using PyPlot
fig = gcf(); ax0=subplot(2,2,2)
ax1 = subplot(2,2,4)
ax0tr = ax0[:transAxes]; ax1tr = ax1[:transAxes]
figtr = fig[:transFigure]
# 2. Transform arroww start point from axis 0 to figure coordinates
ptB = figtr[:transform](ax0tr[:transform]((20., -0.5)))
# 3. Transform arroww end point from axis 1 to figure coordinates
ptE = figtr[:transform](ax1tr[:transform]((20., 1.)))
# 4. Create the patch
arroww = matplotlib[:patches][:FancyArrowPatch](
ptB, ptE, transform=figtr, # Place arroww in figure coord system
fc = "C0", alpha = 0.25, connectionstyle="arc3,rad=0.2",
mutation_scale = 40.0)
# 5. Add patch to list of objects to draw onto the figure
push!(fig[:patches], arroww)
How can I add a patch object to a figure and actually see it on the figure? This doesn't work. It doesn't throw any errors but I cannot see any arrows.
(I also cannot use the function arrow because I want to create an arrow that goes from subplot to subplot).
Because this is still a top search result, here is a solution (using Julia 1.5.3)
import PyPlot; const plt = PyPlot
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,8), dpi=150)
ax0 = fig.add_subplot(2,2,2)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2,2,4)
arrow = patches.ConnectionPatch(
fig.patches = [arrow]
It produces the following plot.
I'm working on a python module that creates a matplotlib figure with an on_resize listener. The listener forces the height of the lower axes to a specific number of pixels (rather than scaling relative to figure size). It works. However, if (in matplotlib interactive mode) after creating the plot the user calls fig.subplots_adjust() it messes up subplot sizes. Here's a radically simplified version of what the module does:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def make_plot():
fig = plt.figure()
gs = plt.GridSpec(10, 1, figure=fig)
ax_upper = fig.add_subplot(gs[:-1])
ax_lower = fig.add_subplot(gs[-1])
ax_upper.plot([0, 1])
ax_lower.plot([0, 1])
fig.canvas.mpl_connect('resize_event', on_resize)
return fig
def on_resize(event):
fig = event.canvas.figure
# get the current position
ax_lower_pos = list(fig.axes[1].get_position().bounds) # L,B,W,H
# compute desired height in figure-relative coords
desired_height_px = 40
xform = fig.transFigure.inverted()
desired_height_rel = xform.transform([0, desired_height_px])[1]
# set the new height
ax_lower_pos[-1] = desired_height_rel
# adjust ax_upper accordingly
ax_lower_top = fig.axes[1].get_position().extents[-1] # L,B,R,T
ax_upper_pos = list(fig.axes[0].get_position().bounds) # L,B,W,H
# new bottom
new_upper_bottom = ax_lower_top + desired_height_rel
ax_upper_pos[1] = new_upper_bottom
# new height
ax_upper_top = fig.axes[0].get_position().extents[-1] # L,B,R,T
new_upper_height = ax_upper_top - new_upper_bottom
ax_upper_pos[-1] = new_upper_height
# set the new position
Here's the output if the user calls fig = make_plot():
Now if the user calls fig.subplots_adjust, the bottom axis is squished and the space between bottom and top axes is even more squished (the on_resize listener had set them both to 40px):
At this point, grabbing the corner of the window and dragging even a tiny bit is enough to trigger the on_resize listener and restore what I want (fixed pixel height for bottom axes and space between axes) while keeping the newly-added wide top margin intact:
How can I get that result without having to manually trigger a resize event? As far as I can tell, subplots_adjust does not fire off any events that I could listen for.
I think the problem lies in ax.update_params() updating the axes position with a figbox taken from the underlying subplotspec (which as far as I can tell doesn't get updated after initial figure creation?). (note: update_params is called from within subplots_adjust, see here).
The underlying problem seems to be to make an axes with a specific height in pixels. An easy solution to this is to use mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1's make_axes_locatable.
This allows to get rid of any callback and hence of the complete problem of the race condition in the events.
A note: The plot seems to be part of a bigger library. Since it is always nice not to patronize the users of such packages, one would usually allow them to specify the axes to plot to, such that they can put the plot into a bigger figure with other elements. The below solution makes this particularly easy.
Of course, also calling plt.subplots_adjust is still possible at any time.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.axes_divider import make_axes_locatable
desired_height_px = 40 #pixel
def make_plot(ax=None):
if not ax:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig = ax.figure
div = make_axes_locatable(ax)
cax = div.append_axes("bottom", desired_height_px/fig.dpi, pad=0.25)
sc1 = ax.scatter([2,1,3], [2,3,1], c=[1,2,3])
sc2 = cax.scatter([3,2,1],[2,3,1], c=[3,1,2])
return fig, ax, cax, (sc1, sc2)
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2)
#user plot on ax2
I want to increase the grey area around the plot, but keeping the plot the same size. I've already tried changing the figure size, which ends up stretching the plot.
The axes inside the figure is positionned relative to the figure. Per default you have e.g. a fraction of 0.125 of figure width as space at the left. This means that resizing the figure, scales the axes as well.
You may calculate how much the spacings need to change such that if the figure is rescaled, the axes size remains constant. The new spacings then need to be set using fig.subplots_adjust.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def set_figsize(figw,figh, fig=None):
if not fig: fig=plt.gcf()
w, h = fig.get_size_inches()
l = fig.subplotpars.left
r = fig.subplotpars.right
t = fig.subplotpars.top
b = fig.subplotpars.bottom
hor = 1.-w/float(figw)*(r-l)
ver = 1.-h/float(figh)*(t-b)
fig.subplots_adjust(left=hor/2., right=1.-hor/2., top=1.-ver/2., bottom=ver/2.)
fig, ax=plt.subplots()
You may then also use this function to update the subplot params when the figure window is resized.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class Resizer():
def __init__(self,fig=None):
if not fig: fig=plt.gcf()
self.w, self.h = self.fig.get_size_inches()
self.l = self.fig.subplotpars.left
self.r = self.fig.subplotpars.right
self.t = self.fig.subplotpars.top
self.b = self.fig.subplotpars.bottom
def set_figsize(self, figw,figh):
hor = 1.-self.w/float(figw)*(self.r-self.l)
ver = 1.-self.h/float(figh)*(self.t-self.b)
self.fig.subplots_adjust(left=hor/2., right=1.-hor/2., top=1.-ver/2., bottom=ver/2.)
def resize(self, event):
figw = event.width/self.fig.dpi
figh = event.height/self.fig.dpi
self.set_figsize( figw,figh)
fig, ax=plt.subplots()
r = Resizer()
cid = fig.canvas.mpl_connect("resize_event", r.resize)
In the window of a matplotlib figure, there's a button called 'Configure subplots' (see below picture, screenshot on Windows 10 with matplotlib version 1.5.2). Try to change the parameters 'left' and 'right'. You can also change these parameters with plt.subplots_adjust(left=..., bottom=..., right=..., top=..., wspace=..., hspace=...).
I'm plotting some hydrodynamical simulation data run in spherical coordinates and sometimes prefer to use contourf over pcolormesh because it looks nice and smooth instead of pixelated. However, I notice that contourf always extends my data to r=0 in a polar plot, yet my data never includes r=0. I have reproduced this issue with the simple example below:
from pylab import *
fig = figure(figsize=(6, 6))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111,projection='polar')
# generate some data
Nt,Nr = 150,150
r_axis = np.linspace(0.5,1.,Nr)
t_axis = np.linspace(0.,0.5*np.pi,Nt)
r_grid, t_grid = np.meshgrid(r_axis,t_axis)
data = np.zeros((Nt,Nr))
sin_theta = np.sin(t_axis)
for i in range(Nr):
data[:,i] = sin_theta
if 1: # polar plot using contourf - plots incorrectly from r = 0
scale = np.linspace(0.,1.,100)
polar = ax.contourf(t_grid,r_grid,data,scale,cmap='Spectral')
else: # correctly plots the data
polar = ax.pcolormesh(t_grid,r_grid,data,cmap='Spectral')
Is there a quick fix? Thanks
One can set the axes limits. The radial scale is set as y, therefore
will set the origin to 0.
I'm new to matplotlib, so I do not have strong enough command of the language to know if I'm going about this the right way, but I've been searching for the answer for a while now, and I just cannot find anything one way or the other on this.
I know how to use matplotlib's append_axes locator function to append histograms alongside 2D plots, e.g.:
axMain= fig1.add_subplot(111)
cax = plt.contourf(xl,y1,z1)
divider = make_axes_locatable(axMain)
axHisty = divider.append_axes("right", 1.2, pad=0.1, sharey=axMain)
and I also know how to append a colorbar in a similar manner:
divider = make_axes_locatable(axMain)
ax_cb = divider.new_horizontal(size='5%', pad=0.3)
fig1.colorbar(cax, cax=ax_cb)
What I am not clear on is how to do both in the same subplot without the two appended figures overlapping. To be clear, I want the histogram to have the same yaxis ticks and height as the axContour, and I want the colorbar to have the same height as axContour. ImageGrid doesn't seem to be quite what I want because I do not want to fix the size of my plot. It would better for me if I could add/remove these figure "embellishments" interactively, but maybe that is not possible...Let me know!
You are already fixing the size of your plot with divider.append_axes("right", 1.2, pad=0.1, sharey=axMain). 1.2 is the size of the new axis. Below is a way of plotting three axes using gridspec.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.gridspec as grd
from numpy.random import rand
# add axes
fig1 = plt.figure(1)
gs = grd.GridSpec(1, 3, width_ratios=[5,1, 1], wspace=0.3)
axMain = plt.subplot(gs[0])
axHisty = plt.subplot(gs[1])
ax_cb = plt.subplot(gs[2])
# some things to plot
x = [1,2,3,4]
y = [1,2,3,4]
x1 = [1,2,3,4]
y1 = [1,2,3,4]
z1 = rand(4,4)
# make plots
h = axMain.contourf(x1,y1,z1)
cb = plt.colorbar(h, cax = ax_cb)
I'm working on a figure to show traffic levels on a highway map. The idea is that for each
highway segment, I would plot two lines - one for direction. The thickness of each
would correspond to the traffic volume in that direction. I need to plot the lines
so that the left edge (relative to driving direction) of the drawn line follows
the shape of the highway segment. I would like to specify the shape in data coordinates,
but I would like to specify the thickness of the line in points.
My data is like this:
where, for example, ((5,10),(-7,2),(8,9)) is a sequence of x,y values giving the shape of a highway segment, and (210,320) is traffic volumes in the forward and reverse direction, respectively
Looks matter: the result should be pretty.
I figured out a solution using matplotlib.transforms.Transform and shapely.geometry.LineString.parallel_offset.
Note that shapely's parallel_offset method can sometimes return a MultiLineString, which
is not handled by this code. I've changed the second shape so it does not cross over itself to avoid this problem. I think this problem would happen rarely happen in my application.
Another note: the documentation for matplotlib.transforms.Transform seems to imply that the
array returned by the transform method must be the same shape as the array passed
as an argument, but adding additional points to plot in the transform method seems
to work here.
#matplotlib version 1.1.0
#shapely version 1.2.14
#Python 2.7.3
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import shapely.geometry
import numpy
import matplotlib.transforms
def get_my_transform(offset_points, fig):
offset_inches = offset_points / 72.0
offset_dots = offset_inches * fig.dpi
class my_transform(matplotlib.transforms.Transform):
input_dims = 2
output_dims = 2
is_separable = False
has_inverse = False
def transform(self, values):
l = shapely.geometry.LineString(values)
l = l.parallel_offset(offset_dots,'right')
return numpy.array(l.xy).T
return my_transform()
def plot_to_right(ax, x,y,linewidth, **args):
t = ax.transData + get_my_transform(linewidth/2.0,ax.figure)
ax.plot(x,y, transform = t,
linewidth = linewidth,
solid_capstyle = 'butt',
data = [[((5,10),(-7,2),(8,9)),(210,320)],
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
for shape, volumes in data:
x,y = zip(*shape)
plot_to_right(ax, x,y, volumes[0]/100., c = 'blue')
plot_to_right(ax, x[-1::-1],y[-1::-1], volumes[1]/100., c = 'green')
ax.plot(x,y, c = 'grey', linewidth = 1)