Is there any possibility to assign role "project administrator" for project creator?
Now, if you add permission "create project", after creating a project you still can't view/edit it.
My main aim is to create a specific permission that allows a user to create projects and gives "project administrator" for those, but not to view/edit others' projects by default.
Please take a look at this issue:
In brief, this should work if your project creator also has project administrator role in at least one project. In this case, he/she should get project admin role assigned specifically for the newly created project.
I am using SonarQube version 6.4. In my project there are some 25 modules and I don't want the developers to view all 25 modules, it would be easy if they can see only the ones created by them. Is there any setting such that the logged in user(author/developer) would be able to see only their own respective projects.
You can achieve this by going to the Project and then Administration > Permissions and set the project as Private.
In the Users tab, Search for the name of the user and assign the necessary rights by clicking the checkbox
You can also take a look at
I would like to deploy a project with 50 reports to different folders (about 10 folders) in report server from BIDS. The TargetFolder option in project properties is restricting to one folder .I would like to deploy all the reports at one time. Few blogs suggested using VB script to create folders on the fly and deploy reports to respective folders. I am not aware of VB script or the process. Can any only please explain the steps or any alternative solution?
I would create use the VS Configuration Manager (via Project / Properties) to create 10 Configuration entries (copies of your current Config). Each Configuration would point to a separate folder.
Then to deploy, you can just change the Configuration, right-click the Project (or selected objects) and Deploy.
I try to set up a MSBuild-project that will copy the file(s) that are being checked in into TFS (2010) to a specific directory at the Build-server (or share).
I have the Build Definition as a Continuous Integration, but how can I get to the specifics files I am checking in, and copy only those to the directory?
(The best would be If only inchecked *.sql-files should be copied, but if all files I am checking in goes there It's ok. I can manage it from there.)
Does anybody know how to only copy the chosen files?
By default there is no way to do this. There is no standard out-of-the-box build activity that does this for you.
What you can do is to create a small Custom Build Activity that checks which ChangeSets are associated to your build. Then use teh VersionControlServer class int he TFS Client Object Model (specifically the DownloadFile method) to download the changed files in these changesets and save them to wherever you want. Remember to pass in the VersionSpec you can use the c##### changeset number format.
If you just want the files that are in the Builds workspace you need to do a few more things (checking the Workspace Mapping of the Build Definition).
See also:
Microsoft ALM Rangers Build Customization Guide
Community TFS Build Extensions
The GetChangeSet activity in the TFS Build Extensions should provide a great starting point.
I am really confused about target platform. For best results, to make my application run on any CPU, what target platform should be used. I tried Any CPU but my application does not run on Windows 7 with Access 2010 installed. It returns an error
The 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' provider is not registered on the local machine
Someone told me to avoid this error, change platform to X86. But I am unable to change that too. Dropdown menu contains only Any CPU.
What to do?
In your connection string, try replacing
In order to get new platforms, you can go into configuration manager and add a new one, but I thought x86 was one of the default ones provided. Here's a link for you. Quoted here in case MS moves their stuff around yet again.
Here are common procedures for creating and managing solution build
To create a Solution Build Configuration
Open the Configuration Manager dialog box.
On the Active Solution Configurationdrop-down list, choose New.
The New Solution Configuration dialog box opens.
Type a name for the new solution build configuration in the Name text
To use the same settings as those specified for another solution build
configuration, choose one from the drop-down list for the Copy
settings from textbox.
If you want to create one or more project configurations at the same
time, select the Create new project configurations check box.
To rename a Solution Build Configuration
Open the Configuration Manager dialog box.
On the Active Solution Configuration drop-down list, choose Edit.
The Edit Solution Configurations dialog box opens.
Select the solution build configuration name you want to change.
Select Rename, then type a new name for the configuration.
To select and edit a Solution Build Configuration
Open the Configuration Manager dialog box.
Select the desired solution build configuration from the Active
Solution Configuration drop-down menu at the top of the dialog box.
The Project Contexts panes display the properties of the active
solution build configuration.
Select any project available in the solution.
Select the desired project Configuration and Platform. Together, these
two settings specify the project configuration to be used.
If the project is to be included when you build this solution build
configuration, select the Build check box.
I've got a fairly large MVC2 project in TFS which gets built automatically on checkin (Continuous Integration)
At present, the fully built version is dumped on a network share on our dev IIS server. \\Server\wwwrootLatest
TFS of course creates lots of sub-folders since it's just doing a build, it isn't even aware that it's drop directory is a wwwroot.
This means that to actually USE the build, we need to go and manually create an IIS App which points at the appropriate directory - which defeats the whole object of the exercise.
When we do a manual publish to that server, we use "File System" as the method and just overwrite the files in the UNC share \\Server\wwwroot
(When publishing to other environments, we use full-on MSDeploy.)
What I'd like to do is convince TFS to do a "File system" publish after the build completes and duplicate what we do on a manual publish eg:
Drop directory is \\Server\Build which would result in something like \\Server\Build\Project\Date.Rev\
After that is complete, we want it to publish to \\Server\wwwrootLatest - we can then set up the App once which will always contain the latest version but will still have a full history if required.
The only examples I've been able to find use MSBuild commands in the build definition (fine) but all use MSDeploy to do a full-on publish. I'm not sure how to automate what I want to do
Any help appreciated.
In your drop folder a folder named _PublishedWebsites is generated automatically. It contains files you need to put in wwwroot. You can use CopyDirectory build activity to copy them automatically.