Choice of backend technologies to be used to build a full fledged blogging application with front end being of Vue2 js - vuejs2

I am building a full fledged blogging application .As I am primarily into front end development I have almost decided what front end technologies I will be using for my app.(decided on using Vue js) .But now confused which technology stack technology goes well with VueJs .the database choice also not decided upon
yet.Any help will be appreciated

Don't really understand why you get point-reductions..
Actually, you already did the hard part, deciding the front end development technology.
If you had decided to go with angular or ember, it would have been quit hard to integrate a Server side technology (i'm not talking about database only). If you need some server side rendering or a CMS, vue integrates very good with these technologies.
I've used vuejs2 with .Net MVC, .net ASP, Umbraco CMS and Sitecore CMS (based on .nets ASPX) and works very well, (also laracast works very well for php, but I haven't used it).
You can find some samples of integrating vuejs with server side technologies in my github account
Hope it helps


Web development using Raku

I want to know if web development can be done using Raku or Perl6?
Like Django for Python, do we have any framework available for Raku?
Id appreciate if you told us which are the libraries available or any tutorial.
Are there any webhosting providers to host Raku web application?
Many folks are using Cro for this. It's a set of libraries that you can pick as needed (and not just for web development), but offers things like:
Routing requests to handlers, and neat ways to express those handlers
WebSocket support integrated neatly into the router
There's a simple tutorial as well as a much longer one on making a SPA.
There is also a fresh CRUD server-side tutorial available.
Finally, there's integrated support in the Comma IDE, which includes a Cro project template where you can select the bits you need, indexing of and navigation to routes, and a timeline view that can be used to understand where time is spent during request processing.
There are base images available to support Docker deployment also, to anywhere that supports that.
I built a web framework for Raku called Humming-Bird it's brand new so there are still kinks to work out, but the core works really well! It is intended to be very similar to Sinatra and other frameworks of that style (express.js etc..)
Humming-Bird has most of the typical features of a web framework including but not limited to:
Serving static files
This project is still in fairly early stages, but it offers more than enough to spin up simple web services, and web apps.

Mobile Apps using MVC ? Can we develope?

Using MVC 4, can we develop android mobile app and window mobile app also. visual studio 2012 is enough or i have to add some other tools, while i am searching in google i found xamarin like that any other tools or we can directly develop the mobile app with out third party tools. can you help me.
I'll try to answer this question although I'm not 100% sure what you mean by "enough".
1) Regarding the server side, mvc4 is a great option for choosing the server side, as you communicate in rest protocol, and I chose this product as my app backend.
2) Regarding the client side, if you are already familiar with C#, then Xamarin is a wise choice for you, note that you need a license and its not cheap.
I'm using Xamarin for developing iOS & Android and although the framework is not as stable as others, I still believe its the right choice for a C# developer, as its improving significantly over time

Can I use ravendb in a javascript SPA

I am developing a application that is using backbone.js for most of the front end logic and was thinking of using sqlite for storage, but i have run into a few complications with it and need to switch to another NoSQL database.
I see on ravendb's site that it was created in C# and you need a .net compiler. Most of the docs are for ASP MVC type application. I can not go this root because we are developing this as a tablet application with no microsoft based technologies on the client side ( because we want it to work with android and apple )
The server however will be .NET and so i figured this might be do able. Just wondering if this is worth pursuing and if anyone has had any experience using ravendb? Or should i go for mongodb?
It is possible to expose RavenDB directly to a JavaScript application, sure. But it's usually not recommended. The main reason is security, but there are many other reasons to have a middle-layer.
For example, you often need a server-side location to perform application logic. Not everything can be done in the database itself, and if you do it all in the application then you will probably send a lot more data to the app than it really needs. Over the internet, that could mean a slow app.
The route many people take, is to use ASP.Net WebAPI, or ServiceStack, or another similar framework. This gives you a way to expose REST endpoints that your JavaScript app can call. You can connect to RavenDB from there.
Also, you seem to have the misconception that if you used ASP.Net MVC on the server that you couldn't target Apple or Android. That's just false. Whether you use a SPA approach or a traditional approach, you are delivering standards-based content, such as HTML, CSS, JSON and JavaScript.
Yes, You can use it. Actually RavenDB's server is a RESTful web service, which means you can work with it with any kinds of HTTP clients. These clients should be able to issue standard HTTP verbs like GET, PUT, DELETE etc.
ASP MVC is server side. I still at a loss as to why you would want to expose your db to a clientside piece. It is completely worth doing in a server side piece, but do not expose something like a db directly to your client.

Web API run VB6 COM components in STA mode

I've few past developed VB6 components that are heavily used in our most of the applications
Now, we want to consume same components for newly developing Web API project.
But, as per this post ,
We found strike on Web API it might due to we don't have any page in Web API project.
Please tell me correct workaround achieve this.
Thanks in advance.
I would suggesting looking into the StaTaskScheduler

Is the WCF Web.API safe for production applications?

The WCF Web.API hasn't been incorporated into the .NET Framework as of the date of this post. Is it safe to use this library in production code or is it's only usefulness for testing at the moment ?
I'm using it in production.
Albeit it is not allowed at the moment to use it in production at your customers site.
But your customer can get the dependencies using Nuget...
And btw: Web API will be out of band release like ASP.NET MVC is.
While I personally have not implemented a production application with WCF web API, I know several people who have. I have not heard them report any issues that would cause me to question it's production readiness. That being said, WCF Web API is an open source project, so you can browse the code yourself to get a feeling for how sound the code is.