Running an SQL query in background - sql

I'm trying to update a modest dataset of 60k records with a value which takes a little time to compute. From a small trial run of 6k records in the production environment, it took 4 minutes to complete, so the full execution should take around 40 minutes.
However this trial run showed that there were SQL timeouts occurring on user requests when accessing data in related tables (but not necessarily on the actual rows which were being updated).
My question is, is there a way of running non-urgent queries as a background operation in the SQL server without causing timeouts or table locking for extensive periods of time? The data within the column which is being updated during this period is not essential to have the new value returned; aka if a request happened to come in for this row, returning the old value would be perfectly acceptable rather than locking the set until the update is complete (I'm not sure the ins and outs of how this works, obviously I do want to prevent data corruption; could be a way of queuing any additional changes in the background)

This is possibly a situation where the NOLOCK hint is appropriate. You can read about SQL Server isolation levels in the documentation. And Googling "SQL Server NOLOCK" will give you plenty of material on why you should not over-use the construct.
I might also investigate whether you need a SQL query to compute values. A single query that takes 4 minutes on 6k records . . . well, that is a long time. You might want to consider reading the data into an application (say, using Python, R, or whatever) and doing the data manipulation there. It may also be possible to speed up the query processing itself.


stored proc time outs

We are currently having difficulties with a sql server procedure timing out on queries. 9 times out of 10 the query will run within 5 second max, however, on occasions, the proc can continue to run in excess of 2 mins and causing time outs on the front end (.net MVC application)..
They have been investigating this for over a week now, checking jobs, server performance and all seems to be ok..
The DBA's have narrowed it down to a particular table which is being bombarded from different application with inserts / updates. This in combination with the complex select query that is causing the time out that joins on that table (im being told) is causing the time outs..
Are there any suggestions at all to how to get around these time outs?
replicate the table and query the new table?
Any additional debugging that can prove that this is actually the issue?
Perhaps cache the data on the front end, if a time out, call data from cache?
A table being bombarded with updates is a table being bombarded with locks. And yes, this can affect performance.
First, copy the table and run the query multiple times. There are other possibilities for the performance issue.
One cause of unstable stored procedure performance in SQL Server is compilation. The code in the stored procedure is compiled the first time it is executed -- the resulting execution plan might work for some inputs and not others. This is readily fixed by using the option to recompile the queries each time (although this adds overhead).
Then, think about the query. Does it need the most up-to-date data? If not, perhaps you can just copy the table once per hour or once per day.
If the most recent data is needed, you might need to re-think the architecture. A table that does insert-only using a clustered identity column always inserts at the end of the table. This is less likely to interfere with queries on the table.
Replication may or may not help the problem. After all, full replication will be doing the updates on the replicated copy. You don't solve the "bombardment" problem by bombarding two tables.
If your queries involve a lot of historical data, then partitioning might help. Only the most recent partition would be "bombarded", leaving the others more responsive to queries.
The DBA's have narrowed it down to a particular table which is being bombarded from different application with inserts / updates. This in combination with the complex select query that is causing the time out that joins on that table (im being told) is causing the time outs
We used to face many time outs and used to get a lot of escalations..This is the approach we followed for reducing time outs..
Some may be applicable in your case,some may not...but following will not cause any harm
Change below sql server settings:
1.Remote login timeout :60
2.Remote query timeout:0
Also if your windows server is set to use Dynamic ram,try changing it to static ram..
You may also have to tune,some of windows server settings
TCP Offloading/Chimney & RSS…What is it and should I disable it?
Following above steps,reduced our time outs by 99%..
For the rest 1%,we have dealt each case seperately
1.Update statistics for those tables involved in the query
2.Try fine tuning the query further
This helped us reduce time outs totally..

Process performance over SQL Server

I have a time-consuming process that iterates a collection of items (e.g. 3500), where I need to query a database (currently using SQL Server) for each item (in fact very simple query).
I'm doing the queries one by one (in the loop) instead of an only batch query at the beggining, because the DAO has been given and I'm not able to change it at this moment.
The problem that I'm facing is that, if this process takes 2 minutes, 1'55" of them belongs to database accesses ... and "only" 5" for the hard work. I'm creating an only connection (at the beginning) instead of creating 3500 connections (too much payload), and also I tried to create a transaction at the beginning ... but it takes the same.
My question is: Is there any way to improve the performance of those queries, one by one, without reimplementing the DAL in order to do a batch query?
Attaching a pic of the SQL Server profiler:
Thanks in advance.
The duration of those queries is ~0ms. You cannot improve this, no matter what the query is.
You should find out why 3500 0ms queries take 2min. That is far too long. Maybe the time is spent elsewhere or on the network.

Efficiency - looping greater than the sum of it's parts?

This is a question of concept, and I am just moving from MS Access to SQL Server for stability and scalability.
I need to maintain a database that pulls from another server daily. Due to the possibility (and probability) of record changes on the other server, I have to pull using a 10 day rolling window with the expectation that anything older than 10 days will not change by policy.
The pull is in stages, getting just the records within a date range on the initial pass, then moving to other tables one at a time to pull relevant and relation data.
I have written a script that works with date range variables. If I set the range to 10 days, it pulls everything in about 8 hours. In a test to see if looping might be better, having the script loop starting with today -10, then continue until the while < today, it takes 16 hours to do 3 days.
Being new, I am curious of the logical reason why the looping by date approach is so much slower. My thought was to try to mitigate impact on the other server, but maybe this isn't conceptually the case.
The code works perfectly in both cases with the only difference being looped or all at once.
Thanks for any insight on this!
Since you are pulling from another server, you are probably using a linked server. Also, since it's the most intuitive way to do it, you are probably doing something like this:
select somefields
from ServerName.DatabaseName.Owner.TableName
where whatever
With this syntax, sql server brings the entire contents of the remote table to the local server first, and then applies the where clause. If the remote table has a lot of data, it takes a long time to transfer it over.
When you ran your original query, the data was transferred once. When you set up your loop, it was transferred more than once. That's why it took more time.
To speed up production with linked servers, use openquery.

Is it possible to Cache the result set of a select query in the database?

I am trying to optimize the search query which is the most used in our system. So far I have added some missing indexes and that has helped slightly. But I want to further reduce the load on the db server. One option that I will use is caching the result set as a LIST in the Cache so that I don't have to hit the db often.
However, I was wondering if there is a way to Cache some portions of the select query at the db as well. e.g. for the search results we consider only users who have been active in the last 180 days and who have share-info set as true. So this is like a super set which the db processes everytime and then applies other conditions such as category specified, city etc. which are passed. Is it possible to somehow Cache the Super Set so that I can run queries against the super set rather than run the query against the whole table? Will creating a View help in this? I am a bit hesitant to create a view as I read managing views can be an overhead and takes away some flexibility to modfy the tables.
I am using Sql-Server 2005 so cannot create a filtered index on the table, which I think would have been helpful.
I agree with #Neville K. SQL Server is pretty smart at caching data in memory. You might see limited / no performance gains for your effort.
You could consider indexed views (Enterprise Edition only) for your sub-query.
It is, of course, possible to do this - but I'm not sure if it will help.
You can create a scheduled job - once a night, perhaps - which populates a table called "active_users_with_share_info" by truncating it, and then repopulating it based on a select query filtering out users active in the last 180 days with "share_info = true".
Then you can join your search query to this table.
However, I doubt this would do much good - SQL Server is pretty smart at caching. Unless you're dealing with huge volumes of data (100 of millions of records), or very limited hardware, I doubt you'd get any measurable performance improvements - but by all means try it!
Of course, the price for this would be more moving parts in your application, more interesting failure modes (what happens if the overnight batch fails silently?), and more training for any new developers you bring into the team.

Postgres: How to fire multiple queries in same time?

I have one procedure which updates record values, and i want to fire it up against all records in table (over 30k records), procedure execution time is from 2 up to 10 seconds, because it depends on network load.
Now i'm doing UPDATE table SET field = procedure_name(paramns); but with that amount of records it takes up to 40 min to process all table.
Now im using 4 different connections witch fork to background and fires query with WHERE clause set to iterate over modulo of row id's to speed this up, ( WHERE id_field % 4 = ) and this works well and cuts down table populate to ~10 mins.
But i want to avoid using cron, shell jobs and multiple connections for this, i know that it can be done with libpq, but is there a way to fire up a query (4 different non-blocking queries) and do not wait till it ends execution, within single connection?
Or if anyone can point me out to some clues on how to write that function, using postgres internals, or simply in C and bound it as a stored procedure?
Cheers Darius
I've got a sure answer for this question - IF you will share with us what your ab workout is!!! I'm getting fat by the minute and I need answers myself...
OK I'll answer anyway.
If you are updating one table, on one database server, in 40 minutes 'single threaded' and in 10 minutes with 4 threads, the bottleneck is not the database server; otherwise, it would get bogged down in I/O. If you are executing a bunch of UPDATES, one call per record, the network round-trip time is killing you.
I'm pretty sure this is the case and not that it's either an I/O bottleneck on the DB or the possibility that procedure_name(paramns); is taking a long time. (If that were the procedure taking 2-10 seconds it would take like 2500 min to do 30K records). The reason I am sure is that starting 4 concurrent processed cuts the time in 1/4. So especially it is not an i/o issue on the DB server.
This might be the one excuse for putting business logic in an SP on the server. Optimization unfortunately means breaking the rules. The consequence is difficult maintenance. but, duh!!
However, the best solution would be to get this set up to use 'bulk update' queries. That might mean you have to take several strange and unintuitive steps such as this:
This will require a lot of modfication if multiple users can run it concurrently.
refactor the system so procedure_name(paramns) can get all the data it needs to process all records via a select statement. May need to use creative joins. If it's an SP of course now you are moving the logic to the client.
Use that have the program create an XML or other importable flat file format with the PK of the record to update, and the new field value or values. Write all the updates to this file instead of executing them on the DB.
have a temp table on the database that matches the layout of this flat file
run an import on the database - clear the temp table and import the file
do an update of a join of the temp table and the table to be updated, e.g., UPDATE mytbl, mytemp WHERE myPK=mytempPK SET myval=mytempnewval (use the right join syntax of course).
You can try some of these things 'by hand' first before you bother coding, to see if it's worth the speed increase.
If possible, you can still put this all in an SP!
I'm not making any guarantees, especially as I look down at my ever-fattening belly, but, this has the potential to melt your update job down to under a minute.
It is possible to update multiple rows at once. Below an example in postgres:
column_name = temp.column_name
(<id1>, <value1>),
(<id2>, <value2>),
(<id3>, <value3>)
) AS temp("id", "column_name")
PHP has some functions for asynchrone queries:
pg_ send_ execute()
pg_ send_ prepare()
pg_ send_ query_ params()
No idea about other programming languages, you have to dig into the manuals.
I think you can't. Single connection can handle single query at once. It's described in libpq documentation chapter "Asynchronous Command Processing":
"After successfully calling PQsendQuery, call PQgetResult one or more times to obtain the results. PQsendQuery cannot be called again (on the same connection) until PQgetResult has returned a null pointer, indicating that the command is done."