Is it possible to Cache the result set of a select query in the database? - sql

I am trying to optimize the search query which is the most used in our system. So far I have added some missing indexes and that has helped slightly. But I want to further reduce the load on the db server. One option that I will use is caching the result set as a LIST in the Cache so that I don't have to hit the db often.
However, I was wondering if there is a way to Cache some portions of the select query at the db as well. e.g. for the search results we consider only users who have been active in the last 180 days and who have share-info set as true. So this is like a super set which the db processes everytime and then applies other conditions such as category specified, city etc. which are passed. Is it possible to somehow Cache the Super Set so that I can run queries against the super set rather than run the query against the whole table? Will creating a View help in this? I am a bit hesitant to create a view as I read managing views can be an overhead and takes away some flexibility to modfy the tables.
I am using Sql-Server 2005 so cannot create a filtered index on the table, which I think would have been helpful.

I agree with #Neville K. SQL Server is pretty smart at caching data in memory. You might see limited / no performance gains for your effort.
You could consider indexed views (Enterprise Edition only) for your sub-query.

It is, of course, possible to do this - but I'm not sure if it will help.
You can create a scheduled job - once a night, perhaps - which populates a table called "active_users_with_share_info" by truncating it, and then repopulating it based on a select query filtering out users active in the last 180 days with "share_info = true".
Then you can join your search query to this table.
However, I doubt this would do much good - SQL Server is pretty smart at caching. Unless you're dealing with huge volumes of data (100 of millions of records), or very limited hardware, I doubt you'd get any measurable performance improvements - but by all means try it!
Of course, the price for this would be more moving parts in your application, more interesting failure modes (what happens if the overnight batch fails silently?), and more training for any new developers you bring into the team.


MS SQL Server Query caching

One of my projects has a very large database on which I can't edit indexes etc., have to work as it is.
What I saw when testing some queries that I will be running on their database via a service that I am writing in .net. Is that they are quite slow when ran the first time?
What they used to do before is - they have 2 main (large) tables that are used mostly. They showed me that they open SQL Server Management Studio and run a
FROM table1
JOIN table2
a query that takes around 5 minutes to run the first time, but then takes about 30 seconds if you run it again without closing SQL Server Management Studio. What they do is they keep open SQL Server Management Studio 24/7 so that when one of their programs executes queries that are related to these 2 tables (which seems to be almost all queries ran by their program) in order to have the 30 seconds run time instead of the 5 minutes.
This happens because I assume the 2 tables get cached and then there are no (or close to none) disk reads.
Is this a good idea to have a service which then runs a query to cache these 2 tables every now and then? Or is there a better solution to this, given the fact that I can't edit indexes or split the tables, etc.?
Sorry just I was possibly unclear, the DB hopefully has indexes already, just I am not allowed to edit them or anything.
Edit 2:
Query plan
This could be a candidate for an indexed view (if you can persuade your DBA to create it!), something like:
CREATE VIEW transhead_transdata
<columns of interest>
transhead th
JOIN transdata td
ON th.GID = td.HeadGID;
CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX transjoined_uci ON transhead_transdata (<something unique>);
This will "precompute" the JOIN (and keep it in sync as transhead and transdata change).
You can't create indexes? This is your biggest problem regarding performance. A better solution would be to create the proper indexes and address any performance by checking wait stats, resource contention, etc... I'd start with Brent Ozar's blog and open source tools, and move forward from there.
Keeping SSMS open doesn't prevent the plan cache from being cleared. I would start with a few links.
Understanding the query plan cache
Check your current plan cache
Understanding why the cache would clear (memory constraint, too many plans (can't hold them all), Index Rebuild operation, etc. Brent talks about this in this answer
How to clear it manually
Aside from that... that query is suspect. I wouldn't expect your application to use those results. That is, I wouldn't expect you to load every row and column from two tables into your application every time it was called. Understand that a different query on those same tables, like selecting less columns, adding a predicate, etc could and likely would cause SQL Server to generate a new query plan that was more optimized. The current query, without predicates and selecting every column... and no indexes as you stated, would simply do two table scans. Any increase in performance going forward wouldn't be because the plan was cached, but because the data was stored in memory and subsequent reads wouldn't experience physical reads. i.e. it is reading from memory versus disk.
There's a lot more that could be said, but I'll stop here.
You might also consider putting this query into a stored procedure which can then be scheduled to run at a regular interval through SQL Agent that will keep the required pages cached.
Thanks to both #scsimon #Branko Dimitrijevic for their answers I think they were really useful and the one that guided me in the right direction.
In the end it turns out that the 2 biggest issues were hardware resources (RAM, no SSD), and Auto Close feature that was set to True.
Other fixes that I have made (writing it here for anyone else that tries to improve):
A helper service tool will rearrange(defragment) indexes once every
week and will rebuild them once a month.
Create a view which has all the columns from the 2 tables in question - to eliminate JOIN cost.
Advised that a DBA can probably help with better tables/indexes
Advised to improve server hardware...
Will accept #Branko Dimitrijevic 's answer as I can't accept both

Rails 4: dashboard/analytics and querying ALL records in DB

Working on a dashboard page which does a lot of analytics to display BOTH graphical and tabular data to users.
When the dashboard is filtered by a given year, I have to display analytics for the selected year, another year chosen for comparison, and historical averages from all time.
For the selected and comparison years, I create start/end DateTime objects that are set to the beginning_of_year and end_of_year.
year = Model.where("closed_at >= ?", start).where("closed_at <= ?", end).all
comp = Model.where("closed_at >= ?", comp_start).where("closed_at <= ?", comp_end).all
These queries are essentially the same, just different date filters. I don't really see any way to optimize this besides trying to only "select(...)" the fields I need, which will probably be all of them.
Since there will be an average of 250-1000 records in a given year, they aren't "horrible" (in my not-very-skilled opinion).
However, the historical averages are causing me a lot of pain. In order to adequately show the averages, I have to query ALL the records for all time and perform calculations on them. This is a bad idea, but I don't know how to get around it.
all_for_average = Model.all
Surely people have run into these kinds of problems before and have some means of optimizing them? Returning somewhere in the ballpark of 2,000 - 50,000 records for historical average analysis can't be very efficient. However, I don't see another way to perform the analysis unless I first retrieve the records.
Option 1: Grab everything and filter using Ruby
Since I'm already grabbing everything via Model.all, I "could" remove the 2 year queries by simply grabbing the desired records from the historical average instead. But this seems wrong...I'm literally "downloading" my DB (so to speak) and then querying it with Ruby code instead of SQL. Seems very inefficient. Has anyone tried this before and seen any performance gains?
Option 2: Using multiple SQL DB calls to get select information
This would mean instead of grabbing all records for a given time period, I would make several DB queries to get the "answers" from the DB instead of analyzing the data in Ruby.
Instead of running something like this,
year = Model.where("closed_at >= ?", start).where("closed_at <= ?", end).all
I would perform multiple queries:
year_total_count = Model.where(DATE RANGE).size
year_amount_sum = Model.where(DATE RANGE).sum("amount")
year_count_per_month = Model.where(DATE RANGE).group("MONTH(closed_at)")
...other queries to extract selected info...
Again, this seems very inefficient, but I'm not knowledgeable enough about SQL and Ruby code efficiencies to know which would lead to obvious downsides.
I "can" code both routes and then compare them with each other, but it will take a few days to code/run them since there's a lot of information on the dashboard page I'm leaving out. Certainly these situations have been run into multiple times for dashboard/analytics pages; is there a general principle for these types of situations?
I'm using PostgreSQL on Rails 4. I've been looking into DB-specific solutions as well, as being "database agnostic" really is irrelevant for most applications.
Dan, I would look into using a materialized view (MV) for the all-time historical average. This would definitely fall under the "DB-specific" solutions category, as MVs are implemented differently in different databases (or sometimes not at all). Here is the basic PG documentation.
A materialized view is essentially a physical table, except its data is based on a query of other tables. In this case, you could create an MV that is based on a query that averages the historical data. This query only gets run once if the underlying data does not change. Then the dashboard could just do a simple read query on this MV instead of running the costly query on the underlying table.
After discussing the issue with other more experienced DBAs and developers, I decided I was trying to optimize a problem that didn't need any optimization yet.
For my particular use case, I would have a few hundred users a day running these queries anywhere from 5-20 times each, so I wasn't really having major performance issues (ie, I'm not a Google or Amazon servicing billions of requests a day).
I am actually just having the PostgreSQL DB execute the queries each time and I haven't noticed any major performance issues for my users; the page loads very quickly and the queries/graphs have no noticeable delay.
For others trying to solve similar issues, I recommend trying to run it for a while a staging environment to see if you really have a problem that needs solving in the first place.
If I hit performance hiccups, my first step will be specifically indexing data that I query on, and my 2nd step will be creating DB views that "pre-load" the queries more efficiently than querying them over live data each time.
Thanks to the incredible advances in DB speed and technology, however, I don't have to worry about this problem.
I'm answering my own question so others can spend time resolving more profitable questions.

libpq very slow for large (20 million record) database

I am new to SQL/RDBMS.
I have an application which adds rows with 10 columns in PostgreSQL server using the libpq library. Right now, my server is running on same machine as my visual c++ application.
I have added around 15-20 million records. The simple query of getting total count is taking 4-5 minutes using select count(*) from <tableName>;.
I have indexed my table with the time I am entering the data (timecode). Most of the time I need count with different WHERE / AND clauses added.
Is there any way to make things fast? I need to make it as fast as possible because once the server moves to network, things will become much slower.
I don't think network latency will be a large factor in how long your query takes. All the processing is being done on the PostgreSQL server.
The PostgreSQL MVCC design means each row in the table - not just the index(es) - must be walked to calculate the count(*) which is an expensive operation. In your case there are a lot of rows involved.
There is a good wiki page on this topic here with suggestions.
Two suggestions from this link, one is to use an index column:
select count(index-col) from ...;
... though this only works under some circumstances.
If you have more than one index see which one has the least cost by using:
EXPLAIN ANALYZE select count(index-col) from ...;
If you can live with an approximate value, another is to use a Postgres specific function for an approximate value like:
select reltuples from pg_class where relname='mytable';
How good this approximation is depends on how often autovacuum is set to run and many other factors; see the comments.
Consider pg_relation_size('tablename') and divide it by the seconds spent in
select count(*) from tablename
That will give the throughput of your disk(s) when doing a full scan of this table. If it's too low, you want to focus on improving that in the first place.
Having a good I/O subsystem and well performing operating system disk cache is crucial for databases.
The default postgres configuration is meant to not consume too much resources to play nice with other applications. Depending on your hardware and the overall utilization of the machine, you may want to adjust several performance parameters way up, like shared_buffers, effective_cache_size or work_mem. See the docs for your specific version and the wiki's performance optimization page.
Also note that the speed of select count(*)-style queries have nothing to do with libpq or the network, since only one resulting row is retrieved. It happens entirely server-side.
You don't state what your data is, but normally the why to handle tables with a very large amount of data is to partition the table.
This will not speed up your select count(*) from <tableName>; query, and might even slow it down, but if you are normally only interested in a portion of the data in the table this can be helpful.

How long should a query that returns 5 million records take?

I realise the answer should probably be 'as little time as possible' but I'm trying to learn how to optimise databases and I have no idea what an acceptable time is for my hardware.
For a start I'm using my local machine with a copy of sql server 2008 express. I have a dual-core processor, 2GB ram and a 64bit OS (if that makes a difference). I'm only using a simple table with about 6 varchar fields.
At first I queried the data without any indexing. This took a ridiculously long amount of time so I cancelled and added a clustered index (using the PK) to the table. This cut the time down to 1 minute 14 sec. I have no idea if this is the best I can get or whether I'm still able to cut this down even further?
Am I limited by my hardware or is there anything else I can do to my table/database/queries to get results faster?
FYI I'm only using a standard SELECT * FROM <Table> to retrieve my results.
EDIT: Just to clarify, I'm only doing this for testing purposes. I don't NEED to pull out all the data, I'm just using that as a consistent test to see if I can cut down the query times.
I suppose what I'm asking is: Is there anything I can do to speed up the performance of my queries other than a) upgrading hardware and b) adding indexes (assuming the schema is already good)?
I think you are asking the wrong question.
First of all - why do you need so many articles at one time on the local machine? What do you want to do with them? I'm asking because I think you want to transfer this of data to somewhere, so you should be measuring how long it takes to transfer the data.
Some advice:
Your applications should not select 5 million records at the time. Try to split your query and get the data in smaller sets.
Because you are doing this for testing, I suggest that you
Remove * from your query - it takes SQL server some time to resolve this.
Put your data in temporary storage, try using VIEW or a temporary table for this.
Use plan caching on your server
to improve performance. But even if you're just testing, I still don't understand why you would need such tests if your application would never use such a query. Testing just for the sake of testing is a bad use of time
Look at the query execution plan. If your query is doing a table scan, it will obviously take a long time. The query execution plan can help you decide what kind of indexing you would need on the table. Also, creating table partitions can help sometimes in cases where the data is partitioned by a condition (usually date and time).
I did 5.5 million in 20 seconds. That's taking over 100k schedules with different frequencies and forecasting them for the next 25 years. Just max scenario testing, but proves the speed you can achieve in a scheduling system as an example.
The best optimized way depends on the indexing strategy you choose. As many of the above answers, i too would say partitioning the table would help sometimes. And its not the best practice to query all the billion record in a single time frame. Will give you much better results if you could try to query partially with the iterations. you may check this link to clear the doubts on the minimum requirements for the Sql server 2008 Minimum H/W and S/W Requirements for Sql server 2008
When fecthing 5 million rows you are almost 100% going spool to tempdb. you should try to optimize your temp Db by adding additional files. if you have multiple drives on seperate disks you should split the table data into different ndf files located on seperate disks. parititioning wont help when querying all the data on the disk
U can also use a query hint to force parrallelism MAXDOP this will increase the CPU utilization. Ensure that the columns contain few nulls as possible and rebuild ur indexes and stats

Aggregates on large databases: best platform?

I have a postgres database with several million rows, which drives a web app. The data is static: users don't write to it.
I would like to be able to offer users query-able aggregates (e.g. the sum of all rows with a certain foreign key value), but the size of the database now means it takes 10-15 minutes to calculate such aggregates.
Should I:
start pre-calculating aggregates in the database (since the data is static)
move away from postgres and use something else?
The only problem with 1. is that I don't necessarily know which aggregates users will want, and it will obviously increase the size of the database even further.
If there was a better solution than postgres for such problems, then I'd be very grateful for any suggestions.
You are trying to solve an OLAP (On-Line Analytical Process) data base structure problem with an OLTP (On-Line Transactional Process) database structure.
You should build another set of tables that store just the aggregates and update these tables in the middle of the night. That way your customers can query the aggregate set of tables and it won't interfere with the on-line transation proceessing system at all.
The only caveate is the aggregate data will always be one day behind.
Possibly. Presumably there are a whole heap of things you would need to consider before changing your RDBMS. If you moved to SQL Server, you would use Indexed views to accomplish this: Improving Performance with SQL Server 2008 Indexed Views
If you store the aggregates in an intermediate Object (something like MyAggragatedResult), you could consider a caching proxy:
class ResultsProxy {
calculateResult(param1, param2) {
.. retrieve from cache
.. if not found, calculate and store in cache
There are quite a few caching frameworks for java, and most like for other languages/environments such as .Net as well. These solution can take care of invalidation (how long should a result be stored in memory), and memory-management (remove old cache items when reaching memory limit, etc.).
If you have a set of commonly-queried aggregates, it might be best to create an aggregate table that is maintained by triggers (or an observer pattern tied to your OR/M).
Example: say you're writing an accounting system. You keep all the debits and credits in a General Ledger table (GL). Such a table can quickly accumulate tens of millions of rows in a busy organization. To find the balance of a particular account on the balance sheet as of a given day, you would normally have to calculate the sum of all debits and credits to that account up to that date, a calculation that could take several seconds even with a properly indexed table. Calculating all figures of a balance sheet could take minutes.
Instead, you could define an account_balance table. For each account and dates or date ranges of interest (usually each month's end), you maintain a balance figure by using a trigger on the GL table to update balances by adding each delta individually to all applicable balances. This spreads the cost of aggregating these figures over each individual persistence to the database, which will likely reduce it to a negligible performance hit when saving, and will decrease the cost of getting the data from a massive linear operation to a near-constant one.
For that data volume you shouldn't have to move off Postgres.
I'd look to tuning first - 10-15 minutes seems pretty excessive for 'a few million rows'. This ought to be just a few seconds. Note that the out-of-the box config settings for Postgres don't (or at least didn't) allocate much disk buffer memory. You might look at that also.
More complex solutions involve implementing some sort of data mart or an OLAP front-end such as Mondrian over the database. The latter does pre-calculate aggregates and caches them.
If you have a set of common aggregates you can calculate it before hand (like, well, once a week) in a separate table and/or columns and users get it fast.
But I'd seeking the tuning way too - revise your indexing strategy. As your database is read only, you don't need to worry about index updating overhead.
Revise your database configuration, maybe you can squeeze some performance of it - normally default configurations are targeted to easy the life of first-time users and become short-sighted fastly with large databases.
Maybe even some denormalization can speed up things after you revised your indexing and database configuration - and falls in the situation that you need even more performance, but try it as a last resort.
Oracle supports a concept called Query Rewrite. The idea is this:
When you want a lookup (WHERE ID = val) to go faster, you add an index. You don't have to tell the optimizer to use the index - it just does. You don't have to change the query to read FROM the index... you hit the same table as you always did but now instead of reading every block in the table, it reads a few index blocks and knows where to go in the table.
Imagine if you could add something like that for aggregation. Something that the optimizer would just 'use' without being told to change. Let's say you have a table called DAILY_SALES for the last ten years. Some sales managers want monthly sales, some want quarterly, some want yearly.
You could maintain a bunch of extra tables that hold those aggregations and then you'd tell the users to change their query to use a different table. In Oracle, you'd build those as materialized views. You do no work except defining the MV and an MV Log on the source table. Then if a user queries DAILY_SALES for a sum by month, ORACLE will change your query to use an appropriate level of aggregation. The key is WITHOUT changing the query at all.
Maybe other DB's support that... but this is clearly what you are looking for.