Sharing a data disk/adding persistent storage to a swarm cluster in azure container service - azure-container-service

I wanted to share some data to every worker in a swarm cluster.what are the possible methods to do the same.The swarm was created from docker cloud with azure integration.
Can I attach a single data disk to all worker VM's in an azure swarm cluster?

adding a single datadisk to all worker VM's is not possible. As Azure is not able to provide a 'shared disk' facility. The only things which comes close to it is the usage of Azure Files see herr -->
for further details


How to mount volume for stateless service that uses Apache Ignite

I have a service, that runs on run on kubernetes, uses Apache Ignite to store some data for processing, runs in replication mode with native persistence enabled. How to rightly mount the volume so the data is persisted the disk? Please note, this question is not related to mounting volumes in Kubernetes, rather the configuration/method to enable persistence in service running with embedded Ignite server in Kubernetes.
Note: The application may run multiple replicas.
Edit: As volumes (pvc) cannot be shared by multiple pods, only pod runs successfully, and other pods are in pending state.
The stateless means the system does not have dependency during its start or execution, but only be as stateless as possible. So, as the need itself is persistence, the Ignite has to be deployed as stateful using the StatefulSet. The StatefulSet will automatically provision separate volumes & mount it to every pod.
Checkout out Ignite guides for mounting K8 on AWS, GKE, and Azure

Redis GUI for PCF

I have created an Redis instance from PCF's marketplace. I would like to know if there's any GUI tool availabe with Pivotal which i can upload in to my PCF Space and see the data in my Redis ?
RedisInsight is web based Redis Client can also be easily deployed as docker container.

Is AWS Fargate useful for deploying a "web" service stack?

I see Fargate as a good service for deploying a Docker Compose based stack, but I was wondering if it is any good for "long-running" web services, not just ones where you need dynamic scaling and undeterminate workloads (e.g. containers that are created and die on demand).
That depends on your use-case. ECS lets you quickly deploy containerized applications. With Fargate we don't need to manage the underlying infrastructure (say server-less approach for containers!). Fargate is suitable for long-running apps, microservices, and batch jobs.
Few of my observations on Fargate are:
Fargate storage is ephemeral - We cannot store container data in disk such as volumes. (although Fargate provides 10 GB of volume mounts that is nonpersistent empty storage.)
Logs can be sent to Cloudwatch using awslogs driver. Recently AWS announced the support for Splunk log driver.
Fargate uses only awavpc network mode.
Fargate supports environment variables. Environment variables are the only way to pass parameters to the container.

Using Kubernetes Persistent Volume for Data Protection

To resolve a few issues we are running into with docker and running multiple instances of some services, we need to be able to share values between running instances of the same docker image. The original solution I found was to create a storage account in Azure (where we are running our kubernetes instance that houses the containers) and a Key Vault in Azure, accessing both via the well defined APIs that microsoft has provided for Data Protection (detailed here).
Our architect instead wants to use Kubernetes Persitsent Volumes, but he has not provided information on how to accomplish this (he just wants to save money on the azure subscription by not having an additional storage account or key storage). I'm very new to kubernetes and have no real idea how to accomplish this, and my searches so far have not come up with much usefulness.
Is there an extension method that should be used for Persistent Volumes? Would this just act like a shared file location and be accessible with the PersistKeysToFileSystem API for Data Protection? Any resources that you could point me to would be greatly appreciated.
A PersistentVolume with Kubernetes in Azure will not give you the same exact functionality as Key Vault in Azure.
Store locally on a mounted volume on a server
Volume can be encrypted
Volume moves with the pod.
If the pod starts on a different server, the volume moves.
Accessing volume from other pods is not that easy.
You can control performance by assigning guaranteed IOPs to the volume (from the cloud provider)
Key Vault:
Store keys in a centralized location managed by Azure
Data is encrypted at rest and in transit.
You rely on a remote API rather than a local file system.
There might be a performance hit by going to an external service
I assume this not to be a major problem in Azure.
Kubernetes pods can access the service from anywhere as long as they have network connectivity to the service.
Less maintenance time, since it's already maintained by Azure. Vs Azure Redis cache in .Net

Is there any difference between Azure redis cache and , If I have Azure Subscription, I need to purchase seperate plan for Azure Redis.
IF have a difference ? When to Use Azure redis vs
Azure Redis Cache is a Managed Azure service, which creates and manages the Redis instance(s) (updates, automatic failover etc.) on behalf of the customer and provides the customer with TCP endpoint(s) to communicate with. It ultimately consists of one or more instances of Redis (as described in server, however the customer doesn't have access to the physical VMs as the service is a managed service. Various management operations are available via the Azure portal or the Management interfaces. Details are here: Azure Redis Cache sevice.
There shouldn't be any difference in Redis functionality between what you see on and the Azure Redis service.
Once you have an Azure subscription, you pay for the Azure services that you use based on their pricing. The pricing details for the Azure Redis Cache service are here: Azure Redis Cache Pricing