Nservicebus delayed retry with MSMQ - nservicebus

Can we enable delayed retries with nservicebus and MSMQ transport.
When i do it it will throw a warning and move the message to error queue.
"Recoverability policy requested DelayedRetry however delayed delivery capability is not available with the current endpoint configuration. Moving message to error queue instead."
But according to nservicebus documentation it tells delayed retry can be performed if delayed delivery is supported. And i have below about delayed delivery.
"NServiceBus provides delayed deliver feature for transports that don't have native support for delayed message delivery, i.e. for MSMQ and SQL Server transports. "
var messageProcessingConcurrency = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["NservicebusMessageProcessingConcurrency"];
//configuring delayed retries
var recoverability = endpointConfiguration.Recoverability();
delayed =>
//no imediate retries
immediate =>
var transport = endpointConfiguration.UseTransport<MsmqTransport>();
var conventions = endpointConfiguration.Conventions();
t =>
t.Namespace != null
&& t.Namespace.StartsWith("Dodo.Fibre.Provisioning.Messages"));
As requested i have commented out the timeout manager disable line as below.
// endpointConfiguration.DisableFeature();
But i can not start endpoint as i am getting below error.
2017-08-01 08:45:28.074 FATAL NServiceBus.Hosting.Windows.WindowsHost Start fail
System.Exception: The selected persistence doesn't have support for timeout stor
age. Select another persistence or disable the timeout manager feature using end
at NServiceBus.Features.TimeoutManager.Setup(FeatureConfigurationContext cont
ext) in C:\BuildAgent\work\3206e2123f54fce4\src\NServiceBus.Core\DelayedDelivery
\TimeoutManager\TimeoutManager.cs:line 34
at NServiceBus.Features.FeatureActivator.ActivateFeature(FeatureInfo featureI
nfo, List`1 featuresToActivate, IConfigureComponents container, PipelineSettings
pipelineSettings, RoutingComponent routing) in C:\BuildAgent\work\3206e2123f54f
ce4\src\NServiceBus.Core\Features\FeatureActivator.cs:line 194
at NServiceBus.Features.FeatureActivator.SetupFeatures(IConfigureComponents c
ontainer, PipelineSettings pipelineSettings, RoutingComponent routing) in C:\Bui
line 57
at NServiceBus.InitializableEndpoint.<Initialize>d__1.MoveNext() in C:\BuildA
gent\work\3206e2123f54fce4\src\NServiceBus.Core\InitializableEndpoint.cs:line 60

From your configuration code I can see that you have disabled TimeoutManager and that's the reason the delayed retries are not working as expected e.g.
Any reason for that? While some transport like Azure ServiceBus / RabbitMQ have built-in delayed-delivery, MSMQ does not have that and that work is managed by the timeout manager.


Masstransit with RabbitMQ, message delivered twice after a correct handling of the consumer

I'have this configuration of MassTransit (RabbitMQ) on my consumer. The retry policy is to resend messages when there is any Timeout for a max of 5 intervals.
c => {
c.UseMessageRetry(r =>
r.Interval(5, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30));
r.Handle<Exception>(m => m.GetFullMessage().Contains("Timeout"));
ep.Bind(massTransitSettings.ExchangeName, y =>
y.Durable = true;
y.AutoDelete = false;
y.ExchangeType = massTransitSettings.ExchangeType;
y.RoutingKey = massTransitSettings.RoutingKey;
Everything works fine except when, sometimes, two consecutive timeouts occur of the same message;
Here a part of log file for message id: fa300000-56b5-0050-e012-08d9f39bc934
19/02/2022 12:34:28.699 - PAYMENT INCOMING Message -> Sql timeout, retry in 30 min
19/02/2022 13:04:28.572 - PAYMENT INCOMING Message -> 2th Sql timeout, retry in 30 min
19/02/2022 13:34:59.722 - PAYMENT INCOMING Message -> Process ok
19/02/2022 13:35:13.983 - PAYMENT HANDLED Message -> Message handled (74 secs)
19/02/2022 13:35:31.606 - PAYMENT INCOMING Message -> This should not incoming, causing an Application Exception (message in _error queue)
Where am I wrong?
You can't use message retry for intervals that long, since RabbitMQ has a default consumer timeout of 30 minutes. Per the documentation:
MassTransit retry filters execute in memory and maintain a lock on the message. As such, they should only be used to handle short, transient error conditions. Setting a retry interval of an hour would fall into the category of bad things. To retry messages after longer waits, look at the next section on redelivering messages.
For longer retry intervals, use message redelivery (sometimes called second-level retry). If you're using RabbitMQ, the built-in delayed redelivery requires the delayed-exchange plug-in. Or you can use an external message scheduler.

SpringAMQP delay

I'm having trouble to identify a way to delay message level in SpringAMQP.
I call a Webservice if the service is not available or if it throws some exception I store all the requests into RabbitMQ queue and i keep retry the service call until it executes successfully. If the service keeps throwing an error or its not available the rabbitMQ listener keeps looping.( Meaning Listener retrieves the message and make service call if any error it re-queue the message)
I restricted the looping until X hours using MessagePostProcessor however i wanted to enable delay on message level and every time it tries to access the service. For example 1st try 3000ms delay and second time 6000ms so on until i try x number of time.
It would be great if you provide a few examples.
Could you please provide me some idea on this?
Well, it isn't possible the way you do that.
Message re-queuing is fully similar to transaction rallback, where the system returns to the state before an exception. So, definitely you can't modify a message to return to the queue.
Probably you have to take a look into Spring Retry project for the same reason and poll message from the queue only once and retries in memory until successful answer or retry policy exhausting. In the end you can just drop message from the queue or move it into DLQ.
See more info in the Reference Manual.
I added CustomeMessage delay exchange
CustomExchange delayExchange() {
Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<>();
args.put("x-delayed-type", "direct");
return new CustomExchange("delayed-exchange", "x-delayed-message", true, false, args);
Added MessagePostProcessor
if (message.getMessageProperties().getHeaders().get("x-delay") == null) {
message.getMessageProperties().setHeader("x-delay", 10000);
} else {
Integer integer = (Integer) message.getMessageProperties().getHeaders().get("x-delay");
if (integer < 60000) {
integer = integer + 10000;
message.getMessageProperties().setHeader("x-delay", integer);
First time it delays 30 seconds and adds 10seconds each time till it reaches 600 seconds.This should be configurable.
And finally send the message to
rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend("delayed-exchange", queueName,message, rabbitMQMessagePostProcessor);

Query for Number of Messages in Mule ESB VM Queue

In a Mule flow, I would like to add an Exception Handler that forwards messages to a "retry queue" when there is an exception. However, I don't want this retry logic to run automatically. Instead, I'd rather receive a notification so I can review the errors and then decide whether to retry all messages in the queue or not.
I don't want to receive a notification for every exception. I'd rather have a scheduled job that runs every 15 minutes and checks to see if there are messages in this retry queue and then only send the notification if there are.
Is there any way to determine how many messages are currently in a persistent VM queue?
Assuming you use the default VM queue persistence mechanism and that the VM connector is named vmConnector, you can do this:
final String queueName = "retryQueue";
int messageCount = 0;
final VMConnector vmConnector = (VMConnector) muleContext.getRegistry()
for (final Serializable key : vmConnector.getQueueProfile().getObjectStore().allKeys())
final QueueKey queueKey = (QueueKey) key;
if (queueName.equals(queueKey.queueName))
System.out.printf("Queue %s has %d pending messages%n", queueName, messageCount);

RabbitMQ RPC: Exclusive queues locking # PHP

I'm trying to build RPC service at PHP using RabbitMQ similar to this example: http://www.rabbitmq.com/tutorials/tutorial-six-java.html
I'm using this PECL extension: http://pecl.php.net/package/amqp (version 1.0.3)
The problem is that my Callback Queue (declared at Client script) is locked for a Server when I add flag AMQP_EXCLUSIVE to it.
Here is my Server
// connect to server
$cnn = new AMQPConnection('...');
$channel = new AMQPChannel($cnn);
// create exchange
$exchangeName = 'k-exchange';
$exchange = new AMQPExchange($channel);
// declare queue to consume messages from
$queue = new \AMQPQueue($channel);
// start consuming messages
$queue->consume(function($envelope, $queue)
use ($channel, $exchange) {
// create callback queue
$callbackQueue = new \AMQPQueue($channel);
$callbackQueue->setFlags(AMQP_EXCLUSIVE); // set EXCLUSIVE flag
/* WARNING: Following code line causes error. See rabbit logs below:
* connection <0.1224.10>, channel 1 - error:
* {amqp_error,resource_locked,
* "cannot obtain exclusive access to locked queue 'amq.gen-Q6J...' in vhost '/'",
* 'queue.bind'}
$callbackQueue->bind($exchange->getName(), 'rpc_reply');
// trying to publish response back to client's callback queue
json_encode(array('processed by remote service!')),
And here is my Client.php
// connect to server
$cnn = new AMQPConnection('...');
$channel = new AMQPChannel($cnn);
// create exchange
$exchangeName = 'k-exchange';
$exchange = new AMQPExchange($channel);
// create a queue which we send messages to server via
$queue = new \AMQPQueue($channel);
// binding exchange to queue
$queue->bind($exchangeName, 'temp_action');
// create correlation_id
$correlationId = sha1(time() . rand(0, 1000000));
// create anonymous callback queue to get server response response via
$callbackQueue = new \AMQPQueue($channel);
$callbackQueue->setFlags(AMQP_EXCLUSIVE); // set EXCLUSIVE flag
// publishing message to exchange (passing it to server)
json_encode(array('process me!')),
'reply_to' => $callbackQueue->getName(), // pass callback queue name
'correlation_id' => $correlationId
// going to wait for remote service complete tasks. tick once a second
$attempts = 0;
while ($attempts < 5)
echo 'Attempt ' . $attempts . PHP_EOL;
$envelope = $callbackQueue->get();
if ($envelope) {
echo 'Got response! ';
echo PHP_EOL;
So in the end I just see error in RabbitMQ's logs:
connection <0.1224.10>, channel 1 - error:
"cannot obtain exclusive access to locked queue 'amq.gen-Q6J...' in vhost '/'",
What is the proper way to create a callbackQueue object in a Server.php?
It appears that my Server.php has a different from Client.php connection to a RabbitMQ server. What should I do here?
How should I "share" the same (to Client.php's) connection at Server.php side.
Here are some more RabbitMQ Logs
My Server.php connection (Id is: <0.22322.27>)
=INFO REPORT==== 20-Jun-2012::13:30:22 ===
accepting AMQP connection <0.22322.27> ( ->
My Client.php connection (Id is: <0.22465.27>)
=INFO REPORT==== 20-Jun-2012::13:30:38 ===
accepting AMQP connection <0.22465.27> ( ->
Now I see Server.php causes error:
=ERROR REPORT==== 20-Jun-2012::13:30:38 ===
connection <0.22322.27>, channel 1 - error:
"cannot obtain exclusive access to locked queue 'amq.gen-g6Q...' in vhost '/'",
My Assumption
I suspect since Client.php and Server.php do not share connection with the same Id it's impossible for them both to use exclusive queue declared in Client.php
There are a few issues with your implementation:
Exchange Declaration
Manually setting the reply queue opposed to
using a temporary queue
Use of AMQP_EXCLUSIVE in both directions
Exchange Declaration
You don't need to declare an exchange (AMQPExchange) to publish messages. In this RPC example, you need to use it as a way of broadcasting a message (e.g. temporary queue or temporary exchange). All communication will occur directly on the QUEUE and theoretically bypasses the exchange.
$exchange = new AMQPExchange($channel);
QUEUEs & Reply To:
When you use AMQPQueue::setName() along with AMQPQueue::declare(), you are binding to a queue with a user defined name. If you declare the queue without a name, this is known as a temporary queue. This is useful when you need to receive a broadcasted message from a specific routing key. For this reason, RabbitMQ / AMQP generates a random temporary name. Since the queue name is made for a given instance to consume information exclusively, for its own sake, it is disposed of when the connection is closed.
When an RPC client wants to publish a message (AMQPExchange::publish()), it must specify a reply-to as one of the publish parameters. In this way, the RPC server can fetch the randomly generated name when it receives a request. It uses the reply-to name as the name of the QUEUE on which server will reply to the given client. Along with the temporary queue name, the instance must send a correlationId to ensure that the reply message it receives is unique to the request instance.
$exchange = new AMQPExchange($channel);
$rpcServerQueueName = 'rpc_queue';
$client_queue = new AMQPQueue($this->channel);
$callbackQueueName = $client_queue->getName(); //e.g. amq.gen-JzTY20BRgKO-HjmUJj0wLg
//Set Publish Attributes
$corrId = uniqid();
$attributes = array(
'correlation_id' => $corrId,
'reply_to' => $this->callbackQueueName
json_encode(['request message']),
//listen for response
$callback = function(AMQPEnvelope $message, AMQPQueue $q) {
if($message->getCorrelationId() == $this->corrId) {
$this->response = $message->getBody();
return false; //return false to signal to consume that you're done. other wise it continues to block
$exchange = new AMQPExchange($channel);
$rpcServerQueueName = 'rpc_queue';
$srvr_queue = new AMQPQueue($channel);
$srvr_queue->setName($rpcServerQueueName); //intentionally declares the rpc_server queue name
$srvr_queue->consume(function(AMQPEnvelope $message, AMQPQueue $q) use (&$exchange) {
//publish with the exchange instance to the reply to queue
json_encode(['response message']), //reponse message
$message->getReplyTo(), //get the reply to queue from the message
AMQP_NOPARAM, //disable all other params
$message->getCorrelationId() //obtain and respond with correlation id
//acknowledge receipt of the message
In this case, EXCLUSIVE is only used on the Rpc client's temporary queue for each instance so that it can publish a message. In other words, the client creates a disposable temporary queue for it self to receive an answer from the RPC server exclusively. This insures no other channel thread can post on that queue. It is locked for the client and its responder only. It's important to note that AQMP_EXCLUSIVE does not prevent the RPC server from responding on the client's reply-to queue. AMQP_EXCLUSIVE pertains to two separate threads (channels instances) trying to publish to the same queue resource. When this occurs, the queue is essentially locked for subsequent connections. The same behavior occurs with an exchange declaration.
#Denis: Your implementation in this case is correct up to a point
Bad - don't re-declare the Queue in the server. That's the client's job
$callbackQueue = new \AMQPQueue($channel);
$callbackQueue->setFlags(AMQP_EXCLUSIVE); // set EXCLUSIVE flag
$callbackQueue->bind($exchange->getName(), 'rpc_reply');
You're trying to bind to a QUEUE called tempQueue. But you've already created a queue called tempQueue in the client.php. Depending on which service is started first, the other will throw an error. So you can cut out all of that and just keep the last part:
// trying to publish response back to client's callback queue
json_encode(array('processed by remote service!')),
'rpc_reply', //<--BAD Should be: $envelope->getReplyTo()
Then modify the above by replacing:
Don't Declare a Queue Name on the client side
// create a queue which we send messages to server via
$queue = new \AMQPQueue($channel);
//$queue->setName('tempQueue'); //remove this line
//add exclusivity
//no need for binding... we're communicating on the queue directly
//there is no one listening to 'temp_action' so this implementation will send your message into limbo
//$queue->bind($exchangeName, 'temp_action'); //remove this line
My answer from this question replied on the RabbitMQ Official mailing list
While not using the same library here you have the official tutorials ported to PHP
The problem in your code is that you declare queues with different options.
So as one reply say, if you declare queue A as durable, then every other declaration of that queue must be durable. The same for the exclusive flag.
Also you don't need to redeclare a queue to publish messages to it. As an RPC server you assume that the address sent in the 'reply_to' property is already present. I think is the responsibility of the RpcClient to make sure the queue where it is waiting for replies exists already.
Exclusivity in queues means that the only the channel that declared the queue can access it.
On your server you should also declare your queue as exclusive. Remember, RabbitMQ queues should have the same flag. For example if you declare queue that is set to "durable" the other end should also declare the queue a "durable" So on your server put a flag $callbackQueue->setFlags(AMQP_EXCLUSIVE); somewhat like that from your client.

What is causing EventStore to throw ConcurrencyException so easily?

Using JOliver EventStore 3.0, and just getting started with simple samples.
I have a simple pub/sub CQRS implementation using NServiceBus. A client sends commands on the bus, a domain server recieves and processes the commands and stores events to the eventstore, which are then published on the bus by the eventstore's dispatcher. a read-model server then subscribes to those events to update the read-model. Nothing fancy, pretty much by-the-book.
It is working, but just in simple tests I am getting lots of concurrency exceptions (intermittantly) on the domain server when the event is stored to the EventStore. It properly retries, but sometimes it hits the 5 retry limit and the command ends up on the error queue.
Where could I start investigating to see what is causing the concurrency exception? I remove the dispatcher and just focus on storing events and it has the same issue.
I'm using RavenDB for persistence of my EventStore. I'm not doing anything fancy, just this:
using (var stream = eventStore.OpenStream(entityId, 0, int.MaxValue))
stream.Add(new EventMessage { Body = myEvent });
The stack trace for the exception looks like this:
2012-03-17 18:34:01,166 [Worker.14] WARN
NServiceBus.Unicast.UnicastBus [(null)] <(null)> -
EmployeeCommandHandler failed handling message.
EventStore.ConcurrencyException: Exception of type
'EventStore.ConcurrencyException' was thrown. at
EventStore.OptimisticPipelineHook.PreCommit(Commit attempt) in
55 at EventStore.OptimisticEventStore.Commit(Commit attempt) in
90 at EventStore.OptimisticEventStream.PersistChanges(Guid
commitId) in
168 at EventStore.OptimisticEventStream.CommitChanges(Guid
commitId) in
149 at CQRSTest3.Domain.Extensions.StoreEvent(IStoreEvents
eventStore, Guid entityId, Object evt) in
C:\dev\test\CQRSTest3\CQRSTest3.Domain\Extensions.cs:line 13 at
message) in
yeeCommandHandler.cs:line 55
I figured it out. Had to dig through source code to find it though. I wish this was better documented! Here's my new eventstore wireup:
EventStore = Wireup.Init()
I had to add .ConsistentQueries() in order for the raven persistence provider to internally use WaitForNonStaleResults on the queries eventstore was making to raven.
Basically when I add a new event, and then try to add another before raven has caught up with indexing, the stream revision was not up to date. The second event would step on the first one.