Q : How can we change camera settings with webrtc - camera

we are making one to one and one to many video + audio sharing - streaming
we manage it well without add anyhting
but we want to add filter the livestream
like gamma , scala , consrt , white balance
ex ; http://imgur.com/QD1WAej
then : http://imgur.com/oDqfiFr
same data diffrent settings, how can we do it ?


GA4: total revenue is 0 and Monetization screen not showing data

I'm trying to integrate ecommerce tracking to a website. The problem is the events are captured and I'm sending all the data.
This is the data I'm sending
{"event":"purchase","currency":"EUR","value":21.85,"items":[{"item_id":"3cd937-debc-416d-955f-8ccc84a751","item_name":"anuy-namer","affiliation":"","coupon":"","currency":"EUR","discount":0,"index":1,"item_brand":"Fontastic","item_category":"THeadset / Lautsprecher","item_category2":"Unterhaltungk - Körer","item_category3":"","item_category4":"","item_category5":"","item_list_id":"31baa491-4c6f-8671-c808f0cb2100","item_list_name":"Fontastic BT In-Ear Headset S1 blau Bluetooth-Kopfhörer","item_variant":"Mit Begleiterliche Musikfans.","location_id":"","price":14.95,"quantity":1}],"transaction_id":"9826314a-46af-4304-a057-dc77f4a799b0","affiliation":"446c6345-9193-4841-9f4a-e06e8cf7220e","tax":"3.4917","shipping":"6.9000","coupon":"","gtm.uniqueEventId":12}
tbh I'm not sure if the data is wrong but the monetization reports only show number of purchasers and not anything else. It's all zeros. in the conversion screen the total revenue is not calculated.
Check if you have been given permission to see revenue. When someone gives you access, there are several options including one to hide revenue.
It turned out that the setup wasn't correct. I needed to add custom trigger to the events so It can be captured.
I also found some problem with the structure of the object, (currency,value , items) needed to be added inside ecommerce object.

Use Google's mobile vision api to detect numbers only?

I would like to know how I can filter to detect numbers (integers) only? e.g 1,2,....,10. Currently the api detects all formats of "text".
You should do that processing on your side. Use Regex to filter out numbers from string received from Vision API:
str="Text received 123,0";
number = str.replace(/\D/g,'');
result: 123
Google vision API will detect all character, google vision does not
have separate API(which can detect only number at the point of
scanning) for only numbers till now, But after scanning the image
using google vision api we will get the text in response example
"23XA3783", so now we can replace the character we don't want.
Store the google api response in temp variable
source_str = "23XA3783"
In my case I get the required string from google api response using
source_str= temp["responses"][0].textAnnotations[0].description
final_output = source_str.replace(/\D/g,'');

How to fetch the table in Rational Functional Tester for Desktop Based Application?

I am using ITestDataTable getData = (ITestDataTable) element[0].getTestData("contents");.. But I am getting null value. but if i use the same code for web based application. I am able to fetch the table. Please help
You havenot mentioned the control that you are interacting with and which domain(.Net/Java etc).
Different controls support different types of data. If
gives null , then try to use the Insert Verification Point wizard to capture Data VP on that control and see what are the available options for the data VP for it. If the VP wizard is not able to capture the data VP for that control then getTestData("type") will also not work.

youtube API 3 - get all data in single request

I am using YouTube API 3 to fetch video results for which I have to make two http requests which are sequential not parallel.
1- First API call is to get youtube video ids for a search term.
https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?part=snippet&type=video&q=QUERY_TERM&key={API KEY}
2- From first I am preparing a list of comma separated video IDs (ALL_VIDEO_IDS) and fetching individual video details like duration, viewcount etc.
https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?id=ALL_VIDEO_IDS&part=contentDetails,statistics&key={API KEY}
Actually I want a way so that I can get all these details in one call rather than two. How to achieve this?
Is there a way to achieve it which I don't know or I am missing something?
Here it is, with example of getting video duration,
but do not forget to create your API key at https://console.developers.google.com/project
$vidkey = "cHPMH2sa2Q" ; video key for example
$apikey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ;
$dur = file_get_contents("https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos?part=contentDetails&id=$vidkey&key=$apikey");
$VidDuration =json_decode($dur, true);
foreach ($VidDuration['items'] as $vidTime)
$VidDuration= $vidTime['contentDetails']['duration'];

How to detect active video card and retrieve hardware ids?

I'd like to make a driver installer and I need to detect the active VGA card and retrive hardware ids.
I used devcon64 and save the output to a txt file, but it saves values like this:
devcon64 listclass display > display.txt:
Listing 1 device(s) for setup class "Display" . PCI\VEN_...: Videocard
I just only need the PCI/VEN part.