how to "sync" VB Project after dynamically adding a function? - vba

I am writing an Excel VBA project that creates new functions during code execution.
The newly added functions need to be able to be executed immediately.
While I do see the new functions added, I receive an "1004" run-time error on the first execution.
The below code adds a new function testMethod into an existing DynamicFunctions module (if the function is not already there) and executes it.
code snippets taken from Dynamic Code Generate & Execute#VBA and from Programming The VBA Editor
The error message:
"Run-time error '1004':
Cannot run the macro 'testMethod'. The macro may not be available in this workbook or all macros may be disabled"
(notice on second execution, the function already in the module so the code simply executes it and pops the message box)
Dim code As String
code = "Public Function testMethod()" & vbNewLine & _
vbTab & "MsgBox """ & Time & """" & vbNewLine & _
"End Function"
Dim methodExist As Boolean
methodExist = checkProcName("testMethod")
If (methodExist = False) Then
Dim VBComp As VBIDE.VBComponent
Set VBComp = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("DynamicFunctions")
Call VBComp.CodeModule.AddFromString(code)
End If
Application.Run "testMethod"
Function checkProcName(sProcName As String) As Boolean
' ===========================================================================
' Found on at
' then modified
' to check if a procedure exists, call 'checkProcName' passing
' in the target workbook (which should be open), the Module,
' and the procedure name
' ===========================================================================
Dim oVBProj As VBIDE.VBProject
Dim VBComp As VBIDE.VBComponent
Dim CodeMod As VBIDE.CodeModule
Dim ProcName As String
Dim ProcKind As VBIDE.vbext_ProcKind
checkProcName = False
Set VBProj = ThisWorkbook.VBProject
Set VBComp = VBProj.VBComponents("DynamicFunctions")
Set CodeMod = VBComp.CodeModule
With CodeMod
LineNum = .CountOfDeclarationLines + 1
Do Until LineNum >= .CountOfLines
ProcName = .ProcOfLine(LineNum, ProcKind)
If ProcName = sProcName Then
checkProcName = True
Exit Do
End If
Debug.Print ProcName
LineNum = .ProcStartLine(ProcName, ProcKind) + .ProcCountLines(ProcName, ProcKind) + 1
End With
End Function

Unless there is a specific reason you need to have the DynamicFunctions module in your project, you could always create one on the fly, run the code and delete when done.
Public Sub CreateModuleRunMethodAndDelete()
Dim code As String
code = "Public Function testMethod()" & vbNewLine & _
vbTab & "MsgBox """ & Time & """" & vbNewLine & _
"End Function"
'Create and append code
With ThisWorkbook.VBProject
With .VBComponents.Add(vbext_ct_StdModule)
.Name = "Temp"
.CodeModule.AddFromString code
End With
End With
Application.Run "testMethod"
'Delete module
With ThisWorkbook.VBProject
.VBComponents.Remove .VBComponents("Temp")
End With
End Sub
Create procedure if not exists and run.
Public Sub RunMethod()
Dim code As String
code = "Public Function testMethod()" & vbNewLine & _
vbTab & "MsgBox """ & Time & """" & vbNewLine & _
"End Function"
If Not checkProcName("testMethod") Then
ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("DynamicFunctions").CodeModule.AddFromString code
End If
Application.Run "testMethod"
End Sub


To move files from multiple source folders to multiple destination folders based on two hour delay

Yesterday we have finalized and tested the code (the first part of the code is VBScript) and the second part of the code is (in Excel VBA) to move file from one source folder to one destination folder successfully based on two hour delay (i.e. each file which will come to source folder will upload 2 hour delay), however the situation is that i have actually 15 source folders and 15 destination folders.
One method is that i should create 15 VBScript files and 15 Excel files that contains the code for each source and destination folder which i believe is not efficient way. I have tried a lot to add multiple source and destination folder options in the below mentioned code(s) but i am not successful, can anyone help me, i will be thankful.
the below mentioned code is VBscript
Dim oExcel, strWB, nameWB, wb
strWB = "E:\Delta\Folder monitor.xlsm"
nameWB = Left(strWB, InStr(StrReverse(strWB), "\") - 1)
nameWB = Right(strWB, Len(nameWB))
Set objExcel = GetObject(,"Excel.Application")
Set wb = objExcel.Workbooks(nameWB)
if wb is nothing then wbscript.quit 'the necessary workbook is not open...
dim strComputer, strDirToMonitor, strTime, objWMIService, colMonitoredEvents, objEventObject, MyFile
strComputer = "."
'# WMI needs two backslashes (\\) as path separator and each of it should be excaped.
'# So, you must use 4 backslashes (\\\\) as path separator!
strDirToMonitor = "E:\\\\Delta\\\\Source" 'use here your path
'# Monitor Above every 10 secs...
strTime = "10"
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colMonitoredEvents = objWMIService.ExecNotificationQuery _
("SELECT * FROM __InstanceOperationEvent WITHIN " & strTime & " WHERE " _
& "Targetinstance ISA 'CIM_DirectoryContainsFile' and " _
& "TargetInstance.GroupComponent= " _
& "'Win32_Directory.Name=" & Chr(34) & strDirToMonitor & Chr(34) & "'")
Do While True
Set objEventObject = colMonitoredEvents.NextEvent()
Select Case objEventObject.Path_.Class
Case "__InstanceCreationEvent"
' msgbox "OK"
'MsgBox "A new file was just created: " & _
MyFile = StrReverse(objEventObject.TargetInstance.PartComponent)
'// Get the string to the left of the first \ and reverse it
MyFile = (StrReverse(Left(MyFile, InStr(MyFile, "\") - 1)))
MyFile = Mid(MyFile, 1, Len(MyFile) - 1)
'send the information to the waiting workbook:
objExcel.Application.Run "'" & strWB & "'!GetMonitorInformation", Array(MyFile,Now)
End Select
and the second code for this purpose should be copied in a standard module:
Option Explicit
Private Const ourScript As String = "FolderMonitor.vbs"
Private Const fromPath As String = "E:\Delta\Source\"
Sub startMonitoring()
Dim strVBSPath As String
strVBSPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\VBScript\" & ourScript
TerminateMonintoringScript 'to terminate monitoring script, if running..
Shell "cmd.exe /c """ & strVBSPath & """", 0
End Sub
Sub TerminateMonintoringScript()
Dim objWMIService As Object, colItems As Object, objItem As Object, Msg
As String
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & "." & "\root\CIMV2")
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process", "WQL", 48)
For Each objItem In colItems
If objItem.Caption = "wscript.exe" Then
'// msg Contains the path of the exercutable script and the script name
On Error Resume Next
Msg = objItem.CommandLine 'for the case of null
On Error GoTo 0
'// If wbscript.exe runs the monitoring script:
If InStr(1, Msg, ourScript) > 0 Then
Debug.Print "Terminate Wscript process..."
objItem.Terminate 'terminate process
End If
End If
Set objWMIService = Nothing: Set colItems = Nothing
End Sub
Sub GetMonitorInformation(arr As Variant)
'call DoSomething Sub after 2 hours (now IT WILL RUN AFTER 1 MINUTE, for testing reasons...)
'for running after 2 hours you should change "00:01:00" in "02:00:00":
arr(0) = Replace(arr(0), "'", "''") 'escape simple quote (') character'
Application.OnTime CDate(arr(1)) + TimeValue("00:01:00"), "'DoSomething """ & CStr(arr(0)) & """'"
Debug.Print "start " & Now 'just for testing (wait a minute...)
'finaly, this line should be commented.
End Sub
Sub DoSomething(strFileName As String)
Const toPath As String = "E:\Delta\Destination\"
If Dir(toPath & strFileName) = "" Then
Name fromPath & strFileName As toPath & strFileName
Debug.Print strFileName & " moved from " & fromPath & " to " & toPath 'just for testing...
MsgBox "File """ & toPath & strFileName & """ already exists in this location..."
End If
End Sub
you can see the previous query here on the link Previous Query
Please, use the next scenario. It assumes that you will fill the necessary path in an existing Excel sheet. Since, it will take the necessary paths based on a cell selection, it is necessary to name the sheet in discussion as "Folders". In Column A:A you should fill the 'Source' folder path (ending in backslash "") and in B:B, the 'Destination' folder path (also ending in backslash).
The proposed solution takes the necessary paths based on your selection in A:A column. The 'Destination' path is extracted based on the selection row.
Please, replace the existing string with the next one, adapting the two necessary paths:
Dim oExcel, strWB, nameWB, wb
strWB = "C:\Teste VBA Excel\Folder monitor.xlsm" 'use here your workbook path!!!
nameWB = Left(strWB, InStr(StrReverse(strWB), "\") - 1)
nameWB = Right(strWB, Len(nameWB))
Set objExcel = GetObject(,"Excel.Application")
Set wb = objExcel.Workbooks(nameWB)
if wb is nothing then wbscript.quit 'the necessary workbook is not open...
dim strComputer, strDirToMonitor, strTime, objWMIService, colMonitoredEvents, objEventObject, MyFile
strComputer = "."
'# WMI needs two backslashes (\\) as path separator and each of it should be excaped.
'# So, you must use 4 backslashes (\\\\) as path separator!
strDirToMonitor = "C:\\\\test\\\\test" 'use here your path !!!
'# Monitor Above every 10 secs...
strTime = "10"
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colMonitoredEvents = objWMIService.ExecNotificationQuery _
("SELECT * FROM __InstanceOperationEvent WITHIN " & strTime & " WHERE " _
& "Targetinstance ISA 'CIM_DirectoryContainsFile' and " _
& "TargetInstance.GroupComponent= " _
& "'Win32_Directory.Name=" & Chr(34) & strDirToMonitor & Chr(34) & "'")' and " _
' & "'Win32_Directory.Name=" & Chr(34) & strDirToMonitor & Chr(34) & "'")
Do While True
Set objEventObject = colMonitoredEvents.NextEvent()
Select Case objEventObject.Path_.Class
Case "__InstanceCreationEvent"
MyFile = StrReverse(objEventObject.TargetInstance.PartComponent)
' Get the string to the left of the first \ and reverse it
MyFile = (StrReverse(Left(MyFile, InStr(MyFile, "\") - 1)))
MyFile = Mid(MyFile, 1, Len(MyFile) - 1)
'send the information to the waiting workbook:
objExcel.Application.Run "'" & strWB & "'!GetMonitorInformation", Array(MyFile, Now, strDirToMonitor)
End Select
The adapted script sends also the source path to the waiting workbook...
TerminateMonintoringScript Sub remains exactly as it is.
Please, copy the next adapted code instead of existing one, in the used standard module (TerminateMonintoringScript included, even not modified):
Option Explicit
Private Const ourScript As String = "FolderMonitor.vbs"
Private fromPath As String, toPath As String
Sub startMonitoring()
Dim strVBSPath As String, actCell As Range, strTxt As String, pos As Long, endP As Long, oldPath As String
Set actCell = ActiveCell
If actCell.Parent.Name <> "Folders" Then MsgBox "Wrong activated sheet...": Exit Sub
fromPath = actCell.Value
If actCell.Column <> 1 Or Dir(fromPath, vbDirectory) = "" Then Exit Sub 'not a valid path in the selected cell
strVBSPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\VBScript\" & ourScript
'change the script necessary "strDirToMonitor" variable path, if the case:__________________________
strTxt = ReadFile(strVBSPath)
pos = InStr(strTxt, Replace(fromPath, "\", "\\\\"))
If pos = 0 Then 'if not the correct path already exists
pos = InStr(strTxt, "strDirToMonitor = """) 'start position of the existing path
endP = InStr(strTxt, """ 'use here your path") 'end position of the existing path
'extract existing path:
oldPath = Mid(strTxt, pos + Len("strDirToMonitor = """), endP - (pos + Len("strDirToMonitor = """)))
strTxt = Replace(strTxt, oldPath, _
Replace(Left(fromPath, Len(fromPath) - 1), "\", "\\\\")) 'replacing existing with the new one
'drop back the updated string in the vbs file:
Dim iFileNum As Long: iFileNum = FreeFile
Open strVBSPath For Output As iFileNum
Print #iFileNum, strTxt
Close iFileNum
End If
TerminateMonintoringScript 'to terminate monitoring script, if running...
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:02") 'to be sure that the next line will load the updated file...
Shell "cmd.exe /c """ & strVBSPath & """", 0 'run the VBScript
End Sub
Function ReadFile(strFile As String) As String 'function to read the vbscript string content
Dim iTxtFile As Integer
iTxtFile = FreeFile
Open strFile For Input As iTxtFile
ReadFile = Input(LOF(iTxtFile), iTxtFile)
Close iTxtFile
End Function
Sub TerminateMonintoringScript()
Dim objWMIService As Object, colItems As Object, objItem As Object, Msg As String
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & "." & "\root\CIMV2")
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process", "WQL", 48)
For Each objItem In colItems
If objItem.Caption = "wscript.exe" Then
'// msg Contains the path of the exercutable script and the script name
On Error Resume Next
Msg = objItem.CommandLine 'for the case of null
On Error GoTo 0
'// If wbscript.exe runs the monitoring script:
If InStr(1, Msg, ourScript) > 0 Then
Debug.Print "Terminate Wscript process..."
objItem.Terminate 'terminate process
End If
End If
Set objWMIService = Nothing: Set colItems = Nothing
End Sub
Sub GetMonitorInformation(arr As Variant)
'call DoSomething Sub after 2 hours (now IT WILL RUN AFTER 1 MINUTE, for testing reasons...)
'for running after 2 hours you should change "00:01:00" in "02:00:00":
arr(0) = Replace(arr(0), "'", "''") 'escape simple quote (') character'
fromPath = Replace(arr(2), "\\\\", "\")
Dim rngFrom As Range: Set rngFrom = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Folders").Range("A:A").Find(what:=fromPath)
toPath = rngFrom.Offset(, 1).Value
Application.OnTime CDate(arr(1)) + TimeValue("00:00:30"), "'DoSomething """ & fromPath & "\" & CStr(arr(0)) & """, """ & toPath & CStr(arr(0)) & """'"
Debug.Print Now; " start " & arr(0) & fromPath & "\" & CStr(arr(0)) 'just for testing (wait a minute...)
'finaly, this line should be commented.
End Sub
Sub DoSomething(sourceFileName As String, destFilename As String)
If Dir(destFilename) = "" Then
Name sourceFileName As destFilename
Debug.Print sourceFileName & " moved to " & destFilename 'just for testing...
Debug.Print "File """ & destFilename & """ already exists in this location..."
End If
End Sub
Sub DoSomething_(strFileName As String) 'cancelled
If Dir(toPath & strFileName) = "" Then
Name fromPath & strFileName As toPath & strFileName
Debug.Print strFileName & " moved from " & fromPath & " to " & toPath 'just for testing...
MsgBox "File """ & toPath & strFileName & """ already exists in this location..."
End If
End Sub
So, you only need to replace the existing VBA code with the above adapted one, to place the 'source'/'destination' paths in columns A:B of one of Excel sheets, which to be named "Folders".
Select in column A:A a 'Source' cell and run startMonitoring.
Play with files creation and check their moving from the new 'source' to the new 'destination'...
But you have to understand that only a session of the WMI class can run at a specific moment. This means that you cannot simultaneously monitor more than one folder...
I am still documenting regarding the possibility to use a query able to be common for multiple folders. But I never could see such an approach till now and it may not be possible...

to add two hours of timer to move file based on date modified

Some of VBA Experts have helped me a lot and have fixed the code for me which moves one file one at a time but it first moves the oldest file in the folder. However here i have a complex situation which for now not resolving. i.e. I would like to add a timer of two hours i.e. the file should move after two hour.
e.g. If a file named "North_West data" whose modified time is 6:40 PM i would like the code to move it exactly after two hours. Similarly at the next run the next file which has to be moved has filed modified time e.g. 6:50 PM so the VBA code should actually move it exactly after two hours. this means each file should have automatic two hours delay timer in it, i hope i am able to clarify the query.
Function OldestFile(strFold As String) As String
Dim FSO As Object, Folder As Object, File As Object, oldF As String
Dim lastFile As Date: lastFile = Now
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set Folder = FSO.GetFolder(strFold)
For Each File In Folder.Files
If File.DateLastModified < lastFile Then
lastFile = File.DateLastModified: oldF = File.Name
End If
OldestFile = oldF
End Function
Sub MoveOldestFile()
Dim FromPath As String, ToPath As String, fileName As String
FromPath = "E:\Source\"
ToPath = "E:\Destination\"
fileName = OldestFile(FromPath)
If Dir(ToPath & fileName) = "" Then
Name FromPath & fileName As ToPath & fileName
MsgBox "File """ & fileName & """ already moved..."
End If
End Sub
You can check the previously resolved query here
Previous query
Please, try the next way. Basically, it uses a VBScript able to catch file creation event, which sends the created file name and the moment of creation to a workbook which should be open all the time.
Create a VBScript and name it "FolderMonitor.vbs". To do that, please copy the next code in an empty Notepad window:
Dim oExcel, strWB, nameWB, wb
strWB = "C:\Teste VBA Excel\Folder monitor.xlsm" 'use here the path of the waiting workbook!
nameWB = Left(strWB, InStr(StrReverse(strWB), "\") - 1)
nameWB = Right(strWB, Len(nameWB))
Set objExcel = GetObject(,"Excel.Application")
Set wb = objExcel.Workbooks(nameWB)
if wb is nothing then wbscript.quit 'the necessary workbook is not open...
dim strComputer, strDirToMonitor, strTime, objWMIService, colMonitoredEvents, objEventObject, MyFile
strComputer = "."
'# WMI needs two backslashes (\\) as path separator and each of it should be excaped.
'# So, you must use 4 backslashes (\\\\) as path separator!
strDirToMonitor = "C:\\\\test\\\\test" 'use here your path
'# Monitor Above every 10 secs...
strTime = "10"
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colMonitoredEvents = objWMIService.ExecNotificationQuery _
("SELECT * FROM __InstanceOperationEvent WITHIN " & strTime & " WHERE " _
& "Targetinstance ISA 'CIM_DirectoryContainsFile' and " _
& "TargetInstance.GroupComponent= " _
& "'Win32_Directory.Name=" & Chr(34) & strDirToMonitor & Chr(34) & "'")
Do While True
Set objEventObject = colMonitoredEvents.NextEvent()
Select Case objEventObject.Path_.Class
Case "__InstanceCreationEvent"
MyFile = StrReverse(objEventObject.TargetInstance.PartComponent)
' Get the string to the left of the first \ and reverse it
MyFile = (StrReverse(Left(MyFile, InStr(MyFile, "\") - 1)))
MyFile = Mid(MyFile, 1, Len(MyFile) - 1)
'send the information to the waiting workbook:
objExcel.Application.Run "'" & strWB & "'!GetMonitorInformation", Array(MyFile,Now)
' some other events can be used starting from here...
End Select
And save it as stated above. But take care to not save it as "FolderMonitor.vbs.txt". In order to avoid that, when saving you should change 'Save as typefrom defaultText documents (.txt)toAll files (.*)`!
In order to make the following code working as it is, you should create a folder named "VBScript" in the folder where the workbook running the code exists and place the above VBScript inside!
Copy the next code in a standard module of a xlsm workbook. In order to be called by the above script, as it is, you should name it "Folder monitor.xlsm":
Option Explicit
Private Const ourScript As String = "FolderMonitor.vbs"
Private Const fromPath As String = "E:\Source\"
Sub startMonitoring()
Dim strVBSPath As String
strVBSPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\VBScript\" & ourScript
TerminateMonintoringScript 'to terminate monitoring script, if running..
Shell "cmd.exe /c """ & strVBSPath & """", 0
End Sub
Sub TerminateMonintoringScript()
Dim objWMIService As Object, colItems As Object, objItem As Object, Msg As String
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & "." & "\root\CIMV2")
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process", "WQL", 48)
For Each objItem In colItems
If objItem.Caption = "wscript.exe" Then
'// msg Contains the path of the exercutable script and the script name
On Error Resume Next
Msg = objItem.CommandLine 'for the case of null
On Error GoTo 0
'// If wbscript.exe runs the monitoring script:
If InStr(1, Msg, ourScript) > 0 Then
Debug.Print "Terminate Wscript process..."
objItem.Terminate 'terminate process
End If
End If
Set objWMIService = Nothing: Set colItems = Nothing
End Sub
Sub GetMonitorInformation(arr As Variant)
'call DoSomething Sub after 2 hours (now IT WILL RUN AFTER 1 MINUTE, for testing reasons...)
'for running after 2 hours you should change "00:01:00" in "02:00:00":
arr(0) = Replace(arr(0), "'", "''") 'escape simple quote (') character'
Application.OnTime CDate(arr(1)) + TimeValue("00:01:00"), "'DoSomething """ & CStr(arr(0)) & """'"
Debug.Print "start " & Now 'just for testing (wait a minute...)
'finaly, this line should be commented.
End Sub
Sub DoSomething(strFileName As String)
Const toPath As String = "E:\Destination\"
If Dir(toPath & strFileName) = "" Then
Name fromPath & strFileName As toPath & strFileName
Debug.Print strFileName & " moved from " & fromPath & " to " & toPath 'just for testing...
MsgBox "File """ & toPath & strFileName & """ already exists in this location..."
End If
End Sub
a. You firstly should run "startMonitoring" Sub. It can be called from the Workbook_Open event.
b. Copy files in the monitored folder and check if they are copied as it should. Note that the code as it is move it after a minute. It is commented to exactly show what and how it can be changed...

Application.Run with Error Trapping

In Access, using VBA, I want to use Application.Run and trap any errors. Unfortunately, Application.Run seems to hijack error trapping. Is there a way to fix this?
On Error Resume Next
Application.Run ...
I never get past Application.Run on an error, even if I specify On Error Resume Next or On Error GoTo ErrCatch. My error trapping setting is ignored.
If the procedure you're calling is inside your VBA project, then you can just call the procedure directly with:
Sub Foo()
'Application.Run "SomeProc"
End Sub
If you need to be able to call things dynamically by name, you could explore using classes and CallByName:
'In a standard module
Sub Foo()
Dim o as New ProcRunner
CallByName o, "SomeProc", VbMethod, args
End Sub
'In a class module called ProcRunner
Sub SomeProc()
'Or, do something in a standard module
End Sub
Or, you could write your own dynamic handler, along the lines of:
Sub AppRun(ProcName As String, ParamArray Args)
Select Case ProcName
Case "SomeProc"
Case "SomeFunc"
End Select
End Sub
If you're calling procedures in another VBA project, you may need to add a reference to that project, depending upon the VBA host.
However, if you're using Application.Run because you're calling functions registered by a DLL or XLL, then you don't have any option other than to use Application.Run
There is a way to do this. We have a test harness in VBA and need a way of testing whether a procedure throws an error or not, giving a true/false result. We want True to indicate that an error was thrown, and False to indicate that no error was thrown. This only works for public procedures, but you can pass in a variable amount of arguments.
mIsErrorThrownDuringRunProcedure allows you to pass in a proc name and a varags list of arguments. It creates a new module, then writes another procedure to a the new module, calls that other procedure, and returns the result. The other procedure checks whether running the proc with the given args had any errors. When the dynamically created procedure is finished running, the new module is deleted.
An auxiliary function called mCreateCodeToExecute creates the code that is run from the new module to actually get the true/false result.
Public Function mIsErrorThrownDuringRunProcedure(pProcName As String, ParamArray pArgs() As Variant) As Boolean
Dim lVbComp As Object
Set lVbComp = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Add(1)
Dim lProcNameToExecute As String
lProcNameToExecute = "mIsErrroRunDuringProcedure" & pProcName
Dim lCodeToExecute As String
Dim lNumArgs As Integer: lNumArgs = 0
Dim lArg As Variant
For Each lArg In pArgs
lNumArgs = lNumArgs + 1
lCodeToExecute = mCreateCodeToExecute(pProcName, lProcNameToExecute, lNumArgs)
lVbComp.CodeModule.AddFromString lCodeToExecute
mIsErrorThrownDuringRunProcedure = Application.Run(lProcNameToExecute, pArgs)
ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Remove lVbComp
End Function
Private Function mCreateCodeToExecute(pProcName As String, lProcNameToExecute As String, numArgs As Integer)
Dim lCodeToExecute As String
lCodeToExecute = "Function " & lProcNameToExecute & "("
lCodeToExecute = lCodeToExecute & "ParamArray pArgs() As Variant) As Boolean" & vbCrLf
Dim lGoToLabel As String: lGoToLabel = "gtCodeHadError"
lCodeToExecute = lCodeToExecute & " On Error GoTo " & lGoToLabel & vbCrLf
lCodeToExecute = lCodeToExecute & " Call " & pProcName & "("
Dim lIndex As Integer
lIndex = 0
For lIndex = 0 To numArgs - 1
lCodeToExecute = lCodeToExecute & "pArgs(" & lIndex & "), "
lIndex = lIndex + 1
Dim lCutOff As Integer: lCutOff = 2
If lIndex = 0 Then lCutOff = 1
lCodeToExecute = left(lCodeToExecute, Len(lCodeToExecute) - lCutOff)
If lCutOff = 2 Then lCodeToExecute = lCodeToExecute & ")"
lCodeToExecute = lCodeToExecute & vbCrLf & " " & lProcNameToExecute & "= False" & vbCrLf & " Exit Function"
lCodeToExecute = lCodeToExecute & vbCrLf & lGoToLabel & ":" & vbCrLf
lCodeToExecute = lCodeToExecute & " " & lProcNameToExecute & "= True"
lCodeToExecute = lCodeToExecute & vbCrLf & "End Function"
mCreateCodeToExecute = lCodeToExecute
End Function
How to run a string as a command in VBA

Regex for VBA Excel macro for new folder chars

I have a function which is Boolean, and returns whether is the cell OK for creating a New Folder based on its value or its not (if it posses following chars:<,>,|,\,*,?)
But from some weird reason, it returns always false, either is a cell OK or not.
So, I have a sub which creates a loop for all rows and creates some .txt files and puts it in auto-generated folders.
Here is my code:
Sub CreateTxtSrb()
Dim iRow As Long
Dim iFile As Integer
Dim sPath As String
Dim sFile As String
Dim iEnd As Range
'iEnd = Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
For iRow = 1 To Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row
iFile = FreeFile
With Rows(iRow)
If IsValidFolderName(.Range("B2").Value) = False Or IsValidFolderName(.Range("D2").Value) = False Or IsValidFolderName(.Range("F2").Value) = False Then
MsgBox ("Check columns B,D or F, it cannot contains chars: <,>,?,|,\,/,*,. or a space at the end")
Exit Sub
strShort = IIf(InStr(.Range("E2").Value, vbCrLf), Left(.Range("E2").Value, InStr(.Range("E2").Value, vbCrLf) - 2), .Range("E2").Value)
sPath = "E:\" & .Range("B2").Value & "\"
If Len(Dir(sPath, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then MkDir sPath
sFile = .Range("D2").Value & ".txt"
Open sPath & sFile For Output As #iFile
Print #iFile, .Range("E2").Value
Close #iFile
End If
End With
Next iRow
End Sub
Function IsValidFolderName(ByVal sFolderName As String) As Boolean
' us/library/windows/desktop/aa365247(v=vs.85).aspx#file_and_directory_names
On Error GoTo Error_Handler
Dim oRegEx As Object
'Check to see if any illegal characters have been used
Set oRegEx = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
oRegEx.Pattern = "[<>:""/\\\|\?\*]"
IsValidFolderName = Not oRegEx.test(sFolderName)
'Ensure the folder name does end with a . or a blank space
If Right(sFolderName, 1) = "." Then IsValidFolderName = False
If Right(sFolderName, 1) = " " Then IsValidFolderName = False
On Error Resume Next
Set oRegEx = Nothing
Exit Function
MsgBox ("test")
' MsgBox "The following error has occurred" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
' "Error Number: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
' "Error Source: IsInvalidFolderName" & vbCrLf & _
' "Error Description: " & Err.Description, _
' vbCritical, "An Error has Occurred!"
Resume Error_Handler_Exit
End Function
How can I make it return true if need be?
You don't need the external reference you can simply:
hasInvalidChars = sFolderName like "*[<>|\/:*?""]*"
I added " and : which are also illegal.
(In your example you have HTML entities (E.g. <) - these have no meaning in your RegEx string and are interpreted as 4 characters in the class)
That's a mess. Use a separate function
Public Function IsInvalid(ByVal name As String) As Boolean
Dim regex As Object
Set regex = VBA.CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
regex.Pattern = "[\\/:\*\?""<>\|]" 'the disallowed characters
IsInvalid = (regex.Execute(name).Count > 0)
End Function
instead, and call it when appropriate.

Automatically generating handling of issues

This is more an observation than a real question: MS-Access (and VBA in general) is desperately missing a tool where error handling code can be generated automatically, and where the line number can be displayed when an error occurs. Did you find a solution? What is it? I just realized how many hundreds of hours I spared since I found the right answer to this basic problem a few years ago, and I'd like to see what are your ideas and solutions on this very important issue.
What about using "Erl", it will display the last label before the error (e.g., 10, 20, or 30)?
Private Sub mySUB()
On Error GoTo Err_mySUB
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
stDocName = "MyDoc"
DoCmd.openform stDocName, acFormDS, , stLinkCriteria
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description & " (" & Erl & ")"
Resume Exit_mySUB
End Sub
My solution is the following:
install MZ-Tools, a very interesting add-on for VBA. No they did not pay me to write this. Version 3 was free, but since version 8.0, the add-in is commercially sold.
program a standard error handler code such as this one (see MZ-Tools menu/Options/Error handler):
On Error GoTo {PROCEDURE_NAME}_Error
On Error GoTo 0
debug.print "#" & Err.Number, Err.description, "l#" & erl, "{PROCEDURE_NAME}", "{MODULE_NAME}"
This standard error code can be then automatically added to all of your procs and function by clicking on the corresponding button in the MZ-Tools menu. You'll notice that we refer here to a hidden and undocumented function in the VBA standard library, 'Erl', which stands for 'error line'. You got it! If you ask MZ-Tools to automatically number your lines of code, 'Erl' will then give you the number of the line where the error occured. You will have a complete description of the error in your immediate window, such as:
#91, Object variable or With block variable not set, l# 30, addNewField, Utilities
Of course, once you realize the interest of the system, you can think of a more sophisticated error handler, that will not only display the data in the debug window but will also:
display it as a message on the screen
Automatically insert a line in an error log file with the description of the error or
if you are working with Access or if you are connected to a database, automatically add a record to a Tbl_Error table!
meaning that each error generated at the user level can be stored either in a file or a table, somewhere on the machine or the network. Are we talking about building an automated error reporting system working with VBA?
Well there are a couple of tools that will do what you ask MZ Tools and FMS Inc come to mind.
Basically they involve adding an:
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
to the top of each proc
and at the end they put an:
Call MyErrorhandler Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.LineNumber
label with usually a call to a global error handler where you can display and log custom error messages
You can always roll your own tool like Chip Pearson did. VBA can actually access it's own IDE via the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3 Library. I've written a few class modules that make it easier to work with myself. They can be found on Code Review SE.
I use it to insert On Error GoTo ErrHandler statements and the appropriate labels and constants related to my error handling schema. I also use it to sync up the constants with the actual procedure names (if the function names should happen to change).
There is no need to buy tools DJ mentioned. Here is my code for free:
Public Sub InsertErrHandling(modName As String)
Dim Component As Object
Dim Name As String
Dim Kind As Long
Dim FirstLine As Long
Dim ProcLinesCount As Long
Dim Declaration As String
Dim ProcedureType As String
Dim Index As Long, i As Long
Dim LastLine As Long
Dim StartLines As Collection, LastLines As Collection, ProcNames As Collection, ProcedureTypes As Collection
Dim gotoErr As Boolean
Kind = 0
Set StartLines = New Collection
Set LastLines = New Collection
Set ProcNames = New Collection
Set ProcedureTypes = New Collection
Set Component = Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents(modName)
With Component.CodeModule
' Remove empty lines on the end of the code
For i = .CountOfLines To 1 Step -1
If Component.CodeModule.Lines(i, 1) = "" Then
Component.CodeModule.DeleteLines i, 1
Exit For
End If
Next i
Index = .CountOfDeclarationLines + 1
Do While Index < .CountOfLines
gotoErr = False
Name = .ProcOfLine(Index, Kind)
FirstLine = .ProcBodyLine(Name, Kind)
ProcLinesCount = .ProcCountLines(Name, Kind)
Declaration = Trim(.Lines(FirstLine, 1))
LastLine = FirstLine + ProcLinesCount - 2
If InStr(1, Declaration, "Function ", vbBinaryCompare) > 0 Then
ProcedureType = "Function"
ProcedureType = "Sub"
End If
Debug.Print Component.Name & "." & Name, "First: " & FirstLine, "Lines:" & ProcLinesCount, "Last: " & LastLine, Declaration
Debug.Print "Declaration: " & Component.CodeModule.Lines(FirstLine, 1), FirstLine
Debug.Print "Closing Proc: " & Component.CodeModule.Lines(LastLine, 1), LastLine
' do not insert error handling if there is one already:
For i = FirstLine To LastLine Step 1
If Component.CodeModule.Lines(i, 1) Like "*On Error*" Then
gotoErr = True
Exit For
End If
Next i
If Not gotoErr Then
StartLines.Add FirstLine
LastLines.Add LastLine
ProcNames.Add Name
ProcedureTypes.Add ProcedureType
End If
Index = FirstLine + ProcLinesCount + 1
For i = LastLines.Count To 1 Step -1
If Not (Component.CodeModule.Lines(StartLines.Item(i) + 1, 1) Like "*On Error GoTo *") Then
Component.CodeModule.InsertLines LastLines.Item(i), "ExitProc_:"
Component.CodeModule.InsertLines LastLines.Item(i) + 1, " Exit " & ProcedureTypes.Item(i)
Component.CodeModule.InsertLines LastLines.Item(i) + 2, "ErrHandler_:"
Component.CodeModule.InsertLines LastLines.Item(i) + 3, " Call LogError(Err, Me.Name, """ & ProcNames.Item(i) & """)"
Component.CodeModule.InsertLines LastLines.Item(i) + 4, " Resume ExitProc_"
Component.CodeModule.InsertLines LastLines.Item(i) + 5, " Resume ' use for debugging"
Component.CodeModule.InsertLines StartLines.Item(i) + 1, " On Error GoTo ErrHandler_"
End If
Next i
End With
End Sub
Put it in a module and call it from Immediate Window every time you add new function or sub to a form or module like this (Form1 is name of your form):
MyModule.InsertErrHandling "Form_Form1"
It will alter your ode in Form1 from this:
Private Function CloseIt()
DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name
End Function
to this:
Private Function CloseIt()
On Error GoTo ErrHandler_
DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name
Exit Function
Call LogError(Err, Me.Name, "CloseIt")
Resume ExitProc_
Resume ' use for debugging
End Function
Create now in a module a Sub which will display the error dialog and where you can add inserting the error to a text file or database:
Public Sub LogError(ByVal objError As ErrObject, moduleName As String, Optional procName As String = "")
On Error GoTo ErrHandler_
Dim sql As String
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " Module " & moduleName & Switch(procName <> "", " in " & procName) & vbCrLf & " (" & Err.Description & ") ", vbCritical
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error in LogError procedure " & Err.Number & ", " & Err.Description
Resume Exit_
Resume ' use for debugging
End Sub
This code does not enter error handling if there is already "On Error" statement in a proc.
Love it Vlado!
I realize this is an old post, but I grabbed it and gave it a try, but I ran into a number of issues with it, which I managed to fix. Here's the code with fixes:
First of course, be sure to add the "Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3" library to your project, and add these subroutines / modules to your project as well.
First, the module with the main code was named "modVBAChecks", and contained the following two subroutines:
To go through all modules (behind forms, sheets, the workbook, and classes as well, though not ActiveX Designers):
Sub AddErrorHandlingToAllProcs()
Dim VBProj As VBIDE.VBProject
Dim VBComp As VBIDE.VBComponent
Dim lCtr As Long
Set VBProj = Workbooks("LabViewAnalysisTools.xla").VBProject
For Each VBComp In VBProj.VBComponents
If VBComp.Type <> vbext_ct_ActiveXDesigner Then
If VBComp.Name <> "modVBAChecks" And VBComp.Name <> "modLogToWorksheet" Then
AddToWksLog "============ Looking at Module """ & VBComp.Name & """"
'InsertErrHandling VBComp.Name
End If
End If
MsgBox "Done!", vbSystemModal
End Sub
Then the modified version of your code (including a suggested change by
RafaƂ B.):
Public Sub InsertErrHandling(modsProcName As String)
' Modified from code submitted to StackOverflow by user Vlado, originally found
' here:
Dim vbcmA As VBIDE.CodeModule
Dim ProcKind As VBIDE.vbext_ProcKind
Dim LineProcKind As VBIDE.vbext_ProcKind
Dim sProcName As String
Dim sLineProcName As String
Dim lFirstLine As Long
Dim lProcLinesCount As Long
Dim lLastLine As Long
Dim sDeclaration As String
Dim sProcType As String
Dim lLine As Long, lLine2 As Long
Dim sLine As String
Dim lcStartLines As Collection, lcLastlines As Collection, scProcsProcNames As Collection, scProcTypes As Collection
Dim bAddHandler As Boolean
Dim lLinesAbove As Long
Set lcStartLines = New Collection
Set lcLastlines = New Collection
Set scProcsProcNames = New Collection
Set scProcTypes = New Collection
Set vbcmA = Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents(modsProcName).CodeModule
' Remove empty lines on the end of the module. Cleanup, not error handling.
lLine = vbcmA.CountOfLines
If lLine = 0 Then Exit Sub ' Nothing to do!
If Trim(vbcmA.Lines(lLine, 1)) <> "" Then Exit Do
vbcmA.DeleteLines lLine, 1
lLine = lLine - 1
lLine = vbcmA.CountOfDeclarationLines + 1
Do While lLine < vbcmA.CountOfLines
bAddHandler = False
' NOTE: ProcKind is RETRUNED from ProcOfLine!
sProcName = vbcmA.ProcOfLine(lLine, ProcKind)
' Fortunately ProcBodyLine ALWAYS returns the first line of the procedure declaration!
lFirstLine = vbcmA.ProcBodyLine(sProcName, ProcKind)
sDeclaration = Trim(vbcmA.Lines(lFirstLine, 1))
Select Case ProcKind
Case VBIDE.vbext_ProcKind.vbext_pk_Proc
If sDeclaration Like "*Function *" Then
sProcType = "Function"
ElseIf sDeclaration Like "*Sub *" Then
sProcType = "Sub"
End If
Case VBIDE.vbext_ProcKind.vbext_pk_Get, VBIDE.vbext_ProcKind.vbext_pk_Let, VBIDE.vbext_ProcKind.vbext_pk_Set
sProcType = "Property"
End Select
' The "lProcLinesCount" function will sometimes return ROWS ABOVE
' the procedure, possibly up until the prior procedure,
' and often rows BELOW the procedure as well!!!
lProcLinesCount = vbcmA.ProcCountLines(sProcName, ProcKind)
lLinesAbove = 0
lLine2 = lFirstLine - 1
If lLine2 > 0 Then
sLineProcName = vbcmA.ProcOfLine(lLine2, LineProcKind)
If Not (sLineProcName = sProcName And LineProcKind = ProcKind) Then Exit Do
lLinesAbove = lLinesAbove + 1
lLine2 = lLine2 - 1
If lLine2 = 0 Then Exit Do
End If
lLastLine = lFirstLine + lProcLinesCount - lLinesAbove - 1
' Now need to trim off any follower lines!
sLine = Trim(vbcmA.Lines(lLastLine, 1))
If sLine = "End " & sProcType Or sLine Like "End " & sProcType & " '*" Then Exit Do
lLastLine = lLastLine - 1
AddToWksLog modsProcName & "." & sProcName, "First: " & lFirstLine, "Lines:" & lProcLinesCount, "Last: " & lLastLine
AddToWksLog "sDeclaration: " & vbcmA.Lines(lFirstLine, 1), lFirstLine
AddToWksLog "Closing Proc: " & vbcmA.Lines(lLastLine, 1), lLastLine
If lLastLine - lFirstLine < 8 Then
AddToWksLog " --------------- Too Short to bother!"
bAddHandler = True
' do not insert error handling if there is one already:
For lLine2 = lFirstLine To lLastLine Step 1
If vbcmA.Lines(lLine2, 1) Like "*On Error GoTo *" And Not vbcmA.Lines(lLine2, 1) Like "*On Error GoTo 0" Then
bAddHandler = False
Exit For
End If
Next lLine2
If bAddHandler Then
lcStartLines.Add lFirstLine
lcLastlines.Add lLastLine
scProcsProcNames.Add sProcName
scProcTypes.Add sProcType
End If
End If
lLine = lFirstLine + lProcLinesCount + 1
For lLine = lcLastlines.Count To 1 Step -1
vbcmA.InsertLines lcLastlines.Item(lLine), "ExitProc:"
vbcmA.InsertLines lcLastlines.Item(lLine) + 1, " Exit " & scProcTypes.Item(lLine)
vbcmA.InsertLines lcLastlines.Item(lLine) + 2, "ErrHandler:"
vbcmA.InsertLines lcLastlines.Item(lLine) + 3, " ShowErrorMsg Err, """ & scProcsProcNames.Item(lLine) & """, """ & modsProcName & """"
vbcmA.InsertLines lcLastlines.Item(lLine) + 4, " Resume ExitProc"
' Now replace any "On Error Goto 0" lines with "IF ErrorTrapping Then On Error Goto ErrHandler"
For lLine2 = lcStartLines(lLine) To lcLastlines(lLine)
sLine = vbcmA.Lines(lLine2, 1)
If sLine Like "On Error GoTo 0" Then
vbcmA.ReplaceLine lLine2, Replace(sLine, "On Error Goto 0", "IF ErrorTrapping Then On Error Goto ErrHandler")
End If
lLine2 = lcStartLines.Item(lLine)
sLine = vbcmA.Lines(lLine2, 1)
If Not sLine Like "* _" Then Exit Do
lLine2 = lLine2 + 1
vbcmA.InsertLines lLine2 + 1, " If ErrorTrapping Then On Error GoTo ErrHandler"
Next lLine
End Sub
And rather than pushing things to the Immediate window I used subroutines in a module I named "modLogToWorksheet", the full module being here:
Option Explicit
Private wksLog As Worksheet
Private lRow As Long
Public Sub StartNewWorksheetLog()
Dim bNewSheet As Boolean
bNewSheet = True
If ActiveSheet.Type = xlWorksheet Then
Set wksLog = ActiveSheet
bNewSheet = Not (wksLog.UsedRange.Cells.Count = 1 And wksLog.Range("A1").Formula = "")
End If
If bNewSheet Then Set wksLog = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Add
lRow = 1
End Sub
Public Sub AddToWksLog(ParamArray sMsg() As Variant)
Dim lCol As Long
If wksLog Is Nothing Or lRow = 0 Then StartNewWorksheetLog
If Not (IsNull(sMsg)) Then
For lCol = 0 To UBound(sMsg)
If sMsg(lCol) <> "" Then wksLog.Cells(lRow, lCol + 1).Value = "'" & sMsg(lCol)
End If
lRow = lRow + 1
End Sub
And finally, here's my Error Dialog generator:
Public Sub ShowErrorMsg(errThis As ErrObject, strSubName As String, strModName As String _
, Optional vbMBStyle As VbMsgBoxStyle = vbCritical, Optional sTitle As String = APP_TITLE)
If errThis.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "An Error Has Occurred in the Add-in. Please inform " & ADMINS & " of this problem." _
& vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
& "Error #: " & errThis.Number & vbCrLf _
& "Description: " & " " & errThis.Description & vbCrLf _
& "Subroutine: " & " " & strSubName & vbCrLf _
& "Module: " & " " & strModName & vbCrLf _
& "Source: " & " " & errThis.Source & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
& "Click OK to continue.", vbMBStyle Or vbSystemModal, sTitle
End If
End Sub
Hope future users find it useful!