I want to parse a WSDL file with Zeep and get out:
All the operations
Request xml messages for each operations
Any examples on parsing the wsdl?
I guess I should use zeep.wsdl and the parse_service method?
import operator
from zeep import Client
wsdl = 'http://www.soapclient.com/xml/soapresponder.wsdl'
client = Client(wsdl=wsdl)
for service in client.wsdl.services.values():
print "service:", service.name
for port in service.ports.values():
operations = sorted(
for operation in operations:
print "method :", operation.name
print " input :", operation.input.signature()
print " output:", operation.output.signature()
client= Client('url_to_wsdl')
for service in client.wsdl.services.values():
for port in service.ports.values():
operations = sorted(
for operation in operations:
print operation.name
node = client.create_message(client.service, operation.name)
print node
#!/usr/bin/env python
import pika, sys, os
def main():
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(host='localhost'))
channel = connection.channel()
channel.exchange_declare(exchange='headers_logs', exchange_type='headers')
channel.queue_declare(queue='', exclusive=True)
queue_name = "HeadersQueue1"
channel.queue_bind(exchange='headers_logs', queue=queue_name)
def callback(ch, method, properties, body):
print(" [x] %r" % body.decode())
print(' [*] Waiting for logs. To exit press CTRL+C')
queue=queue_name, on_message_callback=callback, auto_ack=True)
if name == 'main':
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except SystemExit:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import pika
import sys
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(host='localhost'))
channel = connection.channel()
message = ' '.join(sys.argv[1:]) or "Hello World!"
print(" [x] Sent %r" % message)
Here I have written consumer and publish program like above. Can anyone please guide that how to write Simple headersExchange program in rabbitMq using python
To use a headers exchange, you need to declare the exchange type as headers, not fanout as in your question's text.
exchangeName = 'headers_logs'
channel.exchange_declare(exchangeName, exchange_type='headers', durable=True)
Then create the queue and bind it to the exchange using the headers. Note that 'x-match' here can be set to match any or all headers. The routing key is set to empty string because it will not be used for routing messages.
qName = 'queue_logs'
channel.queue_declare(queue=qNameI, durable=True)
channel.queue_bind(qName, exchangeName, routing_key='', arguments={'x-match': 'any', 'key1': 'one', 'key2': 'two'})
Now we can publish a message to the exchange with a set of headers:
body='test message body',
delivery_mode = 2, # make message persistent
headers = {'key1':'one', 'key2': 'three'}
I have only matched 'key1' in this message to demonstrate that 'x-match' has been set to 'any'.
I have an ActiveMQ queue which has several messages that were sent using persistent set to true. When I create a subscriber in Python to read the queue, I get all of the messages in the queue. The next time I open the subscriber, I get all of the same messages. I adjusted the code that writes to the queue to set persistent to false, but the message remains in the queue. Have I neglected to send an acknowledgement?
The code is written using Python 2.7 because that's what our customer is using. I'd love to upgrade them, but I don't have the time.
Here's the script that reads the queue:
import socket
import threading
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
from xml.dom import minidom # for pretty printing
# import SampleXML
import sys
import os
import math
import time
from time import monotonic
import string
import stomp # for queue support
import platform
class ConnectionListener(stomp.ConnectionListener):
def __init__(self, connection):
self.connection = connection
print ("Listener created")
def on_message(self, message):
print ("Received message with body ") + message.body
class Reader:
def __init__(self):
def ConnectToQueue(self):
#For Production
user = os.getenv("ACTIVEMQ_USER") or "worthington"
#user = os.getenv("ACTIVEMQ_USER") or "worthington_test"
password = os.getenv("ACTIVEMQ_PASSWORD") or "level3"
host = os.getenv("ACTIVEMQ_HOST") or "localhost"
port = os.getenv("ACTIVEMQ_PORT") or 61613
# destination = sys.argv[1:2] or ["/topic/event"]
# destination = destination[0]
dest = "from_entec_test"
#For Production
# dest = "from_entec"
conn = stomp.Connection10(host_and_ports = [(host, port)])
conn.set_listener('message', ConnectionListener(conn))
# conn.start()
# subscribe_id = '-'.join(map(str, (platform.node(), os.getppid(), os.getpid())))
subscribe_id = "Queue Test Listener"
conn.subscribe(destination=dest, id=subscribe_id, ack='client-individual')
except Exception as error:
reason = str(error)
print("Exception when readig data from queue: " + str(error))
if __name__ == "__main__" :
UploadData = Reader()
print ("Reader finished.")
except Exception as Value:
reason = str(Value)
And here's the code that writes to it:
import socket
import threading
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
from xml.dom import minidom # for pretty printing
# import SampleXML
import sys
import os
import math
import time
from time import monotonic
import string
import stomp # for queue support
import platform
class ConnectionListener(stomp.ConnectionListener):
def __init__(self, connection):
self.connection = connection
print "Listener created"
def on_message(self, message):
print "Received message with body " + message.body
class UploadData:
def __init__(self):
def ConnectToQueue(self):
#For Production
user = os.getenv("ACTIVEMQ_USER") or "worthington"
#user = os.getenv("ACTIVEMQ_USER") or "worthington_test"
password = os.getenv("ACTIVEMQ_PASSWORD") or "level3"
host = os.getenv("ACTIVEMQ_HOST") or "localhost"
port = os.getenv("ACTIVEMQ_PORT") or 61613
# destination = sys.argv[1:2] or ["/topic/event"]
# destination = destination[0]
dest = "from_entec_test"
#For Production
# dest = "from_entec"
conn = stomp.Connection10(host_and_ports = [(host, port)])
# conn.start()
# subscribe_id = '-'.join(map(str, (platform.node(), os.getppid(), os.getpid())))
subscribe_id = "Queue Test Listener"
message = "This is a test message."
conn.send(dest, message, persistent='true')
print "Sent message containing: " + message
except Exception, error:
reason = str(error)
print "Exception when writing data to queue: " + str(error)
if __name__ == "__main__" :
UploadData = UploadData()
except Exception, Value:
reason = str(Value)
print "Main routine exception: " + str(Value)
I'm not very familiar with Python STOMP clients but from the code you appear to be subscribing using the 'client-individual' mode of STOMP which means that each message you receive requires you to send an ACK frame back with the message Id value so that the remote can mark it as consumed. Since you are not doing that the messages will not be removed from the Queue.
As an alternative you can use the 'auto' acknowledgement mode which marks the message as consumed as soon as the broker dispatches them. To understand the STOMP subscription model please refer to the STOMP specification.
I'm trying to run the sample program from this RedisLabs page.
I chose Option A - which was to set up the free Redis cloud server.
(Seems like if you install manually, then you have to add the JSON as a plugin.)
I'm able to connect and use other "set" commands, but getting error on JSON:
File "C:\Users\nwalt\.virtualenvs\TDAmeritradeGetQuotes\lib\site-packages\redis\client.py", line 901, in execute_command
return self.parse_response(conn, command_name, **options)
File "C:\Users\nwalt\.virtualenvs\TDAmeritradeGetQuotes\lib\site-packages\redis\client.py", line 915, in parse_response
response = connection.read_response()
File "C:\Users\nwalt\.virtualenvs\TDAmeritradeGetQuotes\lib\site-packages\redis\connection.py", line 756, in read_response
raise response
redis.exceptions.ResponseError: unknown command 'JSON.SET'
My Python test program (except put in the sample endpoint before posting):
import redis
import json
import pprint
host_info = "redis.us-east-1-1.ec2.cloud.redislabs.com"
redisObj = redis.Redis(host=host_info, port=18274, password='xxx')
print ("Normal call to Redis")
redisObj.set('foo', 'bar')
value = redisObj.get('foo')
capitals = {
"Lebanon": "Beirut",
"Norway": "Oslo",
"France": "Paris"
print ("capitals - before call to Redis")
print("JSON call to Redis")
redisObj.execute_command('JSON.SET', 'doc', '.', json.dumps(capitals))
print("Data Saved, now fetch data back from redis")
reply = json.loads(redisObj.execute_command('JSON.GET', 'doc'))
print("reply from Redis get")
This is the screen shot from their website where I created the database. I didn't see any option to enable JSON or add any modules.
Not sure this was available when I created the REDIS database, but it is now. When you create it on redislabs.com, you can turn on the modules, and pick one from the list.
Then use this library: "rejson" from https://pypi.org/project/rejson/ to get the method "jsonset" method, using such code such as this:
rj = Client(host=config_dict['REDIS_CONFIG_HOST'], port=config_dict['REDIS_CONFIG_PORT'], password=config_dict['REDIS_CONFIG_PASSWORD'], decode_responses=True)
out_doc = {}
out_doc['firstname'] = "John"
out_doc['lastname'] = "Doe"
rj.jsonset('config', Path.rootPath(), out_doc)
get_doc = rj.jsonget('config', Path.rootPath())
I'm not used the cloud redis, in my local the Python don't load the JSON.SET
I just so make done, in this sample https://onelinerhub.com/python-redis/save-json-to-redis
I'm trying to publish messages with pika, using Celery tasks.
from celery import shared_task
from django.conf import settings
import json
def publish_message():
params = pika.URLParameters(settings.BROKER_URL + '?' + 'socket_timeout=10&' + 'connection_attempts=2')
conn = pika.BlockingConnection(parameters=params)
channel = conn.channel()
exchange = 'foo',
exchange = 'foo',
routing_key = 'bar',
body = json.dumps({'foo':'bar'}),
properties = pika.BasicProperties(content_type='application/json')
This task is called from the views.
Due to some weird reason, sometimes randomly, the messages are not getting queued. In my case, every second message is getting dropped. What am I missing here?
I would recommend that you enable confirm_delivery in pika. This will ensure that messages get delivered properly, and if for some reason the message could not be delivered. Pika will fail with either an exception, or return False.
successful = channel.basic_publish(...)
If the process fails you can try to send the message again, or log the error message from the exception so that you can act accordingly.
Try this:
chanel = conn.channel()
I'm trying to replicate the following successful cURL operation with Grinder.
curl -X PUT -d "title=Here%27s+the+title&content=Here%27s+the+content&signature=myusername%3A3ad1117dab0ade17bdbd47cc8efd5b08" http://www.mysite.com/api
Here's my script:
from net.grinder.script import Test
from net.grinder.script.Grinder import grinder
from net.grinder.plugin.http import HTTPRequest
from HTTPClient import NVPair
import hashlib
test1 = Test(1, "Request resource")
request1 = HTTPRequest(url="http://www.mysite.com/api")
log = grinder.logger.info
m = hashlib.md5()
class TestRunner:
def __call__(self):
params = [NVPair("title","Here's the title"),NVPair("content", "Here's the content")]
params.sort(key=lambda param: param.getName())
ps = ""
for param in params:
ps = ps + param.getValue() + ":"
ps = ps + "myapikey"
params.append(NVPair("signature", ("myusername:" + m.hexdigest())))
result = request1.PUT()
The test runs okay, but it seems that my script doesn't actually send any of the params data to the API, and I can't work out why. There are no errors generated, but I get a 401 Unauthorized response from the API, indicating that a successful PUT request reached it, but obviously without a signature the request was rejected.
This isn't exactly an answer, more of a workaround that I came up with, that I've decided to post since this question hasn't yet received any responses, and it may help anyone else trying to achieve the same thing.
The workaround is basically to use the httplib and urllib modules to build and make the PUT request instead of the HTTPClient module.
import hashlib
import httplib, urllib
params = [("title", "Here's the title"),("content", "Here's the content")]
params.sort(key=lambda param: param[0])
ps = ""
for param in params:
ps = ps + param[1] + ":"
ps = ps + "myapikey"
m = hashlib.md5()
params.append(("signature", "myusername:" + m.hexdigest()))
params = urllib.urlencode(params)
print params
headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("www.mysite.com:80")
conn.request("PUT", "/api", params, headers)
response = conn.getresponse()
print response.status, response.reason
print response.read()
(Based on the example at the bottom of this documentation page.)
You have to refer to the multi-form posting example in Grinder script gallery, but changing the Post to Put. It works for me.
files = ( NVPair("self", "form.py"), )
parameters = ( NVPair("run number", str(grinder.runNumber)), )
# This is the Jython way of creating an NVPair[] Java array
# with one element.
headers = zeros(1, NVPair)
# Create a multi-part form encoded byte array.
data = Codecs.mpFormDataEncode(parameters, files, headers)
grinder.logger.output("Content type set to %s" % headers[0].value)
# Call the version of POST that takes a byte array.
result = request1.PUT("/upload", data, headers)