Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics - Particle Density Estimation Issue - physics

I'm currently writing an SPH Solver using CUDA on
I have pretty good results and performances but in my mind they still seem pretty weird for some reason :
In some implementations, i saw that a particle does not contribute to its own internal forces (which would be 0 anyways due to the formulas), but it does contribute to its own density.
My simulations work "pretty fine" (i don't like "pretty fine", i want it perfect) and in my implementation a particle does not contribute to its own density.
Besides when i change the code so it does contribute to its own density, the resulting simulation becomes way too unstable (particles explode).
I asked this to a lecturer in physics based animation, he told me a particle should not contribute to its density, but did not give me specific details about this assertion.
Any idea of how it should be ?

As long as you calculate the density with the summation formula instead of the continuity equation, yes you need to do it with self-contribution.
Here is why:
SPH is an interpolation scheme, which allows you to interpolate a specific value in any position in space over a particle cloud. Any position means you are not restricted to evaluate it on a particle, but anywhere in space. If you do so, obviously you need to consider all particles within the influence radius. From this point of view, it is easy to see that interpolating a quantity at a particle's position does not influence its contribution.
For other quantities like forces, where the derivative of some quantity is approximated, you don't need to apply self-contribution (that would lead to the evaluation of 0/0).
To discover the source of the instability:
check if the kernel is normalised
are the stiffness of the liquid and the time step size compatible (for the weakly compressible case)?


Correcting SLAM drift error using GPS measurements

I'm trying to figure out how to correct drift errors introduced by a SLAM method using GPS measurements, I have two point sets in euclidian 3d space taken at fixed moments in time:
The red dataset is introduced by GPS and contains no drift errors, while blue dataset is based on SLAM algorithm, it drifts over time.
The idea is that SLAM is accurate on short distances but eventually drifts, while GPS is accurate on long distances and inaccurate on short ones. So I would like to figure out how to fuse SLAM data with GPS in such way that will take best accuracy of both measurements. At least how to approach this problem?
Since your GPS looks like it is very locally biased, I'm assuming it is low-cost and doesn't use any correction techniques, e.g. that it is not differential. As you probably are aware, GPS errors are not Gaussian. The guys in this paper show that a good way to model GPS noise is as v+eps where v is a locally constant "bias" vector (it is usually constant for a few metters, and then changes more or less smoothly or abruptly) and eps is Gaussian noise.
Given this information, one option would be to use Kalman-based fusion, e.g. you add the GPS noise and bias to the state vector, and define your transition equations appropriately and proceed as you would with an ordinary EKF. Note that if we ignore the prediction step of the Kalman, this is roughly equivalent to minimizing an error function of the form
measurement_constraints + some_weight * GPS_constraints
and that gives you a more straigh-forward, second option. For example, if your SLAM is visual, you can just use the sum of squared reprojection errors (i.e. the bundle adjustment error) as the measurment constraints, and define your GPS constraints as ||x- x_{gps}|| where the x are 2d or 3d GPS positions (you might want to ignore the altitude with low-cost GPS).
If your SLAM is visual and feature-point based (you didn't really say what type of SLAM you were using so I assume the most widespread type), then fusion with any of the methods above can lead to "inlier loss". You make a sudden, violent correction, and augment the reprojection errors. This means that you lose inliers in SLAM's tracking. So you have to re-triangulate points, and so on. Plus, note that even though the paper I linked to above presents a model of the GPS errors, it is not a very accurate model, and assuming that the distribution of GPS errors is unimodal (necessary for the EKF) seems a bit adventurous to me.
So, I think a good option is to use barrier-term optimization. Basically, the idea is this: since you don't really know how to model GPS errors, assume that you have more confidance in SLAM locally, and minimize a function S(x) that captures the quality of your SLAM reconstruction. Note x_opt the minimizer of S. Then, fuse with GPS data as long as it does not deteriorate S(x_opt) more than a given threshold. Mathematically, you'd want to minimize
some_coef/(thresh - S(X)) + ||x-x_{gps}||
and you'd initialize the minimization with x_opt. A good choice for S is the bundle adjustment error, since by not degrading it, you prevent inlier loss. There are other choices of S in the litterature, but they are usually meant to reduce computational time and add little in terms of accuracy.
This, unlike the EKF, does not have a nice probabilistic interpretation, but produces very nice results in practice (I have used it for fusion with other things than GPS too, and it works well). You can for example see this excellent paper that explains how to implement this thoroughly, how to set the threshold, etc.
Hope this helps. Please don't hesitate to tell me if you find inaccuracies/errors in my answer.

Tweaking Heightmap Generation For Hexagon Grids

Currently I'm working on a little project just for a bit of fun. It is a C++, WinAPI application using OpenGL.
I hope it will turn into a RTS Game played on a hexagon grid and when I get the basic game engine done, I have plans to expand it further.
At the moment my application consists of a VBO that holds vertex and heightmap information. The heightmap is generated using a midpoint displacement algorithm (diamond-square).
In order to implement a hexagon grid I went with the idea explained here. It shifts down odd rows of a normal grid to allow relatively easy rendering of hexagons without too many further complications (I hope).
After a few days it is beginning to come together and I've added mouse picking, which is implemented by rendering each hex in the grid in a unique colour, and then sampling a given mouse position within this FBO to identify the ID of the selected cell (visible in the top right of the screenshot below).
In the next stage of my project I would like to look at generating more 'playable' terrains. To me this means that the shape of each hexagon should be more regular than those seen in the image above.
So finally coming to my point, is there:
A way of smoothing or adjusting the vertices in my current method
that would bring all point of a hexagon onto one plane (coplanar).
For anyone looking for information on how to make points coplanar here is a great explination.
A better approach to procedural terrain generation that would allow
for better control of this sort of thing.
A way to represent my vertex information in a different way that allows for this.
To be clear, I am not trying to achieve a flat hex grid with raised edges or platforms (as seen below).
I would like all the geometry to join and lead into the next bit.
I'm hope to achieve something similar to what I have now (relatively nice undulating hills & terrain) but with more controllable plateaus. This gives me the flexibility of cording off areas (unplayable tiles) later on, where I can add higher detail meshes if needed.
Any feedback is welcome, I'm using this as a learning exercise so please - all comments welcome!
It depends on what you actually want and what you mean by "more controlled".
Do you want to be able to say "there will be a mountain on coordinates [11, -127] with radius 20"? Complexity of this this depends on how far you want to go. If you want just mountains, then radial gradients are enough (just add the gradient values to the noise values). But if you want some more complex shapes, you are in for a treat.
I explore this idea to great depth in my project (please consider that the published version is just a prototype, which is currently undergoing major redesign, it is completely usable a map generator though).
Another way is to make the generation much more procedural - you just specify a sequence of mathematical functions, which you apply on the terrain. Even a simple value transformation can get you very far.
All of these methods should work just fine for hex grid. If artefacts occur because of the odd-row shift, then you could interpolate the odd rows instead (just calculate the height value for the vertex from the two vertices between which it is located with simple linear interpolation formula).
Consider a function, which maps the purple line into the blue curve - it emphasizes lower located heights as well as very high located heights, but makes the transition between them steeper (this example is just a cosine function, making the curve less smooth would make the transformation more prominent).
You could also only use bottom half of the curve, making peaks sharper and lower located areas flatter (thus more playable).
"sharpness" of the curve can be easily modulated with power (making the effect much more dramatic) or square root (decreasing the effect).
Implementation of this is actually extremely simple (especially if you use the cosine function) - just apply the function on each pixel in the map. If the function isn't so mathematically trivial, lookup tables work just fine (with cubic interpolation between the table values, linear interpolation creates artefacts).
Several more simple methods of "gamification" of random noise terrain can be found in this paper: "Realtime Synthesis of Eroded Fractal Terrain for Use in Computer Games".
Good luck with your project

How is ray coherence used to improve raytracing speed while still looking realistic?

I'm considering exploiting ray coherence in my software per-pixel realtime raycaster.
AFAICT, using a uniform grid, if I assign ray coherence to patches of say 4x4 pixels (where at present I have one raycast per pixel), given 16 parallel rays with different start (and end) point, how does this work out to a coherent scene? What I foresee is:
There is a distance within which the ray march would be exactly the same for adjacent/similar rays. Within that distance, I am saving on processing. (How do I know what that distance is?)
I will end up with a slightly to seriously incorrect image, due to the fact that some rays didn't diverge at the right times.
Given that my rays are cast from a single point rather than a plane, I guess I will need some sort of splitting function according to distance traversed, such that the set of all rays forms a tree as it move outward. My concern here is that finer detail will be lost when closer to the viewer.
I guess I'm just not grasping how this is meant to be used.
If done correctly, ray coherence shouldn't affect the final image. Because the rays are very close together, there's a good change that they'll all take similar paths when traversing the acceleration structure (kd-tree, aabb tree, etc). You have to go down each branch that any of the rays could hit, but hopefully this doesn't increase the number of branches much, and it saves on memory access.
The other advantage is that you can use SIMD (e.g. SSE) to accelerate some of your tests, both in the acceleration structure and against the triangles.

How to run gradient descent algorithm when parameter space is constrained?

I would like to maximize a function with one parameter.
So I run gradient descent (or, ascent actually): I start with an initial parameter and keep adding the gradient (times some learning rate factor that gets smaller and smaller), re-evaluate the gradient given the new parameter, and so on until convergence.
But there is one problem: My parameter must stay positive, so it is not supposed to become <= 0 because my function will be undefined. My gradient search will sometimes go into such regions though (when it was positive, the gradient told it to go a bit lower, and it overshoots).
And to make things worse, the gradient at such a point might be negative, driving the search toward even more negative parameter values. (The reason is that the objective function contains logs, but the gradient doesn't.)
What are some good (simple) algorithms that deal with this constrained optimization problem? I'm hoping for just a simple fix to my algorithm. Or maybe ignore the gradient and do some kind of line search for the optimal parameter?
Each time you update your parameter, check to see if it's negative, and if it is, clamp it to zero.
If clamping to zero is not acceptable, try adding a "log-barrier" (Google it). Basically, it adds a smooth "soft" wall to your objective function (and modifying your gradient) to keep it away from regions you don't want it to go to. You then repeatedly run the optimization by hardening up the wall to make it more infinitely vertical, but starting with the previously found solution. In the limit (in practice only a few iterations are needed), the problem you are solving is identical to the original problem with a hard constraint.
Without knowing more about your problem, it's hard to give specific advice. Your gradient ascent algorithm may not be particularly suitable for your function space. However, given that's what you've got, here's one tweak that would help.
You're following what you believe is an ascending gradient. But when you move forwards in the direction of the gradient, you discover you have fallen into a pit of negative value. This implies that there was a nearby local maximum, but also a very sharp negative gradient cliff. The obvious fix is to backtrack to your previous position, and take a smaller step (e.g half the size). If you still fall in, repeat with a still smaller step. This will iterate until you find the local maximum at the edge of the cliff.
The problem is, there is no guarantee that your local maximum is actually global (unless you know more about your function than you are sharing). This is the main limitation of naive gradient ascent - it always fixes on the first local maximum and converges to it. If you don't want to switch to a more robust algorithm, one simple approach that could help is to run n iterations of your code, starting each time from random positions in the function space, and keeping the best maximum you find overall. This Monte Carlo approach increases the odds that you will stumble on the global maximum, at the cost of increasing your run time by a factor n. How effective this is will depend on the 'bumpiness' of your objective function.
A simple trick to restrict a parameter to be positive is to re-parametrize the problem in terms of its logarithm (make sure to change the gradient appropriately). Of course it is possible that the optimum moves to -infty with this transformation, and the search does not converge.
At each step, constrain the parameter to be positive. This is (in short) the projected gradient method you may want to google about.
I have three suggestions, in order of how much thinking and work you want to do.
First, in gradient descent/ascent, you move each time by the gradient times some factor, which you refer to as a "learning rate factor." If, as you describe, this move causes x to become negative, there are two natural interpretations: Either the gradient was too big, or the learning rate factor was too big. Since you can't control the gradient, take the second interpretation. Check whether your move will cause x to become negative, and if so, cut the learning rate factor in half and try again.
Second, to elaborate on Aniko's answer, let x be your parameter, and f(x) be your function. Then define a new function g(x) = f(e^x), and note that although the domain of f is (0,infinity), the domain of g is (-infinity, infinity). So g cannot suffer the problems that f suffers. Use gradient descent to find the value x_0 that maximizes g. Then e^(x_0), which is positive, maximizes f. To apply gradient descent on g, you need its derivative, which is f'(e^x)*e^x, by the chain rule.
Third, it sounds like you're trying maximize just one function, not write a general maximization routine. You could consider shelving gradient descent, and tailoring the
method of optimization to the idiosyncrasies of your specific function. We would have to know a lot more about the expected behavior of f to help you do that.
Just use Brent's method for minimization. It is stable and fast and the right thing to do if you have only one parameter. It's what the R function optimize uses. The link also contains a simple C++ implementation. And yes, you can give it MIN and MAX parameter value limits.
You're getting good answers here. Reparameterizing is what I would recommend. Also, have you considered another search method, like Metropolis-Hastings? It's actually quite simple once you bull through the scary-looking math, and it gives you standard errors as well as an optimum.

Modeling human running on a soccer field

In a soccer game, I am computing a steering force using steering behaviors. This part is ok.
However, I am looking for the best way to implement simple 2d human locomotion.
For instance, the players should not "steer" (or simply add acceleration computed from steering force) to its current velocity when the cos(angle) between the steering force and the current velocity or heading vectors is lower than 0.5 because it looks as if the player is a vehicule. A human, when there is an important change of direction, slows down and when it has slowed enough, it starts accelerating in the new direction.
Does anyone have any advice, ideas on how to achieve this behavior? Thanks in advance.
Make it change direction very quickly but without perfect friction. EG super mario
Edit: but feet should not slide - use procedural animation for feet
This is already researched and developed in an initiative called "Robocup". They have a simulation 2D league that should be really similar to what you are trying to accomplish.
Here's a link that should point you to the right direction:
Maybe you could compute the curvature. If the curvature value is to big, the speed slows down.
At low speed a human can turn on a dime. At high speed only very slight turns require no slowing. The speed and radius of the turn are thus strongly correlated.
How much a human slows down when aiming toward a target is actually a judgment call, not an automatic computation. One human might come to almost a complete stop, turn sharply, and run directly toward the target. Another human might slow only a little and make a wide curving arc—even if this increases the total length to the target. The only caveat is that if the desired target is inside the radius of the curve at the current speed, the only reasonable path is to slow since it would take a wide loop far from the target in order to reach it (rather than circling it endlessly).
Here's how I would go about doing it. I apologize for the Imperial units if you prefer metric.
The fastest human ever recorded traveled just under 28 mph. Each of your human units should be given a personal top speed between 1 and 28 mph.
Create a 29-element table of the maximum acceleration and deceleration rates of a human traveling at each whole mph in a straight line. It doesn't have to be exact--just approximate accel and decel values for each value. Create fast, medium, slow versions of the 29-element table and assign each human to one of these tables. The table chosen may be mapped to the unit's top speed, so a unit with a max of 10mph would be a slow accelerator.
Create a 29-element table of the sharpest radius a human can turn at that mph (0-28).
Now, when animating each human unit, if you have target information and must choose an acceleration from that, the task is harder. If instead you just have a force vector, it is easier. Let's start with the force vector.
If the force vector's net acceleration and resultant angle would exceed the limit of the unit's ability, restrict the unit's new vector to the maximum angle allowed, and also decelerate the unit at its maximum rate for its current linear speed.
During the next clock tick, being slower, it will be able to turn more sharply.
If the force vector can be entirely accommodated, but the unit is traveling slower than its maximum speed for that curvature, apply the maximum acceleration the unit has at that speed.
I know the details are going to be quite difficult, but I think this is a good start.
For the pathing version where you have a target and need to choose a force to apply, the problem is a bit different, and even harder. I'm out of ideas for now--but suffice it to say that, given the example condition of the human already running away from the target at top stpeed, there will be a best-time path that is between on the one hand, slowing enough while turning to complete a perfect arc to the target, and on the other hand stopping completely, rotating completely and running straight to the target.