GoogleTest - checkpoints - googletest

How to make by googletest checkpoints like BOOST_TEST_CHECKPOINT?
Thanks for any reply.

Maybe SCOPED_TRACE is what you are looking for, or at least close enough?


What does the label "triaged" mean on TensorFlow issues?

I'm interested to make some contributions to TensorFlow in future. I saw that some labels have "contributions welcome" and "triaged" at the same time. Can someone explain to me what "triaged" means?
That's part of our internal process, to help us make sure we look through all of the Github issues that the community submits. Having the label is an indication that we've seen the issue, and usually means we've marked it as something we'd welcome help with, assigned it to a team member to be worked on, or taken some other action to handle it appropriately.
Does that help?

Disable JRockit Optimzation per class

Is there anyway to do this? I have seen there is a -XnoOpt function, but that seems more global than only applying this to a particular class.
Any help would be useful ... even if to tell me this is not possible.
You can create an opt file, see
JRockit R28:
Earlier releases:

CMake - is there a way to check if testing is enabled?

I believe I found a piece of code that did just that, but with the documentation of CMake being so poor, I can't seem to find it anymore.
In short: is there something like:
I can use in CMakeLists?
I guess you're thinking of the BUILD_TESTING option which is enabled by doing:
and is ON by default.
You can try to check the option CMAKE_TESTING_ENABLED:

calabash-android: Is it possible to ignore the canned (pre-defined) steps?

How can I force calabash-android to disregard and ignore the canned (pre-defined) steps in the
Is there a way other than deleting those files?
This answer should cover it for anyone in the same situation - How to override a Calabash predefined step?
Apparently the pre-canned steps may be distributed separately to the calabash gem going forwards, but for now you can override them or delete them by following the answer posted above.

How to create a truly in memory jacrabbit repository

I've been trying to figure out if it is possible to have a jackrabbit repository to be run completely in memory.
Whatever I try in order to run the repository fully in memory, I still end up with a repository directory full of files on my disk?
If anyone has figured this out I'd much appreciate if you could explain how to achieve it.
See this 4+ year old blog post, which hopefully still applies and is helpful: