Importing a contact column into Podio - podio

Which app_id should be used for importing into a contact column? Also, what should the mappings parameter look like?
podio.ImporterService.ImportAppItems(fileId, appId, new List<ImportMappingField> {
new ImportMappingField { FieldId = primaryFieldId, Unique = false, Value = new { column_id = "0" }},
new ImportMappingField { FieldId = contactfieldId, Unique = false, Value = new { column_id = "1", app_id = ???, mappings = new []{ ??? }}}
I figured it out. Below is an example that works for me.
podio.ImporterService.ImportAppItems(373063497, 18803129, new List<ImportMappingField> {
new ImportMappingField {
FieldId = 148580608,
Unique = false,
Value = new { column_id = "0" }
new ImportMappingField {
FieldId = 148580614,
Unique = false,
Value = new {
mappings = new []{
new {
field_key = "mail",
unique = "true",
column_id = "4"

See the API documentation [1]


FluentAssertions: collection subset should contain equivalent of list

I have a collection:
new[] { new { A = 5, PropIDontCareAbout = "XXX" }, new { A = 7, PropIDontCareAbout = "XXX" }, new { A = 9, PropIDontCareAbout = "XXX" } }
I want to check that it at least contains both new { A = 9 } and new { A = 5 } in any order.
I can use ContainEquivalentOf, but I have to do it one-by-one:
var actual = new[] {
new { A = 5, PropIDontCareAbout = "XXX" },
new { A = 7, PropIDontCareAbout = "XXX" },
new { A = 9, PropIDontCareAbout = "XXX" }
var expected = new [] { new { A = 5 }, new { A = 9 } };
foreach (var expectedItem in expected) {
Update: I can't use Contains because it requires actual and expected objects to have the same type.
I do not see an explicit solution. You can work-around using Select to create subject in the format of the expectation, then you can use
Contains(IEnumerable<T> expected, ...):
var actual = new[] {
new { A = 1, PropIDontCareAbout = "XXX" },
new { A = 7, PropIDontCareAbout = "XXX" },
new { A = 9, PropIDontCareAbout = "XXX" }
actual.Select(x => new { x.A }).Should()
.Contain(new[] { new { A = 9 }, new { A = 5 } });
In case of one the elements is not in the list you get a message like that:
Expected collection {{ A = 1 }, { A = 7 }, { A = 9 }}
to contain {{ A = 9 }, { A = 5 }},
but could not find {{ A = 5 }}.

Solrnet query for Minimum Should Match(mm)

I am working on Solr version 4.10.2 with ASP.NET MVC.
I have performed one query in Solr like this:
I have performed a query with queryoptions like below:
options = new QueryOptions
Rows = pageSize,
Start = (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize,
FilterQueries = _solrQuery.ToArray(),
Facet = new FacetParameters
Queries = _solr.ToArray(),
MinCount = 1,
ExtraParams = new Dictionary<string, string>
{"qt", "edismax"},
SpellCheck = new SpellCheckingParameters { Query = keyword, Collate = true },
Then I use this options with below query in which I use LocalParams. Is there any mistake? Is LocalParams and ExtraParams works together?
private static ISolrOperations<MyClass> solr;
SolrQueryResults<MyClass> Results = new SolrQueryResults<MyClass>();
Results = solr.Query(new LocalParams { { "type", "edismax" }, { "qf", "Name^" + nameWeight + " Field1^" + Field1Weight + " Field2^" + Field2Weight " }, { "bq", "InStock:true^"+ flag }} + new SolrQuery(keyword), options);
How can I achieve this from my application using SolrNet? Using which parameter?
Please Advice!

Using system.linq.lookup values for dropdownfor mvc 4

In MVC 4 I am using razor to get items from collection and assign it to a var. The var is of type
This is my code
var ChairList = Model.Interviewers.Where(d => d.LocKey == Convert.ToString(location.LocationKey) && d.IsChair && d.Date == date.Date).GroupBy(x => new { x.FullDetails, x.InterviewerId, x.Preference }).ToList();
And how it looks in watch:
- ChairList Count = 1 System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Linq.IGrouping<<>f__AnonymousType0<string,System.Guid,string>,IMEModels.InterviewManagement.Interviewer>>
- [0] {System.Linq.Lookup<<>f__AnonymousType0<string,System.Guid,string>,IMEModels.InterviewManagement.Interviewer>.Grouping} System.Linq.IGrouping<<>f__AnonymousType0<string,System.Guid,string>,IMEModels.InterviewManagement.Interviewer> {System.Linq.Lookup<<>f__AnonymousType0<string,System.Guid,string>,IMEModels.InterviewManagement.Interviewer>.Grouping}
+ [System.Linq.Lookup<<>f__AnonymousType0<string,System.Guid,string>,IMEModels.InterviewManagement.Interviewer>.Grouping] {System.Linq.Lookup<<>f__AnonymousType0<string,System.Guid,string>,IMEModels.InterviewManagement.Interviewer>.Grouping} System.Linq.Lookup<<>f__AnonymousType0<string,System.Guid,string>,IMEModels.InterviewManagement.Interviewer>.Grouping
- Key { FullDetails = "TEST - Richard Jackson - (80020937)", InterviewerId = {ff1efad7-7176-4fab-a1bb-30f6656c8880}, Preference = "Available" } <Anonymous Type>
FullDetails "TEST - Richard Jackson - (80020937)" string
+ InterviewerId {ff1efad7-7176-4fab-a1bb-30f6656c8880} System.Guid
Preference "Available" string
+ Raw View
I want to use this for a dropdownfor but it doesn't recognise the key and value that I am giving for it:
#Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.InterviewSchedules[location.InterviewDates.IndexOf(date)].ChairId, new SelectList(ChairList, "InterviewerId", "FullDetails"))
Can someone help me with this piece of code? It's possible that there is an easier way of doing this that I am unaware of.
For view
#Html.DropDownListFor(m => m.InterviewSchedules[location.InterviewDates.IndexOf(date)].ChairId,, ViewData["ReturnList"] as SelectList, new { #class = "form-control" })
For Code (Return as viewData)
public SelectList ReturnList(Guid UID) {
var ChairList = Model.Interviewers.Where(d => d.LocKey == Convert.ToString(location.LocationKey) && d.IsChair && d.Date == date.Date).GroupBy(x => new { x.FullDetails, x.InterviewerId, x.Preference }).ToList();
List<SelectListItem> selectItems = ChairList.Select(s => new SelectListItem() {
Text =FullDetails,
Value = InterviewerId.ToString(),
Selected = false
selectItems.Insert(0, new SelectListItem() {
Text = " --Select -- ",
Value = null,
Selected = false
SelectList selectList = new SelectList(selectItems, "Value", "Text");
return selectList;

sample of kendo combo for relation table with id and value

i'm using kendo ui in my mvc 4 with razor views and encounter problem with kendo combo when the list load from an action via ajax with sending parameters to the server like the sample here:HERE
becuase the table has more then 2,000 rows.
when i load the edit page, the combo load and filter the data as expected, but the value of this field is - [object object].
i did declare the .DataTextField("ProffName") + .DataValueField("ID")
My ClientsController:
public ActionResult Edit(int id = 0)
Clients clients = db.Clients.Find(id);
if (clients == null)
return HttpNotFound();
ViewData["MyAgency"] = new SelectList(db.Agency, "ID", "AgentName", clients.AgencyId);
ViewData["MyCategory1"] = new SelectList(db.CategoryTbl, "ID", "category", clients.CategoryId);
List<SelectListItem> obj = new List<SelectListItem>();
obj.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = "male", Value = "1" });
obj.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = "female", Value = "2" });
obj.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = "choose", Value = "0" });
ViewData["MyMin"] = obj;
ViewBag.ProffID = new SelectList(db.ProfTBL, "ID", "ProffName", clients.ProffID);
ViewBag.Metapel = new SelectList(db.Workers, "ID", "WorkerName", clients.Metapel);
return View(clients);
My ProffController:
public ActionResult ProffVM_Read(string text)
var Proff_Tbl = db.ProfTBL.Select(proff => new ProffVm { ID = proff.ID, ProffName = proff.ProffName });
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
Proff_Tbl = Proff_Tbl.Where(p => p.ProffName.Contains(text));
return Json(Proff_Tbl, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
and the Kendo combo:
#(Html.Kendo().ComboBoxFor(model => model.ProffID)
.Events(e => e
.DataSource(source =>
source.Read(read =>
read.Action("ProffVM_Read", "Proff")
where am i wrong ???
i can change this combo to textbox but... i have to realize the magic.
Change these two lines
var Proff_Tbl = db.ProfTBL.Select(proff => new ProffVm { ID = proff.ID, ProffName = proff.ProffName });
Proff_Tbl = Proff_Tbl.Where(p => p.ProffName.Contains(text));
var Proff_Tbl = db.ProfTBL.Select(proff => new ProffVm { ID = proff.ID, ProffName = proff.ProffName }).ToList();
Proff_Tbl = Proff_Tbl.Where(p => p.ProffName.Contains(text)).ToList();

condition editing using .editable(..) datatables

Im new to datatables, and Im having this issue thats bugging me for a while.
for example, I'm trying to edit the 5th column, but I want to disable it for part of the rows..
is it possible? cause I don't seem to find the way..
$('td:eq('5')', oTable.fnGetNodes()).editable('/'+appName+'/GetGenWidgetTableDataServlet',
type : 'text',
tooltip: 'Click to Edit',
indicator: 'Saving...',
placeholder : '',
"callback": function( sValue, y ) {
var aPos = oTable.fnGetPosition( this );
oTable.fnUpdate( sValue, aPos[0], aPos[2],true,true );
"submitdata": function ( value, settings ) {
var iPos = oTable.fnGetPosition( this );
var colPos = iPos[2];
iPos = iPos[0];
var aData = oTable.fnGetData( iPos );
var vRowType = aData[0];
var iId = aData[2];
var moduleID = iId.split("$")[0];
var unitID = iId.split("$")[1];
var processID = iId.split("$")[2];
var riskID = iId.split("$")[3];
var controlID = iId.split("$")[4];
return {
"Token": idhref,
"moduleID" :moduleID,
"unitID": unitID,
"processID" :processID ,
"riskID": riskID,
"controlID": controlID,
"Action": "saveRow",
"columnName": aoCols[colPos]["Id"]
"height": "25px",
"width": "50px"
We use the datatables editable plugin ( ) and it allows you to set a sReadOnlyCellClass. We set that class in the datatable fnRowCallBack function based on the values in the row.
You could set an "editable" class in your fnRowCallBack
oTable = $('#resultTable').dataTable( {
"fnRowCallback": function( nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex ) {
if ( aData["something"] == "This row should be editable" )
nRow.className = "editable";
return nRow;
and modify your selector to
oTable.$('tr.editable td:eq(5)').editable( ...)