How do I scroll the Xcode version comparison gutter? - objective-c

I cannot figure out how to scroll the version editor's comparison gutter and I cannot find any resource that suggests how to do it.

This is not quite what you asked for, but you can access earlier revisions by using the drop down menu under the left and right versions:


How do I specifically change Intellij Idea theme color for version update window?

I recently changed my Intellij Idea theme to use a custom theme, then have been tweaking it to fit my personal preferences.
I've fixed most of the deficiencies in usability/readablity but am still running into issues in the popup window that comes up when you click the update button:
What comes up is completely unreadable:
So the question is: Where is the setting for overriding the colors in this window? This is pretty much the last problem I have with my custom theme, and I've combed through the settings trying to determine how to change this to no avail.
Note: If this is the wrong stack exchange site to ask this question, let me know the correct one and I'll move it.
It is known issue: IDEA-227157 that has been fixed for 2020.2.X versions (release is planned in the end of July of 2020).

How to fix the red minus flag on my project on vs2017

I need to fix the red flag marks on my projects. See here:
I believe it's one of the projects that isn't included in the build. I saw this post earlier but I can't find the general tab she was talking about. I also tried navigating the solution explorer but can't seem to find the right answer for this.
If you mouse over the icon, a tooltip should appear indicating the meaning of the icon. According to this MSDN article, this icon "represents an item that is not under Team Foundation version control".

WebStorm, how to disabled "virtual space" in the middle of text?

This is freaking annoying me. I don't know which option do this, but it is really bothering me so much.
The problem is that WebStorm add a "virtual" space after each text like function or object (picture 1). You can see it because clearly in the highlight text (picture 2).
Also, when I am writing on a line, the text is push right to the caret (picture 3)
I want to know which option is it, to disable it.
There is an open issue for this problem:
IDEA-154843 There is a space coming between cursor and the next letter when typing or the cursor is moved.
It definitely helps to select a different font, but reinstalling the latest version of Source Code Pro font may also help.
It should be already fixed in latest 2017.1 builds.
Thanks the tip from user #yole & user #LazyOne, the problem was the font "Source Code Pro". Changing the font, solve the problem.
As user #CrazyCoder has link this question to an open bug, the next is information for Jetbrains Developers.
SO: MacOS 10.12.1
WebStorm version: 2016.3.4 (Download it on 8th March 2017)
WebStorm plugins: None.

Variable pane in intelliJ

Once again I closed my variable pane in intelliJ and cant figure out how to re-open it. I asked this question previously but I had an older version on intelliJ, and I am pretty sure it changed because before I used to click a stack looking icon and it worked but now its not there. Does anyone know how to find it in the most recent version?
I tried doing ctrl-shift-a and searched "variable pane" however I didn't find it.
I've been unable to figure out a real solution to this, but I've worked around it by pressing the reset pane button shown by the red arrow:
In IC 12.x look at screenshot. It will restore only variables pane.

Aptana - remove side by side editor windows/tabs

Recently I was using Aptana to view multiple files side by side. The unfortunate thing is that now I can not remove the editor (side by side) windows that are marked by red arrows. Also, you can obviously see that I have been trying to drag them away which is making the problem worse. I have tried to Google around but have found no solution. I can uninstall and reinstall Aptana, but if there is a fix I would rather know it and not have to go through a reinstallation process each time an issue like this arises.
Also I would like to add that I may be having trouble Googling the solution since I am not 100% sure on the name of the "editor tabs". Any help would be greatly appreciated.
My reputation is too low so here is a image link of my issue:
The answer is extremely simple. If you ever run into the issue as shown in the picture above, simply open new files and drag them into the empty spaces that the extra "editor windows" are located. From there just close (x) out the window and it will remove the extra windows.