Get info about running process ssh - ssh

How can get more info about the process that is running?
I want to know what the process is doing and why it is using that much CPU.
How can I get this info using SSH?

SSH in and then use the ps command to list running processes in conjunction with the grep command to filter that result list down to what you need:
So for example if you wanted to find the httpd process you could use
ps aux | grep httpd
ps will list all the process and grep will filter out the result list.


How do I kill a hanging TestCafe process using :::57664

I'm using TestCafe to test an app I'm working on. Today, when I went to run a TC test, I got the following message:
Error: listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use :::57664
I can usually handle these pretty easily: I issue the command:
lsof -i -P | grep -i "listen"
lsof -i tcp:57664
and then kill the offending task that is identified.
However, in this case, that port number isn't listed so I don't know which task to kill. also,
ps aux | grep -i "TestCafe"
doesn't show anything helpful.
Any suggestions on how to identify the hung task and kill it?

Stop Selenium 3.0.1 using command line

I tryied command from older versions, but it dont seems to work.
curl "http://localhost:5555/selenium-server/driver/?cmd=shutDownSeleniumServer"
'Old' command is not working because it's part of selenium RC which is not included in selenium 3.
You should now start your nodes with -servlet org.openqa.grid.web.servlet.LifecycleServlet included, and than you can shut it down with http://yourNodeIP:port/extra/LifecycleServlet?action=shutdown
I reported this issue few months ago and it's solved so you can check it out for more details here.
If you are on linux you can kill the process running on that port by
fuser -k 5555/tcp
or netstat -plten |grep java you will get the PID of seleniumserver process.
kill -9 PID.
Also try hitting the lifecycle of selenium grid2
CTRL+c from your terminal also would help.
let me know if you are looking for anything else
Assuming you are running it on *nix and the standalone server is listening on the default port (4444)... you need to:
find the PID of the process that is bound to port 4444 (use lsof command)
send that process a SIGTERM to gracefully shutdown (use the kill command)
you can achieve this with the following one-liner:
$ lsof -t -i :4444 | xargs kill

running same script over many machines

I have setup a few EC2 instances, which all have a script in the home directory. I would like to run the script simultaneously across each EC2 instance, i.e. without going through a loop.
I have seen csshX for OSX for terminal interactive useage...but was wondering what the commandline code is to execute commands like
ssh user#ip.address .
to run the script across all instances since...
csshX user#ip.address.1 user#ip.address.2 user#ip.address.3 .
does not work...
I would like to do this over the commandline as I would like to automate this process by adding it into a shell script.
and for bonus points...if there is a way to send a message back to the machine sending the command that it has completed running the script that would be fantastic.
will it be good enough to have a master shell script that runs all these things in the background? e.g.,
for ip in ip1 ip2
ssh user#$ip . &
pidlist="$pidlist $!" # get the process number of the last forked process
# Now all processes are running on the remote machines, and we want to know
# when they are done.
# (EDIT) It's probably better to use the 'wait' shell built-in; that's
# precisely what it seems to be for.
while true
sleep 1
for pid in $pidlist
if kill -0 $pid > /dev/null 2>&1
echo some processes alive
if $alldead
echo all done.
it will not be exactly simultaneous, but it should kick off the remote scripts in parallel.

Run a php script in background on debian (Apache)

I'm trying to make a push notification work on my debian vps (apace2, mysql).
I use a php script from this tutorial (
Basically, the script is put in an infintive loop, that check a mysql table for new records every couple of seconds. The tutorial says it should be run as a background process.
// This script should be run as a background process on the server. It checks
// every few seconds for new messages in the database table push_queue and
// sends them to the Apple Push Notification Service.
// Usage: php push.php development &
So I have four questions.
How do I start the script from the terminal? What should I type? The script location on the server is:
How can I kill it if I need to (without having to restart apace)?
Since the push notification is essential, I need a way to check if the script is running.
The code (from the tutorial) calls a function is something goes wrong:
function fatalError($message)
writeToLog('Exiting with fatal error: ' . $message);
Maybe I can put something in there to restart the script? But It would also be nice to have a cron job or something that check every 5 minute or so if the script is running, and start it if it doens't.
4 - Can I make the script automatically start after a apace or mysql restart? If the server crash or something else happens that need a apace restart?
Thanks a lot in advance
You could run the script with the following command:
nohup php /var/www/development_folder/scripts/push2/push.php > /dev/null &
The nohup means that that the command should not quit (it ignores hangup signal) when you e.g. close your terminal window. If you don't care about this you could just start the process with "php /var/www/development_folder/scripts/push2/push.php &" instead. PS! nohup logs the script output to a file called nohup.out as default, if you do not want this, just add > /dev/null as I've done here. The & at the end means that the proccess will run in the background.
I would only recommend starting the push script like this while you test your code. The script should be run as a daemon at system-startup instead (see 4.) if it's important that it runs all the time.
Just type
ps ax | grep push.php
and you will get the processid (pid). It will look something like this:
4530 pts/3 S 0:00 php /var/www/development_folder/scripts/push2/push.php
The pid is the first number you'll see. You can then run the following command to kill the script:
kill -9 4530
If you run ps ax | grep push.php again the process should now be gone.
I would recommend that you make a cronjob that checks if the php-script is running, and if not, starts it. You could do this with ps ax and grep checks inside your shell script. Something like this should do it:
if ! ps ax | grep -v grep | grep 'push.php' > /dev/null
nohup php /var/www/development_folder/scripts/push2/push.php > /dev/null &
echo "push-script is already running"
If you want the script to start up after booting up the system you could make a file in /etc/init.d (e.g. /etc.init.d/mypushscript with something like this inside:
php /var/www/development_folder/scripts/push2/push.php
(You should probably have alot more in this file)
You would also need to run the following commands:
chmod +x /etc/init.d/mypushscript
update-rc.d mypushscript defaults
to make the script start at boot-time. I have not tested this so please do more research before making your own init script!

rabbitmq refusing to start

I have installed rabbitmq on ubuntu and trying to start it using rabbitmq-server start, however, I'm getting this error:
Activating RabbitMQ plugins ...
0 plugins activated:
node with name "rabbit" already running on "mybox"
- nodes and their ports on mybox: [{rabbit,38618},
- current node: rabbitmqprelaunch13346#mybox
- current node home dir: /var/lib/rabbitmq
- current node cookie hash: 8QRKGluOJOcZ4AAkEdFwQg==
so I try to stop it or restart it using service rabbitmq-server restart but I get the following error: Restarting rabbitmq-server: RabbitMQ is not running
The server's host name hostname -s is mybox.
How do I stop the currently running instance, or at least, how do I manage it? I have no access to it and yet I'm not able to run rabbitmq properly.
Thank you.
Rabbitmq is set to start automatically after it's installed.
I don't think it is configured run with the service command.
To see the status of rabbitmq
sudo rabbitmqctl status
To stop the rabbitmq
sudo rabbitmqctl stop
(Try the status command again to see that it's stopped).
To start it again, the recommended method is
sudo invoke-rc.d rabbitmq-server start
These all work with the vanilla ubuntu install using apt-get
Still not working?
If you've tried unsuccessfully to start or restart rabbitmq, check to see how many processes are running.
ps -ef | grep rabbit
There should be 5 processes running as the user rabbitmq.
If you have more, particularly if they're running as other users (such as root, or your own user) you should stop these processes.
The cleanest way is probably to reboot your machine.
rabbitmq-server refuses to start if the hostname -s value has changed.
The solution suggested here is only for test/development environments.
I had to delete the database to fix it locally.
i.e empty folder /var/lib/rabbitmq (ubuntu) or /usr/local/var/lib/rabbitmq/(mac)
I had similar problem but these suggestions didn't work for me(restart too). When I run rabbitmq-server command, I get a response like that:
$/ rabbitmq-server
Error description:
When I checked permissions of /var/log/rabbitmq/rabbit#haber01.log file, I saw that group has not write permisson for that file. So I gave permission to group with that command:
/var/log/rabbigmq/$ chmod g+w *
then problem has gone!
Maybe this answer help someone.
Seems like the Mnesia database was corrupted. Had to delete it to get sudo service rabbitmq-server start going again !
$ sudo rm -rf /var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/
Also make sure that any stray rabbit processes are killed before clearing out
$ ps auxww | grep rabbit | awk '{print $2}' | sudo xargs kill -9
And then
$ sudo service rabbitmq-server start
If you use celery, your queues could reach max size and rabbit won't start because of that. Maybe you wouldn't even able to use rabbitmqctl, so if you can afford to clean the queues, just remove
on unix (look for mnesia DB path on your system).
Be careful: this will remove everything you have in rabbit, so this is a last solution ever.
Have a look what is in the log of the node that you are trying to start. It will be in /var/log/rabbitmq/
It was selinux in my case, rabbit could not bind to its ports.
My brew version of rabbitmq refused to start (after working fine for years without modification by me) too.
$ cat /usr/local/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-env.conf
I edited out rabbit# on NODENAME and brew services restart rabbitmq started working again.
If the standard stop and start are not working, list the rabbitmq processes that are running using
ps aux | grep rabbitmq
Kill the beam.smp process using
kill -9 {process id}
and start the rabbitmq-server again.