How to start an automaticaly angular build process after save in PyCharm? - intellij-idea

The used IDEs are: Intellij Idea and PyCharm
I use AngularJS as frontend and Django as a Server. If I create/change something in in angularJS foler (app for example) I have to run ng build --output-path=..\..\static\angularjs to build the bundles to my static folder.
Is there a listener or a hook, to run this command automaticaly if I click on 'Save' ?

You can create a File Watcher ( for ng (make sure to specify a full path to ng executable as a Program) and disable 'Immediate synchronization' option so that the program is triggered on explicit Save All/changing focus only


PyCharm - Send directory to run configuration from right-click menu?

I have a run configuration in PyCharm with script parameters that take in a directory. Then, I have several directories (a changing number) in my project which I would like to easily be able to run this configuration on. Is there anyway to add an option to the right-click menu of directories to run the configuration passing that directory to the configuration? Or some other method which provides similar accessibility to running the configuration on a directory?
For my specific problem, I have many log directories for TensorBoard (from TensorFlow) and I would like to selectively and easily be able to start up an instance of TensorBoard running on a given directory.
Basically if you would run it in pycharm You can write your own plugin to add some functionality to the IDE. There is a great documentation on how to create plugins in idea/pycharm:
We have done it before and it was a successful plugin, it really sped up the development processs. :)

How to auto reload a Bunto project website?

I'm working on a new project with Bunto, and it looks like the auto reload functionality is only triggered by updates to .md and .wiki files with the command bunto --auto --server.
How can I trigger an auto-reload for other file types like HTML, CSS3, JavaScript, NuxRB files in the _layouts folder with Bunto?
As of version 3.2.1, Bunto will auto-watch by default. It watched for changes, and regenerated automatically. Simply run the command bunto serve.
For disable auto-regeneration use bunto serve --no-watch.

Project not up-to-date after building with IntelliJ

I'm a newbie to both IntelliJ and Aurelia. I did my last web project almost a decade ago, and I find myself a bit lost between all those new libraries. That said, my question is probably of rather trivial nature:
I've downloaded the Aurelia skeleton project [1], imported the sources into a new node js project in IntelliJ and started index.html. Voila. Browser opens, shows the site.
Then I changed something (added a new route to src/app.js).
I hit the run button to show index.html again: No changes. Hm?
I rebuild the project in IntelliJ, and retried. Still my changes aren't shown.
I run gulp watch on the command line, open the browser, and my changes are shown.
So, I'm asking two things: What needs to be done to really refresh the build within IntelliJ?
And secondly, when did it become a sport to create inter-depending Javascript libraries with blurry names? Just kidding... (though I'm not laughing)
I found it out myself. You need to put 'gulp build' to the pre-launch list of the run configuration. This is because the sources get transpiled and copied to the dist directory, from where the server is actually running.
Just building the sources from IntelliJ isn't enough.
Project rebuild start automatically after any files was changed in project directory. You do not need to build it from IDE-- only save your changes and wait a few seconds to refresh.
Of cause it will work only when you run project build with watch statement like gulp watch (e.g. run gulp watch and your project will rebuild automatically).
But if there were some errors in code -- gulp process will stop and you must restart it again. I recommend you change IDE's settings to disable automatically saving to files and use <CTRL+S> buttons to save data manually.

Use Intellij File Watcher only on Open File

I've been using the Intellij Golang plugin recently (it's great) but I've been running into an issue with the File Watchers I set up. My working directory is set to my $GOPATH directory and I would like to be able to run golint and goimports after I save a file I'm working on. The issue I have is if I use git to clone a repo the next time I open Intellij it runs both golint and goimports on all the newly imported files which can take a long time for large projects. Is there a way to set up File Watcher so it only watches a file that is currently open? I added a screenshot of my current settings below:
Open Watcher setting -> Scope , change it to Open Files
If you wanna more control over the plugin, you can have a look at the official doc
Instead of file watcher you can get External tools configured to achieve almost the same functionality. The only difference is that this won't run on save but rather you'll have to trigger this manually. Or you could configure a macro to run them on save (but I don't have experience with macros + external tools so I'm not if this will work).

How to automatically synchronize/refresh SCSS/CSS file on change?

Recently my client switched from Eclipse to Intellij. In both IDEs I was editing SCSS files externally and running "compass watch" in terminal. This worked great in Eclipse. immediately after compiling SCSS file I was able to simply refresh browser and see the changes.
In Intellij it takes up to 30 seconds to see the changes, or if I enable "synchronize files on frame activation" I have to switch to browser first, then back to Intellij, and then back again to browser in order to force refresh. Third option is to manually sync "css" folder, which is not convenient. I had a same issue when I was editing and compiling SCSS files in Intellij.
How can I force Intellij to detect CSS file change faster?
I've found the solution.
Open "Settings / File Watchers" and go to SCSS. Make sure that field "Output paths to refresh" has the same value for the output as "Arguments" field.
For example, this is my setup:
--no-cache --update $FileName$:$FileParentDir$\css\$FileNameWithoutExtension$.css
Output paths to refresh: