Embedding Onedrive file picker in an iframe - onedrive

Want to embed the onedrive filepicker in an iframe
MSFT says that it can be done only by trusted partners. Anyone knows how to become one
Any alternate way to achieve this?


dropbox ios api - get thumbnails of all photos

I'm trying to implement my own dropbox photo chooser for iPhone, using dropBox SDK. I can't use the normal chooser because I have a different design.
At the moment I'm succeeding only in receiving meta data for all images, but I can't get thumbnails at all.
Is it a possible thing to do? thanks.
THis is probaby way too late but the new sdk has thumbail batch downloads.
Search for "GetThumbnailBatch" in the code.

Google Custom Search API Search Image by Image URL

I am working on an application which will have an option for users to upload images. Once uploaded, the application will show other images from the web which look exactly similar, whether or not of the same size.
For this, I will create a temporary URL for the image so that I could provide Google custom search API the URL of the image. I would expect in response, URL's of images that are exactly the same or similar to it, perhaps in JSON format.
I did find a similar question posted in January. Till then Google did not support anything like this, apparently:
Google Javascript Custom Search API: Search images by image url
One can also simply do:
http://images.google.com/searchbyimage?site=search&image_url={Image URL}
Since that is not part of an official API, it may not be right to use this method.
Can someone help me?
Well, the answer quite simply is TinEye Commercial API https://api.tineye.com/welcome. I was looking in the wrong place I guess, I did not have any luck with Google Custom Search API.
Would you need a simple result?
If you are, you can use Vision API of Google.
This is very simple.
You can try on the top.
First, access the URL.
Second, upload your image file on the "Try API"
Third, click "JSON" tab menu on the result.
You can be seen JSON about similar images.

Integrate Dropbox app in my app

So, this is the task I want to achieve. In my app, I have a text field which displays a list of all the apps and files that are present in my iOS device. One of them will be dropbox. When I tap on drop box, it should open the dropbox app and ask for user credentials. Once the user enters his credentials, it should save them and it shouldn't ask the next time he logs in again. Now, in that textbox that I mentioned earlier, I should get the list of the files that are there in my dropbox folder.
I'm new to iOS app development stuff so any help in the form of links, documentation will help alot. Please give me a brief idea on how to achieve this task.
Since you said links:
Tutorial Links
Dropbox Links
You should consider using Table Views to show your data instead of Text Fields.
Apple Documentation on Table Views:
Good luck with this!
What you are proposing violates the sandboxing principle of iOS. Apps don't know about anything outside their own documents folder, and do not have permission to read or write outside the area.
Files stored in Dropbox are accessible via the Dropbox API, so you will be able to achieve that part of your design, but most of the other apps on the device will not be visible or accessible to you.

Recommended way to embed Google Drive inside a WebView?

I have embedded a Google Drive webpage inside a webView in Mac OS X, but in this case the webpage is not fully functional:
It's not possible to Drag & Drop a file from the filesystem inside a document, (while it's possible to drop an image from another application)
The "Share" button does not work
The Print Button does not work
Multiple entries for the same user appear into the chat when opening the same document various times. The expected behavior is that the number of entries decrease when the user close the page. When a document is shown inside a Mac OS X WebView, the number of entries is increased correctly when opening a page, but it do not decrease when the WebView is closed.
I want to understand what is the recommended way to embed a Google Drive page inside a WebView to avoid all these issues.
Additionals information:
WebView documentation
All the requests are authenticated using the Google Drive Oauth access token.
There is no current recommended way of doing this, it should just work as if you are viewing Google Drive in any browser. Authorization should be done by the cookie though, Oauth token won't help you here.

How to open a document in other specific app - like Safari does it with iBooks when viewing a PDF - without using UIDocumentInteractionController?

If you view a PDF in Safari, it will show button in the toolbar that reads "Open in iBooks".
As far as I know there is the custom URL scheme "itms-books:" for iBooks and that allows passing a file path. iBooks then seems to be able to copy the file from the source app (from anywhere, or only from the personal documents folder?).
How does this work? The only way I'm aware of to share documents with other apps is via UIDocumentInteractionController, but that that is tied to the default popup.
Is there a way to transfer files using a custom URL scheme like iBooks does?
Or is this some hack only Apple is allowed to use (private API)?
Another way I could think of is to render the controller off screen, loop through it and touch the correct target app by code. Sounds dirty though....
Please note that my intention is not to open something in iBooks but in another app somebody else implemented (that app would be registered for the file types I offer and maybe have a custom URL scheme if required).