how to upload multiple artifacts in nexus2 using script - maven-2

Can someone provide an example on how to upload multiple artifacts (3rd party JARs) to a Nexus 2 repository? I understand that we can use Maven cmd line to upload using the
mvn deploy:deploy-file goal. But I did not understand it. Please explain with an example or with sample script on how it actually works. Thanks.

This script was written for Nexus Repository 3 but can likely be altered easily for Nexus Repository 2.
This uses curl to do so with a bunch of Maven artifacts. Might be a bit simpler for you.


Deploy from maven released repository to application

I just figured out, how to release to CB hosted maven "release" repository. I am trying to figure out, how to deploy tagged version to CB application.
I understand, I can manually upload WAR file but is there any script. As far as I know maven plugin for CB doesn't support it.
I have one appserver is running snapshot builds from jenkins.
I have other appserver, which I want to deploy only tagged/released artifact.
There are four ways to deploy applications to the CloudBees RUN#cloud service:
Using the bees command provided by the SDK
Using the bees-maven-plugin
Using the manual upload via the web GUI
Using the CloudBees Deployer plugin for Jenkins
Which option you choose depends on where the deployment will take place from... And the from I am talking about is which machine is doing the deployment not where the file is sourced.
If running from a Jenkins job, the best bet is the Jenkins plugin.
If running from your own laptop, the web ui or the bees command is simplest.
If running as part of a maven build, the maven plugin is simplest... (Though I should warn that the maven plugin (temporarily removing my cloudbees hat and putting on my maven PMC hat) is shite and does it all arsewise ;-) )
Your best bet is to set up a Jenkins job that uses dependency:get to pull the artifact from the repo and then add a cloudbees deployer build step to push to RUN#cloud
The good news is that bashing the maven plugin into something more maven like is on our roadmap... Hopefully that will enable actions like you can achieve with the ship-maven-plugin#mojo where you can specify a specific released version for "shipping" to production.
I suppose, that what you want to do is to deploy a release artifact to your repository.
have a look at maven-release-plugin.
Briefly, what you need to do is:
$ mvn release:prepare
$ mvn release:perform
it's not so trivial, since you need to configure appropriately your pom.xml to get it working. Have a look at the maven-release-plugin examples and usage pages.
Are you creating the tag/release from a Jenkins build? If so you could probably use the Deploy to CloudBees post-build step with target/checkout/something.war.
More generally I guess you would want to write a script to use mvn dependency:get followed by the Bees SDK to obtain the latest released artifact and deploy it.

How to install a jar file from target to a specific location using maven?

Currently I have a simple maven project that is building a jar file and putting it inside target/some-1.0.jar when i run mvn install.
I want to copy this file to another location when I run mvn deploy.
Currently the location is on the same machine, but it would also be great if the solution could be applied for multiple targets, some of them being on other machines (scp deployment).
What is the easiest solution to do this? I would be nice, if you could include an example too.
Details: I have few jira plugins that are compiled as jar files and I just want to be able to run a single maven command that would copy the files to the server and eventually restart the server.
mvn deploy is intended for deployment to a remote Maven repository. mvn install is used for copying to the local Maven repo (so actually, the jar is also ending up in $HOME/.m2/repository, as well as target).
I'm not sure what you're intending to do, but I suggest you look at deploying something like if you want Maven artifacts to be available to multiple machines. This will integrate nicely with the rest of Maven.
Edit: based on your updated question, it's probably best to investigate the Wagon ssh plugin, or see if there's an Ant plugin. A suitable phase would be pre-integration-test: install and deploy should be run after you've run your integration tests to check the artefact works as expected. Use profiles to distinguish the local vs. remote cases.

Copy artifact in Artifactory to a remote repository

I have the following setup:
Development server for continuous build with Hudson, Maven and Artifactory up and running.
I am able to build an artifact by Maven, and let Hudson deploy it to Artifactory.
However, I would like to do the following:
Select an artifact in Artifactory on the local build server.
Deploy that artifact to a remote repository without doing a new build.
The reason I want to do that is, that the first server is a development server where new artifacts are changed at will. The other server / repository is the public visible server for all artefacts of the company.
I know that I am able to create a second build job, but that would be a duplication, and Hudson is only able to manage one Artifactory repository at one time. I could deploy that artifact by hand to a different URL, but this is error prune and I need a login on the build server and have to use the shell to do that.
Has anyone an idea how to finally reach the goal?
If I understood your question correctly it looks like a good scenario for User Plugin. It should be straightforward, you select the needed artifacts using the searches object, and then execute REST PUT call to put them on the remote server.
The Maven Stage plugin seems to support this case:
but I'm not sure if it works correctly. I'm working on it currently, so if it doesn't work perhapse I will find time to correct it.

Maven Project - github

Is it possible to publish your site reports to github? For instance, I run Checkstyle, Findbugs, Cross Reference, and other plugins and would like to have that publicly available. Since my project is already there, I'd like to just keep it there.
With the state of the plugins that exist now, you'd have to do some shimming. The site command (per your comments: wanting to use mvn:site) has a mechanism (stage) for pushing the resulting site somewhere, but it's all mostly predicated on SCP'ing it around to some final destination. For github, I don't think there's any obvious place to land things like that.
The solution would be to write something that extended the site plugin to check in the results to Github using the github pages functionality. Details on the github pages bits are available at To get there, you'll be writing something that checks in your resulting site to a root branch "gh-pages" and going from there.
There are maven github plugins wich works fine for me.
deploy artifacts
download artifacts
deploy site to gh-pages
See: and fork the example project at to try out.
The Maven way to publish your reports would be to build the Maven site and to deploy it using FTP, SCP or DAV.
I don't know if GitHub provides hosting space and supports any of this protocol. If it does, then the following resources will help:
Deploying a Site in the site plugin Usage page
10.6. Deploying Your Project Website
Maven 2: Getting "mvn site:deploy" to work
Releasing Maven projects to Github
Site Distribution in the POM Reference
If it doesn't, better look for another place to host your site.
I'm using this plugin for that:

Sample Ant project with all the 'features' of Maven?

The past week or two I've been studying Maven, and I like it, but there are just a few things that I require Ant tasks for, rather than Maven's complicated and scarcely-documented POM file. However, I believe Maven has a great folder structure going for it, and I like that it natively supports tests, packages the project into a jar by default, and supports a 'resources' folder, from which everything is directly copied into the jar file.
Is there a sample Ant project out there that does the same sort of thing but with an Ant build.xml script? I want the placeholder folders and hello world app and test, just like Maven does when you first create a project from its default archetype:create goal (as demonstrated in the Maven in 5 Minutes page). Or, is there an even better Ant sample project out there that does more or suggests a better folder layout?
If no such thing exists, perhaps someone can help create it in a nice detailed answer? I would be willing to host a permanently-available zip file for anyone who finds this question in the future.
mvn archetype:create
mvn ant:ant
... but if there are really "just a few things", you may want to check out the AntRun plugin instead. I'm not trying to sell you on Maven, believe me, but since it's not clear exactly what is stopping you from trying it with your project, I guess I'm suggesting you try to push the issue a little harder.
Refer this: Why you should use the Maven Ant Tasks instead of Maven or Ivy
I also wouldn't recommend Ivy, reasons at the link above.
Quoting the Maven - Frequently Asked Technical Questions and more precisely:
How can I use Maven features in an Ant build?
The Maven Ant Tasks allow many of the
features of Maven, such as dependency
management and repository deployment,
to be used in an Ant build.
Refer to the installation page and the usage page for instructions for installing and using the Maven Ant Tasks respectively. You'll find many links to samples in the usage page and a build.xml showing most of the features in action.
An alternative (direct competitor?) to Maven Ant Tasks would be Apache Ivy.
PS: While it's definitely a good idea to adopt maven standards, even partially, I'd really think about it twice before to drop Maven (but I live in the Maven jungle for a while now - and I like it - so I'm biased).