Laravel query parameters or pretty parameters for api - api

i am willing to know which is the best practice to use parameters for developing an api
Route::get('/my_orders/{user_id}/{limit}/{page}', 'ApiControllers\OrderController#getOrdersByUser');
public function getOrdersByUser($user_id, $limit, $page)
//logic using $user_id, $limit, $page
Route::get('/my_orders', 'ApiControllers\OrderController#getOrdersByUser');
public function getOrdersByUser(Request $request)
//logic using $request->user_id, $request->limit, $request->page
this api is for mobile applications and for front end Vue application
thank you

Laravel has pagination built in, it will check for page and perpage query string arguments using paginate() or something that uses Paginator related methods for fetching a subset of your data.
So when you have ?page=1&perpage=20 and you use paginators, they will pick these up automatically.
For REST API endpoints, try and make the urls as descriptive as possible and based on your models.
// get a list of orders
GET /api/orders
// get a list of orders belonging to user 1
GET /api/orders?user_id=1
// get a paginated list of 20 orders belonging to user 1
GET /api/orders?user_id=1&page=1&perpage=20
You are calling your endpoint my_orders, which basically says it will return orders owned by the authenticated user. So, in my opinion, it wouldn't make sense here to include a user_id argument.
// get a list of orders owned by the authenticated user
GET /api/my_orders
You can use my_orders, but more descriptive will be to use a url like:
// get a list of orders owned by user
GET /api/users/{user_id}/orders
In your case, you probably want to create a UserOrderController
public function index($user_id)
// first fetch user, if fetch fails show error
$user = User::findOrFail($user_id);
// maybe add some code here to check if the authenticated user is allowed to view this user's orders
// return paginated orders
return $user->orders()->paginate();
And you would need to define the relations in the models:
public function orders()
// assuming orders table has a column user_id
return $this->hasMany(Order::class);
// inverse relation
public function user()
return $this->belongsTo(User::class);

I use 1st way for only those parameters which are associated with DB, like user_id here, because it reduces 1 step for me to get the specific data from DB of that particular ID. for more dynamic url laravel will go to this route even when you supply the wrong values and you have to apply the regix to avoid that.
Secondly, URLs like 2/20/4 wouldnt make any sense and hard to understand. So the best way in my opinion is the second way.


Pass multiple optional parameters to Controller Action

I have a controller Action that returns a list of activities to a view. (eventID,Venue,Room,EventDescription,EventType,StartDateTime,EndDateTime). The users wanted to be able to filter by Venue so I added Venue as id to the action method
ActionResult ListEvents(id string)
... Get the relevant details and return the view with the model
Now they want to also be able to filter by any/all of Event Type, Start, End, whether Post-event data has been completed.
Am I better to add these as GET query parameters or to define a custom route that will accept all 5 arguments or is there another solution
I will also need to add sorting and pagination at some point in case this changes the suggestion.
Typically, these would be handled via a query string, but it doesn't matter how you do it really. Regardless, of how the parameters are sent, your action simply needs to accept them all. The only thing you have to be aware of is the standard C# method rule (since actions are just methods) that optional parameters must be the last ones on the method. If they're all optional, then even that isn't really a concern.
Basically, you just have something like:
public ActionResult ListEvents(string id = null, int? eventID = null, ...)
Then inside, you'd just do something like:
var events = db.Events;
if (eventID.HasValue)
events = events.Where(m => m.EventID == eventId);
// rinse and repeat for each filter

Eloquent: Get pages based on user role

I have a User, Role & Page setup, all with many-to-many relationships and the pivot tables setup in the usual fashion (role_user, page_role), along with the eloquent methods to attach a model to the pivot tables.
My idea is to allow a user to have many roles, and a page can be accessed by many roles.
However now I'd like to return a collection where I have my users details and then the pages they're allowed to access.
The closest I have got is:
return User::find( Auth::user()->id )->with('roles.pages')->first()->roles;
Now this returns each role the user has, and each page that the role can access. Which is correct, however I have duplication on the pages part.
How would I go about getting only a list of pages the user is able to access with no duplication?
Read that answer to get you on the track: HasManyThrough with one-to-many relationship
Only for your setup you need to adjust the query - join 2 pivot tables (and make sure they represent real data, ie no rows referencing non-existing models):
// User model
// accessor so you can access it like any relation: $user->pages;
public function getPagesAttribute()
if ( ! array_key_exists('pages', $this->relations)) $this->loadPages();
return $this->getRelation('pages');
// here you load the pages and set the collection as a relation
protected function loadPages()
$pages = Page::join('page_role as pr', 'pr.page_id', '=', '')
->join('role_user as ru', 'ru.role_id', '=', 'pr.role_id')
->where('ru.user_id', $this->id)
->get(['pages.*', 'user_id']);
$hasMany = new Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\HasMany(Page::query(), $this, 'user_id', 'id');
$hasMany->matchMany(array($this), $pages, 'pages');
return $this;
One more thing: I hardcoded tables and columns names for sake of simplicity, but in real life I suggest you rely on the relationships and their getters, like: $relation->getTable(), $relation->getForeignKey() etc.
Now suggestion about your code:
return User::find( // 2. query to get the same user
Auth::user()->id // 1. query to get the user and his id
->first() // 3. query to get ANOTHER user (or the same, luckily..)
Use Auth::id() instead of Auth::user()->id (for Laravel ver 4.1.25+) to avoid redundant query
find() and first() are methods that execute the query, so you just returned the user with id = Auth::user()->id and moment later you fetch another one, who comes first() from the users table..
You don't need to use User::whatever for authenticated user, use Auth::user() instead.
So the code with suggested solution would look like this:
Auth::user()->pages; // collection of Page models with unique entries

typo3 extbase permissions in extensions

I have written one extension for making service order.
The issue I am facing here is,
There are FE users belong to three FE user groups namely "client", "Admin" and "Employee".
Here the client can make order and he should be able to see only his orders.
And the admin can see all orders done by different clients.
And the employee should be able to see only some clients orders.
Currently I made a order table with N:1 relation with FE user table. So every order should relate with any one client.
So in controller, I am checking the login user and using custom query in repository, I am accessing order related to loggedin client (FE user)
In file OrdersController.php
public function listAction() {
$orders = $this->ordersRepository->orderForLoginUsr();
$this->view->assign('orders', $orders);
In file OrdersRepository.php
public function orderForLoginUsr(){
$loggedInUserId = $GLOBALS ['TSFE']->fe_user->user['uid'];
$query = $this->createQuery();
$query->equals('user', $loggedInUserId)
$query->setOrderings(array('crdate' => \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Persistence\QueryInterface::ORDER_DESCENDING));
return $query->execute();
But here my question is how to make admin user able to see all the orders done by all clients?
I have to write different template and action that calling function findAll() ?
$orders = $this->ordersRepository->findAll();
And how to set for usergroup Employee ?
Thanks in Advance
I think that the easiest way is to actually implement 3 actions with 3 different plugins, something like: listClientAction, listAdminAction and listEmployeeAction
In each of those action, you implement a method in your repository that fetch the right list of order with the good ordering:
orderForLoginClient(), orderForLoginEmployee(), orderForLoginAdmin()
What does the trick actually is that there will be 3 plugins on your page, one for each action. In each instance of your plugin, you set the access for the right be_group.
Don't forget to add the actions and plugin in the localconf and ext_table files.
I hope it will help!
If your view is almost the same for client, admin, employee you should simply add a method like getOrderWithPermissionsForUser($currentUser);
In the method itself you should check for the usergroup and call different queries on your Repo.
If your view is different from usergroup to usergroup, you should use different templates with partials for the same parts.
If the data of the views is the same, just change the template for each usergroup in the action. If not use different actions.
Here is a helper method for easily changing your templatefile.
* This method can change the used template file in an action method.
* #param string $templateName Something like "List" or "Foldername/Actionname".
* #param string $templateExtension Default is "html", but for other output types this may be changed as well.
* #param string $controllerName Optionally uses another subfolder of the Templates/ directory
* By default, the current controller name is used. Example value: "JobOffer"
* #param \TYPO3\CMS\Fluid\View\AbstractTemplateView $viewObject The view to set this template to. Default is $this->view
protected function changeTemplateFile($templateName, $templateExtension = 'html', $controllerName = null, AbstractTemplateView $viewObject = null)
if (is_null($viewObject)) {
$viewObject = $this->view;
if (is_null($controllerName)) {
$controllerName = $this->getControllerContext()->getRequest()->getControllerName();
$templatePathAndFilename = $this->getTemplateRootpathForView($controllerName . '/' . $templateName . '.' . $templateExtension);

Adding more info to Laravel's auth user

I am new to Laravel and I am trying to add some more information to the user variable I am getting back from Auth::user()
To be more detailed, I have a Many-to-Many relationship to a "Privileges" table. As the name suggests, that table holds specific privileges a user can have. In the pivot table, I just hold the the user_id and privilege_id. I have the necessary models set up and everything works fine if I do this in my before filter:
$user = Auth::user();
Now, I would really like to avoid querying every single time I want to find the privileges and would like to have Laravel's Auth class include the privilege information, so that when I do
$user = Auth::user();
I can do a
to get an array of all privileges the user has.
Any suggestions for the best approach?
The link to the answer above is not working. However, I found another solution here which worked for me as follows:
First I created a model called EmailPref.php in my own case;
class EmailPref extends Eloquent {
protected $table = 'email_pref';
public function user()
return $this->belongsTo('User');
and then I created a relationship (in my own case) in the User model like so;
public function emailPref()
return $this->hasOne('EmailPref');
I subsequently referenced it anywhere required within my application like so:
Hence, I was able to add more information to the Auth user.
I'm no Laravel pro, but i think this will solve your problem:

Drupal 6, Views 2: Is it possible to have a filter that only applies to registered users?

Is it possible to create a filter in a Drupal 6 View that is only applied for registered users?
For one filter I need I'm using the user vote (With fivestar and votingapi) to know if they user already voted this node or not, and when the user is annonymous, is working as if all the votes from all the annonymous users where from the same. This is why I need to add this filter, but ignore it in case the user is annonymous.
Thanks a lot in advance for the help!
If you're comfortable with php, download the Views PHP Filter module ( This module allows you to easily write your own custom filters for any view.
After downloading and enabling the module, create a new view and add a "Node: Node ID PHP handler" filter. Now you can add custom php code for any filter you want. Perhaps something like:
global $user;
$allowed = array('authenticated user');
foreach ($user->role as $role) {
if (in_array($role, $allowed)) {
$nids = //Run custom filter query for allowed users
else {
$nids = //Run alternate filter query for anonymous users
return $nids;
The code should return a list of node ids to display.