SQL query in NodeJS hours are off when formatting date - sql

I want to format the dtime2 field in my query: SELECT FORMAT(MAX(dTime),'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss') FROM triangulations
This gives the output { result: [ { '': '03:34:30' } ], rowcount: 1 }
The hours should be 15. This is also displayed when leaving the format out of the query. Query: SELECT MAX(dTime) FROM triangulations gives output:
{ result: [ { '': Mon Jul 17 2017 15:34:30 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) } ],
rowcount: 1 }
I execute the query in NodeJs with the library node-mssql-connector.
Why is SQL giving my the wrong hours?

In your format string, yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss, hh means you want the hours in the 12-hour-cycle format, so 3 and 15 are always 3 (AM and PM). Use HH to get them in the 24-hour-cycle format:
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
Relevant docs, scroll down to the list of format specifiers.

You should use HH instead of hh:
SELECT FORMAT(MAX(dTime),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss') FROM triangulations

Usually when you get bad hours while the minutes and dates are fine, in means that you're using the wrong time zone. This could mean that either the time in a wrong time zone was written to the database, or you're getting the date from the database in some other time zone that you're expecting.
You should always be explicit about time zones when working with dates (which you don't seem to be doing here when while putting the dates into the database), and it makes things much easier if you're always saving dates in UTC (which seems to be the case for the dates that you're reading here).
In Node you can convert the dates using the Moment module - Moment Timezone in particular. See:
See this answer for some examples - it's about Mongo instead of SQL server but you can use exactly the same conversion here:
Mongoose saving and retrieving dates with UTC time, change to server timezone


Convert datetime to UTC beginning of the day - Oracle db

For example:
I've got datetime in Oracle database like: 18/08/21 13:51:23,420460500 (y/m/d) and I want convert to type: 18/08/20 22:00:00,000000000.
Could you please let me know how can I do this?
I've tried SYS_EXTRACT_UTC("MyDate") but it does not work in that case.
From the format of your question, I'm assuming you have a TIMESTAMP value, since Oracle doesn't have a "datetime" data type. You can truncate the time component to midnight (the beginning of the day) with the TRUNC function, though it returns a DATE data type. I'm not sure where the 22:00 in your question is coming from.

Converting timezone from UTC using numbers as opposed to names for timezones in BigQuery SQL?

I know that in BigQuery one can convert a timestamp by DATETIME(timestamp, timezone). But the names of the timezones in SQL are very poorly organized. I was wondering if there is a function or a way to convert from a time in
UTC to some other timezone using a string of number like "+00:04" or "4" where the number would indicate the amount of hours the timezone is ahead or behind the UTC time.
Thank you!
You can specify a timezone by supplying its UTC offset using the following format:
For example:

date_trunc in hive is working incorrectly

I am running below query:
select a.event_date,
date_format(date_trunc('month', a.event_date), '%m/%d/%Y') as date
from monthly_test_table a
order by 1;
2017-09-15 | 09/01/2017
2017-10-01 | 09/30/2017
2017-11-01 | 11/01/2017
Can anyone tell me why for date "2017-10-01" it is showing me date as "09/30/2017" after using date_trunc.
Thanks in Advance...!
You are reverse formatting so it is incorrect.
Use the below Code
select a.event_date,
date_format(date_trunc('month', a.event_date), '%Y/%m/%d') as date
from monthly_test_table a
order by 1;
You can use date_add with a logic to subtract 1-day(yourdate) to replicate trunc.
For eg:
2017-10-01 - day('2017-10-01') is 1 and you add 1-1=0 days
2017-08-30 - day('2017-08-30') is 30 and you add 1-30=-29 days
I faced the same issue recently and resorted to using this logic.
PS: As far as i know, there is no date_trunc function in Hive documentation.
As per the source code below: UTC_CHRONOLOGY time is translated w.r.t. locale, also in Description it is mentioned that session timezone will be the precision, also refer to below URL.
#Description("truncate to the specified precision in the session timezone")
public static long truncateDate(ConnectorSession session, #SqlType("varchar(x)") Slice unit, #SqlType(StandardTypes.DATE) long date)
long millis = getDateField(UTC_CHRONOLOGY, unit).roundFloor(DAYS.toMillis(date));
return MILLISECONDS.toDays(millis);
See https://prestodb.io/docs/current/release/release-0.66.html:::
Time Zones:
This release has full support for time zone rules, which are needed to perform date/time calculations correctly. Typically, the session time zone is used for temporal calculations. This is the time zone of the client computer that submits the query, if available. Otherwise, it is the time zone of the server running the Presto coordinator.
Queries that operate with time zones that follow daylight saving can
produce unexpected results. For example, if we run the following query
to add 24 hours using in the America/Los Angeles time zone:
SELECT date_add('hour', 24, TIMESTAMP '2014-03-08 09:00:00');
Output: 2014-03-09 10:00:00.000

Oracle timestamp, timezone and utc

I have an application, using an Oracle 11g ( 64 bit) db.
I have a lot of entries in a Person table. To access data I'm using different application (same data).
In this example I'm using birth_time field of my person table.
Some application queries data with birth_time directly, some other with to_char to reformat it, and some other with UTC function.
The problem is this: with same data, same query, result are different.
In this screenshot you can see the result with Oracle Sql developer (
All the timestamp are inserted with midnight timestamp, and in fact the to_char(..) and birth_time result are at midnight. UTC hours are returned with one hour less (Correct according to my timezone!) but some entry (here one for example, the last one) is TWO HOURS less (only few on thousand are Three)!!
The same query executed with sql*plus return the correct result with one hour of difference for all the entries!
Does anyone have a suggestion to approach this problem?
The issue is born because one of our application made with adobe flex seems to execute queries with UTC time, and the problems appears when you look at data with this component.
Would it be possible for you to change the query used? If so, you could use the AT TIME ZONE expression to tell Oracle that this date is in UTC time zone:
13/11/20 23:00:00,000000000
Now, using AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' gets you the date you need:
13/11/21 00:00:00,000000000

Date Time Difference in SQL 2008

How to get date and time difference between 10/12/2010 07:35:02 PM and 2010-11-19 21:51:01.713. Where first date is in MM-DD-YYYY format and Second date is in YYYY-MM-DD Format Rest is time it is also in different format as first format has "pm" in it. Please let me know how to write a query in sql 08 to calculate date and time difference?
The datetime data type in SQL Server is actually a 8-byte number. It may be represented in different formats to please humans but the format has no meaning to SQL Server itself.
To calculate the time difference between to datetime values you can use the built-in DATEDIFF function, which you can find details about here: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms189794.aspx
This will work thanks to the SQL Server ability to parse formatted dates for us:
select datediff(day, '10/12/2010 07:35:02 PM', '2010-11-19 21:51:01.713')