How can I concatenate multiple files into one in Meson? - meson-build

I'm having trouble with a basic task in Meson where I need multiple files concatenated into one during build; basically:
cat *.txt > compiled.txt
cat foo.txt bar.txt baz.txt > compiled.txt
However whether I use custom_target(), generator() or any other function, Meson either can't find the compiled.txt or can't handle transitioning from multiple input files to a single output file.
Is there an easy way to achieve this?
Using run_command() I've managed to build compiled.txt and have it appear in the source directory. Ultimately I want compiled.txt (which I've listed in the gresource.xml) to be compiled by gnome.compile_resources(). Is there a way I can run this command and pass the file directly to that function to process?

Use custom_target(), pass the output to dependencies of gnome.compile_resources(). Note you will need a fairly recent glib for it to work.
See also:

Moved solution from question to answer:
I ended up not using gresources, but still needed this solution to concatenate files
cat_prog = find_program('cat')
parts_of_the_whole = files(
concat_parts = custom_target(
command: [ cat_prog, '#INPUT#' ],
capture: true,
input: parts_of_the_whole,
output: 'compiled.txt',
install_dir: appdatadir,
install: true,
build_by_default: true


Standalone CMake script to cut off file contents by delimiters

I have a project where one repeatable task to do involves manipulating files' contents.
Until now I used a Python script for it, but recently I discovered I can use standalone CMake scripts ("standalone" here means they can be invoked outside of configure/build/test/etc. workflow). As my project already uses CMake for project management I concluded I can save others' problem of installing a Python interpreter (welcome Windows users!) and use CMake project-wide.
Part of my script needs to read a file and cut off everything that appears before "[START-HERE]" and after "[END-HERE]" lines. I am stuck with that part and don't know how to implement it. How can it be done?
You could combine file(READ) with if(MATCHES) to accompilish this. The former is used to read the file, the latter allows you to check for the occurance of a regular expression and to extract a capturing group:
INPUT_FILE : the path to the file to read
if (FILE_CONTENTS MATCHES "(^|[\r\n])\\[START-HERE\\][\r\n]+(.*)[\r\n]+\\[END-HERE\\]")
# todo: use extracted match stored in CMAKE_MATCH_2 for your own logic
message("Content: '${CMAKE_MATCH_2}'")
message(FATAL_ERROR "[START-HERE]...[END-HERE] doesn't occur in the input file '${INPUT_FILE}'")
Definetly not
Try again!
> cmake -D INPUT_FILE=foo.txt -P foo.cmake
Content: 'working'
For the part where you are stuck, here's one approach using the string, file, and math commands:
file(READ data.txt file_str)
string(FIND "${file_str}" "[START-HERE]" start_offset)
# message("${start_offset}")
math(EXPR start_offset "${start_offset}+12")
# message("${start_offset}")
string(FIND "${file_str}" "[END-HERE]" end_offset)
math(EXPR substr_len "${end_offset}-${start_offset}")
# message("${substr_len}")
string(SUBSTRING "${file_str}" "${start_offset}" "${substr_len}" trimmed_str)
# message("${trimmed_str}")
You could also probably do it by using the file(STRINGS) command, which reads lines of a file into an array, and then use the list(FIND) command. The approach shown above has the advantage of working if your delimiters are not on their own lines.
As #fabian shows in their answer post, you can also do this using a regular expression with if(MATCHES) like this:
if (FILE_CONTENTS MATCHES "(^|[\r\n])\\[START-HERE\\][\r\n]+(.*)[\r\n]+\\[END-HERE\\]")
# todo: use extracted match stored in CMAKE_MATCH_2 for your own logic
message("Content: '${CMAKE_MATCH_2}'")
message(FATAL_ERROR "[START-HERE]...[END-HERE] doesn't occur in the input file '${INPUT_FILE}'")

How to run post build commands in meson?

How can I do in meson to run a command after building a target?
Eg. I have an executable:
executable('target.elf', 'source1.c', 'source2.c')
And after target.elf built I want to execute a command (eg. chmod -x target.elf) on it.
I tried custom_target(), but that requires an output. I don't have new output, I just have target.elf. I tried run_command() but I didn't know how to execute it after the building.
executable now has an argument install_mode (added 0.47.0) to specify the file mode in symbolic format and optionally the owner/uid and group/gid for the installed files.
I just noticed that yasushi-shoji has provided this answer already.
The following code should do.
project('tutorial', 'c')
exec = executable('target.elf', 'main.c', build_by_default : false)
custom_target('final binary',
depends : exec,
input : exec,
output : 'fake',
command : ['chmod', '+x', '#INPUT#'],
build_by_default : true)
Note that because I want to always run the fake target, I'm using custom_target(). However, the command chmod + x demo doesn't generate the file fake specified in custom_target(), successive ninja command will always run the target.
If you don't want this behaviour, there are two ways:
You can write a script which chmod the target.elf and then copies it to target, thus effectively creates the target file. Make sure to change the output file in the if you do so.
If you don't mind typing ninja chmod instead of ninja, you can use run_target().
# optional
command : ['chmod', '+x', exec])
Another alternative is to use install_mode for executable().
Also note that you should always use find_program() instead of plain chmod. This example doesn't use it for simplicity.

Meson equivalent of automake's CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES?

I have a project whose build options are complicated enough that I have to run several external scripts during the configuration process. If these scripts, or the files that they read, are changed, then configuration needs to be re-run.
Currently the project uses Autotools, and I can express this requirement using the CONFIG_STATUS_DEPENDENCIES variable. I'm experimenting with porting the build process to Meson and I can't find an equivalent. Is there currently an equivalent, or do I need to file a feature request?
For concreteness, a snippet of the in progress:
pymod = import('python')
python = pymod.find_installation('python3')
svf_script = files('scripts/compute-symver-floor')
svf = run_command(python, svf_script, files('lib'),
if svf.returncode() == 0
svf_results = svf.stdout().split('\n')
SYMVER_FLOOR = svf_results[0].strip()
SYMVER_FILE = svf_results[2].strip()
# next line is a fake API expressing the thing I can't figure out how to do
meson.rerun_configuration_if_files_change(svf_script, SYMVER_FILE)
This is what custom_target() is for.
Minimal example
svf_script = files('')
svf_depends = files('config_data_1', 'config_data_2') # files that reads
svf = custom_target('svf_config', command: svf_script, depend_files: svf_depends, build_by_default: true, output: 'fake')
This creates a custom target named svf_config. When out of date, it runs the svf_script command. It depends on the files in the svf_depends file object, as well as
all the files listed in the command keyword argument (i.e. the script itself).
You can also specify other targets as dependencies using the depends keyword argument.
output is set to 'fake' to stop meson from complaining about a missing output keyword argument. Make sure that there is a file of the same name in the corresponding build directory to stop the target from always being considered out-of-date. Alternatively, if your configure script(s) generate output files, you could list them in this array.

Running a python script as part of a cmake build

I'm using cmake for the first time and am just not having luck finding examples that help me figure out what I'm doing wrong. The functionality seems very basic, but nothing I've tried thus far has given me any meaningful output or error.
I have a PRELOAD command for a document, and this works fine as long as the document has already been created.
PRELOAD ${_source_directory}/Documents/output.txt AS output.txt
But I want the document generation(which is accomplished via a python script) to be part of the cmake build process as well. The command I want to run is ${_source_directory}/Documents/input.txt
and I want that to run before the PRELOAD statement is executed.
Here's an example of what I've tried
OUTPUT ${_source_directory}/Documents/output.txt
COMMAND ${_source_directory}/Documents/input.txt
PRELOAD ${_source_directory}/Documents/output.txt AS output.txt
But that gives me the same error as if the add_custom_command wasn't even there ("No rule to make target ${_source_directory}/Documents/output.txt").
You do/understand it wrong. As it was mentioned in comments set() has nothing like PRELOAD.
The correct way is to use add_custom_target() which would produce an output.txt in desired directory and then add_dependencies() for target you want to build and which would use the output.txt.

rpm spec file skeleton to real spec file

The aim is to have skeleton spec fun.spec.skel file which contains placeholders for Version, Release and that kind of things.
For the sake of simplicity I try to make a build target which updates those variables such that I transform the fun.spec.skel to fun.spec which I can then commit in my github repo. This is done such that rpmbuild -ta fun.tar does work nicely and no manual modifications of fun.spec.skel are required (people tend to forget to bump the version in the spec file, but not in the buildsystem).
Assuming the implied question is "How would I do this?", the common answer is to put placeholders in the file like ##VERSION## and then sed the file, or get more complicated and have autotools do it.
We place a file in our project directories which define environment variables. Sample content includes:
As part of a script which builds the RPM, we can source this file:
. $(pwd)/
if [ -z "${RELPKG}" ]; then exit 1; fi
if [ -z "${RELFULLVERS}" ]; then exit 1; fi
This leaves us a couple of options to access the values which were set:
We can define macros on the rpmbuild command line:
% rpmbuild -ba --define "relpkg ${RELPKG}" --define "relfullvers ${RELFULLVERS}" foopackage.spec
We can access the environment variables using %{getenv:...} in the spec file itself (though this can be harder to deal with errors...):
%define relpkg %{getenv:RELPKG}
%define relfullvers %{getenv:RELFULLVERS}
From here, you simply use the macros in your spec file:
Name: %{relpkg}
Version: %{relfullvers}
We have similar values (provided by environment variables enabled through Jenkins) which provide the build number which plugs into the "Release" tag.
I found two ways:
a) use something like
Version: %(./waf version)
where version is a custom waf target
def version_fun(ctx):
class version(Context):
"""Printout the version and only the version"""
cmd = 'version'
fun = 'version_fun'
this checks the version at rpm build time
b) create a target that modifies the specfile itself
from waflib.Context import Context
import re
def bumprpmver_fun(ctx):
spec = ctx.path.find_node('oregano.spec')
data = None
with open(spec.abspath()) as f:
data =
if data:
data = (re.sub(r'^(\s*Version\s*:\s*)[\w.]+\s*', r'\1 {0}\n'.format(VERSION), data, flags=re.MULTILINE))
with open(spec.abspath(),'w') as f:
logs.warn("Didn't find that spec file: '{0}'".format(spec.abspath()))
class bumprpmver(Context):
"""Bump version"""
cmd = 'bumprpmver'
fun = 'bumprpmver_fun'
The latter is used in my pet project oregano # github