How to display a chart from DataVisualization in Linqpad F# - linqpad

Using Linqpad 5.0, I have code that looks like this:
open System
open System.Net
open System.Windows.Forms
open System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization
open FSharp.Charting
module Chart =
/// Creates a line chart from the given sequence using at
/// most 'count' numbers and automatically adding X axis
let SimpleLine(seq, count) =
seq |> Seq.truncate count
|> Seq.mapi (fun i v -> i, v)
|> Chart.Line
let chart = Chart.SimpleLine([1.0; 2.0; 4.0; 8.0], 3)
If I say
I see the typical Linqpad box, but not the chart itself.

The following function call works:


How to use mapFieldType with gdal.VectorTranslate

I'm trying to export a postgresql database into a .gpkg file, but some of my fields are lists, and ogr2ogr send me the message :
Warning 1: The output driver does not natively support StringList type for field my_field_name. Misconversion can happen. -mapFieldType can be used to control field type conversion.
But, as in the documentation, -mapFieldType is not a -lco, i don't find how to use it with the python version of gdal.VectorTranslate
here ma config :
gdal_conn = gdal.OpenEx(f"PG:service={my_pgsql_service}", gdal.OF_VECTOR)
gdal.VectorTranslate("path_to_my_file.gpkg"), gdal_conn,
so i've tried to add it in the -lco :
layerCreationOptions=["-mapFieldType StringList=String"]
but it didn't work
so i diged into the code of gdal, added a field mapFieldType=None into the VectorTranslateOptions function, and added into its code the following lines :
if mapFieldType is not None:
mapField_str = ''
i = 0
for k, v in mapFieldType.items():
i += 1
mapField_str += f"{k}={v}" if i == len(mapFieldType) else f"{k}={v},"
new_options += ['-mapFieldType', mapField_str]
And it worked, but is there an other way ?
And if not, where can i propose this feature ?
Thank you for your help

Update plot according to updated slider value wit Gtk

In Julia, I'd like to update a plot upon the change of value in a Gtk Slider. I understand that this has to do with the "change-value" signal in However, as a beginner, I do not know how to implement the code
The “change-value” signal
user_function (GtkRange *range,
GtkScrollType scroll,
gdouble value,
gpointer user_data)
to achieve what I wanted to do. Could anyone kindly provide an example how to use the "change-value" signal?
I know how to set up a window for the slider
sl = slider(1:11)
win = Window("Testing") |> (bx = Box(:v))
push!(bx, sl)
I also know what kind of function I need to update the plot
function update(val)
int_val = int(val)
if Signal(sl) != int_val
x = range(0., 2*pi, step=0.01)
y = map(sin, x)
However, I don't know how or where I can trigger the "update" function to take actual action.
Thanks, liberforce for your advice!
Here is my minimal working example:
using Gtk
# Set up scale (slider) and window
sl = GtkScale(false, 0:10)
win = Gtk.Window("Gain Selection") |> (bx = Gtk.Box(:v))
push!(bx, sl)
# Connect with value-changed signal
id = signal_connect(sl, "value-changed") do widget
# Get scale value
sub = Gtk.GAccessor.adjustment(widget)
val = Gtk.get_gtk_property(sub,"value",Int64)
# Perform function related to the scale value.
println("Gain is changed to ", val)
push!(bx, sl)
signal connect:
Extract scale value:
Julia Do-block:

How do you specify Fake Target inputs and output?

In the build systems that I'm familiar with (make and msbuild) there's a way to specify the inputs and outputs for a target. If the time stamps on the input files are earlier than those on the outputs the task is skipped. I can't find something similar in FAKE.
For example if I wanted to translate this Makefile to Fake
a.exe: a.fs
fsharpc a.fs -o a.exe
it might look like:
Target "a.exe" (fun _ -> ["a.fs"] |> FscHelper.compile [...])
However, when I run the build command it will always execute the compiler and produce a new a.exe regardless the modification time on a.fs. Is there a simple way to get the same behavior as the makefile?
You could use =?>and provide a function that returns true or false if the task should run.
let fileModified f1 f2 =
FileInfo(f1).LastWriteTime > FileInfo(f2).LastWriteTime
and then in target dependencies
=?> ("a.exe", fileModified "a.fs" "a.exe")
A more complete code example to flesh out Lazydevs answer:
#r "packages/FAKE/tools/FakeLib.dll"
open Fake
open System.IO
Target "build" (fun _ ->
trace "built"
let needsUpdate f1 f2 =
let lastWrite files =
|> (fun f -> FileInfo(f).LastWriteTime)
|> Seq.max
let t1 = lastWrite f1
let t2 = lastWrite f2
t1 > t2
let BuildTarget name infiles outfiles fn =
Target name (fn infiles)
name =?> ("build", needsUpdate infiles outfiles)
BuildTarget "compile" ["Test2.fs"; "Test1.fs"] ["Test2.dll"] (fun files _ ->
|> FscHelper.compile [
FscHelper.Target FscHelper.TargetType.Library
|> function 0 -> () | c -> failwithf "compile error"
RunTargetOrDefault "build"

Cached Variables in VSTO Office 2010

After having a look around the web, I have found the following posts (below) which are quite similar to my problem. However, after trying the solutions, I am still stuck.
VSTO Frustration
Setting cached variables in VSTO 3.0
Basically, I want to populate some data in a Excel file on a web server before I send it to the client.
Here is my code in the Workbook:
namespace Inno.Data.Excel
public partial class ThisWorkbook
public DataSet Config = new DataSet();
private void ThisWorkbook_Startup(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
var baseUrl = (string)Config.Tables["Config"].Rows[0].ItemArray[0];
var streamIds = (string)Config.Tables["Config"].Rows[0].ItemArray[1];
MessageBox.Show(baseUrl + " " + streamIds);
and on the server side I have the following:
let rootUrl = Uri(x.Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority))
let setUpData (report : Report) (sd : ServerDocument) =
let url = rootUrl.AbsoluteUri
let streamIds = String.Join(",", report.series |> s ->
let dt = new System.Data.DataTable("Config")
dt.Columns.Add("BaseUrl", typeof<String>) |> ignore
dt.Columns.Add("StreamIds", typeof<String>) |> ignore
dt.Rows.Add([|box url; box streamIds|]) |> ignore
let cache = sd.CachedData.HostItems.["Inno.Data.Excel.ThisWorkbook"]
let urlItem = cache.CachedData.["Config"]
let initialiseDocument (report : Report) (path : string) =
let fileName =" ", "_") + ".xlsx"
let sd = (new ServerDocument(path))
sd |> setUpData report
let docPath = x.Request.MapPath(Path.Combine(liveReportPath, "Inno.Data.Excel.xlsx"))
let fileName = initialiseDocument report docPath
x.File(File.OpenRead(docPath), "application/", fileName) :> ActionResult
However, when I go to open the file after it has downloaded, I get the following error:
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.Runtime.CannotFindObjectToFillException: Cannot find any public instance member with ID Config in object Inno.Data.Excel.ThisWorkbook.
Things I have tried:-
Using a simple string rather than a DataSet
Calling StartCaching("Config")
Manipulating the ServerDocument in memory using the byte[] file overload
Copying the original Excel file and operating on the copy
But now I'm out of ideas. I see that a fair number of people have had this error, and as is pointed out in this post, there was a known bug in VSTO 3.0 with manipulating files in memory.
Thanks in advance.

How to get an outline view in sublime texteditor?

How do I get an outline view in sublime text editor for Windows?
The minimap is helpful but I miss a traditional outline (a klickable list of all the functions in my code in the order they appear for quick navigation and orientation)
Maybe there is a plugin, addon or similar? It would also be nice if you can shortly name which steps are neccesary to make it work.
There is a duplicate of this question on the sublime text forums.
Hit CTRL+R, or CMD+R for Mac, for the function list. This works in Sublime Text 1.3 or above.
A plugin named Outline is available in package control, try it!
Note: it does not work in multi rows/columns mode.
For multiple rows/columns work use this fork:
I use the fold all action. It will minimize everything to the declaration, I can see all the methods/functions, and then expand the one I'm interested in.
I briefly look at SublimeText 3 api and view.find_by_selector(selector) seems to be able to return a list of regions.
So I guess that a plugin that would display the outline/structure of your file is possible.
A plugin that would display something like this:
Note: the function name display plugin could be used as an inspiration to extract the class/methods names or ClassHierarchy to extract the outline structure
If you want to be able to printout or save the outline the ctr / command + r is not very useful.
One can do a simple find all on the following grep ^[^\n]*function[^{]+{ or some variant of it to suit the language and situation you are working in.
Once you do the find all you can copy and paste the result to a new document and depending on the number of functions should not take long to tidy up.
The answer is far from perfect, particularly for cases when the comments have the word function (or it's equivalent) in them, but I do think it's a helpful answer.
With a very quick edit this is the result I got on what I'm working on now.
PathMaker.prototype.start = PathMaker.prototype.initiate = function(point){};
PathMaker.prototype.path = function(thePath){};
PathMaker.prototype.add = function(point){};
PathMaker.prototype.addPath = function(path){};
PathMaker.prototype.go = function(distance, angle){};
PathMaker.prototype.goE = function(distance, angle){};
PathMaker.prototype.turn = function(angle, distance){};
PathMaker.prototype.continue = function(distance, a){};
PathMaker.prototype.curve = function(angle, radiusX, radiusY){};
PathMaker.prototype.up = PathMaker.prototype.north = function(distance){};
PathMaker.prototype.down = PathMaker.prototype.south = function(distance){};
PathMaker.prototype.east = function(distance){};
PathMaker.prototype.west = function(distance){};
PathMaker.prototype.getAngle = function(point){};
PathMaker.prototype.toBezierPoints = function(PathMakerPoints, toSource){};
PathMaker.prototype.extremities = function(points){};
PathMaker.prototype.bounds = function(path){};
PathMaker.prototype.tangent = function(t, points){};
PathMaker.prototype.roundErrors = function(n, acurracy){};
PathMaker.prototype.bezierTangent = function(path, t){};
PathMaker.prototype.splitBezier = function(points, t){};
PathMaker.prototype.arc = function(start, end){};
PathMaker.prototype.getKappa = function(angle, start){}; = function(radius, start, end, x, y, reverse){};
PathMaker.prototype.ellipse = function(radiusX, radiusY, start, end, x, y , reverse/*, anchorPoint, reverse*/ ){};
PathMaker.prototype.rotateArc = function(path /*array*/ , angle){};
PathMaker.prototype.rotatePoint = function(point, origin, r){};
PathMaker.prototype.roundErrors = function(n, acurracy){};
PathMaker.prototype.rotate = function(path /*object or array*/ , R){};
PathMaker.prototype.moveTo = function(path /*object or array*/ , x, y){};
PathMaker.prototype.scale = function(path, x, y /* number X scale i.e. 1.2 for 120% */ ){};
PathMaker.prototype.reverse = function(path){};
PathMaker.prototype.pathItemPath = function(pathItem, toSource){};
PathMaker.prototype.merge = function(path){};
PathMaker.prototype.draw = function(item, properties){};