Tensorflow object detection API not detecting all objects - tensorflow

I am attempting to use the tensorflow object detection API. To check things out I have made use of a pretrained model, and attempted to run it on a image that I created.
But I see that the API does not detect all the objects in the image (though they are the same image of the dog).I used ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco pretrained model
I have attached the final output image with the detected objects.
Output image with the detected objects
Any pointers on why that might be happening? Where should I be start looking into to improve this?

Tensorflow Object Detection API comes with 5 pre-trained models each with a trade off on speed or accuracy. Single Shot Detectors (ssd) are designed for speed, not accuracy and why it's a preferred model for mobile devices or real-time video detection.
Running your image of 5 dogs through an R-FCN model rfcn_resnet101_coco_11_06_2017, designed for greater accuracy over speed, it detects all 5 dogs. However, this model isn't designed for real-time detection as it'll struggle to push through a respectable fps at best.


Image Detector with tensorflow

I want to build a simple image detector for custom Binary shapes on images.
I may train and use the models on object detection zoo such as ssd_inception_v2 and so on. But it's would be extremely un efficient as it has sizes in hundreds of Megabytes.
and I can't even imagine to use that in my simple app. can anybody suggest me how to solve this?
I have already built excellent small size classifiers for my images. but can't build small scale efficient detector. (their position with detection boxes)
I think what you need is transfer learning. I would take one of the lightweight models such as MobileNetV2 and retrain on my dataset. It should be pretty quick.If you want to even decrease your model size further, feel free to only take the first few layers of the CNN and retrain it. It would be a bit more work since you need to re-write the part of network you want to use and load it with the pre-trained weights.

Using Lidar images and Camera images to perform object detection

I obtain depth & reflectance maps from Lidar (2D images) and I have also camera images (2D images). Image have the same size.
I want to use CNN to perform object detection using both images. It is a sort of "fusion CNN"
How am I suppose to do it? Did I am suppose to use a pre-train model? But the is no pre-train model using lidar images..
Which is the best CNN algorithm to do it? ie for performing fusion of modalities for object detection
Thanks you in advance
Did I am suppose to use a pre-train model?
Yes you should, unless you are super confident that you can find a working model directly by urself.
But the is no pre-train model using lidar image
First I`m pretty sure there are LIDAR based network .e.g
L Caltagirone , LIDAR-Camera Fusion for Road Detection Using Fully
Convolutional ... arxiv, ‎2018
Second, even if there is no open source implementation for direct LIDAR-based, You can always convert the LIDAR to the depth image. For Depth image based CNN, there are hundreds of implementation for segmentation and detection.
How am I suppose to do it?
First, you can place them side by side parallel, for RGB and depth/LIDAR 3d pointcloud. Feed them separately
Second, you can also combine them by merging the input to 4D tensor and transfer the initial weight to the single model. At last perform transfer learning in your given dataset.
best CNN algorithm?
Totally depends on your task and hardware. Do you need best in processing speed or best in accuracy? Define your "best", please.
ALso Are you using it for autonomous car or for in-house nurse care system? different CNN system customizes the weight for different purposes.
Generally, for real-time multiple object detection using a cheap PC e.g DJI manifold, I would suggest Yolo-tiny

making model work better for tfmobile/tflite

So I have trained an object detection model with tensorflow.
I retrained the model (ssd_mobilenet_v2) using a data set containing traffic sign with an image size of 1920x1080 each. The trained model worked really well when ran on desktop.
Now when I ran it on mobile using tfMobile, the Model performed poorly. One thing that stood out to me is that the input for the mobile prediction is reduced to 300x300.
How big of an impact is this? Would retraining the model on images with the same size or aspect ratio improve the model accuracy on mobile?
I also feel like my model is way slower than the one provided from the android demo.

Tensorflow object detection: why is the location in image affecting detection accuracy when using ssd mobilnet v1?

I'm training a model to detect meteors within a picture of the night sky and I have a fairly small dataset with about 85 images and each image is annotated with a bounding box. I'm using the transfer learning technique starting with the ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco_11_06_2017 checkpoint and Tensorflow 1.4. I'm resizing images to 600x600pixels during training. I'm using data augmentation in the pipeline configuration to randomly flip the images horizontally, vertically and rotate 90 deg. After 5000 steps, the model converges to a loss of about 0.3 and will detect meteors but it seems to matter where in the image the meteor is located. Do I have to train the model by giving examples of every possible location? I've attached a sample of a detection run where I tiled a meteor over the entire image and received various levels of detection (filtered to 50%). How can I improve this?detected meteors in image example
It could very well be your data and I think you are making a prudent move by improving the heterogeneity of your dataset, BUT it could also be your choice of model.
It is worth noting that ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco has the lowest COCO mAP relative to the other models in the TensorFlow Object Detection API model zoo. You aren't trying to detect a COCO object, but the mAP numbers are a reasonable aproximation for generic model accuracy.
At the highest possible level, the choice of model is largely a tradeoff between speed/accuracy. The model you chose, ssd_mobilenet_v1_coco, favors speed over accuracy. Consequently, I would reccomend you try one of the Faster RCNN models (e.g., faster_rcnn_inception_v2_coco) before you spend a signifigant amount of time preprocessing images.

What to expect from deep learning object detection on black and white pictures?

With TensorFlow, I want to train an object detection model with my own images based on ssd_inception_v2_coco model. The problem I have is that all my pictures are black and white. What performance can I expect? Should I try to colorize my B&W pictures first? Or at the opposite, should I try to retrain base network with images "uncolorized"? Are there general guidelines for B&W processing of images for deep learning object detection?
I wouldn't go through the trouble of colorizing if you are planning on using a pretrained model. I would expect that explicitly colorizing your images as a pre-processing step would help very little (if at all) since in theory the features that a colorizing network learns can also be learned by the detection network.
If you are planning on pretraining your detection network that was trained on an RGB dataset, make sure you either (i) replace the first convolution in the network with a convolutional layer that expects a single-channel input, or (ii) pad your image with two all-zero channels.
You may get slightly worse detection performance simply because you lose two thirds of the image's pixel information when using BW instead of RGB.