i am trying to make a video chat application for android using webRTC and i can't seem to get a good tutorial online, could someone walk me though or direct me to an online tutorial.
Have you looked at the sample app in the webrtc repo?
We have mobile application that historically has used RTSP streaming to allow a user to watch a live stream, which currently is published via Wowza Streaming Engine. We have had a need to lower stream latency, so have gravitated towards WebRTC to achieve this.
The problem is that there seems to be a lack of documentation, or examples regarding the implementation of a react-native WebRTC viewer which connects to a remote stream.
Does anyone out there have any documentation, or code examples for this kind of implementation?
I do note there is a react-native-webrtc library, however, all examples demonstrate connecting two peers on mobile phones with their video cameras i.e. Like facetime. We are after an example demonstrating someone on a phone connecting to a remote streaming server with a video feed.
If you want a webrtc client to connect to a server you need a server doing webrtc with the proper signaling that fit your need. Webrtc don't care which signaling you use, so you have to choose it or choose a the platform you need.
There are a lot of different media server, or library that support webrtc in server side all having there specific signaling(ex: Freeswitch, Kurento etc), or no signaling (ex: Mediasoup). Few will have a react native version as Media Streaming is not really something in the javascript/UI side but you can do something with the webrtc react-native lib.
Twillio has a lot of supported platform and could be a good start if you search a ready to use solution.
I am trying to build a live stream video app.
I built an rtmp server which is ready for publishing and playing streams. I need a way to capture mobile's user camera and send the online stream to my rtmp server.
I use react-native in client side. I found react-native-camera which is great in dealing with camera but I couldn't find any event/api available for accessing camera stream in their documentations.
Another problem is the way that I have to send the stream to rtmp server. I have no knowledge in this area so any kind of help will be appreciated.
For anyone else who faces the same issue, This repo is the ultimate solution.
Just curious if anybody tried creating mobile apps using IBM Worklight to connect to Pebble Smart watch? Please share your experience and approach.
I have no experience with Pebble Smart watches, however from what I understand from their website (https://developer.getpebble.com/) it looks like they provide SDKs for Android and iOS.
Worklight uses Cordova, which means you could write a Cordova plugin to run native code in your app, and this native code could use the Pebble SDK.
It looks like others already started looking into it: https://github.com/konsumer/phonegap-pebble
Does any one knows about RTSP streaming using WOWza Server ?
I want to play it on a MPMoviePlayer controller in iOS6 but it shows not enough buffer to keep it up. My webservice urls work fine because I have also checked them using a browser but I can't find anything about RTSP streaming.
Does any one have any tutorials about RTSP streaming on iPhone using WOWza Server ?
rtsp streaming is not possible on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Please refer to the following link.
MPMoviePlayer only supports HTTP live streaming. to have RTSP working on iPhone, you must implement your client on the iOS.
There is library live555 which implements for you, but you must integrate it with the code. Also decoding of the stream must be implemented in software, by you or a 3rd party library.
Wowza support re-restreaming the content as HLS, if this is your wowza server than there are easy instructions on the www.wowza.com site, if its not perhaps they are streaming HLS.
If you have to use rtsp, there are several good players available on the app store, or you can build your own using lib 555 as mentioned or one of our open or closed sourced frameworks.
I wanted to perform http streaming from red5 server so as to use it to broadcast for Iphone. Can u guys suggest a way to do it. Is there a way to play rtmp stream from red5 in Iphone. Any help is appreciable
I was involved in the discussion you linked. But I don't think that the project team has yet committed the HTTP Streaming components. There is also no documentation about it.
So if there is a possibility to do that you probably will need somebody from red5 developers to hire.