I am using SonarQube version 6.4. In my project there are some 25 modules and I don't want the developers to view all 25 modules, it would be easy if they can see only the ones created by them. Is there any setting such that the logged in user(author/developer) would be able to see only their own respective projects.
You can achieve this by going to the Project and then Administration > Permissions and set the project as Private.
In the Users tab, Search for the name of the user and assign the necessary rights by clicking the checkbox
You can also take a look at
I use configuration files for all properties of my apps, that is working fine. Running them on cloud hub I would like to have these properties show up in the app settings of the runtime manager (for reviewing or editing the settings "on the fly" without a new deployment).
I know you can overwrite them via the settings, but I would like to see the list of all properties beforehand – like if you don't use configuration files but submit them via the deployment dialog.
Any way to archive this?
In Anypoint Runtime Manager you can only see the properties defined there. Properties files are not inspectable nor visible.
I develop plugin for IntelliJ. How can I modify custom properties for my plugin tests?
For example I want to set idea.max.content.load.filesize property to, say, 100MiB
These are system properties, so java.lang.System#setProperty
Depending on the properties you wish to modify, you may be able to use idea.properties, which contains the "default properties used to run IntelliJ IDEA" (per the link you provided). To modify the file, you go to Help > Edit Custom Properties... (see these steps).
For example, I used this approach to address a problem where my machine's security software was blocking plugins that used IntelliJ's default config directory (C:\Users<user>\AppData...).
This is the Windows OS default Application Data directory and is included in the paths scanned by the security software. By moving my idea.properties file to a different directory (c:/development/idea/caches/), not automatically scanned by the security software, my plugins were no longer blocked.
It's a different use case from what you're describing, but may be an approach worth looking into.
I am trying to publish my application using installShield utility. Every thing works fine but it gives warning that it asks for two files:
Those two files are prerequisite according to the package but I could not find them.
I tried to search in the web for those two files with no luck.
Can any one help in this?
Explanation of Error
This error can be encountered in Flexera's InstallShield. The specific error is:
ISEXP : warning -6248: Could not find dependent file <dependent file>,
or one of its dependencies of component <component>
The official troubleshooting information from helpnet.installshield.com did not help me, but it says to:
Use the "Build Tables & Refresh Files" option to build the release
if the release location is in <ISProjectDataFolder>
or <ISProjectFolder>. For more information, see "How the Run time
Locates Assemblies", available in the .NET Framework SDK help or on MSDN.
If the application works fine, and you just want to get rid of the warnings, you can follow this Stack Overflow Q&A.
(InstallShield, Installation Designer, Left Panel) Specify Application Data > Files
(Destination computer's files panel) Right click primary output > Dependencies from scan at build... > Uncheck dependencies you do not want
The above picture from the Stack Overflow answerer #Tom Wilson shows what you should see. Note that primary output was the central .exe of my project. When I used this technique on my primary output, the other components in my project were also fixed.
If this problem is crashing your application, and not just an annoying warning...
In the case of libc.dll, I would direct you to add Redistributables to your project.
(InstallShield, Installation Designer, Left Panel) Specify Application Data > Redistributables
For instance, I use Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.1 Full.
I believe this solution will work for libc.dll, but cannot verify. I base this on reading support.microsoft.com, which I think implies libc.dll is contained in C Run-Time (CRT), which I would also believe is part of the .NET Framework.
In the case of flash32_11_7_700_224.ocx, I would direct you to System Software Requirements. This ocx is installed with many Adobe products. You may want to prompt the user that they need to install this, at the time software installation.
(InstallShield, Installation Designer, Left Panel) Define Setup Requirements and Actions > Requirements
(Central Panel) System Software Requirements > Right click > Create New Launch Condition (System Search Wizard)
Follow the wizard there to block installment if it does not exist, or use one of the premade requirements if that helps your case. Tip: remember to supply a link to Adobe in your prompt, so your end-user can quickly download it!
Is there any possibility to assign role "project administrator" for project creator?
Now, if you add permission "create project", after creating a project you still can't view/edit it.
My main aim is to create a specific permission that allows a user to create projects and gives "project administrator" for those, but not to view/edit others' projects by default.
Please take a look at this issue: http://youtrack.jetbrains.net/issue/TW-11157
In brief, this should work if your project creator also has project administrator role in at least one project. In this case, he/she should get project admin role assigned specifically for the newly created project.
I am really confused about target platform. For best results, to make my application run on any CPU, what target platform should be used. I tried Any CPU but my application does not run on Windows 7 with Access 2010 installed. It returns an error
The 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' provider is not registered on the local machine
Someone told me to avoid this error, change platform to X86. But I am unable to change that too. Dropdown menu contains only Any CPU.
What to do?
In your connection string, try replacing
In order to get new platforms, you can go into configuration manager and add a new one, but I thought x86 was one of the default ones provided. Here's a link for you. Quoted here in case MS moves their stuff around yet again.
Here are common procedures for creating and managing solution build
To create a Solution Build Configuration
Open the Configuration Manager dialog box.
On the Active Solution Configurationdrop-down list, choose New.
The New Solution Configuration dialog box opens.
Type a name for the new solution build configuration in the Name text
To use the same settings as those specified for another solution build
configuration, choose one from the drop-down list for the Copy
settings from textbox.
If you want to create one or more project configurations at the same
time, select the Create new project configurations check box.
To rename a Solution Build Configuration
Open the Configuration Manager dialog box.
On the Active Solution Configuration drop-down list, choose Edit.
The Edit Solution Configurations dialog box opens.
Select the solution build configuration name you want to change.
Select Rename, then type a new name for the configuration.
To select and edit a Solution Build Configuration
Open the Configuration Manager dialog box.
Select the desired solution build configuration from the Active
Solution Configuration drop-down menu at the top of the dialog box.
The Project Contexts panes display the properties of the active
solution build configuration.
Select any project available in the solution.
Select the desired project Configuration and Platform. Together, these
two settings specify the project configuration to be used.
If the project is to be included when you build this solution build
configuration, select the Build check box.