VB.NET Boxing weirdness - vb.net

I can't understand what is happening with the following code in VB.NET. When I run this code:
Public Function test() As Boolean
Dim a As Integer = 1
Dim b As Object = a
Dim c As Object = b
Return Object.ReferenceEquals(b, c)
End Function
Then the function returns True. However, if I run this:
Structure TTest
Dim i As Integer
Dim tid As Integer
Sub New(ByVal _i As Integer, ByVal _tid As Integer)
i = _i
tid = _tid
End Sub
End Structure
Public Function test_2() As Boolean
Dim a As New TTest(1, 1)
Dim b As Object = a
Dim c As Object = b
Return Object.ReferenceEquals(b, c)
End Function
Then it returns False. In both functions, I declare two value type variables, an Integer on the first and a custom Structure on the second one. Both should be boxed upon object assignment, but in the second example, it seems to get boxed into two different objects, so Object.ReferenceEquals returns False.
Why does it work this way?

For primitive types, .Net is able to re-use the same "box" for the same values, and thus improve performance by reducing allocations.

Same with strings, it's .NET way to optimize thing. But as soon as you use it, the reference will change.
Sub Main()
Dim a As String = "abc"
Dim b As String = "abc"
Console.WriteLine(Object.ReferenceEquals(a, b)) ' True
b = "123"
Console.WriteLine(Object.ReferenceEquals(a, b)) ' False
End Sub


checking datatype in an overload doesn't work for decimal

I'm using vb.net. I am doing some checking and scrubbing of my data when i get it from the database. I'm using an overload but it doesn't seem to be working for decimal numbers. Decimal numbers get treated as integers.
Public Class CheckData
Public Shared Function Check(row As DataRow, columnName As String, pDefaultValue As Decimal) As Decimal
Dim x As Object = ReplaceDBNullAndColumnExists(row, columnName)
Dim y As Decimal = CDec(Dempsey.fnIsNull.IsNull(x, pDefaultValue))
Return y
End Function
Public Shared Function Check(row As DataRow, columnName As String, pDefaultValue As DateTime) As DateTime
Dim x As Object = ReplaceDBNullAndColumnExists(row, columnName)
Dim y As DateTime = Dempsey.fnIsNull.IsNull(x, pDefaultValue)
Return y
End Function
Public Shared Function Check(row As DataRow, columnName As String, pDefaultValue As Integer) As Integer
Dim x As Object = ReplaceDBNullAndColumnExists(row, columnName)
Dim y As Integer = Dempsey.fnIsNull.IsNull(x, pDefaultValue)
Return y
End Function
Public Shared Function Check(row As DataRow, columnName As String, pDefaultValue As String) As String
Dim x As Object = ReplaceDBNullAndColumnExists(row, columnName)
Dim y As String = Dempsey.fnIsNull.IsNull(x, pDefaultValue)
Return y
End Function
Public Shared Function Check(row As DataRow, columnName As String, pDefaultValue As Boolean) As Boolean
Dim x As Object = ReplaceDBNullAndColumnExists(row, columnName)
Dim y As Boolean = Dempsey.fnIsNull.IsNull(x, pDefaultValue)
Return y
End Function
So if i pass in some data and the type is a string, integer, boolean or datetime it goes to the propert function. if i pass in a decimal it goes to integer. If i set a breakpoint on the public shared function check that is a integer function and do a
I get back - "Decimal" (doing this in the immediate window)
So my question is what have i done wrong that it doesn't take it to the decimal overload and return a decimal value. By the way, the actual data value is 37.50.
I use this to populate list.
Public Function populate(mDs As DataSet) As List(Of SR_SalaryRange_Current)
Dim rows As DataRowCollection
Dim drow As DataRow
Dim oSR_SalaryRange_Current As SR_SalaryRange_Current
Dim oSR_SalaryRange_Currents As List(Of SR_SalaryRange_Current) = New List(Of SR_SalaryRange_Current)
Dim dt As New DataTable
dt = mDs.Tables("SR_SalaryRange_Currents")
rows = dt.Rows
For Each drow In rows
oSR_SalaryRange_Current = New SR_SalaryRange_Current
With oSR_SalaryRange_Current
.tblSR_SalaryRange_CurrentID = SitePlumbing.CheckData.Check(drow, "intTblSR_SalaryRange_CurrentID", 0)
.EffectiveDate = SitePlumbing.CheckData.Check(drow, "dtmEffectiveDate", CDate("1/1/1900"))
.WorkWeekHours = SitePlumbing.CheckData.Check(drow, "decWorkWeekHours", 0)
End With
Catch ex As Exception
ErrorMsg = "Populate Error:" & ex.InnerException.ToString
Return oSR_SalaryRange_Currents
End Try
Return oSR_SalaryRange_Currents
End Function
from there it goes into the checkdata that i mentioned before. In the code above it correctly goes to an integer and a datetime when hitting the overload, just isn't doing it for the decimal.
A decimal is implicitly covertable into an integer so the compiler is confused if you have OPTION STRICT set to off. You have two options:
1) Set OPTION STRICT to ON. Then the compiler will not convert implicitly.
2) Pass in a decimal literal like this: 10D (i.e. there is a D on the end telling the compiler it is a decimal).
For example:
'Sub Routine 1
public sub Test(ByVal d as decimal)
end sub
'Sub Routine 2
public sub Test(ByVal i as integer)
end sub
dim d1 as decimal={Number}D 'where {number} is replaced with a number
dim d2 as decimal={Number} 'where {number} is replaced with a number
Test(d1) 'this will always go to Sub Routine 1 regardless of whether OPTION strict is ON or OFF
Test(d2) 'this will go to Sub Routine 1 if option strict is ON. If it is OFF, then it may go to Sub Routine 2 depending on the size of the number.
I was given a way to work with this by Viorel on another forum. He suggested I do
Check(drow, "decWorkWeekHours", 0#)
and that did indeed work. When i asked what it does, this was his response.
With ‘#’, the constant ‘0#’ becomes a decimal one. Then VB.NET chooses the definition of Check that takes a Decimal parameter, since it is more suitable comparing with other candidates.
You can also write ‘0d’ [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/visual-basic/programming-guide/language-features/data-types/type-characters].
hope that will help someone else down the road.

visual basic multiple input boxes i only need 1

Why do I keep getting two input boxes instead of one? What am I doing wrong? Is it how I am passing values through functions? If so, how can I fix this?
Private Sub Calculate_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Calculate.Click
'Dim ready_ship As Integer = GetInStock()
Dim display_spools As Integer = ReadyToShip()
Dim display_backOrders As Integer = BackOrdered()
lbl_rship.Text = display_spools.ToString()
lbl_backo.Text = display_backOrders.ToString()
End Sub
Function GetInStock() As Integer
Dim amount_Spools As String = Nothing
amount_Spools = InputBox(" Enter the number of spools currently in stock: ")
Return CInt(amount_Spools)
End Function
Function ReadyToShip() As Integer
Dim ready_ship As Integer = GetInStock()
Dim a As Integer
a = CInt(ready_ship)
Return a
End Function
Function BackOrdered() As Integer
Dim b As Integer = ReadyToShip()
Dim c As Integer
c = b - CInt(TextBox1.Text)
Return c
End Function
End Class
Your Calculate_Click event is calling ReadyToShip() and BackOrdered() functions which are both going to GetInStock() function, which is displaying the input box. So it will be displayed twice.
This class would be better served using properties, they are easier to manage and will help avoid this kind of method duplication.

How to make a class-instance accept parameters?

I wonder if there is a way to make a class instance that accepts parameters and generate results according to this parameter.
This is very common in VB.net built-in classes, but I wonder how to make it myself
Dim myNumbers as new NUMBERS
myNumbers.First = 1
myNumbers.Second = 2
In the above code myNumber is a class which accepts some numbers and return the max.
You can use Default properties in order to achieve that. If you don't want it to be Set-able you can just mark it as ReadOnly, and if you don't want to return a specific value just return Nothing.
Returning something from the property:
Default Public ReadOnly Property Calculate(ByVal a As Integer, ByVal b As Integer, ByVal c As Integer) As Integer
Dim d As Integer = a * b + c + Me.First
Return d * Me.Second
End Get
End Property
Returning nothing:
Default Public ReadOnly Property Calculate(ByVal a As Integer, ByVal b As String) As Object
Dim c As String = DoStuff()
DoSomeOtherStuff(a, b, Me.First, Me.Second, c)
Return Nothing
End Get
End Property
Usage example:
'With return value.
Dim num As Integer = myNumbers(34, 5, 13)
'Ignoring return value.
Dim dummy As Object = myNumbers(64, "Hello World!")
'Ignoring return value.
Dim dummy As Object = myNumbers.Calculate(13, "I am text")
The only backside with this is that you must do something with the returned value (for instance assign it to a variable). Simply doing:
myNumbers(64, "Hello World!")
doesn't work.

vb.net function branching based on optional parameters performance

So I was coding a string search function and ended up with 4 since they needed to go forwards or backwards or be inclusive or exclusive. Then I needed even more functionality like ignoring certain specific things and blah blah.. I figured it would be easier to make a slightly bigger function with optional boolean parameters than to maintain the 8+ functions that would otherwise be required.
Since this is the main workhorse function though, performance is important so I devised a simple test to get a sense of how much I would lose from doing this. The code is as follows:
main window:
Private Sub testbutton_Click(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs) Handles testbutton.Click
Dim rand As New Random
Dim ret As Integer
Dim count As Integer = 100000000
Dim t As Integer = Environment.TickCount
For i = 0 To count
ret = superfunction(rand.Next, False)
t = Environment.TickCount - t
Dim t2 As Integer = Environment.TickCount
For i = 0 To count
ret = simplefunctionNeg(rand.Next)
t2 = Environment.TickCount - t2
MsgBox(t & " " & t2)
End Sub
The functions:
Public Module testoptionality
Public Function superfunction(a As Integer, Optional b As Boolean = False) As Integer
If b Then
Return a
Return -a
End If
End Function
Public Function simpleFunctionPos(a As Integer)
Return a
End Function
Public Function simplefunctionNeg(a As Integer)
Return -a
End Function
End Module
So pretty much as simple as it gets. The weird part is that the superfunction is consistently twice faster than either of the simple functions (my test results are "1076 2122"). This makes no sense.. I tried looking for what i might have done wrong but I cant see it. Can anybody explain this?
You didn't set a return type for simple function. So they return Object type.
So when you using simpleFunctionNeg function application convert Integer to Object type when returning value, and then back from Object to Integer when assigning returning value to your variable
After setting return value to Integer simpleFunctionNeg was little bid faster then superfunction

VB.NET Generic Function

What I want to do is, based on the type of T do different opperations. Below is a simple example of my problem.
Public Shared Function Example(Of T)() As T
Dim retval As T
If TypeOf retval Is String Then
Dim myString As String = "Hello"
retval = myString
ElseIf TypeOf retval Is Integer Then
Dim myInt As Integer = 101
retval = myInt
End If
Return retval
End Function
I get the error "Value of Type 'String' Cannot be converted to 'T'" Same with the integer part. If I cast either to an object before asigning them to retval it works but I think that would defeat my purpose and be less efficient. Any Ideas? Thanks!
It's probably a bit late, but try this:
Public Shared Function CAnyType(Of T)(ByRef UTO As Object) As T
Return CType(UTO, T)
End Function
Public Shared Function ExecuteSQLstmtScalar(Of T)(ByVal strSQL As String) As T
Dim T_ReturnValue As T
' Here we have the result of a DB query '
Dim obj As Object = "Value from DB query cmd.ExecuteScalar"
Dim strReturnValue As Object = obj.ToString();
Dim tReturnType As Type = GetType(T)
If tReturnType Is GetType(String) Then
Return CAnyType(Of T)(strReturnValue)
ElseIf tReturnType Is GetType(Boolean) Then
Dim bReturnValue As Boolean = Boolean.Parse(strReturnValue)
Return CAnyType(Of T)(bReturnValue)
ElseIf tReturnType Is GetType(Integer) Then
Dim iReturnValue As Integer = Integer.Parse(strReturnValue)
Return CAnyType(Of T)(iReturnValue)
ElseIf tReturnType Is GetType(Long) Then
Dim lngReturnValue As Long = Long.Parse(strReturnValue)
Return CAnyType(Of T)(lngReturnValue)
MsgBox("ExecuteSQLstmtScalar(Of T): This type is not yet defined.")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Return Nothing
End Function
(the secrect is casting your generic result to object, then casting from type Object to template type T).
You are responsible to ensure that your code works correctly with nullable types and NOT nullable types, as well as System.DbNull.Value. For example when string is NULL and return value type is Boolean (not nullable). On a sidenote, please also note that VB Nothing is NOT equal NULL, it's equal to C#'s default(T) (e.g. System.Guid.Empty for Guid)
With a generic method, T will be of exactly one type each time. Let's say that you have code calling Example(Of Integer). Now, in your mind, replace T with Integer. The resulting method will contain these lines (amongst others).
Dim retval As Integer
If TypeOf retval Is String Then
Dim myString As String = "Hello"
retval = myString
' more code follows '
Assigning a String to an integer like that will never work. Sure, that code will also never execute, since the If-block prevents that, but the code will still not compile. (As a side not, the above code will fail to compile because the TypeOf keyword is restricted to use with reference types, but that is another story)
Typically when creating generic methods, you will want to do the same thing with whatever input you get, but in a type safe manner. If you want to have different behavior for different types of input, you are usually better off by overloading the methods instead.
retVal = (T) "Hello World!"
Do retval = Ctype(Mystring, T) or retVal = Ctype(MyInt, T)
An alternative solution is encapsulate this kind of logic in a class and use VB CallByName function:
Class Aux(Of T)
Public Value As T
Private dicc As Dictionary(Of String, Object)
Sub New()
dicc = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
dicc.Add("system.string", "hola")
dicc.Add("system.int32", 15)
dicc.Add("system.double", 15.0)
End Sub
Public Function Test() As T
Dim typeName As String = GetType(T).ToString.ToLower
If dicc.ContainsKey(typeName) Then
CallByName(Me, "Value", CallType.Set, dicc(typeName))
End If
Return Value
End Function
Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
If Not (dicc Is Nothing) Then dicc.Clear()
dicc = Nothing
End Sub
End Class