Excel VBA - Creating a Table In a Specific Non-Default(A1) Location - vba

If you run the following code:
WorkSheet.ListObjects.add(SourceType:=xlSrcRange, Destination:=Range("A10:C13"))
One might be tempted into thinking, this would place table in the range of "A10:C13". It does not, a table is instead inserted into A1 with one column and one row(excluding the header):
This is clearly specified in the Official Documentation of this function:
The Destination argument is ignored if SourceType is set to
How do you insert a table into any other range of cells?

You are adding your worksheet range definition into the wrong parameter.
WorkSheet.ListObjects.add SourceType:=xlSrcRange, Source:=WorkSheet.Range("A10:C13")
See ListObjects.Add Method (Excel) for a full description of the method.

Using the documentation provided from this page, I simulated what a user might do to add a table:
It seems adding the select statement will place the table into the correct location.


How to create hyperlinks in VBA for mutiple cells?

I have to create hyperlinks for a list of variables to get easily to the datas in a database. My database contains summary of many variables coming from different sources. My problem is, I have to skip multiple rows fill with duplicates and blank cells. The number of rows to skip depends for every variable. I also want that my hyperlinks have the name of the variable from the database (example : Customer_Since). Is there a way to create a loop to skip the good number of rows and create a hyperlink? Example : if I click on the link named Customer_Since, it takes me to the row that contains the summary of the variable Customer_Since. Can somebody help me?
To create a hyperlink you can use this code:
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SheetName").Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Range("A10"), Address:="", SubAddress:="Sheet2!B5", TextToDisplay:="Link"
Anchor - cell, where there will be a hyperlink;
SubAddress - range to navigate to;
TextToDisplay - text in the link.
You can use another vba code with your rules to correctly insert Anchor`s range.
Or please provide more information and examples of the input and output data to get help.

How to use Named Cells in XlsxWriter

The example at https://xlsxwriter.readthedocs.io/workbook.html#define_name does not appear to be valid anymore:
workbook.define_name('Exchange_rate', '=0.96')
worksheet.write('B3', '=B2*Exchange_rate')
The code appears to have been changed to define_names.append, but its unclear how to use it.
Is it just me, or is the example now out of date?
How do you read and set a named range?
Is it just me, or is the example now out of date?
The example is still valid. The code snippet is taken from this larger example and running that gives the expected output:
How do you read and set a named range?
You can set a named range, as shown in the linked example. You cannot read it with XlsxWriter.

Excel VBA - Pull information into user form to update

I am trying to create a userform that allows the users to update issues stored in a specific sheet (called Issues List). I have built a dropdown list using data validation that allows the user to select the unique issue name from a list. I have created a button next to that dropdown which opens up the userform and correctly imports the issue name identified from the dropdown.
What I need to figure out is, when the user form is initiated how do I have it search column B in my Issues List sheet and identify which row contains the issue selected by the user, and populate the fields of the user form with the information found in rows C-X of the Issues List sheet.
What I have been trying to use is an index match function, but have been unsuccessful in getting the code to work. An example of what I have been using is:
Resolved.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.index
('Issue List'!$X$2:$X$1000,Application.WorksheetFunction.match
('Priority Table'!I35,'Issue List'!$B$2:$B$1000,0))
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
When you use Worksheet Functions in VBA, you still have to pass in the ranges using VBA language:
So instead of:
'Issue List'!$X$2:$X$1000
you would use:
Worksheets("Issue List").Range("X2:X1000")
And instead of:
'Priority Table'!I35
Just use:
Worksheets("Priority Table").Range("I35")
Note that you can also refer to ranges by names, which can make coding easier and also far safer. When you insert rows in spreadsheets, Excel doesn't automatically update ranges in any VBA code. A reference to I35 will always to be I35.
Instead, define a name for cell I35 in Excel as normal, then refer to it in the code.
For example, if you name I35 as "Issue"
You can refer to the cell by:
(If it is a global variable, which it is be default as long as it's a unique name in the workbook, you don't need to use the Sheets("Priority Table") qualifier.
Refer to this documentation for more info on how to refer to ranges in Excel from VBA:

Inconsistent recognition of ranges (No errors thrown)

This is code from Excel 2010. All of the code resides within the workbook itself. Information is gathered using internal forms and the code is run.
I have code that retrieves data from a spreadsheet and populates an object with that data. The row number is dynamic as it is dependent on the form input. The column is by the header, not the column number. The following code works perfectly but for two anomalies:
cTank.RowForTankSpecs = rNum
cTank.MP = .Cells(rNum, Range("MP").Column).Value
cTank.Form = .Cells(rNum, Range("formName").Column).Value
cTank.TankProcess = .Cells(rNum, Range("Process").Column).Value
cTank.Location = .Cells(rNum, Range("Location").Column).Value
cTank.TankName = .Cells(rNum, Range("Tanks").Column).Value
cTank.tankID = .Cells(rNum, Range("TankID").Column).Value
The cTank.TankName is retrieving information from a column named "Tanks". That column does not exist. The actual column header is "Tank". But, it is retrieving the correct information. If I change the name to what it really is (Tank), it does not work.
When the cTank.TankID line is executed, I get the following error on the Range("TankID"):
Runtime Error 1004: Method 'Range' of object '_Global' failed
This one has the appropriate header (column header), but it is not recognizing the range.
I have tried simple things such as changing the order of the code, but it doesn't help. As earlier stated, the other lines work. Later in the program, information is gathered in the same manner but using another worksheet from the same workbook, and none of them are working. I've double checked that strings are strings and integers are integers, etc. I've double checked the column headers match the range names. Nothing seems to jump out at me.
I would appreciate any input you may have on the situation.
Thanks in advance.
Ok. Being pretty sure my code was correct, I went to the spreadsheet itself. For some reason it was recognizing only certain columns and it was recognizing one of them incorrectly. So I started highlighting the columns that worked and also the columns that didn't. What I noticed was that on the columns that were being recognized, that column header was displayed where the cell location is normally displayed whereas on the columns that were not being recognized, the cell location (i.e. A1, A2, etc.) for the header was being displayed and not the header title itself. The incorrect label was showing up for one of them. As it turns out, the mislabeled column was one that I had used for a form dropdown menu. So, I checked the name manager, and the ones that were working were listed. So anyway, using the name manager, I added named ranges using the headers. Now, when I select the columns, the column header(named range) appears in that window and now, the code works.
Thanks guys for your input. I really appreciate it.
Two things you can do:
Do not use use Range, but as it seems you are using names, use Names("Yourname").Referstorange.
Make sure your names are set up correctly using the Name Manager in Data Ribbon.

Is it possible to name a range on a sheet that does not exist yet?

I am trying to create a named range for a worksheet that does not yet exist in the workbook. I will be using a macro to import a user-defined text file as the source.
Am I restricted to only defining these named ranges once the worksheet has been imported, or can I name a future range on a sheet that does not exist yet?
In Refers to:
I'm assuming the names will be created upon import of the data. I'm also assuming it's ok if your unnamed ranges return errors until the data has been imported. You can manage this using the IFERR or IFERROR functions.
Enter the following in a cell of a new worksheet:
Then select another cell, enter any old value, and give it the name notyetnamed.
I hope this answers your question. If not, you're welcome to clarify and I'll do my best to help.