Excel VBA - Pull information into user form to update - vba

I am trying to create a userform that allows the users to update issues stored in a specific sheet (called Issues List). I have built a dropdown list using data validation that allows the user to select the unique issue name from a list. I have created a button next to that dropdown which opens up the userform and correctly imports the issue name identified from the dropdown.
What I need to figure out is, when the user form is initiated how do I have it search column B in my Issues List sheet and identify which row contains the issue selected by the user, and populate the fields of the user form with the information found in rows C-X of the Issues List sheet.
What I have been trying to use is an index match function, but have been unsuccessful in getting the code to work. An example of what I have been using is:
Resolved.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.index
('Issue List'!$X$2:$X$1000,Application.WorksheetFunction.match
('Priority Table'!I35,'Issue List'!$B$2:$B$1000,0))
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!

When you use Worksheet Functions in VBA, you still have to pass in the ranges using VBA language:
So instead of:
'Issue List'!$X$2:$X$1000
you would use:
Worksheets("Issue List").Range("X2:X1000")
And instead of:
'Priority Table'!I35
Just use:
Worksheets("Priority Table").Range("I35")
Note that you can also refer to ranges by names, which can make coding easier and also far safer. When you insert rows in spreadsheets, Excel doesn't automatically update ranges in any VBA code. A reference to I35 will always to be I35.
Instead, define a name for cell I35 in Excel as normal, then refer to it in the code.
For example, if you name I35 as "Issue"
You can refer to the cell by:
(If it is a global variable, which it is be default as long as it's a unique name in the workbook, you don't need to use the Sheets("Priority Table") qualifier.
Refer to this documentation for more info on how to refer to ranges in Excel from VBA:


How to create hyperlinks in VBA for mutiple cells?

I have to create hyperlinks for a list of variables to get easily to the datas in a database. My database contains summary of many variables coming from different sources. My problem is, I have to skip multiple rows fill with duplicates and blank cells. The number of rows to skip depends for every variable. I also want that my hyperlinks have the name of the variable from the database (example : Customer_Since). Is there a way to create a loop to skip the good number of rows and create a hyperlink? Example : if I click on the link named Customer_Since, it takes me to the row that contains the summary of the variable Customer_Since. Can somebody help me?
To create a hyperlink you can use this code:
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("SheetName").Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Range("A10"), Address:="", SubAddress:="Sheet2!B5", TextToDisplay:="Link"
Anchor - cell, where there will be a hyperlink;
SubAddress - range to navigate to;
TextToDisplay - text in the link.
You can use another vba code with your rules to correctly insert Anchor`s range.
Or please provide more information and examples of the input and output data to get help.

Referencing a sheet by index number

I've got a LibreOffice Calc spreadsheet that I use to keep track of my accounts receivable at work. Each sheet lists invoices and their status (paid, unpaid, etc) as well as info about each invoice. I'm trying to create a Summary sheet that lists certain data from each sheet. Creating the sheet manually is easy, but I'm trying to "automate" the process. I want the summary page to auto-update if I add a new sheet (or remove one) as I add and remove accounts to the file.
I know that LibreOffice assigns each sheet an index number that I could refer to in some sort of formula, but I cannot find a function that I can use to refer to that index number when getting a value from a cell within it. One would expect that a function like Sheet(2) would reference the second sheet, but, alas, that is not so!
I've tried using the indirect and address functions without success, but I'm not sure if I'm not understanding these functions or if they're not appropriate for what I'm trying to accomplish.
This has been a missing piece in Calc for a long time. The preferred solution is to write a user-defined function. Spreadsheet formulas do not access sheets by index number but Basic can.
The following function is from https://ask.libreoffice.org/en/question/16604/how-do-i-access-the-current-sheet-name-in-formula-to-use-in-indirect/.
Function SheetName(Optional nSheet)
If IsMissing(nSheet) Then
SheetName = ThisComponent.getCurrentController().getActiveSheet().getName()
SheetName = ThisComponent.getSheets().getByIndex(nSheet-1).getName()
End Function
Then get a relative address of the first sheet cell A1 like this.
A slightly different function is given at https://forum.openoffice.org/en/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=49799.

Trouble with Copying VBA Code

I've been working on an independent project for a client of mine. They wanted to produce a button that, upon the user-click, it would open up a user-form and have a variety of macro-related options to choose from: a drop-down list, checkbox, option select button, etc.
I created a test formula and submitted it to the client; they enjoyed it thoroughly and decided to sent me a file to 'copy & paste' my original code within their excel file.
Problem is; because I'm a tad bit inexperienced with VBA I've run into a problem where once I click the button - the user form doesn't show up.
Below is a Dropbox link of the original file I created and it's original code; as well as the file that I am trying to copy.
Any help would be all welcome and appreciated.
Link to dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/l1t37lz8uritrua/AAAdWPGvw0GDZ6hW4SwmbBdRa?dl=0
OriginalProject.xlsm has a form named honor_roll_form which contains 100 lines of code.
CopyOfOriginal.xlsm has a form named UserForm1 which contains no useful code.
I do not believe there is any method of directly copying user forms from one workbook to another. Instead
Within VB Editor of OriginalProject.xlsm, select honor_roll_form.
Click File then Export File and save the form on your desktop or where ever you like.
You will now have two files on your desktop; one with an extension of frm and one with an extension of frx.
Within VB Editor of CopyOfOriginal.xlsm, click File then Import file.
Import honor_roll_form.frm
When I try clicking button "Honor Roll", I get "Method or data member not found" for project1Box. I will investigate after dinner (18:57 here) unless you tell me you already know why I am getting this error.
Extra comments in response to request from OP
It is late here but I have started looking down sub execute_button_Click within the second CopyOfOriginal.xlsm. I will comment on what I see even if it is not directly relevant to the non-execution of the macro.
If you open the VB Editor and look on the left you will see the Project Explorer. Near the top you will see:
Microsoft Excel Objects
Sheet1 (Sheet1)
I have always found this confusing. The first “Sheet1” is Excel’s Id for the worksheet and cannot be changed. The second “Sheet1” is the default name for the worksheet which can be changed. You can write Sheet1.Range("A1") or Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1"). That is: you can reference a worksheet by its Id or its name. You have named a variable of type Worksheet as Sheet1. Using Excel’s names as variable names can lead to bizarre errors so it is important to avoid doing anything like this.
It is better to always use meaningful names. At the moment, you know what Sheet1 means but if you come back to this macro in six or twelve months will you remember. I would use a variable as you have but I would name it WshtCis208 or WshtVBAProg or something similar.
Set ID = Range(Sheet1.Cells(2, 1), Sheet1.Cells(52, 1)) could be written as:
With WshtCis208
Set ID = Range(.Cells(2, 1), .Cells(52, 1))
End With
Using With statements produces faster code and, almost always, code that it easier to read.
“52” is the current bottom row for this table. Will you amend the macro for them every time they add or remove a student? There are several techniques for finding the last row, none of which is perfect in every situation. The technique that is the most convenient most of the time is:
Const ColCis208Id as Long = 1
Const ColCis208MidTermExam as Long = 5
Dim RowCis208Last as Long
RowCis208Last = .Cells(.Rows.Count, ColCis208Id).End(xlUp).Row
At the moment, column 1 is the Id column. It is perhaps unlikely that the Id column will move but it is very likely that some of the others columns will move when some new column is identified as useful. Do you want to scan the code trying to decide which 5s refer to the MidtermExam column when a Project3 column is added?
Constants allow you to name literals that might change. It makes your code easier to read and saves so much pain when a value changes.
.Rows.Count gives the number of rows in a worksheet for the current version of Excel so .Cells(.Rows.Count, ColCis208Id) identifies the bottom cell of column 1. End(xlUp).Row says go up until you hit a cell with a value and returns its row number. It is the VBA equivalent of Ctrl+Up.
The next statement subjectCount = … fails because projectBox does not exist on the form. You have changed the captions but not the names.
As far as I can see the form fails to execute because you have started updating it but have not finished.

How to get defined table name in Excel?

I have an excel file with several sheets with assigned to them alliances. One of value on one sheet is calculating by using code below:
VLOOKUP(D10; lst_table_col; 4;00);
It doesn't matter that VLOOKUP function do, that matters is what exactly sheet behind lst_table_col. The problem is that this excel file doesn't contain any lst_table_col sheet. I'm looking for any solution: by just mouse, vba - whatever.
I believe my question is very easy, but this situation confuse me.
You must have a table called lst_table_col
Because if it was a direct reference to an Excel Range, you would see something like this in the formula :
so check in Formula Tabs -> Name Manager to find it! ;)
Here is the link for the tutorial provided by #Rocketq : https://support.office.com/en-ca/article/Define-and-use-names-in-formulas-4d0f13ac-53b7-422e-afd2-abd7ff379c64#bmmanage_names_by_using_the_name_manage

Show Cell Range on UserForm; then update

I've been using a crude method to help the user update some cells - by having them in a sheet. Is there any way I can display the various ranges in a userform, one by one, then have the user update them, click a button and move onto the next one?
Essentially, can I have Excel automatically generate an input form based on a range? The process of updating and saving back to the sheet I can do; it's the production of the correct form that I can't.
It's possible to do this, but the only way I can think of is to make a userform that automatically populates itself based on a range passed in. This way you could have different macros in Excel that call the form to populate based on different ranges. I built a proof of concept Excel file for trying this, and it seems to work, the only issue I can think of being that you need to figure out a way to tell the user what input field is what.
I think what needs to be done is to add controls programmatically to a userform (I name the textboxes as the cell address it's going to populate) then when the form is closed loop through all the textboxes and populate the cells with the textbox values.
You can see what I did at:
I think all that would need to be done is for you to work out how to add labels for the textboxes, and make sure the form is resized based on the controls you add...
I am not quite shure what you are looking for, but you could insert a second sheet and use it as a "form". An other way could be a dialog box with an input field.
Either way, you present the cells you want the user to change one by one, using a vba-function. You implement a "previous field" and a "next field" button, so the user can step through the range of cells. If the user hits "next field", you save his input and take the next cell from a previous defined range of cells.
You could have a "config field" in which you define the range of cells you want to change.
This is pretty rough and old-fashioned but if you have the data in standard list format - i.e. column headers in the first row of your range and then one record of data in each row below - then selecting a cell within the range and going Data > Form will give you a crude input form with roughly the functionality you need.
You can also do this in VBA by calling the ShowDataForm method of the appropriate worksheet. Just select a cell within whichever range you need first. The macro will remain paused until the user closes the data form