How is ray coherence used to improve raytracing speed while still looking realistic? - optimization

I'm considering exploiting ray coherence in my software per-pixel realtime raycaster.
AFAICT, using a uniform grid, if I assign ray coherence to patches of say 4x4 pixels (where at present I have one raycast per pixel), given 16 parallel rays with different start (and end) point, how does this work out to a coherent scene? What I foresee is:
There is a distance within which the ray march would be exactly the same for adjacent/similar rays. Within that distance, I am saving on processing. (How do I know what that distance is?)
I will end up with a slightly to seriously incorrect image, due to the fact that some rays didn't diverge at the right times.
Given that my rays are cast from a single point rather than a plane, I guess I will need some sort of splitting function according to distance traversed, such that the set of all rays forms a tree as it move outward. My concern here is that finer detail will be lost when closer to the viewer.
I guess I'm just not grasping how this is meant to be used.

If done correctly, ray coherence shouldn't affect the final image. Because the rays are very close together, there's a good change that they'll all take similar paths when traversing the acceleration structure (kd-tree, aabb tree, etc). You have to go down each branch that any of the rays could hit, but hopefully this doesn't increase the number of branches much, and it saves on memory access.
The other advantage is that you can use SIMD (e.g. SSE) to accelerate some of your tests, both in the acceleration structure and against the triangles.


Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics - Particle Density Estimation Issue

I'm currently writing an SPH Solver using CUDA on
I have pretty good results and performances but in my mind they still seem pretty weird for some reason :
In some implementations, i saw that a particle does not contribute to its own internal forces (which would be 0 anyways due to the formulas), but it does contribute to its own density.
My simulations work "pretty fine" (i don't like "pretty fine", i want it perfect) and in my implementation a particle does not contribute to its own density.
Besides when i change the code so it does contribute to its own density, the resulting simulation becomes way too unstable (particles explode).
I asked this to a lecturer in physics based animation, he told me a particle should not contribute to its density, but did not give me specific details about this assertion.
Any idea of how it should be ?
As long as you calculate the density with the summation formula instead of the continuity equation, yes you need to do it with self-contribution.
Here is why:
SPH is an interpolation scheme, which allows you to interpolate a specific value in any position in space over a particle cloud. Any position means you are not restricted to evaluate it on a particle, but anywhere in space. If you do so, obviously you need to consider all particles within the influence radius. From this point of view, it is easy to see that interpolating a quantity at a particle's position does not influence its contribution.
For other quantities like forces, where the derivative of some quantity is approximated, you don't need to apply self-contribution (that would lead to the evaluation of 0/0).
To discover the source of the instability:
check if the kernel is normalised
are the stiffness of the liquid and the time step size compatible (for the weakly compressible case)?

Continuous modification of a set of points - find all nearest neighbors

I have a 3D set of points. These points will undergo a series of tiny perturbations (all points will be perturbed at once). Example: if I have 100 points in a box, each point may be moved up to, but no more than 0.2% of the box width in each iteration of my program.
After each perturbation operation, I want to know the new distance to each point's nearest neighbor.
This needs to use a very fast data structure; I'm optimizing this for speed. It's a somewhat tricky problem because I'm modifying all points at once. Approximate NN algorithms are not suitable for this problem.
I feel like the answer is somewhere between kd-trees and Voronoi tessellations, but I am not an expert on data structures, so I am baffled about what to do. I sure this is a very hard problem that would require a lot of research to reach a truly optimal solution, but even something fairly optimal will work for me.
You can try a quadkey or monster curve. It reduce the dimension and fills the plane. Microsoft bing maps quadkey is a good start to learn.

How do I calculate the location of an object that is both turning, and accelerating?

I am trying to write a simple game, but I'm stuck on what I think is simple physics. I have an object that at point 0,0,0 and is travelling at say 1 unit per second. If I give an instruction, that the object must turn 15 degrees per second , for 6 seconds (so it ends up 90 degrees right of it's starting position), and accelerate at 1 unit per second for 4 seconds (so it's final speed is 5 units per second), how do I calculate it's end point?
I think I know how to answer this for an object that isn't accelerating, because it's just a circle. In the example above, I know that the circumference of the circle is 4 * distance (because it is traversing 1/4 of a circle), and from that I can calculate the radius and angles and use simple trig to solve the answer.
However, because at any given moment in time the object is travelling slightly faster than it was in the previous moment, my end result wouldn't be a circle, it would be some sort of arc. I suppose I could estimate the end point by looping through each step (say 60 steps per second), but this sounds error prone and inefficient.
Could anybody point me in the right direction?
Your notion of stepping through is exactly what you do.
Almost all games operate under what's known as a "game tick". There are actually a number of different ticks that could be going on.
"Game tick" - each game tick, a set of requests are fired, AI is re-evaluated, and overall the game state has changed.
"physics tick" - each physics tick, each physical object is subject to a state change based on its current physical state.
"graphics tick" - also known as a rendering loop, this is simply drawing the game state to the screen.
The game tick and physics tick often, but do not need to, coincide with each other. You could have a physics tick that moves objects at their current speed along their current movement vector, and also applied gravity to it if necessary (altering its speed,) while adding additional acceleration (perhaps via rocket boosters?) in a completely separate loop. With proper multi-threading care, it would fit together nicely. The more de-coupled they are, the easier it will be to swap them out with better implementations later anyway.
Simulating via a time-step is how almost all physics are done in real-time gaming. I even used to do thermal modeling for the department of defense, and that's how we did our physics modelling there too (we just got to use bigger computers :-) )
Also, this allows you to implement complex rotations in your physics engine. The less special cases you have in your physics engine, the less things will break.
What you're asking is actually a Mathematical Rate of change question. Every object that is in motion has position locations of (x,y,z). If you are able to break down the component velocity and accelerations into their individual planes, your final end point would be (x1, y1, z1) which is the respective outcome of your equations in that plane.
Hope it helps (:

Modeling human running on a soccer field

In a soccer game, I am computing a steering force using steering behaviors. This part is ok.
However, I am looking for the best way to implement simple 2d human locomotion.
For instance, the players should not "steer" (or simply add acceleration computed from steering force) to its current velocity when the cos(angle) between the steering force and the current velocity or heading vectors is lower than 0.5 because it looks as if the player is a vehicule. A human, when there is an important change of direction, slows down and when it has slowed enough, it starts accelerating in the new direction.
Does anyone have any advice, ideas on how to achieve this behavior? Thanks in advance.
Make it change direction very quickly but without perfect friction. EG super mario
Edit: but feet should not slide - use procedural animation for feet
This is already researched and developed in an initiative called "Robocup". They have a simulation 2D league that should be really similar to what you are trying to accomplish.
Here's a link that should point you to the right direction:
Maybe you could compute the curvature. If the curvature value is to big, the speed slows down.
At low speed a human can turn on a dime. At high speed only very slight turns require no slowing. The speed and radius of the turn are thus strongly correlated.
How much a human slows down when aiming toward a target is actually a judgment call, not an automatic computation. One human might come to almost a complete stop, turn sharply, and run directly toward the target. Another human might slow only a little and make a wide curving arc—even if this increases the total length to the target. The only caveat is that if the desired target is inside the radius of the curve at the current speed, the only reasonable path is to slow since it would take a wide loop far from the target in order to reach it (rather than circling it endlessly).
Here's how I would go about doing it. I apologize for the Imperial units if you prefer metric.
The fastest human ever recorded traveled just under 28 mph. Each of your human units should be given a personal top speed between 1 and 28 mph.
Create a 29-element table of the maximum acceleration and deceleration rates of a human traveling at each whole mph in a straight line. It doesn't have to be exact--just approximate accel and decel values for each value. Create fast, medium, slow versions of the 29-element table and assign each human to one of these tables. The table chosen may be mapped to the unit's top speed, so a unit with a max of 10mph would be a slow accelerator.
Create a 29-element table of the sharpest radius a human can turn at that mph (0-28).
Now, when animating each human unit, if you have target information and must choose an acceleration from that, the task is harder. If instead you just have a force vector, it is easier. Let's start with the force vector.
If the force vector's net acceleration and resultant angle would exceed the limit of the unit's ability, restrict the unit's new vector to the maximum angle allowed, and also decelerate the unit at its maximum rate for its current linear speed.
During the next clock tick, being slower, it will be able to turn more sharply.
If the force vector can be entirely accommodated, but the unit is traveling slower than its maximum speed for that curvature, apply the maximum acceleration the unit has at that speed.
I know the details are going to be quite difficult, but I think this is a good start.
For the pathing version where you have a target and need to choose a force to apply, the problem is a bit different, and even harder. I'm out of ideas for now--but suffice it to say that, given the example condition of the human already running away from the target at top stpeed, there will be a best-time path that is between on the one hand, slowing enough while turning to complete a perfect arc to the target, and on the other hand stopping completely, rotating completely and running straight to the target.

Detect Collision point between a mesh and a sphere?

I am writing a physics simulation using Ogre and MOC.
I have a sphere that I shoot from the camera's position and it travels in the direction the camera is facing by using the camera's forward vector.
I would like to know how I can detect the point of collision between my sphere and another mesh.
How would I be able to check for a collision point between the two meshes using MOC or OGRE?
Update: Should have mentioned this earlier. I am unable to use a 3rd party physics library as we I need to develop this myself (uni project).
The accepted solution here flat out doesn't work. It will only even sort of work if the mesh density is generally high enough that no two points on the mesh are farther apart than the diameter of your collision sphere. Imagine a tiny sphere launched at short range on a random vector at a huuuge cube mesh. The cube mesh only has 8 verts. What are the odds that the cube is actually going to hit one of those 8 verts?
This really needs to be done with per-polygon collision. You need to be able to check intersection of polygon and a sphere (and additionally a cylinder if you want to avoid tunneling like reinier mentioned). There are quite a few resources for this online and in book form, but might be a useful starting point.
The comments about optimization are good. Early out opportunities (perhaps a quick check against a bounding sphere or an axis aligned bounding volume for the mesh) are essential. Even once you've determined that you're inside a bounding volume, it would probably be a good idea to be able to weed out unlikely polygons (too far away, facing the wrong direction, etc.) from the list of potential candidates.
I think the best would be to use a specialized physics library.
That said. If I think about this problem, I would suspect that it's not that hard:
The sphere has a midpoint and a radius. For every point in the mesh do the following:
check if the point lies inside the sphere.
if it does check if it is closer to the center than the previously found point(if any)
if it does... store this point as the collision point
Of course, this routine will be fairly slow.
A few things to speed it up:
for a first trivial reject, first see if the bounding sphere of the mesh collides
don't calc the squareroots when checking distances... use the squared lengths instead.(much faster)
Instead of comparing every point of the mesh, use a dimensional space division algorithm (quadtree / BSP)for the mesh to quickly rule out groups of points
Ah... and this routine only works if the sphere doesn't travel too fast (relative to the mesh). If it would travel very fast, and you sample it X times per second, chances are the sphere would have flown right through the mesh without every colliding. To overcome this, you must use 'swept volumes' which basically makes your sphere into a tube. Making the math exponentially complicated.