How to fix the red minus flag on my project on vs2017 -

I need to fix the red flag marks on my projects. See here:
I believe it's one of the projects that isn't included in the build. I saw this post earlier but I can't find the general tab she was talking about. I also tried navigating the solution explorer but can't seem to find the right answer for this.

If you mouse over the icon, a tooltip should appear indicating the meaning of the icon. According to this MSDN article, this icon "represents an item that is not under Team Foundation version control".


Visual Studio 2022: prevent collapsing folders in solution explorer (2)

This is a follow-up on the problem reported in this question with this same name.
I am having the same issue in Visual Studio 2022 of objects collapsing after a few seconds or when clicking on another object. The answer provided was changing a setting in CodeMaid, but I have not loaded CodeMaid and am having the same issue.
I have tried multiple variations of checking and unchecking Tools/Options/Projects and Solutions/General options "Track Active Item in Solution Explorer" and "Restore Solution Explorer project hierarchy state on solution load" and nothing works. As I code, I will open Controllers to see the list of methods inside or a data model to view the variables for reference while I am working on other aspects of the code. It is very frustrating to have them close after a few seconds, forcing me to reopen them again, over and over, throughout the day. Any help would be appreciated on this matter.
Update: A Microsoft Solution was posted here. They included a fix in Visual Studio version 17.3.5 supposedly. Update your IDE and the issue should hopefully be resolved.
This seems to be a known issue under investigation as reported in the bug tracker for Visual Studio. Using version 17.3.0 Preview 2.0 I too have observed this buggy behavior.
A few other users have mentioned on the same thread they are having the same problem. One user posted steps to reproduce which is similar to what I have tried to reproduce the issue myself:
I expand Blazor project, I expand Pages folder, I lookup and expand a particular .razor file which has a nested .razor.cs file with code, I expand it, see the class node, expand class node, click on a property and usually in this moment, after less than a second or so the branch collapses and the focus in on the razor.cs node.
The ticket says that it "worked-in:Visual Studio 2022 17.0" - perhaps try rolling back to this version if you can. Otherwise, you may have to wait for a fix.
I had the same problem and I think I found the cause and a solution. The problem is the preview tab, which opens automatically on the right side of the tab area when an element is selected in the solution explorer. I unchecked the Preview Tab option under Options->Environment->Tabs and Windows and haven't had any problems since.

How do I specifically change Intellij Idea theme color for version update window?

I recently changed my Intellij Idea theme to use a custom theme, then have been tweaking it to fit my personal preferences.
I've fixed most of the deficiencies in usability/readablity but am still running into issues in the popup window that comes up when you click the update button:
What comes up is completely unreadable:
So the question is: Where is the setting for overriding the colors in this window? This is pretty much the last problem I have with my custom theme, and I've combed through the settings trying to determine how to change this to no avail.
Note: If this is the wrong stack exchange site to ask this question, let me know the correct one and I'll move it.
It is known issue: IDEA-227157 that has been fixed for 2020.2.X versions (release is planned in the end of July of 2020).

How to list all suggested quick actions

Is there a way to list all the suggested Quick Actions for an open project in VS2017 (v15.3.3)?
I do not see any listed in the Error List window (even with "Build + IntelliSense" selected), though I do see other types of IntelliSense warnings such as CS warnings (e.g. CS1591).
(Quick Actions being the items that are marked in the gutter with a light bulb and accessed with either Alt +Enter or Ctrl+.)
Thanks to a response from the #VisualStudio twitter account, I've come across this MS Docs page that answers this question:
It describes how to set code style preferences by opening the Tools > Options window and selecting Text Editor > C# / Basic > Code Style > General.
Here there are a list of the code style preferences. To see where they are suggested in one's own code the severity of each can be changed, say from "None" to "Suggestion" or "Warning". Then, during a build, the locations for the related style will be listed in the Build Output or Errors windows
This isn't exactly the same as what you're looking for, but could help you make changes much more quickly to the entire document, project, or solution:
When you try to apply a quick action (using Ctrl + .), you'll get a preview of the changes it will make. At the bottom of that preview is a button that says
"Apply to all occurrences in ..."
This will save you from having to go to every single occurrence in a certain scope and fixing it, which is what I've done for a couple of hours now :(

Remove PhpStorm blue tab underline

How can I remove the blue underline?
ATM you cannot.
It was introduced to make currently active tab more visible in Darcula GUI Theme (IDEA-131683, IDEA-103206) where tab backgrounds are too similar. Check comments there (mainly first ticket).
So far the best match would be -- watch this ticket (star/vote/comment) to get notified on any progress.
In meantime please try Active IntelliJ Tab Highlighter plugin -- it may provide such functionality (was created by one of the users before this new tab highlighting functionality was introduced) -- it's customizable so may not have such underline at all.
Your image link is broken.
Please, try to follow this path step by step:
File/Settings/Editor/Color Scheme/General
This General screen can remove with checkbox disable all underline
Also, you can look this image.
I hope have been helping you.

How do I scroll the Xcode version comparison gutter?

I cannot figure out how to scroll the version editor's comparison gutter and I cannot find any resource that suggests how to do it.
This is not quite what you asked for, but you can access earlier revisions by using the drop down menu under the left and right versions: