and trivial - just move fetching of request context context = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext to TryIdentifyTenant() method. It gets called in the proper context and will be able to access request context and analyze it.
PS. This digging has been highly educational for me since I had absolutely no idea about autofac's multi-tenant concept, so thank you very much for such an interesting question! :)
PPS. And one more thing: this question is just a perfect example of how important well prepared example is. You provided very good example. Without it no one would be able to figure out what the problem is since the most important part of it was not presented in the question - and sometimes you just don't know where this part actually is...

Propagating user information to all layers in Dropwizard

I am using basic authentication mechanism in my Dropwizard application, where I am capturing logged in user details, something like this:
public Response function(#Auth User user) throws Exception {
//some logic around here
Now for auditing purposes, I want this user information to be passed at each layer of my application, I mean in services, DAOs, ExceptionMappers etc and I don't want to pass it as function parameter everywhere as it looks clumsy and also has maintainability overhead. so my question is, is there any way by which we can set some global configuration per REST call or user session and can fetch it anywhere I want?
I have been a Ruby user and in that we were able to do something like this:
Thread.current[:user] = user
which which accessible throughout per user session.
One way to achieve this is by using ThreadLocal of Java wherein you can set the User object and it will be available to that particular executor thread.
Add the following to your resource class.
private static ThreadLocal<User> localUser = new InheritableThreadLocal<>();
public static ShortenerServiceUser getUser() {
return localUser.get();
Whennever your function() method is invoked, you just need to set the User object into the ThreadLocal variable.
Now, whenever you need to access the User object from the current thread context, all you need to do is as follows
User localUser = YourResource.getUser();
You can clear the User object from the context by using the ThreadLocal.remove() method.

Detecting actual login in Spring Security filter chain

For a non-trivial setup involving session concurrency control, authentication is not equivalent to login. For example, a user can be authenticated successfully but still redirected to a logout or error page if this is a second login attempt and max-sessions="1". If I have post-login logic that needs to be invoked at the point of login (not authentication), what is an optimal way to incorporate this logic into a Spring Security-based webapp? The solution I came up with, based on my limited understanding of the framework, was to implement my own custom ConcurrentSessionControlAuthenticationStrategy adapter extending the framework's ConcurrentSessionControlAuthenticationStrategy and inject it into CompositeSessionAuthenticationStrategy in my Spring Security configuration XML. I created a 1-arg constructor and onAuthentication method. onAuthentication performs my post-login processing before calling super.onAuthentication. Is there a better way to do this?
My custom onAuthentication method looks something like
if (sessionCount < allowedSessions) {
// Record login timestamp in database
Date now = new Date();
Because sessionRegistry member variable is declared private (as opposed to protected) in the parent, I had to declare my own sessionRegistry and initialize it inside the 1-arg constructor so that my onAuthentication method would have access to it.

Risks of holding an Entity Framework dynamic proxy object in session?

So I have a fairly comprehensive activity-based access control system I built for a web app under MVC 4 using Entity Framework. Well, to be precise the access control doesn't care if it's using EF or not, but the app is.
Anyway, I'm loading the user's permissions on each request right now. I get a reference to my DbContext injected from the IoC container into my ApplicationController, and it overrides OnAuthorization to stuff the user's profile into the HttpContext.Current.Items. Seems to work fairly well, but I can't help but wonder if it's the best way.
My thought was that since the users' permissions don't change often, if ever, the better way to do it would be to load the profile of permissions into the Session instead, and then not have to change them at all until the user logs out and logs back in (pretty common in desktop OS's anyway). But I'm concerned that if I fetch using the DbContext, then the object I get back is a dynamic proxy which holds a reference to the DbContext and I certainly don't want to do that for the whole session.
Thoughts? Is this a good approach, and if so how do I ensure that my DbContext doesn't linger beyond when I really need it?
Invoke .AsNoTracking() on the Set<UserPermission> before you query out. Entities will still be proxied, but will be detached from the DbContext.
var userPermission = dbContext.Set<UserPermission>().AsNoTracking()
.SingleOrDefault(x => x.UserName == User.Identity.Name);
Thoughts? Is this a good approach?
Putting a dynamically proxied entity in session will break as soon as you load balance your code across more than 1 web server. Why? Because of the dynamic proxy class. Server A understands the type DynamicProxies.UserPermission_Guid, because it queried out the entity. However Server B through N do not, and therefore cannot deserialize it from the Session. The other servers will dynamically proxy the entity with a different GUID.
That said, you could DTO your data into a POCO object and put it in session instead. However then you do not need to worry about your entity being attached to the context when you first query it out. AsNoTracking will only make the query perform a bit faster.
// you can still call .AsNoTracking for performance reasons
var userPermissionEntity = dbContext.Set<UserPermission>().AsNoTracking()
.SingleOrDefault(x => x.UserName == User.Identity.Name);
// this can safely be put into session and restored by any server with a
// reference to the DLL where the DTO class is defined.
var userPermissionSession = new UserPermissionInSession
UserName = userPermissionEntity.UserName,
// etc.
Thoughts? Is this a good approach?
Another problem attached to this approach is when you use the common pattern that create one dbContext per http request. This pattern typically dispose dbContext when the request ends.
protected virtual void Application_EndRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
But what happen when we try to get navigation property of a proxy entity which reference to a disposed DbContext?
We will get a ObjectDisposedException

Does dependency injection increase my risk of doing something foolish?

I'm trying to embrace widespread dependency injection/IoC. As I read more and more about the benefits I can certainly appreciate them, however I am concerned that in some cases that embracing the dependency injection pattern might lead me to create flexibility at the expense of being able to limit risk by encapsulating controls on what the system is capable of doing and what mistakes I or another programmer on the project are capable of making. I suspect I'm missing something in the pattern that addresses my concerns and am hoping someone can point it out.
Here's a simplified example of what concerns me. Suppose I have a method NotifyAdmins on a Notification class and that I use this method to distribute very sensitive information to users that have been defined as administrators in the application. The information might be distributed by fax, email, IM, etc. based on user-defined settings. This method needs to retrieve a list of administrators. Historically, I would encapsulate building the set of administrators in the method with a call to an AdminSet class, or a call to a UserSet class that asks for a set of user objects that are administrators, or even via direct call(s) to the database. Then, I can call the method Notification.NotifyAdmins without fear of accidentally sending sensitive information to non-administrators.
I believe dependency injection calls for me to take an admin list as a parameter (in one form or another). This does facilitate testing, however, what's to prevent me from making a foolish mistake in calling code and passing in a set of NonAdmins? If I don't inject the set, I can only accidentally email the wrong people with mistakes in one or two fixed places. If I do inject the set aren't I exposed to making this mistake everywhere I call the method and inject the set of administrators? Am I doing something wrong? Are there facilities in the IoC frameworks that allow you to specify these kinds of constraints but still use dependency injection?
You need to reverse your thinking.
If you have a service/class that is supposed to mail out private information to admins only, instead of passing a list of admins to this service, instead you pass another service from which the class can retrieve the list of admins.
Yes, you still have the possibility of making a mistake, but this code:
AdminProvider provider = new AdminProvider();
Notification notify = new Notification(provider);
is harder to get wrong than this:
String[] admins = new String[] { "" };
Notification notify = new Notification(admins);
In the first case, the methods and classes involved would clearly be named in such a way that it would be easy to spot a mistake.
Internally in your Execute method, the code might look like this:
List<String> admins = _AdminProvider.GetAdmins();
If, for some reason, the code looks like this:
List<String> admins = _AdminProvider.GetAllUserEmails();
then you have a problem, but that should be easy to spot.
No, dependency injection does not require you to pass the admin list as a parameter. I think you are slightly misunderstanding it. However, in your example, it would involve you injecting the AdminSet instance that your Notification class uses to build its admin list. This would then enable you to mock out this object to test the Notification class in isolation.
Dependencies are generally injected at the time a class is instantiated, using one of these methods: constructor injection (passing dependent class instances in the class's constructor), property injecion (setting the dependent class instances as properties) or something else (e.g. making all injectable objects implement a particular interface that allows the IOC container to call a single method that injects its dependencies. They are not generally injected into each method call as you suggest.
Other good answers have already been given, but I'd like to add this:
You can be both open for extensibility (following the Open/Closed Principle) and still protect sensitive assets. One good way is by using the Specification pattern.
In this case, you could pass in a completely arbitrary list of users, but then filter those users by an AdminSpecification so that only Administrators recieve the notification.
Perhaps your Notification class would have an API similar to this:
public class Notification
private readonly string message;
public Notification(string message)
this.message = message;
this.AdminSpecification = new AdminSpecification();
public ISpecification AdminSpecification { get; set; }
public void SendTo(IEnumerable users)
foreach(var u in users.Where(this.AdminSpecification.IsSatisfiedBy))
// more members
You can still override the filtering behavior for testing-purposes by assigning a differet Specification, but the default value is secure, so you would be less likely to make mistakes with this API.
For even better protection, you could wrap this whole implementation behind a Facade interface.