Using this Wolfram Alpha code either through web or in Mathematica:
My equation seems to be properly parsed:
{(5 y(x)^4 + 3 y(x)^2 + e^(y(x))) y'(x) = cos(x), y(0) = 0}
As a separable DE, the result should be:
y^5 + y^3 + e^y = sin(x) + 1
How do I modify the original Wolfram Alpha code to get the program to evaluate the solution?
Using Wolfram Alpha
{(5y[x]^4+3y[x]^2+E^y[x])y'[x]==Cos[x],y[0]==0} solution
I understand how to solve a simple symbolic regression problem such as f(x)=x4+x3+x2+x. However, I'm not quite sure how to use GP to solve the below one.
f(x) = x2 + cosx + 7, for x<=0,
1/x + 2x, for x>0
Can anyone help with this?
It says that you compare against
f = x<=0 ? x2 + cosx + 7 : 1/x + 2x
instead of
f = x4+x3+x2+x
I'm looking for an universal way of transforming equations in Python 3.2. I've only recently begun playing around with it and stumbled upon some of my old MATLAB homework. I'm able to calculate this in MATLAB but pylab is still a bit of a mystery to me.
So, I have a text file of equations that I'm trying to convert into the the same form of A x = b and then solve some linear algebra problems associated with them in PYLAB.
The text file, "equations.txt",contains collections of linear equations in the following format:
-38 y1 + 35 y2 + 31 y3 = -3047
11 y1 + -13 y2 + -34 y3 = 784
34 y1 + -21 y2 + 19 y3 = 2949
The file contains the equations for four sets of equations, each set with a different number of variables. Each set of equations is of the exact form shown (3 examples above) with one empty line between each set.
I want to write a program to read all the sets of equations in the files, convert sets of equations into a matrix equation A x = b, and solve the set of equations for the vector x.
My approach has been very "MATLABy", which is a problem because I want to be able to write a program that will solve for all of the variables.
I've tried reading a single equation as a text line, stripped of the carriage return at the end, and splitting line at the = sign because as we know the 2nd element in the split is the right hand side of the equation, that goes into the vector b.
The first element in the split is the part you have to get the coefficients that go in the A matrix. If you split this at white space ' ', you will get a list like
['-38', 'y1', '+', '35', 'y2', '+', '31', 'y3']
Note now that you can pull every 3rd element and get the coefficients that go into the matrix A.
Partial answers would be:
y1 = 90; c2 = 28; x4 = 41; z100 = 59
I'm trying to manipulate them to give me the sum of the entries of the solutions y1, ..., y3 for the first block of equations, the sum of the entries of the solutions c1, ..., c6 for the second block of equations, the sum of the entries of the solutions x1, ..., x13 for the third block of equations, and the sum of the entries of the solutions z1, ..., z100 for the fourth block of equations.
Like, I said - I'm able to do this in MATLAB but not in Python so I'm probably approaching this from the wrong way but this is what I have so far:
import pylab
f = open('equations.txt', 'r')
list_final = []
for line in L:
line_l = line.rstrip()
list_l = line_l.split(";")
list_l = filter(None, list_l)
for expression in list_l:
and ending it with
This was just my go at trying to format the equations to all look the same. I realise it's not a lot but I was really hoping someone could get my started because even though I know some python I normally don't use it for math because I have MATLAB for that.
I think this could be useful for many of us who have prior MATLAB experience but not pylab.
How would you go around this? Thank you!
For your example format, it's very easy to process it by numpy.loadtxt():
import numpy as np
data = np.loadtxt("equations.txt", dtype=str)[:, ::3].astype(np.float)
a = data[:, :-1]
b = data[:, -1]
x = np.linalg.solve(a, b)
The steps are:
An alternative approach that is possibly more robust to unstructured input is to use a combination of the Python symbolic math package (sympy), and a few parsing tricks. This scales to the variables in the equations being written in an arbitrary order.
Although sympy has some tools for parsing, (your input is very close in appearance to Mathematica), it appears that the sympy.parsing.mathematica module can't deal with some of the input (particularly leading minus signs).
import sympy
from sympy.parsing.sympy_parser import parse_expr
import re
def text_to_equations(text):
lines = text.split('\n')
lines = [line.split('=') for line in lines]
eqns = []
for lhs, rhs in lines:
# clobber all the spaces
lhs = lhs.replace(' ','')
# *assume* that a number followed by a letter is an
# implicit multiplication
lhs = re.sub(r'(\d)([a-z])', r'\g<1>*\g<2>', lhs)
eqns.append( (parse_expr(lhs), parse_expr(rhs)) )
return eqns
def get_all_symbols(eqns):
symbs = set()
for lhs, rhs in eqns:
for sym in lhs.atoms(sympy.Symbol):
return symbs
def text_to_eqn_matrix(text):
eqns = text_to_equations(text)
symbs = get_all_symbols(eqns)
n = len(eqns)
m = len(symbs)
A = numpy.zeros((m, n))
b = numpy.zeros((m, 1))
for i, (lhs, rhs) in enumerate(eqns):
d = lhs.as_coefficients_dict()
b[i] = int(rhs)
for j, s in enumerate(symbs):
A[i, j] = d[s]
x = sympy.Matrix([list(symbs)]).T
return sympy.Matrix(A), x, sympy.Matrix(b)
s = '''-38 y1 + 35 y2 + 31 y3 = -3047
11 y1 + -13 y2 + -34 y3 = 784
34 y1 + -21 y2 + 19 y3 = 2949'''
A, x, b = text_to_eqn_matrix(s)
print A
print x
print b
I've coded a basic Mandelbrot explorer in C#, but I have those horrible bands of color, and it's all greyscale.
I have the equation for smooth coloring:
mu = N + 1 - log (log |Z(N)|) / log 2
Where N is the escape count, and |Z(N)| is the modulus of the complex number after the value has escaped, it's this value which I'm unsure of.
My code is based off the pseudo code given on the wikipedia page:
The complex number is represented by the real values x and y, using this method, how would I calculate the value of |Z(N)| ?
|Z(N)| means the distance to the origin, so you can calculate it via sqrt(x*x + y*y).
If you run into an error with the logarithm: Check the iterations before. If it's part of the Mandelbrot set (iteration = max_iteration), the first logarithm will result 0 and the second will raise an error.
So just add this snippet instead of your old return code. .
if (i < iterations)
return i + 1 - Math.Log(Math.Log(Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y))) / Math.Log(2);
return i;
Later, you should divide i by the max_iterations and multiply it with 255. This will give you a nice rgb-value.
I have a problem and please let me know if my solution is correct.
I have a known point, at location A(x1,y1,z1) and the origin O(0,0,0) and I would like to find the coordinates of a point B(x2,y2,z2) that is located on the line OA, and the distance OB is 1.2 times greater then OA.
So, my idea is to obtain the equation of the line formed by points O and A.
The direction of OA is (-x1, -y1, -z1), so the equation of the line is:
x = -x1*t;
y = -y1*t;
z = -z1*t;
Distance OA is sqrt( (x1-0)^2 + (y1-0)^2 + (z1-0)^2). KNOWN
Distance OB is sqrt( (x2-0)^2 + (y2-0)^2 + (z2-0)^2). UNKNOWN
I can replace the x, y, z points determined for the line equation in the distance OB, and the result should be 1.2 times greater then the distance OA.
So, sqrt( (-x1*t-0)^2 + (-y1*t-0)^2 + (-z1*t-0)^2) = 1.2 * dist(OA).
I find t from here, solving the quadratic equation and I obtain the coordinates of the point by replacing the t in the equation of the line.
Is this correct?
Thank you for your time.
This is my code:
rangeRatio = 1.114;
norm = sqrt((P2(1) - P1(1))^2 + (P2(2) - P1(2))^2 + (P2(3) - P1(3))^2);
P3(1) = P1(1) + ((P2(1,1) - P1(1)) /norm) * rangeRatio;
P3(2) = P1(2) + ((P2(1,2) - P1(2)) /norm) * rangeRatio;
P3(3) = P1(3) + ((P2(1,3) - P1(3)) /norm) * rangeRatio;
I tried also norm = 1, and i get slightly different results but still not always colinear.
Thank you
It is even a lot easier; you can just multiply a, b and c by 1.2. This gives a line that is 1.2 times the size of the original line.
I'm trying to build a simple program to price call options using the black scholes formula I'm trying to figure our the best way to get probabilities from a normal distribution. For example if I were to do this by hand and I got the value of as d1=0.43 than I'd look up 0.43 in this table and get the value 0.6664.
I believe that there are no functions in c or objective-c to find the normal distribution. I'm also thinking about creating a 2 dimensional array and looping through until I find the desired value. Or maybe I can define 300 doubles with the corresponding value and loop through those until I get the appropriate result. Any thoughts on the best approach?
You need to define what it is you are looking for more clearly. Based on what you posted, it appears you are looking for the cumulative distribution function or P(d < d1) where d1 is measured in standard deviations and d is a normal distribution: by your example, if d1 = 0.43 then P(d < d1) = 0.6664.
The function you want is called the error function erf(x) and there are some good approximations for it.
Apparently erf(x) is part of the standard math.h in C. (not sure about objective-c but I assume it probably contains it as well).
But erf(x) is not exactly the function you need. The general form P(d < d1) can be calculated from erf(x) in the following formula:
P(d<d1) = f(d1,sigma) = (erf(x/sigma/sqrt(2))+1)/2
where sigma is the standard deviation. (in your case you can use sigma = 1.)
You can test this on Wolfram Alpha for example: f(0.43,1) = (erf(0.43/sqrt(2))+1)/2 = 0.666402 which matches your table.
There are two other things that are important:
If you are looking for P(d < d1) where d1 is large (greater in absolute value than about 3.0 * sigma) then you should really be using the complementary error function erfc(x) = 1-erf(x) which tells you how close P(d < d1) is to 0 or 1 without running into numerical errors. For d1 < -3*sigma, P(d < d1) = (erf(d1/sigma/sqrt(2))+1)/2 = erfc(-d1/sigma/sqrt(2))/2, and for d1 > 3*sigma, P(d < d1) = (erf(d1/sigma/sqrt(2))+1)/2 = 1 - erfc(d1/sigma/sqrt(2))/2 -- but don't actually compute that; instead leave it as 1 - K where K = erfc(d1/sigma/sqrt(2))/2. For example, if d1 = 5*sigma, then P(d < d1) = 1 - 2.866516*10-7
If for example your programming environment doesn't have erf(x) built into the available libraries, you need a good approximation. (I thought I had an easy one to use but I can't find it and I think it was actually for the inverse error function). I found this 1969 article by W. J. Cody which gives a good approximation for erf(x) if |x| < 0.5, and it's better to use erf(x) = 1 - erfc(x) for |x| > 0.5. For example, let's say you want erf(0.2) ≈ 0.2227025892105 from Wolfram Alpha; Cody says evaluate with x * R(x2) where R is a rational function you can get from his table.
If I try this in Javascript (coefficients from Table II of the Cody paper):
// use only for |x| <= 0.5
function erf1(x)
var y = x*x;
return x*(3.6767877 - 9.7970565e-2*y)/(3.2584593 + y);
then I get erf1(0.2) = 0.22270208866303123 which is pretty close, for a 1st-order rational function. Cody gives tables of coefficients for rational functions up to degree 4; here's degree 2:
// use only for |x| <= 0.5
function erf2(x)
var y = x*x;
return x*(21.3853322378 + 1.72227577039*y + 0.316652890658*y*y)
/ (18.9522572415 + 7.8437457083*y + y*y);
which gives you erf2(0.2) = 0.22270258922638206 which is correct out to 10 decimal places. The Cody paper also gives you similar formulas for erfc(x) where |x| is between 0.5 and 4.0, and a third formula for erfc(x) where |x| > 4.0, and you can check your results with Wolfram Alpha or known erfc(x) tables for accuracy if you like.
Hope this helps!