VB.NET Generic Function - vb.net

What I want to do is, based on the type of T do different opperations. Below is a simple example of my problem.
Public Shared Function Example(Of T)() As T
Dim retval As T
If TypeOf retval Is String Then
Dim myString As String = "Hello"
retval = myString
ElseIf TypeOf retval Is Integer Then
Dim myInt As Integer = 101
retval = myInt
End If
Return retval
End Function
I get the error "Value of Type 'String' Cannot be converted to 'T'" Same with the integer part. If I cast either to an object before asigning them to retval it works but I think that would defeat my purpose and be less efficient. Any Ideas? Thanks!

It's probably a bit late, but try this:
Public Shared Function CAnyType(Of T)(ByRef UTO As Object) As T
Return CType(UTO, T)
End Function
Public Shared Function ExecuteSQLstmtScalar(Of T)(ByVal strSQL As String) As T
Dim T_ReturnValue As T
' Here we have the result of a DB query '
Dim obj As Object = "Value from DB query cmd.ExecuteScalar"
Dim strReturnValue As Object = obj.ToString();
Dim tReturnType As Type = GetType(T)
If tReturnType Is GetType(String) Then
Return CAnyType(Of T)(strReturnValue)
ElseIf tReturnType Is GetType(Boolean) Then
Dim bReturnValue As Boolean = Boolean.Parse(strReturnValue)
Return CAnyType(Of T)(bReturnValue)
ElseIf tReturnType Is GetType(Integer) Then
Dim iReturnValue As Integer = Integer.Parse(strReturnValue)
Return CAnyType(Of T)(iReturnValue)
ElseIf tReturnType Is GetType(Long) Then
Dim lngReturnValue As Long = Long.Parse(strReturnValue)
Return CAnyType(Of T)(lngReturnValue)
MsgBox("ExecuteSQLstmtScalar(Of T): This type is not yet defined.")
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Return Nothing
End Function
(the secrect is casting your generic result to object, then casting from type Object to template type T).
You are responsible to ensure that your code works correctly with nullable types and NOT nullable types, as well as System.DbNull.Value. For example when string is NULL and return value type is Boolean (not nullable). On a sidenote, please also note that VB Nothing is NOT equal NULL, it's equal to C#'s default(T) (e.g. System.Guid.Empty for Guid)

With a generic method, T will be of exactly one type each time. Let's say that you have code calling Example(Of Integer). Now, in your mind, replace T with Integer. The resulting method will contain these lines (amongst others).
Dim retval As Integer
If TypeOf retval Is String Then
Dim myString As String = "Hello"
retval = myString
' more code follows '
Assigning a String to an integer like that will never work. Sure, that code will also never execute, since the If-block prevents that, but the code will still not compile. (As a side not, the above code will fail to compile because the TypeOf keyword is restricted to use with reference types, but that is another story)
Typically when creating generic methods, you will want to do the same thing with whatever input you get, but in a type safe manner. If you want to have different behavior for different types of input, you are usually better off by overloading the methods instead.

retVal = (T) "Hello World!"

Do retval = Ctype(Mystring, T) or retVal = Ctype(MyInt, T)

An alternative solution is encapsulate this kind of logic in a class and use VB CallByName function:
Class Aux(Of T)
Public Value As T
Private dicc As Dictionary(Of String, Object)
Sub New()
dicc = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
dicc.Add("system.string", "hola")
dicc.Add("system.int32", 15)
dicc.Add("system.double", 15.0)
End Sub
Public Function Test() As T
Dim typeName As String = GetType(T).ToString.ToLower
If dicc.ContainsKey(typeName) Then
CallByName(Me, "Value", CallType.Set, dicc(typeName))
End If
Return Value
End Function
Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
If Not (dicc Is Nothing) Then dicc.Clear()
dicc = Nothing
End Sub
End Class


Generic Function and action/return depending on Type

I have a function which deserializes some custom serialization sent by an API.
I want to build a generic function so that the deserialized object is not of type Object but of the correct type.
The strings which contain the serialized object can be deserialized into one of the following types:
A String,
an IList(Of String),
an IDictionnary(Of String),
one of many SomeNameContainer classes, all derived from a
BaseContainer class,
an IList(Of SomeNameContainer), or
an IDictionnary(Of SomeNameContainer).
I would like to have a single Function Deserialize(Of T)(MyString as String) as T.
Inside this function, I tried to run some Select Case T: GetType(String):Etc tests in order to separate the different actions to run on MyString, depending on the expected object to create from the deserialization.
For example, deserializing into a SomeNameContainer is normally done via another generic function: Dim Deserialized as SomeNameContainer = GetFromContainer(SomeNameContainer)(MyString)
However, I get quickly limited, mainly because:
I cannot return a String type, because it is unable to cast it
into T.
String is a value type, whilst SomeNameContainer are classes. So it is not possible to add an (Of T As {New}) constraint. Which means I am unable to do something like Dim NameContainer as New T: If TypeOf NameContainer Is BaseContainer in order to apply the same operation to all the classes derived from BaseContainer.
One track I have found is to use CTypeDynamic(Of T)(obj as object), which casts at run-time. That might fix problem 1, but problem 2 is still on.
Function Deserialize(Of T)(MyString as String) as T
Select Case GetType(T)
Case GetType(String)
Return SomeFunction(String) '<- Only run-time casting allowed: Return CTypeDynamic(Of String)(SomeFunction(String))
Case GetType(IList(Of String)
Return SomeOtherFunction(String)
Case GetType(...)
Case Else
Dim MyContainer as New T '<- Not Allowed to use New
if TypeOf MyContainer Is T then
Return GetFromContainer(Of T)(String)
End If
End Select
End Function
I could decide to split each Type into a separate function. I would like to avoid so that I do not end up with 6 functions. That is because I also need to run some other operations on the string before it is deserialized. For the story, the strings come under various encoding/encryption formats. So if I have 4 formats, that is now 4x6=24 functions I would need to deal with.
I would love to have the luxury of encapsulating all the decoding/deserialization into a single function: Dim MyObject as Something = Deserialize(Of Something)(StringFromAPI, MyEncodingEnumOptions.Option42)
Many thanks in advance!
Performing a specific action depending on the type of a specific variable: that feels similar to Overloading, except that here instead of performing the action based on the type of the input variables, it should be base on the type of the output variables.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to overload the TypeName of a generic function. For example, Function MyFunction(Of T as New)(SomeParameter as String) as T and Function MyFunction(Of T as Structure)(SomeParameter as String) as T cannot coexist in the same namespace.
An alternative is to pass the expected output type as an input argument, so that regular overloading can be performed: Sub MyFunction(ByVal SomeParameter as String, ByRef OutputVar as SomeType). Each overload including a different SomeType TypeName.
The output of the "function" is stored into OutputVar, which is passed ByRef and retrieved after running the Sub:
Dim MyObject as Something = Deserialize(Of Something)(StringFromAPI, MyEncodingEnumOptions.Option42)
Sub Deserialize(ByRef MyObject as String, ByVal MyString As String, ByVal EncodingOption As MyEncodingEnumOptions)
MyString = SomeDecoding(MyString, EncodingOption)
MyObject = SomeFunction(MyString)
End Sub
Sub Deserialize(ByRef MyObject as IList(Of String), ByVal MyString As String, ByVal EncodingOption As MyEncodingEnumOptions)
MyString = SomeDecoding(MyString, EncodingOption)
MyObject = SomeOtherFunction(MyString)
End Sub
Dim MyObject as Something
Deserialize(MyObject, StringFromAPI, MyEncodingEnumOptions.Option42)
'Now MyObject has been filled with the relevant data.
An alternative is to use late binding / runtime object initilization, using Activator.CreateInstance(Of T). A typical switch over T would then look like:
Public Function GetDeserializedObject(Of T)(ByVal MyString As String) As T
Select Case GetType(T)
Case GetType(String)
Return CTypeDynamic(MyString, GetType(T)) '<-- Runtime Casting
Case Else
If Not MyString.IsDeserializable Then Throw New ArgumentException(String.Format("Unable to deserialize to a {0} object: The provided string is not valid.", GetType(T).ToString))
Select Case GetType(T)
Case GetType(IList(Of String))
Return CollectionString.ToStringList(MyString)
Case Else
Dim MyReturn As T = Activator.CreateInstance(Of T) '<-- Object instantiation to the type provided at Runtim
If TypeOf MyReturn Is BaseContainer Then '<-- Now we can use TypeOf ... Is ... which will return True for all Object derived from BaseContainer
Return Activator.CreateInstance(GetType(T), MyString)
ElseIf TypeOf MyReturn Is IList(Of BaseContainer) Then
Dim MyCollectionString As CollectionString = MyString
Return MyCollectionString.ExportToContainerList(MyReturn.GetType)
Throw New ArgumentException(String.Format("Unable to deserialize to a {0} object: This type of object is not supported.", GetType(T).ToString))
End If
End Select
End Select
End Function

VB.NET Sub inside of a Function? What is this?

So I'm reading through my source code looking for places to improve the code when I come across this unholy chunk of code.
Public Function ReadPDFFile(filePath As String,
Optional maxLength As Integer = 0) As List(Of String)
Dim sbContents As New Text.StringBuilder
Dim cArrayType As Type = GetType(PdfSharp.Pdf.Content.Objects.CArray)
Dim cCommentType As Type = GetType(PdfSharp.Pdf.Content.Objects.CComment)
Dim cIntegerType As Type = GetType(PdfSharp.Pdf.Content.Objects.CInteger)
Dim cNameType As Type = GetType(PdfSharp.Pdf.Content.Objects.CName)
Dim cNumberType As Type = GetType(PdfSharp.Pdf.Content.Objects.CNumber)
Dim cOperatorType As Type = GetType(PdfSharp.Pdf.Content.Objects.COperator)
Dim cRealType As Type = GetType(PdfSharp.Pdf.Content.Objects.CReal)
Dim cSequenceType As Type = GetType(PdfSharp.Pdf.Content.Objects.CSequence)
Dim cStringType As Type = GetType(PdfSharp.Pdf.Content.Objects.CString)
Dim opCodeNameType As Type = GetType(PdfSharp.Pdf.Content.Objects.OpCodeName)
Dim ReadObject As Action(Of PdfSharp.Pdf.Content.Objects.CObject) = Sub(obj As PdfSharp.Pdf.Content.Objects.CObject)
Dim objType As Type = obj.GetType
Select Case objType
Case cArrayType
Dim arrObj As PdfSharp.Pdf.Content.Objects.CArray = DirectCast(obj, PdfSharp.Pdf.Content.Objects.CArray)
For Each member As PdfSharp.Pdf.Content.Objects.CObject In arrObj
Case cOperatorType
Dim opObj As PdfSharp.Pdf.Content.Objects.COperator = DirectCast(obj, PdfSharp.Pdf.Content.Objects.COperator)
Select Case System.Enum.GetName(opCodeNameType, opObj.OpCode.OpCodeName)
Case "ET", "Tx"
Case "Tj", "TJ"
For Each operand As PdfSharp.Pdf.Content.Objects.CObject In opObj.Operands
Case "QuoteSingle", "QuoteDbl"
For Each operand As PdfSharp.Pdf.Content.Objects.CObject In opObj.Operands
Case Else
'Do Nothing
End Select
Case cSequenceType
Dim seqObj As PdfSharp.Pdf.Content.Objects.CSequence = DirectCast(obj, PdfSharp.Pdf.Content.Objects.CSequence)
For Each member As PdfSharp.Pdf.Content.Objects.CObject In seqObj
Case cStringType
sbContents.Append(DirectCast(obj, PdfSharp.Pdf.Content.Objects.CString).Value)
Case cCommentType, cIntegerType, cNameType, cNumberType, cRealType
'Do Nothing
Case Else
Throw New NotImplementedException(obj.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName)
End Select
End Sub
Using pd As PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfDocument = PdfSharp.Pdf.IO.PdfReader.Open(filePath, PdfSharp.Pdf.IO.PdfDocumentOpenMode.ReadOnly)
For Each page As PdfSharp.Pdf.PdfPage In pd.Pages
If maxLength > 0 And sbContents.Length >= maxLength Then
If sbContents.Length > maxLength Then
sbContents.Remove(maxLength - 1, sbContents.Length - maxLength)
End If
Exit For
End If
End Using
'Return sbContents.ToString
Dim ReturnList As New List(Of String)
For Each Line In sbContents.ToString.Split(vbNewLine)
If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Line.Trim) Then
End If
Return ReturnList
End Function
All this does is read the text parts of a PDF using PDFSharp. What caught my eye however was line 17. Is that a Sub inside of the function?
So, what exactly is this Sub inside of a function? I didn't write this code so I've never seen anything like this before.
How does this work exactly and why wouldn't I use a function to do the processing and then return the results?
In short, my question is, what is this, how does it work, and why would I want to use something like this?
That's a so-called Lambda expression. They're used to create inline (or more correctly: in-method) methods, which makes them more dynamic than normal methods.
In your example a lambda expression is not necessary and only makes the code harder to understand. I suppose the author of that code wrote a lambda expression instead of a separate method in order to not expose ReadObject to any outside code.
One of the best uses for a lambda expression IMO is when you want to make thread-safe calls to the UI thread, for instance:
If Me.InvokeRequired = True Then
Me.Invoke(Sub() TextBox1.Text = "Process complete!")
TextBox1.Text = "Process complete!"
End If
...where the same code without a lambda would look like this:
Delegate Sub UpdateStatusTextDelegate(ByVal Text As String)
...somewhere else...
If Me.InvokeRequired = True Then
Me.Invoke(New UpdateStatusTextDelegate(AddressOf UpdateStatusText), "Process complete!")
UpdateStatusText("Process complete!")
End If
...end of somewhere else...
Private Sub UpdateStatusText(ByVal Text As String)
TextBox1.Text = Text
End Sub
There are also other examples where lambda expressions are useful, for instance if you want to initialize a variable but do some processing at first:
Public Class Globals
Public Shared ReadOnly Value As Integer = _
Dim i As Double = CalculateSomething(3)
Return Math.Floor(3.45 * i)
End Function.Invoke()
End Class
Yet another usage example is for creating partially dynamic event handlers, like this answer of mine.

Why is this returning Index out of bound exception

When I get to the Read loop I get an index out of bounds error. I think its on the reader ordinal value, but I am not sure why I am getting it.
Private Function Create(Reader As SqlDataReader) As IEnumerable(Of MyObject)
Dim MyObjects = New List(Of MyObject)
While MyObjectReader.Read()
Dim Temp = New MyObject() With {
.FirstValue = MyObjectReader.GetValue(Of Integer)(MyObjectReader(FirstValue_Ord)),
.SecondValue = If(MyObjectReader.GetValue(Of String)(MyObjectReader(SecondValue_Ord)), String.Empty).Trim(),
.ThirdValue = If(MyObjectReader.GetValue(Of String)(MyObjectReader(ThirdValue_Ord)), String.Empty).Trim(),
End While
Return MyObjects
End Function
Private Sub SetOrdinals(MyObjectReader As SqlDataReader)
FirstValueOrd = MyObjectReader.GetOrdinal("FirstValue")
SecondValue_Ord = MyObjectReader.GetOrdinal("SecondValue")
ThirdValue_Ord = MyObjectReader.GetOrdinal("ThirdValue")
End Sub
End Class
Public Module Extensions
Function GetValue(Of T)(rdr As SqlDataReader, i As Integer) As T
If rdr.IsDBNull(i) Then
Return Nothing
End If
Return DirectCast(rdr.GetValue(i), T)
End Function
End Module
You should just be passing in the ordinal to the GetValue calls:
While MyObjectReader.Read()
Dim Temp = New MyObject() With {
.FirstValue = MyObjectReader.GetValue(Of Integer)(FirstValue_Ord),
.SecondValue = If(MyObjectReader.GetValue(Of String)(SecondValue_Ord), String.Empty).Trim(),
.ThirdValue = If(MyObjectReader.GetValue(Of String)(ThirdValue_Ord), String.Empty).Trim()
End While
Here my version :)
Private Function Create(reader As SqlDataReader) As IEnumerable(Of MyObject)
Dim objects As New List(Of MyObject)()
Dim ordinals As New Ordinals(reader)
While reader.Read()
Dim Temp As New MyObject With
.FirstValue = reader.GetValueOrDefault(Of Integer)(ordinals.FirstValue),
.SecondValue = reader.GetValueOrDefault(ordinals.SecondValue, "").Trim(),
.ThirdValue = reader.GetValueOrDefault(ordinals.ThirdValue, "").Trim()
End While
Return MyObjects
End Function
Private Class Ordinals
Public Property FirstValue As Integer
Public Property SecondValue As Integer
Public Property ThirdValue As Integer
Public Sub New(reader As SqlDataReader)
FirstValue = reader.GetOrdinal(nameOf(FirstValue))
SecondValue = reader.GetOrdinal(nameOf(SecondValue))
ThirdValue = reader.GetOrdinal(nameOf(ThirdValue))
End Sub
End Class
Public Module Extensions
Function GetValueOrDefault(Of T)(reader As SqlDataReader, ordinal As Integer) As T
Return reader.GetValueOrDefault(Of T)(ordinal, Nothing)
End Function
Function GetValueOrDefault(Of T)(reader As SqlDataReader,
ordinal As Integer,
defaultValue As T) As T
Dim value = reader(ordinal)
If value = DbNull.Value Then
Return defaultValue
End If
Return DirectCast(value, T)
End Function
End Module
Because extension method execute checking for DbNull.Value against already extracted object, we get rid from reading same value twice from SqlDataReader.
SqlDataReader.IsDbNull(index) reads value before checking for DbNull.
Extension method have two overloads:
- One which return default value of given type, if value is DbNull.Value. Nothing in vb.net is default value of type.
- And one which takes parameter for default value you want return if value is DbNull.Value. Possibility pass default value makes lines where you create new object shorter and more readable. We get rid of inline if statement.
Your extension method with name GetValue have "side effects". By name consumer of this method expect to get value from SqlDataReader. So he can expect to get DbNull.Value if database query return NULL, but instead he get null for string or 0 for integer. Name GetValueOrDefault is little bid more informative, so you don't need to go inside method to check what is doing.

SQL Data Reader - How to handle Null column values elegantly

I'm using an SQLDataReader to retrieve values from a database which may be null. I've worked out how to handle Null string values but can't get the same trick to work with integers or booleans:
Using cmd As DbCommand = store.GetStoredProcCommand("RetrievePOCO")
store.AddInParameter(cmd, "ID", DbType.Int32, ID)
Using reader As IDataReader = store.ExecuteReader(cmd)
If reader.Read() = True Then
Dim newPOCO As New POCO()
With newPOCO
'If the source column is null TryCast will return nothing without throwing an error
.StatusXML = TryCast(reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal("StatusXML")), String)
'How can a null integer or boolean be set elegantly?
.AppType = TryCast(reader.GetInt32(reader.GetOrdinal("AppType")), System.Nullable(Of Integer))
.Archived = TryCast(reader.GetBoolean(reader.GetOrdinal("Archived")), Boolean)
So how can a null integer or boolean be set elegantly? I've seen suggestions in C# but they don't translate correctly to VB giving a 'TryCast operand must be reference type, but integer? is a value type' compiler errors.
I use the following function in this scenario:
Public Shared Function NoNull(ByVal checkValue As Object, ByVal returnIfNull As Object) As Object
If checkValue Is DBNull.Value Then
Return returnIfNull
Return checkValue
End If
End Function
Your code would look something like this:
With newPOCO
.StatusXML = NoNull(reader("StatusXML"), "")
.AppType = NoNull(reader("AppType"), -1)
.Archived = NoNull(reader("Archived"), False)
End With
Note that this function requires you to pass the value which should be used if the value is DbNUll as the second Parameter.
You can take advantage of the IsDBNull method of the SqlDataReader and use the VB.NET ternary operator to assign a default value to your poco object
.StatusXML = If(reader.IsDBNull(reader.GetOrdinal("StatusXML")), _
It is just one line, not very elegant because you need to call two times the GetOrdinal method.
Public Function NotNull(Of T)(ByVal Value As T, ByVal DefaultValue As T) As T
If Value Is Nothing OrElse IsDBNull(Value) Then
Return DefaultValue
Return Value
End If
End Function

Reflection - creating datatype from a string literal value

Please see the code below:
Public Function Test()
Dim o As Object = getVariable("Integer")
If TypeOf o Is Integer Then
'Do some processing on the integer
ElseIf TypeOf o Is Decimal Then
'Do some processing on the integer
End If
End Function
Public Function getVariable(ByVal strDataType As String)
If strDataType = "Integer" Then
Return New Integer
ElseIf strDataType = "Decimal" Then
Return New Decimal
ElseIf strDataType = "Double" Then
Return New Double
End If
End Function
I suspect there is an easier way (fewer lines of code) of doing this with Reflection?
You can use Type.GetType together with Activator.CreateInstance:
Public Function getVariable(ByVal strDataType As String)
Return Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(strDataType))
End Function
For strDataType you need to be using System.Int32, System.Decimal and System.Double respectively. If you want to keep it as Integer etc., you need to incorporate string translation, for example, have a Dictionary(Of String, String), with entries like ("Integer", "System.Int32").
The real question is what ars you trying to solve? Activator will work. Are trying to create a factory or an IOC container. Could you provide more detail? You could also create a dictionary were the key is of type string and then item stores delegates used to actual create the type.