Transaction isolation - INSERTS dependant on previous records values - sql

This question is related/came from discussion about another thing:
What is the correct isolation level for Order header - Order lines transactions?
Imagine scenario where we have usual Orders_Headers and Orders_LineItems tables. Lets say also that we have a special business rules that say:
Each order has Discount field which is calculated based on time passed from last order entered
Each next order Discount field is calculated specially if there has been more than X order in last Y hours.
Each next order Discount field is calculated specially if average frequency of last 10 orders was higher than x per minute.
Each next order Discount field is calculated specially
Point here is to show that every Order is dependant on previous ones and isolation level is crucial.
We have a transaction (just logic of the code shown):
INSERT INTO Order_Headers...
INSERT INTO Order_LineItems...(using #Id)
--just example to show selecting previous x orders
--needed to calculate Discount value for new Order
SELECT #SomeVar = COUNT(*) Order_Headers
WHERE ArbitraryCriteria
UPDATE Order_Headers
SET Discount= UDF(#SomeVar)
WHERE Id = #Id
We also have another transaction to read orders:
SELECT TOP 10 * FROM Order_Headers
Is SNAPSHOT isolation level for first transaction and READ COMMITED for second appropriate levels?
Is there a better way of approaching CREATE/UPDATE transaction or is this the way to do it?

The problem with snapshot is not about inserting/reading (which i assume you decided to use). Its about updates, that you should be a concerned.
Snapshot isolation levels are using row versioning. Which means any time you insert/update/delete row, those rows get duplicated in tempdb(version store, location for those kinds of rows), and increase its size by 14 bytes with a versioning tag so that your newly started transaction can read a row from the last committed transaction. Keep in mind that these resized rows will stay as they are until you rebuild the index.
This should be an indicator ,that if your table is really busy, your indexes will be defragmented much faster and it will add certain amount of % overhead on your temp.So keep that in mind.
What is even bigger concern here are updates, as i mentioned.
Any time you insert/delete/update row, you will get exclusive locks on those rows (object later),and since you snapshot is using row versioning, inserts from another transaction are adding exclusive locks on a NEW row, and that is not a problem.However if you try to update an existing row and session 2 tries to acquire X lock on that row, it will fail because session 1 already has X lock on it, and this is where you will get this message:
Read Committed and Serializable have covered these issues well, so you might wanna take that approach and test all solutions before you actually implement it. Remember all transactions will cause blocking on updates, and snapshot/read comitted snapshot will simply fail.
Me personally would`ve used read committed snapshot and altered procedure , to rerun in catch block N amount of times, but hey that has flaws as well !

The serializable option:
Using a pessimistic locking strategy by way of the updlock and serializable table hints to acquire a key range lock specified by the where criteria (backed by a supporting index to lock only the range necessary for the query):
declare #Id int, #SomeVar int;
begin tran;
select #SomeVar = count(OrderDate)
from Order_Headers with (updlock,serializable)
where OrderDate >= '20170101';
insert into Order_Headers (OrderDate, SomeVar)
select sysdatetime(), #SomeVar;
set #Id = scope_identity();
insert into Order_LineItems (id,cols)
select #Id, cols
from #TableValuedParameter;
commit tran;
A good guide to the why and how of using the updlock and serializable table hints to lock a key range with a select, and why you need both, is covered in Sam Saffron''s upsert (update/insert) patterns.
Documentation on serializable and other Table Hints - MSDN
Key-Range Locking - MSDN
SQL Server Isolation Levels: A Series - Paul White
Questions About T-SQL Transaction Isolation Levels You Were Too Shy to Ask - Robert Sheldon
Isolation Level references curated by Brent Ozar


Lock specific table rows to insert a new row

I have an Operations table with the columns sourceId, destinationId, amount, status. Whenever a user makes a transfer the API inserts a new row into that table, after checking the user's balance by calculating the sum of credit operations minus the sum of debit operations. Only when the balance is greater or equal than the transfer amount the operation is inserted with a successful status.
The issue is concurrency since a user performing multiple transfers at the same time might end up with a negative balance.
There are multiple ways of handling this concurrency issue with PostgreSQL:
Serializable transaction isolation level
Table locking
Row versioning
Row locking
Our expected behavior is, instead of failing with a unique violation on (sourceId, version), the database should wait for the previous transaction to finish, get the latest inserted version without setting the transaction isolation level to SERIALIZABLE.
However, I am not completely sure about the best approach. Here's what I tried:
1. Serializable transaction isolation level
This is the easiest approach, but the problem is lock escalation because if the database engine is under heavy load, 1 transaction can lock the whole table up, which is the documented behavior.
newId = INSERT INTO "Operations" ("SourceId", "DestinationId", "Amount", "Status", "OccuredAt") values (null, 2, 3, 100, 'PENDING', null);
SELECT * FROM "Operations" WHERE ("SourceId" = 2 or "DestinationId"=2) and "Status" = 'SUCCESSFUL';
'''API: check if balance > transfer amount'''
UPDATE "Operations" SET "Status" = 'SUCCESSFUL' where id = newId
2. Table locking
This is what we want to avoid by NOT using serializable transaction level
3. Row versioning
This approach seems best so far performance-wise. We added a column version int and a unique index on (sourceId, version), and when the transaction is inserted it is inserted with the next version. If two transactions are concurrent the database throws an error:
duplicate key value violates unique constraint "IX_Transactions_SourceWalletId_Version"
newId = INSERT INTO "Operations" ("SourceId", "DestinationId", "Amount", "Status", "OccuredAt") values (null, 2, 3, 100, 'PENDING', null);
lastVersion = SELECT o."Version"
FROM "Operations"
WHERE ("SourceId" = 2) AND ("Version" IS NOT NULL)
ORDER BY o."Version" DESC
SELECT * FROM "Operations" WHERE ("SourceId" = 2 or "DestinationId"=2)
and "Status" = 'SUCCESSFUL';
'''API: check if balance > transfer amount'''
UPDATE "Operations" SET "Status" = 'SUCCESSFUL', "Version" = lastVersion + 1 where id = newId;
4. Row locking
Before calculating the user balance, lock all transaction rows with sourceWalletId = x (where x is the user making the transfer). But I can't find a way of doing this in PostgreSQL, using for update does the trick, but after a concurrent transaction waits on the first one, the result does not return the newly inserted row, which is the documented behavior for PostgreSQL.
using for update does the trick, but after a concurrent transaction waits on the first one, the result does not return the newly inserted row, which is the documented behavior for PostgreSQL.
Kind of true, but also not a show-stopper.
Yes, in default READ COMMITTED transaction isolation each statement only sees rows that were committed before the query began. The query, mind you, not the transaction. See:
Can concurrent value modification impact single select in PostgreSQL 9.1?
Just start the next query in the same transaction after acquiring the lock.
Assuming a table holding exactly one row per (relevant) user (like you should have). I'll call it "your_wallet_table", based on the cited "sourceWalletId":
SELECT FROM "your_wallet_table" WHERE "sourceWalletId" = x FOR UPDATE;
-- x is the user making the transfer
-- check the user's balance (separate query!)
INSERT INTO "Operations" ... -- 'SUCCESSFUL' or 'PENDING'
The lock is only acquired once no other transaction is working on the same user, and only released at the end of the transaction.
The next transaction will see all committed rows in its next statement.
If all transactions stick to this modus operandi, all is fine.
Of course, transactions cannot be allowed to change rows affecting the balance of other users.
How to use RETURNING with ON CONFLICT in PostgreSQL?
Number one in your example, the serializable variant, is the only one that will guarantee correct behaviour without the code having to retry transactions if the update count is zero or the transaction was rolled back. It is also the simplest to reason about. By the way, REPEATABLE READ would also be good enough for already existing rows.
Number 3 in your example, which looks lightly like optimistic locking, might look more performant, but that depends on the type of load. Updating an index, in your case the unique index, can also be a performance hit. And generally, you have less control over locks on indexes, which makes the situation less deterministic or more difficult to reason about. Also, it is still possible to suffer from different read values in any transaction isolation level below REPEATABLE READ.
Another thing is that your implementation behaves incorrectly in the following scenario:
Process 1 starts and reads version 1
Process 2 starts and reads version 1
Process 2 succeeds and writes version 2
Process 3 starts and reads version 2
Process 3 succeeds and writes version 3
Process 1 succeeds and writes version 2 // NO VIOLATION!
What does work is optimistic locking, which looks somewhat like your number 3. Pseudo code / SQL:
SELECT "version", "amount" FROM "operations" WHERE "id" = identifier
// set variable oldVersion to version
// set variable newVersion to version + 1
// set variable newAmount to amount + amountOfOperation
IF newAmount < 0
UPDATE "operations" SET "version" = newVersion, "amount" = newAmount WHERE "id" = identifier AND "version" = oldVersion
This does not require a unique index containing version. And in general, the query in the WHERE condition of the UPDATE and the update itself are correct even with READ COMMITTED transaction isolation level. I am not certain about PostGreSQL: do verify this in documentation!
In general, I would start with the serializable number 1 example, until measurements in real use-cases show that it is a problem. Then try optimistic locking and see if it improves, also with actual use-cases.
Do remember that the code must always be able to replay the transaction from BEGIN to END if the UPDATE reports zero updated rows, or if the transaction fails.
Good luck and have fun!
You will have to take a performance hit. SERIALIZABLE isolation would be the easiest way. You can increase max_predicate_locks_per_relation, max_predicate_locks_per_xact or max_predicate_locks_per_page (depending on which limit you hit) to escalate locks later.
Alternatively, you could have a table that stores the balance per user, which is updated by a deferred trigger. Then you can have a check constraint on that table. This will serialize operations only per user.

Running large queries in the background MS SQL

I am using MS SQL Server 2008
i have a table which is constantly in use (data is always changing and inserted to it)
it contains now ~70 Mill rows,
I am trying to run a simple query over the table with a stored procedure that should properly take a few days,
I need the table to keep being usable, now I executed the stored procedure and after a while every simple select by identity query that I try to execute on the table is not responding/running too much time that I break it
what should I do?
here is how my stored procedure looks like:
[some_col] = dbo.ufn_SomeFunction(CONVERT(NVARCHAR(500), another_column))
[some_col] = 243
even if i try it with this on the where clause (with an 'and' logic..) :
ID_COL > 57000000 and ID_COL < 60000000 and
it still doesn't work
BTW- SomeFunction does some simple mathematics actions and looks up rows in another table that contains about 300k items, but is never changed
From my perspective your server has a serious performance problem. Even if we assume that none of the records in the query
select some_col with (nolock) where id_col between 57000000 and 57001000
was in memory, it shouldn't take 21 seconds to read the few pages sequentially from disk (your clustered index on the id_col should not be fragmented if it's an auto-identity and you didn't do something stupid like adding a "desc" to the index definition).
But if you can't/won't fix that, my advice would be to make the update in small packages like 100-1000 records at a time (depending on how much time the lookup function consumes). One update/transaction should take no more than 30 seconds.
You see each update keeps an exclusive lock on all the records it modified until the transaction is complete. If you don't use an explicit transaction, each statement is executed in a single, automatic transaction context, so the locks get released when the update statement is done.
But you can still run into deadlocks that way, depending on what the other processes do. If they modify more than one record at a time, too, or even if they gather and hold read locks on several rows, you can get deadlocks.
To avoid the deadlocks, your update statement needs to take a lock on all the records it will modify at once. The way to do this is to place the single update statement (with only the few rows limited by the id_col) in a serializable transaction like
-- Error: You are in a transaction context already
-- Insert Loop here to work "x" through the id range
SET [some_col] = dbo.ufn_SomeFunction(CONVERT(NVARCHAR(500), another_column))
WHERE [some_col] = 243 AND id_col BETWEEN x AND x+500 -- or whatever keeps the update in the small timerange
-- Next loop
-- Get all new records while you where running the loop. If these are too many you may have to paginate this also:
SET [some_col] = dbo.ufn_SomeFunction(CONVERT(NVARCHAR(500), another_column))
WHERE [some_col] = 243 AND id_col >= x
For each update this will take an update/exclusive key-range lock on the given records (but only them, because you limit the update through the clustered index key). It will wait for any other updates on the same records to finish, then get it's lock (causing blocking for all other transactions, but still only for the given records), then update the records and release the lock.
The last extra statement is important, because it will take a key range lock up to "infinity" and thus prevent even inserts on the end of the range while the update statement runs.

SQL Server - Simultaneous Inserts to the table from multiple clients - Check Limit and Block

We are recently facing one issue with simultaneous inserts into one of our sal server tables from multiple clients. I hope you guys can help us through.
We are using stored procedure to do the transactions. In that stored procedure, for each transaction, we calculate total sales so far. If the total sales is less than the set limit,
then the transaction will be allowed. Otherwise, the transaction will be denied.
it works fine most of times. But, sometimes when multiple clients trying to do the transaction exactly at the same time, the limit check is failing as both the transactions get done.
Can you guys suggest how we can effectively enforce the limit all the time? Is there any better way to do that?
I don't think it is possible to do this declaratively.
If all inserts are guaranteed to go through the stored procedure and the SaleValue is not updated once inserted then the following should work (I made up table and column names as these were not supplied in the initial question)
SELECT #SumSaleValue = SUM(SaleValue)
WHERE TransactionId = #TransactionId
IF #SumSaleValue > 1000
RAISERROR('Cannot do insert as total would exceed order limit',16,1);
/*Code for INSERT goes here*/
The HOLDLOCK gives serializable semantics and locks the entire range matching the TransactionId and the UPDLOCK prevents two concurrent transactions locking the same range thus reducing the risk of deadlocks.
An index on TransactionId,SaleValue would be best to support this query.

What type of Transaction IsolationLevel should be used to ignore inserts but lock the selected row?

I have a process that starts a transaction, inserts a record into Table1, and then calls a long running web service (up to 30 seconds). If the web service call fails then the insert is rolled back (which is what we want). Here is an example of the insert (it is actually multiple inserts into multiple tables but I am simplifying for this question):
INSERT INTO Table1 (UserId, StatusTypeId) VALUES (#UserId, 1)
I have a second process that queries Table1 from the first step like this:
SELECT TOP 1 * FROM Table1 WHERE StatusTypeId=2
and then updates that row for a user. When process 1 is running, Table1 is locked so process 2 will not complete until process 1 finishes which is a problem because a long delay is introduced while process 1 finishes its web service call.
Process 1 will only ever insert a StatusTypeId of 1 and it is also the only operation that inserts into Table1. Process 2 will only query on StatusTypeId = 2. I want to tell Process 2 to ignore any inserts into Table1 but lock the row that it selects. The default isolation level for Process 2 is waiting on too much but I have a fear that IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted allows reading of too much dirty data. I do not want two users running Process 2 and then accidentally getting the same row.
Is there a different IsolationLevel to use other than ReadUncommitted that says ignore inserted rows but make sure the select locks the row that is selected?
Regarding the SELECT being blocked by the insert this should be avoidable by providing appropriate indexes.
Test Table.
StatusTypeId INT,
AnotherColumn varchar(50)
insert into Table1
SELECT number, (LEN(type)%2)+1, newid()
FROM master.dbo.spt_values
where type='p'
Query window one
INSERT INTO Table1 (UserId, StatusTypeId) VALUES (5000, 1)
Query window two (Blocks)
FROM Table1
WHERE StatusTypeId=2
ORDER BY AnotherColumn
But if you retry the test after adding an index it won't block CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX ix ON Table1 (StatusTypeId,AnotherColumn)
Regarding your locking of rows for Process 2 you can use the following (the READPAST hint will allow 2 concurrent Process 2 transactions to begin processing different rows rather than one blocking the other). You might find this article by Remus Rusanu relevant
WHERE StatusTypeId=2
ORDER BY AnotherColumn
Rest of Process Two's code here
Edit: Having re-read the question, the lock on any insert should not effect any select under READ COMMITTED this could be an issue with your indexes.
However, from your comments and rest of the question it seems you want only one transaction to be able to read a row at a time, which is not what an isolation level prevents.
They prevent
Dirty Read - reading uncommitted data in a transaction which could be rolled back - occurs in READ UNCOMMITTED, prevented in READ COMMITTED, REPEATABLE READ, SERIALIZABLE
Non Repeatable Reads - a row is updated whilst being read in an uncommitted transaction, meaning the same read of a particular row can occur twice in a transaction and produce a different results - occurs in READ UNCOMMITTED, READ COMMITTED. prevented in REPEATABLE READ, SERIALIZABLE
phantom rows - a row is inserted or deleted whilst being read in an uncommited transaction, meaning that the same read of multiple rows can occur twice in a transaction and produce different results, with either added or missing rows - occurs in READ UNCOMMITTED, READ COMMITTED, REPEATABLE READ, prevented in SERIALIZABLE

NHibernate: Select MAX value concurrently

Suppose I need to select max value as order number. Thus I'll select MAX(number), assign number to order, and save changes to database. However, how do I prevent others from messing with the number? Will transactions do? Something like:
order.Number = ordersRepository.GetMaxNumber() + 1;
Will the code above "lock" changes so that order numbers are read/write only by one DB client? Given that transactions are plain NHibernate ones, and GetMaxNumber just does SELECT MAX(Number) FROM Orders.
Using an ITransaction with IsolationLevel.Serializable should do the job. Be careful of table contention, though. If you've got high frequency updates on the table, things could slow down big time. You might want to profile the hit on the db when using GetMaxNumber().
I had to do something similar to generate custom IDs for high concurrency usage. My solution moved the ID generation into the database, and used a separate Counter table to hold the max values.
Using a separate Counter table has a couple of plus points:
It removes the contention on the Order table
It's usually faster
If it's small enough, It can be pinned into memory
I also used a stored proc to return the next available ID:
UPDATE [COUNTER] SET Value = Value + 1 WHERE COUNTER_ID = #counterId
Hope that helps.