Bulk Export pictures from excel cells file using VBA - vba

I have two columns in excel sheet.
Cells in Column A has image names and Cells in Column B has image.
I am looking for a VBA solution to export images one by one to a folder with given file name in same rows.

I think I may have helped you with a very similar question a few days ago. This is how you import images.
Sub InsertPics()
Dim fPath As String, fName As String
Dim r As Range, rng As Range
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
fPath = "C:\Users\Public\Pictures\Sample Pictures\"
Set rng = Range("A1:A" & Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row)
i = 1
For Each r In rng
fName = Dir(fPath)
Do While fName <> ""
If fName = r.Value Then
With ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(fPath & fName)
.ShapeRange.LockAspectRatio = msoTrue
Set px = .ShapeRange
If .ShapeRange.Width > Rows(i).Columns(2).Width Then .ShapeRange.Width = Columns(2).Width
With Cells(i, 2)
px.Top = .Top
px.Left = .Left
.RowHeight = px.Height
End With
End With
End If
fName = Dir
i = i + 1
Next r
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
' Note: you need the file extension, such as ',jpg', or whatever you are using, so you can match on that.
This is how you move images (or any kind of files)
Copy or Move one file
For one file you can use the VBA Name and FileCopy function and for entire folders or a lot of files use the other macro example's on this page.
Sub Copy_One_File()
FileCopy "C:\Users\Ron\SourceFolder\Test.xls", "C:\Users\Ron\DestFolder\Test.xls"
End Sub
Sub Move_Rename_One_File()
'You can change the path and file name
Name "C:\Users\Ron\SourceFolder\Test.xls" As "C:\Users\Ron\DestFolder\TestNew.xls"
End Sub
Copy or move more files or complete folders
Note: Read the commented code lines in the code
Sub Copy_Folder()
'This example copy all files and subfolders from FromPath to ToPath.
'Note: If ToPath already exist it will overwrite existing files in this folder
'if ToPath not exist it will be made for you.
Dim FSO As Object
Dim FromPath As String
Dim ToPath As String
FromPath = "C:\Users\Ron\Data" '<< Change
ToPath = "C:\Users\Ron\Test" '<< Change
'If you want to create a backup of your folder every time you run this macro
'you can create a unique folder with a Date/Time stamp.
'ToPath = "C:\Users\Ron\" & Format(Now, "yyyy-mm-dd h-mm-ss")
If Right(FromPath, 1) = "\" Then
FromPath = Left(FromPath, Len(FromPath) - 1)
End If
If Right(ToPath, 1) = "\" Then
ToPath = Left(ToPath, Len(ToPath) - 1)
End If
Set FSO = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
If FSO.FolderExists(FromPath) = False Then
MsgBox FromPath & " doesn't exist"
Exit Sub
End If
FSO.CopyFolder Source:=FromPath, Destination:=ToPath
MsgBox "You can find the files and subfolders from " & FromPath & " in " & ToPath
End Sub
Sub Move_Rename_Folder()
'This example move the folder from FromPath to ToPath.
Dim FSO As Object
Dim FromPath As String
Dim ToPath As String
FromPath = "C:\Users\Ron\Data" '<< Change
ToPath = "C:\Users\Ron\Test" '<< Change
'Note: It is not possible to use a folder that exist in ToPath
If Right(FromPath, 1) = "\" Then
FromPath = Left(FromPath, Len(FromPath) - 1)
End If
If Right(ToPath, 1) = "\" Then
ToPath = Left(ToPath, Len(ToPath) - 1)
End If
Set FSO = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
If FSO.FolderExists(FromPath) = False Then
MsgBox FromPath & " doesn't exist"
Exit Sub
End If
If FSO.FolderExists(ToPath) = True Then
MsgBox ToPath & " exist, not possible to move to a existing folder"
Exit Sub
End If
FSO.MoveFolder Source:=FromPath, Destination:=ToPath
MsgBox "The folder is moved from " & FromPath & " to " & ToPath
End Sub
Sub Copy_Files_Dates()
'This example copy all files between certain dates from FromPath to ToPath.
'You can also use this to copy the files from the last ? days
'If Fdate >= Date - 30 Then
'Note: If the files in ToPath already exist it will overwrite
'existing files in this folder
Dim FSO As Object
Dim FromPath As String
Dim ToPath As String
Dim Fdate As Date
Dim FileInFromFolder As Object
FromPath = "C:\Users\Ron\Data" '<< Change
ToPath = "C:\Users\Ron\Test" '<< Change
If Right(FromPath, 1) <> "\" Then
FromPath = FromPath & "\"
End If
If Right(ToPath, 1) <> "\" Then
ToPath = ToPath & "\"
End If
Set FSO = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
If FSO.FolderExists(FromPath) = False Then
MsgBox FromPath & " doesn't exist"
Exit Sub
End If
If FSO.FolderExists(ToPath) = False Then
MsgBox ToPath & " doesn't exist"
Exit Sub
End If
For Each FileInFromFolder In FSO.getfolder(FromPath).Files
Fdate = Int(FileInFromFolder.DateLastModified)
'Copy files from 1-Oct-2006 to 1-Nov-2006
If Fdate >= DateSerial(2006, 10, 1) And Fdate <= DateSerial(2006, 11, 1) Then
FileInFromFolder.Copy ToPath
End If
Next FileInFromFolder
MsgBox "You can find the files from " & FromPath & " in " & ToPath
End Sub
Sub Copy_Certain_Files_In_Folder()
'This example copy all Excel files from FromPath to ToPath.
'Note: If the files in ToPath already exist it will overwrite
'existing files in this folder
Dim FSO As Object
Dim FromPath As String
Dim ToPath As String
Dim FileExt As String
FromPath = "C:\Users\Ron\Data" '<< Change
ToPath = "C:\Users\Ron\Test" '<< Change
FileExt = "*.xl*" '<< Change
'You can use *.* for all files or *.doc for Word files
If Right(FromPath, 1) <> "\" Then
FromPath = FromPath & "\"
End If
Set FSO = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
If FSO.FolderExists(FromPath) = False Then
MsgBox FromPath & " doesn't exist"
Exit Sub
End If
If FSO.FolderExists(ToPath) = False Then
MsgBox ToPath & " doesn't exist"
Exit Sub
End If
FSO.CopyFile Source:=FromPath & FileExt, Destination:=ToPath
MsgBox "You can find the files from " & FromPath & " in " & ToPath
End Sub
Sub Move_Certain_Files_To_New_Folder()
'This example move all Excel files from FromPath to ToPath.
'Note: It will create the folder ToPath for you with a date-time stamp
Dim FSO As Object
Dim FromPath As String
Dim ToPath As String
Dim FileExt As String
Dim FNames As String
FromPath = "C:\Users\Ron\Data" '<< Change
ToPath = "C:\Users\Ron\" & Format(Now, "yyyy-mm-dd h-mm-ss") _
& " Excel Files" & "\" '<< Change only the destination folder
FileExt = "*.xl*" '<< Change
'You can use *.* for all files or *.doc for word files
If Right(FromPath, 1) <> "\" Then
FromPath = FromPath & "\"
End If
FNames = Dir(FromPath & FileExt)
If Len(FNames) = 0 Then
MsgBox "No files in " & FromPath
Exit Sub
End If
Set FSO = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
FSO.CreateFolder (ToPath)
FSO.MoveFile Source:=FromPath & FileExt, Destination:=ToPath
MsgBox "You can find the files from " & FromPath & " in " & ToPath
End Sub


Move files automatically to date folder

from the below mentioned VBA code i am able to move files from Source to destination, however after moving the files i need to change the folder name by date everyday, is there anyway we can move the files directly to the updated date folder, the pattern of the folder name/folder date is
the code i have is
Option Explicit
Sub MoveFilesTEST()
Const sFolderPath As String = "E:\Asianet2"
Const dFolderPath As String = "E:\Asianet3"
Const FilePattern As String = "*.*"
MoveFiles sFolderPath, dFolderPath, FilePattern
End Sub
Sub MoveFiles( _
ByVal SourceFolderPath As String, _
ByVal DestinationFolderPath As String, _
Optional ByVal FilePattern As String = "*.*")
Dim fso As Object: Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not fso.FolderExists(SourceFolderPath) Then
MsgBox "The source folder path '" & SourceFolderPath _
& "' doesn't exist.", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
If Not fso.FolderExists(DestinationFolderPath) Then
MsgBox "The destination folder path '" & DestinationFolderPath _
& "' doesn't exist.", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
Dim apSep As String: apSep = Application.PathSeparator
Dim sPath As String: sPath = SourceFolderPath
If Left(sPath, 1) <> apSep Then sPath = sPath & apSep
Dim sFolder As Object: Set sFolder = fso.GetFolder(sPath)
If sFolder.Files.Count = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
Dim dPath As String: dPath = DestinationFolderPath
If Left(dPath, 1) <> apSep Then dPath = dPath & apSep
Dim dFolder As Object: Set dFolder = fso.GetFolder(dPath)
Dim dict As Object: Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dict.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
Dim sFile As Object
Dim dFilePath As String
Dim ErrNum As Long
Dim MovedCount As Long
Dim NotMovedCount As Long
For Each sFile In sFolder.Files
dFilePath = dPath & sFile.Name
If fso.FileExists(dFilePath) Then
dict(sFile.Path) = Empty
NotMovedCount = NotMovedCount + 1
On Error Resume Next
fso.MoveFile sFile.Path, dFilePath
ErrNum = Err.Number
' e.g. 'Run-time error '70': Permission denied' e.g.
' when the file is open in Excel
On Error GoTo 0
If ErrNum = 0 Then
MovedCount = MovedCount + 1
dict(sFile.Path) = Empty
NotMovedCount = NotMovedCount + 1
End If
End If
Next sFile
Dim Msg As String
End Sub
Please, use the next code. It creates the folder (as ddmmyyyy) in "dFolderPath" and moves all files existing in "sFolderPath":
Sub moveAllFilesInDateFolder()
Dim DateFold As String, fileName As String
Const sFolderPath As String = "E:\Asianet2"
Const dFolderPath As String = "E:\Asianet3"
DateFold = dFolderPath & "\" & Format(Date, "ddmmyyyy")' create the folder if it does not exist
If Dir(DateFold, vbDirectory) = "" Then MkDir DateFold
fileName = Dir(sFolderPath & "\*.*")
If fileName = "" Then MsgBox "No any file in " & sFolderPath & "...": Exit Sub
Do While fileName <> ""
Name sFolderPath & "\" & fileName As DateFold & "\" & fileName
fileName = Dir
End Sub
Please, send some feedback after testing it...
You probably would need previously checking if there are no files in "dateFold", to avoid asking for overwriting in case of running the code twice (in the same day, by mistake)...

improve existing VBA code to copy files faster

I am a google search coder on VBA.
I have a local folder in my PC with around 5000+ pdfs.
I decided to sort pdf into folder which has the same names. the execution of the code is extremely lengthy as the code has to loop through 5000+ so that the sort happens accordingly. The below code works fine. I can live with it too.
Just out of curiosity I am posting this question, if there is a method to do this task at a faster rate.
Sub Create_FoldersAndExtractFiles()
Dim sh1 As Object
'for going through the files Dim FSO As Scripting.fileSystemObject Dim
SourceFolder As Scripting.Folder, SubFolder As Scripting.Folder
Dim FileItem As Scripting.File
fname As String
Set fso = New Scripting.FileSystemObject
'http://excelspreadsheetshelp.blogspot.com penAt = "My computer:\"
Set sh1 = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
Set ShellApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application").BrowseForFolder(0, "Please Choose The Folder For This Project", 0, OpenAt)
'Set the folder to that selected. (On error in case cancelled)
On Error Resume Next
scr_Folder = ShellApp.self.Path
'create the folders where-ever the workbook is saved
lrow = sh1.Range("a" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
If lrow = 1 Then
MsgBox "No data to create the folder"
For i = 2 To lrow
fname = sh1.Range("a" & i)
'to create a new folder
If Len(Dir(ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & fname, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then
MkDir (scr_Folder & "\" & fname)
End If
'to move the file into a folder
dst_folder = scr_Folder & "\" & fname
Set SourceFolder = fso.GetFolder(scr_Folder)
For Each FileItem In SourceFolder.Files
mname = Left(FileItem.NAME, InStr(1, FileItem.NAME, ".") - 1)
If InStr(LCase(mname), LCase(fname)) Then
fso.MoveFile Source:=scr_Folder & "\" & mname & "*.*", Destination:=dst_folder
End If
Set FileItem = Nothing
Set SourceFolder = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing
End If
MsgBox "Done"
End Sub
How about replacing the section (the loop)
For Each FileItem In SourceFolder.Files
mname = Left(FileItem.NAME, InStr(1, FileItem.NAME, ".") - 1)
If InStr(LCase(mname), LCase(fname)) Then
fso.MoveFile Source:=scr_Folder & "\" & mname & "*.*", Destination:=dst_folder
End If
with just this line:
fso.MoveFile Source:=scr_Folder & "\*" & fname & "*.*", Destination:=dst_folder

Zip mutiple folders and its contents VBA

I have mutiple folders (appox. 400 and could increase up in some cases) and each of these folders contains some files. I wanted to zip all these folders with their contents and create 400 zip files. I wanted to automate this with VBA. I tried with the following code. The standard one which uses shell application.
Sub Zip_All_Files_in_Folder_Browse()
Dim FileNameZip, FolderName, oFolder
Dim strDate As String, DefPath As String
Dim oApp As Object
DefPath = Application.DefaultFilePath
If Right(DefPath, 1) <> "\" Then
DefPath = DefPath & "\"
End If
strDate = Format(Now, " dd-mmm-yy h-mm-ss")
FileNameZip = DefPath & "MyFilesZip " & strDate & ".zip"
Set oApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
'Browse to the folder
Set oFolder = oApp.BrowseForFolder(0, "Select folder to Zip", 512)
If Not oFolder Is Nothing Then
'Create empty Zip File
NewZip (FileNameZip)
FolderName = oFolder.Self.Path
If Right(FolderName, 1) <> "\" Then
FolderName = FolderName & "\"
End If
'Copy the files to the compressed folder
oApp.Namespace(FileNameZip).CopyHere oApp.Namespace(FolderName).Items
'Keep script waiting until Compressing is done
On Error Resume Next
Do Until oApp.Namespace(FileNameZip).Items.Count = _
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:01"))
On Error GoTo 0
MsgBox "You find the zipfile here: " & FileNameZip
End If
End Sub
Sub NewZip(sPath)
'Create empty Zip File
If Len(Dir(sPath)) > 0 Then Kill sPath
Open sPath For Output As #1
Print #1, Chr$(80) & Chr$(75) & Chr$(5) & Chr$(6) & String(18, 0)
Close #1
End Sub
I can call the above code in loop to create mutiple zip folders. However, I was wondering if this is really an effcient process! Is there any alternative for this procedure? Sometimes my count of folders to be zipped may go beyound 1000. So I would really appreciate your suggestions and ideas on this.
Thank you in advance
Well, if you don't need everything separated into 400 different folders, you can combine them all into one zipped folder.
Sub Zip_All_Files_in_Folder_Browse()
Dim FileNameZip, FolderName, oFolder
Dim strDate As String, DefPath As String
Dim oApp As Object
DefPath = Application.DefaultFilePath
If Right(DefPath, 1) <> "\" Then
DefPath = DefPath & "\"
End If
strDate = Format(Now, " dd-mmm-yy h-mm-ss")
FileNameZip = DefPath & "MyFilesZip " & strDate & ".zip"
Set oApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
'Browse to the folder
Set oFolder = oApp.BrowseForFolder(0, "Select folder to Zip", 512)
If Not oFolder Is Nothing Then
'Create empty Zip File
NewZip (FileNameZip)
FolderName = oFolder.Self.Path
If Right(FolderName, 1) <> "\" Then
FolderName = FolderName & "\"
End If
'Copy the files to the compressed folder
oApp.Namespace(FileNameZip).CopyHere oApp.Namespace(FolderName).items
'Keep script waiting until Compressing is done
On Error Resume Next
Do Until oApp.Namespace(FileNameZip).items.Count = _
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:01"))
On Error GoTo 0
MsgBox "You find the zipfile here: " & FileNameZip
End If
End Sub
Sub NewZip(sPath)
'Create empty Zip File
'Changed by keepITcool Dec-12-2005
If Len(Dir(sPath)) > 0 Then Kill sPath
Open sPath For Output As #1
Print #1, Chr$(80) & Chr$(75) & Chr$(5) & Chr$(6) & String(18, 0)
Close #1
End Sub
Function bIsBookOpen(ByRef szBookName As String) As Boolean
' Rob Bovey
On Error Resume Next
bIsBookOpen = Not (Application.Workbooks(szBookName) Is Nothing)
End Function
Function Split97(sStr As Variant, sdelim As String) As Variant
'Tom Ogilvy
Split97 = Evaluate("{""" & _
Application.Substitute(sStr, sdelim, """,""") & """}")
End Function

VBA Excel execute macro in all subfolders, not only particular folders

I am having problems with my code since it only works in the specific folders but not in all subfolders inside the particular folder.
Could someone please helps to make the code works to all subfolders inside that specific folder? :)
These are my code:
Sub Execute1()
Dim monthstr As String
Dim year As String
Dim monthtext As String
Dim prevmonth As String
Dim prevmonthtext As String
year = Range("D8").Text
monthstr = Trim(Range("D9").Text)
monthtext = Trim(Range("D10").Text)
prevmonth = Trim(Range("D11").Text)
prevmonthtext = Trim(Range("D12").Text)
prevyear = Trim(Range("D13").Text)
'confirmation box before running macro//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
response = MsgBox("Are you sure the settings are correct?", vbYesNo, "Confirmation")
If response = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
End If
'optimize macro speed///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Call Optimize
'finding the correct path (month)//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Dim myfile As String
Dim mypath As String
Dim newpath As String
mypath = "C:\Users\praseirw\Desktop\Tes CC\" & prevyear & "\SC\" & prevmonth & " " & prevmonthtext & "\"
myfile = Dir(mypath & "*.xlsx")
newpath = "C:\Users\praseirw\Desktop\Tes CC\" & year & "\SC\" & monthstr & " " & monthtext & "\"
'loop through all files in specified month//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Dim root As Workbook
Dim rng As Range
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set root = Workbooks("CC Reports Center.xlsm")
Set rng = root.Worksheets("Settings").Range("H7:H14")
Do While myfile <> ""
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(mypath & myfile)
For Each ws In wb.Worksheets
With ws.Range("D1")
.PasteSpecial xlPasteFormulas
End With
Next ws
Dim oldname As String
Dim newname As String
Dim wbname As String
oldname = wb.Name
wbname = Mid(oldname, 9)
newname = year & "_" & monthstr & "_" & wbname
wb.SaveAs Filename:=newpath & newname
Set wb = Nothing
myfile = Dir
Application.CutCopyMode = False
MsgBox "Task Complete!"
'reset macro optimization settings//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Call ResetOptimize
End Sub
Here's one way to do it with the Dir function. If you want something a little more elegant you may want to consider using a FileSystemObject. (Note that to view Debug.Print output you have to enable the immediate window from under view.)
Sub test()
Dim root As String
root = "C:\"
Dim DC As New Collection
s = Dir(root & "*", vbDirectory)
Do Until s = ""
DC.Add s
s = Dir
For Each D In DC
Debug.Print D
On Error Resume Next: s = Dir(root & D & "\*.xl*"): On Error GoTo 0
Do Until s = ""
Debug.Print " " & s
s = Dir
End Sub
Here's an example of how to do this with a FileSystemObject. Note that my code is a little sloppy with "On error resume next" to protect against access denied or other errors. Realistically you may want to consider incorporating better error handling, but that's another topic. Using a FileSystemObject is more powerful than Dir because Dir only returns a string, while FileSystemObject lets you work with files and folders as actual objects, which are much more powerful.
Sub test()
'You can use "CreateObject..." to add a FileSystemObject from the Scipting Library
'Alternatively, you can add a reference to "Microsoft Scripting Runtime"
'allowing you to directly declare a filesystemobject and access related intellisense
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set Folder = fso.GetFolder("C:\")
For Each SubFolder In Folder.SubFolders
Debug.Print SubFolder.Name
On Error Resume Next
For Each File In SubFolder.Files
Debug.Print " " & File.Name
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub

Error when copying files to an existing folder

I am writing some code that prompts the user to add a folder name, then copies all the files on the CD drive (D:) to C:\Example\ & FolderName if it doesn't already exist.
The code works until I try to copy files to a folder that already exists then I get a Run-time error 70: Permission Denied. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Public Sub CopyFiles()
Dim FSO As Object
Dim FromPath As String
Dim ToPath As String
Dim FileExt As String
Dim FNames As String
Dim FolderName As String
FolderName = InputBox(Prompt:="Your folder name", Title:="Folder Name", default:="Folder Name here")
If Dir("C:\Example\" & FolderName & "\", vbDirectory) = "" Then
MkDir "C:\Example\" & FolderName
End If
FromPath = "D:\"
ToPath = "C:\Example\" & FolderName & "\"
FileExt = "*.flac*"
If Right(FromPath, 1) <> "\" Then
FromPath = FromPath & "\"
End If
FNames = Dir(FromPath & FileExt)
If Len(FNames) = 0 Then
MsgBox "No files in " & FromPath
Exit Sub
End If
Set FSO = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
FSO.CopyFile Source:=FromPath & FileExt, Destination:=ToPath
End Sub
The problem is not that the folder exists. The problem is that you are trying to copy files and overwrite them
Overwriting is usually not a problem but fails if the files in the destination folder have Read Only Attributes. You can read more about it in this MSDN Article
What happened was when you first copied the files from the CD Drive, the file which where copied retained the Read Only Property. You can check that by Right Clicking on the File and checking their properties.
To overcome this problem, you need to reset the file attributes or delete the files in that folder.
To delete, you can simply use
On Error Resume Next
Kill "C:\MyFolder\*.*"
On Error GoTo 0
To change the attributes, you have to loop through the file and check if their property is read only. You can do that by
If fso.GetFile(Dest_File).Attributes And 1 Then
and to reset it, you have to use
fso.GetFile(Dest_File).Attributes = fso.GetFile(Dest_File).Attributes - 1
Once you do that you will be able to copy the files across.
As Siddharth mentioned, the error occurs because the code is trying to overwrite existing files. So, if you don't want to overwrite the files, you can simply add a If Error Resume Next. The solution code I am using is below:
Public Sub CopyFiles()
Dim FSO As Object
Dim FromPath As String
Dim ToPath As String
Dim FileExt As String
Dim FNames As String
Dim FolderName As String
FolderName = InputBox(Prompt:="Your folder name", Title:="Folder Name", default:="Folder Name here")
If Dir("C:\Example\" & FolderName & "\", vbDirectory) = "" Then
MkDir "C:\Example\" & FolderName
End If
FromPath = "D:\"
ToPath = "C:\Example\" & FolderName & "\"
FileExt = "*.flac*"
If Right(FromPath, 1) <> "\" Then
FromPath = FromPath & "\"
End If
FNames = Dir(FromPath & FileExt)
If Len(FNames) = 0 Then
MsgBox "No files in " & FromPath
Exit Sub
End If
Set FSO = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
On Error Resume Next
FSO.CopyFile Source:=FromPath & FileExt, Destination:=ToPath
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub