Fortran read() reads last line twice? - file-io

So, suppose I'm trying to read in a file the length of which I don't know before hand. We can use iostat and a while loop to break when we need to, but I'm having an issue with this. Namely, the code I've written reads the last line twice. I'm sure there is an obvious solution, but I can't seem to figure it out. I don't really understand how either the read() or iostat functions work entirely (I'm pretty new at fortran), but I can't glean much from documentation so I'm hoping someone here can help.
Here is the (relevant bit of) code I've written:
filename = 'test.txt'
iostat_1 = 0
iostat_2 = 0
open(newunit = lun, file = filename, status = 'old', iostat = iostat_1)
if (iostat_1 == 0) then
do while(iostat_2 == 0)
if(iostat_2 == 0) then
read(lun,*,iostat = iostat_2) dum, real_1,real_2,int_1
print *, dum, real_1,real_2,int_1
So, supposing my input file is
1 1.0 1.0 1
2 2.0 2.0 1
3 3.0 3.0 1
4 4.0 4.0 4
Then the output to the terminal from the print statement will be
1 1.0 1.0 1
2 2.0 2.0 1
3 3.0 3.0 1
4 4.0 4.0 4
4 4.0 4.0 4
So keep in mind the following: The main purpose here is to be able to read in a file with an arbitrary number of lines. I'm not interested in a solution involving reading the number of lines first.
Thanks for the help!
UPDATE Okay I just solved the problem. That being said, I'm wondering if there is a solution less clumsy than mine. Here is what I did to fix the issue
! Body of ReInsert
filename = 'rpriov3.dat'
iostat_1 = 0
iostat_2 = 0
open(newunit = lun, file = filename, status = 'old', iostat = iostat_1)
if (iostat_1 == 0) then
do while(iostat_2 == 0)
if(iostat_2 == 0) then
read(lun,*,iostat = iostat_2) dum, real_1,real_2,int_1
if(iostat_2 == 0) then !<---- Added this nested if statement
print *, dum, real_1,real_2,int_1
print *, iostat_2

As you found out, when you set an iostat parameter, the read command doesn't overwrite the variables it asks for.
Your solution is, as you already noticed, somewhat convoluted.
do while (condition)
if (condition) then
end if
end do
In this case, the inner if statement is complete surplus. The loop doesn't run unless condition is true, so unless the evaluation of condition itself doesn't change the result 1), the if clause will always be executed.
The second thing I'd look at is: What should happen if the open fails? In most cases, I want to print an error and quit:
open(..., iostat=ios)
if (ios /= 0) then
print*, "Error opening file"
end if
do while (...)
end do
Even if you don't want to exit the program in case of an error in open, there are usually ways to make the code more readable than eternal nesting. For example, you could ask the user for a filename again and again (in its own loop) for a file name, until either the file opens, or the user enters some quit message.
ios = 1
do while (ios /= 0)
write(*, *, advance='no') "Enter filename (or 'quit') :"
read(*, *) filename
if ( trim(filename) == "quit" ) STOP
open(newunit=lun, file=filename, ..., iostat=ios)
end do
Finally there's the most inner if block. Since you want to exit the loop anyway when you reach an error, you can use the exit statement inside a loop to exit it immediately without executing the rest of the loop block:
read(..., iostat=ios) ...
if (ios /= 0) exit
print *, ....
end do
This is an infinite loop with an explicit exit as soon as it encounters a read error (usually, but not necessarily an EOF). Since the print statement is after the exit, it won't be executed in case of such an error.
1) What I mean by that is something like this C snippet i++ < 10, which both tests i against 10 and increments it.


How do you detect blank lines in Fortran?

Given an input that looks like the following:
I want to iterate over this file in whitespace-separated chunks in Fortran (any version is fine). For example, let's say I wanted to take the average of each chunk (e.g. mean(123, 456, 789) then mean(42, 23, 1337) then mean(31337)).
I've tried iterating through the file normally (e.g. READ), reading in each line as a string and then converting to an int and doing whatever math I want to do on each chunk. The trouble here is that Fortran "helpfully" ignores blank lines in my text file - so when I try and compare against the empty string to check for the blank line, I never actually get a .True. on that comparison.
I feel like I'm missing something basic here, since this is a typical functionality in every other modern language, I'd be surprised if Fortran didn't somehow have it.
If you're using so-called "list-directed" input (format = '*'), Fortran does special handling to spaces, commas, and blank lines.
To your point, there's a feature which is using the BLANK keyword with read
read(iunit,'(i10)',blank="ZERO",err=1,end=2) array
You can set:
blank="ZERO" will return a valid zero value if a blank is found;
blank="NULL" is the default behavior that skips blank/returns an error depending on the input format.
If all your input values are positive, you could use blank="ZERO" and then use the location of zero values to process your data.
EDIT as #vladimir-f has correctly pointed out, you not only have blanks in between lines, but also after the end of the numbers in most lines, so this strategy will not work.
You can instead load everything into an array, and process it afterwards:
program array_with_blanks
integer :: ierr,num,iunit
integer, allocatable :: array(:)
read(iunit,'(i10)',iostat=ierr) num
if (is_iostat_end(ierr)) then
array = [array,num]
end do
print *, array
end program
Just read each line as a character (but note Francescalus's comment on the format). Then read the character as an internal file.
program stuff
implicit none
integer io, n, value, sum
character (len=1000) line
n = 0
sum = 0
io = 0
open( 42, file="stuff.txt" )
do while( io == 0 )
read( 42, "( a )", iostat = io ) line
if ( io /= 0 .or. line == "" ) then
if ( n > 0 ) print *, ( sum + 0.0 ) / n
n = 0
sum = 0
read( line, * ) value
n = n + 1
sum = sum + value
end if
end do
close( 42 )
end program stuff

How to Optimize an Overuse of If Statements in Roblox Studio

The goal of this code is to spawn a ball "GlowyBall" in 1 of 5 preset locations randomly. This script activates when a player hits a button. The ball also needs to spawn as 1 of 3 colors randomly. The code works for the most part, but I am struggling when it comes to making this code optimized. I don't know which datatype I should or even can use to replace these if statements. I am just trying to learn different avenues that can be taken. The reason this code needs to be optimized is that it could be used thousands of times per minute, and I don't want the game to be held back by the code.
-- Says that there will be 3 colors
local ColorRange = 3
-- Says that there will be 5 spawn locations
local range = 5
-- Makes the code run continuously
while true do
local ColorNumber = math.random(1, ColorRange)
local Number = math.random(1, range)
-- Chooses the random color
if ColorNumber == 1 then
game.ServerStorage.GlowyBallsSideA.GlowyBallGroup1.Glowyball1.Color =, 0, 0)
if ColorNumber == 2 then
game.ServerStorage.GlowyBallsSideA.GlowyBallGroup1.Glowyball2.Color =, 1, 0)
if ColorNumber == 3 then
game.ServerStorage.GlowyBallsSideA.GlowyBallGroup1.Glowyball3.Color =, 0, 1)
-- Chooses which ball will get cloned
if Number == 1 then
ClonePart = game.ServerStorage.GlowyBallsSideA.GlowyBallGroup1.Glowyball1
if Number == 2 then
ClonePart = game.ServerStorage.GlowyBallsSideA.GlowyBallGroup1.Glowyball2
if Number == 3 then
ClonePart = game.ServerStorage.GlowyBallsSideA.GlowyBallGroup1.Glowyball3
if Number == 4 then
ClonePart = game.ServerStorage.GlowyBallsSideA.GlowyBallGroup1.Glowyball4
if Number == 5 then
ClonePart = game.ServerStorage.GlowyBallsSideA.GlowyBallGroup1.Glowyball5
local Clone = ClonePart:Clone()
Clone.Parent = game.Workspace
Clone.Anchored = false
I am fairly new to programming as a whole so feel free to teach me a few things, thanks.
Instances in Roblox can be accessed in a few different ways; the most common is dot notation (eg. game.Workspace.Part). It's also possible to access instances like items in a table (eg. game["Workspace"]["Part"]). This is useful when accessing an instance with a space in its name, or to add something to the start/end of a string before accessing it.
The if statements for choosing which ball to clone can then be reduced to the following:
-- Chooses which ball will get cloned
ClonePart = game.ServerStorage.GlowyBallsSideA.GlowyBallGroup1["Glowyball" .. Number] -- Add Number to the end of "Glowyball" before accessing it
The same could be done with choosing the random color, as well as substituting multiple if statements for one if-elseif statement could make the code more readable.
-- Chooses the random color
local Glowyball = game.ServerStorage.GlowyBallsSideA.GlowyBallGroup1["Glowyball" .. ColorNumber]
if ColorNumber == 1 then
Glowyball.Color =, 0, 0)
elseif ColorNumber == 2 then
Glowyball.Color =, 1, 0)
elseif ColorNumber == 3 then
Glowyball.Color =, 0, 1)
Heliodex did a good job explaining how to simplify finding the instances, but you could take it a step further and remove the if-statements entirely by replacing them with arrays.
Typically, from a general programming standpoint, when you find that you have a lot of very similar if-statements, the solution is to use a switch-statement instead of if-elseif chains. Switch statements allow you to define a bunch of possible cases and when it executes, it will jump specifically to the case that matches. However, neither lua nor luau support switch statements, but we can get the benefit of switch-statements.
Since you are using random numbers already, you can pre-define your colors into an array and have the random number simply pick an index to use...
-- make some colors to pick from
local colors = {, 0, 0),, 1, 0),, 0, 1),
-- Set up the list of spawn locations
local locationGroup = game.ServerStorage.GlowyBallsSideA.GlowyBallGroup1
local spawnLocations = {
-- could this be simplified to ...?
-- local spawnLocations = locationGroup:GetChildren()
-- when someone clicks the button, spawn the part
-- choose a color and spawn location
local colorNumber = math.random(1, #colors)
local spawnNumber = math.random(1, #spawnLocations)
local clonePart = spawnLocations[spawnNumber]
local color = colors[colorNumber]
-- spawn it
local clone = clonePart:Clone()
clone.Color = color
clone.Parent = game.Workspace
clone.Anchored = false
The advantage of this approach is that you can simply add more colors and spawn locations to those arrays, and the rest of your code will still work.

Lua - It is possible to stop inputs while "ex.sleep" is running?

Basic stuff that I can't figure out or find in internet:
The little code I'm using for tests is simple:
a = true
b = nil
while (a == true) do
b =
Very simple. If I input "1" (I am using notepad++ and windows command prompt), it will wait 5 seconds and print it, then repeat. But my problem is... If I input more numbers during the 5 seconds of sleeping, it all will be executed automatically, in order, when the sleep ends.
Is it possible to stop that? I don't want any input being read during that time. Where these "ghost" inputs are stored?
You can control reading by means of "buffer size" argument in bytes:
b =
In this case reading completes after the first byte was taken from input. Rest input bytes will be available for the next "read" statement.
Important note: if you input "1" and press "Enter" then there will be 3 bytes for reading (including "\r\n").
See for details.
In addition, you want to know a way to clean input buffer before next reading. This is easy: use"*line") statement as follows:
b ="*line") -- suppose, input is: "1234"
b = string.sub(b, 0, 1)
print(b) -- prints 1
b ="*line") -- suppose, input is: "567"
b = string.sub(b, 0, 1)
print(b) -- prints 5
b ="*line") -- suppose, input is: ""
b = string.sub(b, 0, 1)
print(b) -- prints empty string"*line") gets whole line from input, but you can take only the first character from it.

Strange numbers in the output from Netcdf in Fortran

I'm fairly new to Fortran and try reading in 3D (80000*100*10) single precision NetCDF data (however I'd just read it 2D like (80000,100,1st)). I would need to convert them into double precision for some further code not shown below.
The .nc-File which I create to check if the reading/writing works does contain only "0" if I use real single precision for all NF90-functions as well as the variable 'values'.
It does contain mostly "0" and several weird numbers which don't seem to relate in a conceivable way to the input data if I use double precision (code shown below). At least I get any output in my nc file this way.
I don't get any compiling errors {nor error codes in 'STATUS' if I check for specific lines after NF90 functions. Update: That was mistaken}. gets created exactly as expected regarding dimensions, but not regarding the actual values.
My code is:
Implicit None
INTEGER :: NCID, horstart, verstart, horlen, verlen, horcount, vercount, STATUS, STATUS2
REAL(kind=8), DIMENSION(80000,100) :: values
horstart = 1
verstart = 1
horcount = 80000 !!(tried to use this instead of horlen, doesn't change anything)
vercount = 100 !!(tried to use this instead of verlen, doesn't change)
varname = 'pres'
!! get input data
STATUS = NF90_OPEN('my_valid_path/', 0, NCID)
STATUS = NF90_INQ_DIMID(NCID, 'ncells', horid)
STATUS = NF90_INQ_DIMID(NCID, 'height', verid)
STATUS = NF90_INQ_DIMLEN(NCID,horid,horlen)
STATUS = NF90_INQ_DIMLEN(NCID,verid,verlen)
STATUS = NF90_INQ_VARID(NCID,varname,varid)
STATUS = NF90_GET_VARA_DOUBLE(NCID,varid,[horstart,verstart,1],[horlen,verlen,1],values)
STATUS = NF90_CREATE ('some_path/', 0, ncid);
STATUS = NF90_DEF_DIM (ncid, 'hor',horcount, dimhor)
STATUS = NF90_DEF_DIM (ncid, 'ver',vercount, dimver)
STATUS = NF90_DEF_DIM (ncid, '1d',1, dimcode)
STATUS = NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid,'pres',NF90_DOUBLE,2,[dimhor,dimver],pres_id)
STATUS = NF90_DEF_VAR(ncid,'status',NF90_INT,1,dimcode,stat_id)
STATUS = NF90_PUT_VARA_DOUBLE(ncid,pres_id,[horstart,verstart],[horcount,vercount],values)
STATUS = NF90_PUT_VARA_INT(ncid,stat_id,1,1,STATUS2)
The nc file I read from doesn't contain any zeroes, not even in the 3rd dimension. The Output file however does contain a lot zeroes, it is not empty though.
Example input: 0,095213220 0,099325478 0,10358732 0,10800611 0,11259078 0,11734842 0,12228279 0,12740466 0,13271827 0,13822863 0,14394356
Example output: 0 0 0 0 0 0,000493943283800036 0,000594558776356280 0,000234268474741839 2,88491937681101e-05 2,09666131608306e-16 7,30948746534081e-20
I'm probably doing something stupid, but I went temporarily out of ideas what to check for.
UPDATE: Thoroughly checking the error codes saved in STATUS did give a non-zero match at NF90_GET_VARA_DOUBLE/(also REAL). Getting back to this tomorrow.
With error handler I came to the conclusion that the above code works. The errors eventually came from a spelling mistake of the variables I tried to read from.

Do .. While Loop/Textfile/Operation Problem

Hi I have a problem with the following code:
int skp = 1;
}while(skp <= 10);
The Textfile has the following:
What I want this programming to do is start from reading the second number which it does, then skip one read next, skip one read the next etc. etc. what it's doing is read the second number which is good, then reads it again for 2 times, then read the next number for 3 times and the next for 3 times. So the output i receive from the above textfile is
Can any one help me please!
Thank you!
That's because your lines are separated by line feeds (actually CR and LF). Also, file >> s will skip leading white space, so you end up with
All of which result in s being 1.
The same is repeated for 2, 3 and so on.
Forget yout seekp() and simply use
while (file.good()) {
file >> s; // skip line
if (!file.good()) break;
file >> s;
cout << s;