Beaker can't use any image (decompression fails) - testing

I am super new to Beaker. I am following the beaker quick tasks guide but when I try to run the test with rake beaker_quickstart:run_test it always fails, rendering this error:
Failed: errored in CLI.initialize_network_manager
#<RuntimeError: Failed to exec 'vagrant up'. Error was The box failed to unpackage properly. Please verify that the box
file you're trying to add is not corrupted and try again. The
output from attempting to unpackage (if any):
x Vagrantfile
x box.ovf
x metadata.json
x packer-debian-7.8-x86_64-virtualbox-vagrant-nocm-1457462804-disk1.vmdk: gzip decompression failed
bsdtar: Error exit delayed from previous errors.
It is using the default files, no funky config from my side. I tried using different images, but it always fails there. What am I doing wrong?


Thunderbird crashes when trying to attach a file

I am using thunderbird 91.7.0 with Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS
I got some issues with no enough free space to make updates (I'm on a laptop) and so I used the command sudo apt autoremove and was then able to make the updates. However, since then, whenever I try to attach a file (either on a new email or in a response) in thunderbird, it instantly crashes without any warning or crash report.
I tried to launch thunderbird in safe-mode with the same result, and the message I get in the terminal as the process finishes is:
~/ $> thunderbird --safe-mode
Gtk-Message: 15:22:22.654: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
Gtk-Message: 15:22:22.656: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
[GFX1-]: glxtest: libpci missing
(thunderbird:30046): Gtk-WARNING **: 15:22:37.510: Could not load a pixbuf from icon theme.
This may indicate that pixbuf loaders or the mime database could not be found.
Gtk:ERROR:../src/gtk/gtkiconhelper.c:494:ensure_surface_for_gicon: assertion failed (error == NULL): Failed to load /snap/thunderbird/195/data-dir/icons/Yaru/16x16/status/image-missing.png: Unrecognized image file format (gdk-pixbuf-error-quark, 3)
Bail out! Gtk:ERROR:../src/gtk/gtkiconhelper.c:494:ensure_surface_for_gicon: assertion failed (error == NULL): Failed to load /snap/thunderbird/195/data-dir/icons/Yaru/16x16/status/image-missing.png: Unrecognized image file format (gdk-pixbuf-error-quark, 3)
Redirecting call to abort() to mozalloc_abort
ExceptionHandler::GenerateDump cloned child 30391
ExceptionHandler::SendContinueSignalToChild sent continue signal to child
ExceptionHandler::WaitForContinueSignal waiting for continue signal...
Exiting due to channel error.
N.B. #1: it doesn't matter if I click on the 'attach' paperclip button or if I use the short-cut Ctrl-Shift-A command.
N.B. #2: the same occurs if I try to save an attached file from an email in my inbox, but curiously not if I just display it in a new tab in Thunderbird.
N.B. #3: everything else seems working properly...
Any help would be greatly appreciated, because I do not know how to live without TB anymore...
EDIT: here is the crash report

RSelenium makeFirefoxProfile with Windows Task Scheduler

I am navigating a web page with firefox using RSelenium package. When i start building my script i used makeFirefoxProfile function to create temporary profile for setting download directory and related file type to download needed file into specific directory.
When i was trying to do that i got an error about zip files. After some research I installed rtools and succesfully managed this error. My script worked as I expected.
Now i want to that operation periodically on Windows Machine. To do that When I try to use taskscheduleR packgage to create task for Windows Task Scheduler i got the some zip error due to windows doesnt have built in comman-line zip tool
You can check the error code below, after i tried to operate the task
Error in file(tmpfile, "rb") : cannot open the connection
Calls: makeFirefoxProfile -> file
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In system2(zip, args, input = input, invisible = TRUE) :
'"zip"' not found
2: In file(tmpfile, "rb") :
cannot open file 'C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpKCFo30\': No such file or directory
Execution halted
Within R-Studio when i run my script there is no problem. Thank you for your help

Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS. Invalid max heap size?

So, I was trying to run my test Minecraft mod in Prompt as per a tutorial. In one part, I should type in 'gradlew getIntellijRuns' and everything should run smoothly. Instead, this message appears: -
I've even tried "Xmx4096m", but it generates the same message.
Invalid maximum heap size: -Xmx4G
The specified size exceeds the maximum representable size.
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
Okay. I solved the issue! So, I had allotted a bit too much RAM for _JAVA_OPTIONS. I tried '-Xmx1024m' and it worked brilliantly. And also, I made a small mistake in compiling the Gradle project via Command Prompt.
This is what I had typed: -
gradlew getIntellijRuns
And what I was supposed to type: -
gradlew genIntellijRuns
I found this out when I typed this: -
gradlew tasks
This command lists all available commands for the project. That way, I rectified my mistake.

Raspberry Pi - Audio Fails After Adding RTC

I have a Raspberry Pi that I'm trying to hook-up to walkie-talkies to announce the current time every half hour plus different status updates automatically.
I had a CRON job running mpg123 that was announcing the time over the walkies perfectly, but then when I installed the drivers for this RasClock module as specified here (, all audio stopped working.
speaker-test says:
speaker-test 1.0.25
Playback device is default
Stream parameters are 48000Hz, S16_LE, 1 channels
Using 16 octaves of pink noise
Playback open error: -1,Operation not permitted
and mpg123 says:
[module.c:142] error: Failed to open module jack: file not found
[module.c:142] error: Failed to open module portaudio: file not found
[pulse.c:84] error: Failed to open pulse audio output: Connection refused
[nas.c:220] error: could not open default NAS server
[module.c:142] error: Failed to open module openal: file not found
[audio.c:180] error: Unable to find a working output module in this list: alsa,oss,jack,portaudio,pulse,nas,openal
[audio.c:532] error: Failed to open audio output module
[mpg123.c:897] error: Failed to initialize output, goodbye.
Now, the machine tends to freeze up a lot, too. When I tried suggestions I found online, such as adding "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/mpg123" or "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib:/usr/lib/mpg123" before the command, it made no difference.
What little hair I have left thanks you in advance for helping me through this.
I had the same error message with mpg123.
Before this message, I installed all these packages: mysql-server, build-essential, libmysqlclient-dev, libapache2-mod-wsgi.
I also changed group:
# usermod -G anothergroup pi
One of these two manipulations have caused my problem.
The solution in my case ?
Go in the /etc/group file and modify the line beginning with "audio" from this...
to that...
N.B.: NN is the GID. pi is the Raspberry Pi's default username.
To achieve the same result, there is also this command :
# usermod -a -G audio pi
Log out from your session and log in again.
P.S.: Could somebody add the mpg123 tag because I spent a lot of time without finding this topic, as I have exactly the same problem with mpg123 ?
I had the same issue run this command should fix it modprobe snd_bcm2835

SeleniumException: ERROR: Command execution failure. Permission denied

SeleniumException: ERROR: Command execution failure. Please search the forum at for error details from the log window. The error message is: Permission denied.
Although my test runs perfectly in Firefox and also in IE when running in Debug mode, in IE in Run mode it fails with the error message above. selenium.waitForPageToLoad("20000"); doesn't seem to be a solution.
Any other ideas?
What command is failing with the Permission Denied? It may be when trying to access something that doesn't exist yet. I would recommend using the waitForCondition command to ensure the target element is present/visible before attempting to interact with it.
I used Thread.currentThread().sleep(1000); after the action that requires time to reload parts of the page. It seems to work, but not in all of the cases.