React Native: How to open a Bitcoin URL? - react-native

How do you open a Bitcoin URL in a react native app? I am using React Native Linking to detect if there are any apps on the phone that can open a Bitcoin URL formatted according to BIP21. I have 3 apps installed that should handle it:
1) Coinbase
2) Breadwallet
3) wallet
But it's not opening. Here's the code:
async _openWallet() {
const coinURL = 'bitcoin:15bMc6sQTiQ5jSqoRX3JzatAbQqJaffqup';
try {
const supported = await Linking.canOpenURL(coinURL);
if (supported) {
} else {
console.log('Could not find a compatible wallet on this device.');
} catch (error) {
supported keeps returning false, which causes "Could not find a compatible wallet..." to execute. The weird thing is if I click on a Bitcoin URL on any random website via the Chrome / Safari browser, I get a popup that asks me if I want to open the URL in one of the above apps. So only URLs on websites are opening, but not URLs from inside react native code.
Any ideas?

Looks like every URI scheme you want to use at runtime must be defined up-front in Info.plist. Found the answer here: React Native: Linking API not discovering Uber app


Leaflet: How To Open a Place In Google Map / Waze Native App and Use It To Navigate?

I am using Ionic React / React Native to develop a mobile app. I want to use Leaflet to display the static map and markers. If the user click the markers, I want to open the coordinate in Google Map / Waze / any native map application then use that native app to navigate the user into the marker.
Is there a way to open the marked place into native map apps?
Google Map provides cross-platform deep linking universal URLs. If the native Google Map app is installed. It will open with that app, otherwise, use the default web browser installed on user's device.
You can use React Native Linking API to dynamically link to a specific location.
import { Linking, Alert } from "react-native";
async function openWithGoogleMap() {
/** Google Map API offers different URL to deep link to various locatioon and map ressources.
* Check their docs -
const url =
const supported = await Linking.canOpenURL(url);
if (supported) {
// Opening the link with some app, if the URL scheme is "http" the web link should be opened
// by some browser in the mobile
await Linking.openURL(url);
} else {
Alert.alert(`Don't know how to open this URL: ${url}`);

Stripe Connect Account - return_url - Link back to Expo application

I'm on-boarding users onto Stripe connect. My node server generates a temporary HTTPS URL so that customers can sign on. According to their docs I need to provide a URL for when they complete the application.
I have an Expo application. The user will open up the URL in their browser. However when they complete their application I would like them to go back to Expo App. If I try to use expo://MYAPP/ as the return_url, Stripe does not recognize the URL schema.
Does anyone have an idea how i can return the user back into my application after completing their on-boarding done via the browser?
For anyone one out there who runs into this post, this is was my solution. Your app has to link to a website. I am using Expo, but this is the React code to generate the link.
import * as WebBrowser from 'expo-web-browser';
import * as Linking from 'expo-linking';
const openPage = async () => {
try {
const result = await WebBrowser.openAuthSessionAsync(
let redirectData;
if (result.url) {
redirectData = Linking.parse(result.url);
setstate({ result, redirectData });
} catch (error) {
When you load the site, make sure to pass the URL that was generated from your backend
Backend code:
type: 'account_onboarding',
account: accountID,
refresh_url: ``,
return_url: ``,
When the user has the site open, have a button that redirects to the stripe URL.This is how i thought it went first
App -> Stripe connect
instead you have to approach it like this
App -> Website -> Stripe connect

How to integrate squareup payment method to get the nonce in react-native app?

I am working on the latest version of React-native. I cannot find any documentation to get the card nonce using the application_id and location_id of SquareUp.
Please suggest me how to integrate this payment method with React-Native application.
Also, suggest me package works best for this.
Use this:
up to step 1.3 to generate the nonce in html
Host this page on github pages and force it to server over https (http wont work with square)
Embed your github page in WebView React Native or Expo. Retrieve the nonce from WebView and pass it to your API where the rest can be taken care of with the square api.
In the Quick-Start you'll find the method onCardNonceRequestSuccess(cardDetails) which is the callback for returning your information from Square. On that cardDetails parameter you'll find a key "nonce" that will contain your nonce that you need to send to your back end for processing.
async onCardNonceRequestSuccess(cardDetails) {
if (this.chargeServerHostIsSet()) {
try {
await chargeCardNonce(cardDetails.nonce);
SQIPCardEntry.completeCardEntry(() => {
showAlert('Your order was successful',
'Go to your Square dashbord to see this order reflected in the sales tab.');
} catch (error) {
} else {
SQIPCardEntry.completeCardEntry(() => {
printCurlCommand(cardDetails.nonce, SQUARE_APP_ID);
'Nonce generated but not charged',
'Check your console for a CURL command to charge the nonce, or replace CHARGE_SERVER_HOST with your server host.',
Link to repo of above code
The example application should show most of what is necessary for integrating into a React Native application. The main piece that you need to change is the chargeCardNonce() function found here to POST that nonce to your backend.

twilio react native integration

I'm trying to create a react native app that allows the user to click a button and a call to their phone will be placed using the TWILIO API. I have it working from terminal by typing node make_call.js(name of file) but i want the user to be able to make the call when they want to by inputing their phone number and clicking a call button. Heres my code. the credentials are fake. Is this possible??
var accountSid = 'AC76d99966f35141f7c8585e31ed740480'
var authToken = '6470ce0905736f0f9da91456f088e97cc2'
var client = require('twilio')(accountSid, authToken);
url: '',
to: '7781234564',
from: '6042322056',
}, function(err, call) {
if(err) {
} else {
Twilio developer evangelist here.
You can actually build phone calling directly into your application using the Twilio Voice SDK.
There is already available to, built by the community, a React Native wrapper for the Twilio Voice SDK.
Let me know if that helps at all.

Open link with custom url encoding for React Native on ios

How would one implement custom url encoding for React Native's Linking API for IOS?
I am using React-Native's Linking API to allow users to open simple http/https hyperlinks within my app using the basic example from the documentation:
Linking.canOpenURL(url).then(supported => {
if (supported) {
} else {
console.log('Don\'t know how to open URI: ' + url);
On Android, the url being passed into Linking.openURL(url); is the same as what shows up in the browser bar when the link is opened. However, on IOS, the url is being encoded. Readability of the url aside, the main problem I'm having is the conversion of the hash character '#' to '%23' which is causing the link to not work properly. I would like to either move responsibility for url encoding to the React Native code prior to calling Linking.openURL(); or at least make an exception for the '#' character.