Is there a way to make IdeaVim understand all kinds of selection? - intellij-idea

When I use, e.g. refactoring or Ctrl+Shift+arrow shortcut to select a text, I can't delete it with d as if I did it via select mode. It gets especially annoying when the plugin doesn't recognize automatic selection on refactoring. How do I fix or work around it?

I think this is depended on the ideavim impl. I am using ideavim as well, however, I don't use those arrow keys. I tested what you said, it can be reproduced here.
It seems that the c-s-arrows selection won't let ideavim switch to VISUAL mode, thus, the later actions are just executed from your cursor position, and ignore the selections. However, if you select some text with the mouse, ideavim recognizes it as visual selection.
I would suggest not using the arrows for selection any longer if you have already decided to use vim (ideavim). If this function is very important to you, you could consider reporting an issue/bug to ideavim team.


How to navigate clion code completion drop-down menu (other than arrow keys)?

Clion and other Intellij platforms offer automatic code completion suggestions. You can accept a suggestion using Tab, and navigate suggestions using the arrow keys. Arrow keys are pretty inconvenient because they are so far from the home row.
Is there another way? Can the navigate keys be rebound. This is not mentioned in the code completion documentation.
Yes, you can change the Up/Down and other actions in the IDE Keymap settings. They will work in the completion popup as well. You may also consider IdeaVim plug-in.

How to keep IntelliSense Complete Word option off?

IntelliSense has a mode where if you hit the spacebar, it will automatically type out the suggested auto-complete word. In order to prevent this from happening, you can hit the Escape key before pressing Space. This will close the autocomplete popup, so that the suggested word is not automatically typed.
I prefer the alternative setting, where I actually have to hit the Enter key to accept the suggested autocompletion. If I just type Space, I want a space to follow the characters that I actually typed.
I know that I can toggle between the undesired mode and the second mode I describe, which I do want. To do this, I click Edit -> IntelliSence -> Toggle Completion Mode.
My problem is that this setting never sticks. It constantly reverts to the wrong mode. I'm not sure exactly when it's changing, but it seems to revert back several times a day. If I change this for one Solution, it won't apply to my other Solutions. Even if I apply it to a solution, close VS, reopen, and start working again, it will have reverted.
Does this happen to everyone else, or is this unique to me? Is there some global setting that forces this feature to stay off always? Do I have a corrupted file somewhere that's causing this?
No, this is normal behavior and this setting behaves like what you described in the previous VS versions.
However, thanks to those members who is reporting this issue and Microsoft has fixed this behavior in the latest VS2019 version.
Since VS2015 is not supported by Microsoft so far, so this behavior cannot be fixed on VS2015 and I suggest you could install the latest VS2019 Community and get what you want.
Once you click the Toggle Completion Mode under Edit-->Intellisense, no matter you close VS, create a new project or a solution, use other c# file editor, it will never revert back.

IntelliJ-IDEA Eclipse Ctrl+O equivalent that is better than Alt+7

In Eclipse I could hit Ctrl+O and get a popup which I could use to get an overview of everything in the current class, pick an entry, and jump to it.
In idea, there is Alt+7, but I have a few issues with it. First, the keyboard doesn't seem to put its focus there. I have to take my hand off the keyboard and use the mouse to place the focus on the Structure dock.
I also don't like how it's taking up real estate. I don't want to change how things are laid out if I want to see the structure. I would like a more non-invasive popup, and handier and snappier.
Is there another feature that gives me quick access in the form of a popup preferably, like Ctrl+O provides in Eclipse?
Another nice feature would be to be able to use the J and K keys to move up and down the selection, instead of having to use the cursor keys. I'm using IdeaVim, so the normal workflow when editing files, is that both hands stay in a touch-type position. It would be nice if I can use the various navigation features also using vim keys...
Perhaps there is a way to enable this, that I haven't discovered yet?
IntelliJ equivalent of Eclipse's CTRL+O is CTRL+F12 (⌘+F12 on Mac), which will give you more or less the same pop-up as in Eclipse. But I'm not sure if it can be navigated using j and k keys.
More details can be found in the IntelliJ help.

Custom editor commands without using a macro?

Is there any way to make custom commands without using a macro? I would like to do things like:
jump down 20 lines
jump up 20 lines
editor window scrolls when cursor moves within 15 lines of the bottom/top
jump by paragraph (meaning: jump to next empty line, or method signature start, whichever comes first)
And of course those numbers would be editable.
I've tried macros, but they're too slow. Basically I want IntelliJ to behave just a bit more like emacs. I'm hoping I don't have to make a plugin, but I will if that's the only option. Just hoping there is a way to do it that I missed.
There is no way to do what you are asking. However, there is a IdeaVIM plugin which lets you do some of the stuff you ask for (install via Preferences->Plugins). There is also an emacs plugin which may give you what you want:
The IdeaVIM plugin is maintained by Jetbrains so it may be higher quality.

Keyboard shortcut to Un/Comment out code in Mathematica 7?

A keyboard shortcut to comment/uncomment out a piece of code is common in other programming IDE's for languages like Java, .Net. I find it a very useful technique when experimenting through trial and error to temporarily comment out and uncomment lines, words and parts of the code to find out what is and isn't working.
I cannot find any such keyboard shortcut on the Mathematica front end in version 7. I know that it is possible to comment out code by selecting the code, right mouse click and select Un/Comment from the menu that appears but this is too slow while coding.
I tried to access this using the menu key Menu on the keyboard but Mathematica frontend doesn't respond to or recognise this key unlike other applications, this could have allowed a key combination for commenting. Can someone else verify that this isn't unique to my machine and that the key isn't recognised by mathematica. I looked at this question and looked in the file but I don't think there is any way to create a shortcut to do this(?). Should I just live with it?
Any other suggestions?
(I have seen there is an Emacs version of mathematica, I have never tried Emacs or this Mma version and imagine that it would have this ability but would prefer not to go to the trouble and uncertainty of installing it. Also I would guess that the Wolfram Workbench could do this, but that may not be worth the investment just for this.)
You can install the shortcut in Mathematica 7.0.x if you are willing to edit the Mathematica system file You can find it in the same location as the file (i.e. in the installation under "SystemFiles/FrontEnd/TextResources/platform"). In, locate the following line under the definition of the Edit menu:
MenuItem["Check &Balance", "Balance", MenuKey["B", Modifiers->{"Control", "Shift"}]],
Immediately below that line, insert the following:
MenuItem["Un/C&omment Selection", KernelExecute[FE`toggleComment[]], MenuKey["/", Modifiers->{"Command"}], MenuEvaluator -> Automatic, Method -> "Queued"],
The Un/Comment Selection command is now available under the Edit menu, with the keyboard shortcut Cmd-/ or Alt-/ depending on your platform -- just like in Mathematica 8 where this command comes pre-installed.
Please take as read the usual disclaimers about hacking the Mathematica installation files -- no warranty is offered :)
I do not know of any way to map this function to some shortcut involving the Menu key.
Shortcut Key, No Menu
The preceding steps mimic what Mathematica 8 does by installing a new menu item. If you prefer to leave the menus unchanged, then you can install the shortcut in instead. Add the following line:
Item[KeyEvent["/", Modifiers->{Command}], KernelExecute[ToExpression["FE`toggleComment[]"]], MenuEvaluator -> Automatic, Method -> "Queued"]
You'll need a comma on the end of that line if it is not the last item in the list.
Select the code and press one of the following:
Tested only on Windows, using Mathematica 8.
On my non-US keyboard (ABNT Brazil), the shortcut Alt+/ doesn't work, instead I use Alt+E+O.
Here is code for your file that will comment out code. I am still working on the other half.
Item[KeyEvent["/", Modifiers -> {Command}],
This binds it to Alt+/ as it is in Mathematica 8.