SQL Select on condition and calculation - sql

I've really hit a brick wall here and I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I have an SQL database that looks like this:
Course Extension Max Extension 1 Extension 1 Used Extension 2 Extension 2 Used
Excel Introduction 24 12 TRUE 12 FALSE
Word Introduction 24 12 TRUE 12 TRUE
So with the above data, what I want to calculate is the Remaining Extension days, so for the first row the remaining days would be 12, as we've one block of 12 days and another 12 day block remains.
The second column would show a remaining day of zero/0 as both 12 day blocks have been used.
If both values are FALSE, then it should just display the Extension Max in days in a column as the extension hasn't been used yet.
How can I create a new column or just a variable to calculate and display the remaining days?
Any help would be appreciated, as always, thank you.

You would seem to want something like this:
select t.*,
((case when Extension1Used = 'false' then Extension1 else 0 end) +
(case when Extension2Used = 'false' then Extension2 else 0 end)
) as remaining_extension_days
from t;
Or, you could phrase this as:
select t.*,
(case when Extension1Used = 'false' and Extension2Used = 'false'
then ExtensionMax
when Extension1Used = 'false'
then Extension1
when Extension2Used = 'false'
then Extension2
else 0
end) as remaining_extension_days
from t;
The first form is simpler, and should work if the maximum extension is the sum of the individual extensions.


Oracle 11g Nested Case Statement Calculation

In Oracle 11g, I am trying to get to a sell price from a query of data. Yes I can export this and write the code somewhere else, but I want to try to do this elegantly in the query.
I only seem to get the first part of the equation and not the last CASE where I use:
WHEN sales_code
What I am ultimately trying to do is take the result from the top and divide it by the bottom except in the case of SALE_CODE 4 where I add 1+1 or 2 to the top result and then divide by the equation.
round(to_number(price) *
CASE WHEN class_code='X'
THEN .48
END * e1.set_qty +
CASE WHEN carton_pack_qty = '1'
CASE WHEN NVL(SUBSTR(size, 1,NVL(LENGTH(size) - 2,0)),1) > '35'
THEN 3.5
WHEN sales_code='1' THEN 0 /(1-17/100)
WHEN sales_code='2' THEN 0 /(1-5/100)
WHEN sales_code='3' THEN 0 /(1-18/100)
WHEN sales_code='4' THEN 1+1 / (1-9.5/100)
WHEN sales_code='5' THEN 0 /(1-17/100)
WHEN sales_code='6' THEN 0 /(1-8/100)
WHEN sales_code='7' THEN 0 /((1-150)/100)
ELSE (100/100)
END,2) AS "Price",
I get a result from the query, but not the whole calculation. I tried this many other ways and there was always an error with parentheses or some other arbitrary error.
Any help would be appreciated.
I think this is your problem:
WHEN sales_code='1' THEN 0 /(1-17/100)
CASE returns a scalar, a number. You're trying to have it return the second half of the formula in your calculation. You need something more like this:
CASE WHEN sales_code='4' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END /
WHEN sales_code='1' THEN (1-17/100)
WHEN sales_code='2' THEN (1-5/100)
WHEN sales_code='3' THEN (1-18/100)
WHEN sales_code='4' THEN (1-9.5/100)
WHEN sales_code='5' THEN (1-17/100)
WHEN sales_code='6' THEN (1-8/100)
WHEN sales_code='7' THEN ((1-150)/100)
ELSE 1 END ...
Actually, I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to do with sales_code='4', but that looks close.
I think I understand now what you are trying to do. Almost at least :-)
The first thing you should do is write down the complete formula with parentheses where needed. Something like:
final = ((price * class_code_factor * set_qty) + quantity_summand + two_if_sales_code4) * sales_code_factor
(That last part looks like a percentage factor, not a divisor to me. I may be wrong of course.)
Once you have the formula right, translate this to SQL:
TO_NUMBER(price) *
CASE WHEN class_code = 'X' THEN 0.48 ELSE 0.5 END *
CASE WHEN carton_pack_qty = 1 THEN 0
ELSE CASE WHEN NVL(SUBSTR(size, 1,NVL(LENGTH(size) - 2,0)),1) > '35'
THEN 3.5
CASE WHEN sales_code = 4 THEN 2 ELSE 0 END
WHEN sales_code = 1 THEN 1 - (17 / 100)
WHEN sales_code = 2 THEN 1 - (5 / 100)
WHEN sales_code = 3 THEN 1 - (18 / 100)
WHEN sales_code = 4 THEN 1 - (9.5 / 100)
WHEN sales_code = 5 THEN 1 - (17 / 100)
WHEN sales_code = 6 THEN 1 - (8 / 100)
WHEN sales_code = 7 THEN (1 - 150) / 100)
, 2 ) AS "Price",
Adjust this to the formula you actually want. There are some things I want to point out:
Why is price not a number in your database, but a string that you must convert to a number with TO_NUMBER? That must not be. Store values in the appropriate format in your database.
In a good database you would not have to get a substring of size. It seems you are storing two different things in this column, which violates database normalization. Separate the two things and store them in separate columns.
The substring thing looks strange at that, too. You are taking the left part of the size leaving out the last two characters. It seems hence that you don't know the lenth of the part you are getting, so let's say that this can be one, two or three characers. (I don't know of course.) Now you compare this result with another string; a string that contains a numeric value. But as you are comparing strings, '4' is greater than '35', because '4' > '3'. And '200' is lesser than '35' because '2' < '3'. Is this really intended?
There are more things you treated as strings and I took the liberty to change this to numbers. It seems for instance that a quantity (carton_pack_qty) should be stored as a number. So do this and don't compare it to the string '1', but to the number 1. The sales code seems to be numeric, too. Well, again, I may be wrong.
In a good database there would be no magic numbers in the query. Knowledge belongs in the database, not in the query. If a class code 'X' means a factor of 0.48 and other class codes mean a factor of 0.5, then why is there no table of class codes showing what a class code represents and what factor to apply? Same for the mysterious summand 3 resp. 3.5; there should be a table holding these values and the size and quantity ranges they apply to. And at last there is the sales code which should also be stored in a table showing the summand (2 for code 4, 0 elsewise) and the factor.
The query part would then look something like this:
ROUND((price * cc.factor * el.set_qty) + qs.value + sc.value) * sc.factor, 2) AS "Price"
Breaking the dividend into a sub query worked and then adding parentheses around it to divide by in the main query worked.
to_number(price) *
CASE WHEN class_code='X'
THEN .48
END * set_qty +
CASE WHEN carton_pack_qty = '1'
CASE WHEN to_number(NVL(SUBSTR(size, 1,NVL(LENGTH(size) - 2,0)),1)) > 35
THEN 3.5
END as Price
WHERE s1.style=s2.style
) P1


I am trying to create a table that gives me the number of users that have accessed an app within the last 3 months as follows:
last 3 months: (number)
last 2 months: (number)
last month: (number)
the number is coming from another table result that has the value day_p which indicates the day the unique user accessed the app. I just want to place them within the month frame. Below is the code I am trying to run, but I keep getting an error that name is expected, but I have named them as 'Three_Month', 'Two_Month', 'Last_Month'.
count(CASE WHEN t1.day_p BETWEEN '20210518' AND '20210618' THEN 1 END) AS 'THREE_MONTH',
count(CASE WHEN t1.day_p BETWEEN '20210619' AND '20210718' THEN 1 END) AS 'TWO_MONTH',
count(CASE WHEN t1.day_p BETWEEN '20210719' AND '20210819' THEN 1 END) AS 'LAST_MONTH',
FROM Result AS t1;
Any suggestions / tips would be appreciated! :)
To create a TABLE you need to give your variables names. You could also attach a label to the variable if you wanted. You don't need to include the label= keyword, but I find it makes it clearer what the string is there for.
count(CASE WHEN t1.day_p BETWEEN '20210518' AND '20210618' THEN 1 END)
,count(CASE WHEN t1.day_p BETWEEN '20210619' AND '20210718' THEN 1 END)
FROM Result AS t1
PS Don't put continuation characters at the end of the lines. Places them at the start of the line and you will be less likely to include an extra one like in your example because they will be more visible to the humans reading the code.

Turn row with 2 different value into 2 column oracle

I'm having trouble tunring a row with only 2 possible value (heads or tails for example ) into 2 column. I found Pivot but it doesn't seems to fit the problem.
Here's a little shema to help you understand what i'm trying to do :
Into this :
It's probably not very complicated yet I can't find the good words to explain my problem to google so he give's me the right solution !
You can use aggregation:
select name, date,
sum(case when type = 'Heads' then result else 0 end) as heads,
sum(case when type = 'Tails' then result else 0 end) as tails
from t
group by name, date;

Applying Logic to Grouped SQL Results

Looking for some Oracle SQL theoretical help on the best way to handle a grouped result set. I understand why it groups the way it does, but I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to
I have a table that lists the activity of some cost centers. It looks like this:
Company Object Sub July August
A 1 20 50
A 1 10 0
A 1 10 0 20
B 1 0 0
I then need to flag whether or not there was activity in August. So I'm writing a CASE statement where if August = 0 THEN 'FALSE' ELSE 'TRUE'. Then I need to group all records by Company, Object, and Sub. The Cumulative column is a SUM of both July and August. However, my output looks like this:
Company Object Sub SUM ActivityFlag
A 1 70 TRUE
A 1 10 FALSE
A 1 10 20 TRUE
What I need is this:
Company Object Sub August ActivityFlag
A 1 80 TRUE
A 1 10 20 TRUE
Obviously, this is a simplified example of a much larger issue, but I'm trying to think through this problem theoretically so I can apply similar logic to my actual issue.
Is there a good SQL method for adding the August amount for rows 1 and 2, and then selecting TRUE so that this appears on a single row? I hope this makes sense.
use aggregation
select company,object,sub,sum(july+august),
max(case when august>0 then 'True' else 'false' end)
from table_name group by company,object,sub
If you are flagging your detail with the case statement you can either put the case in a sum similar to:
Another way if to aggregate the flag upward in an inner query:
SELECT IsAugust = MAX(IsAugust) FROM
IsAugust = CASE WHEN August=0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END

Counting how many data that exist [SQL]

im not sure about this question is already asked by anyone else or not yet because this is actually easy but my head is just still can't see the way out of this problem.
this is just like how many times that we do sampling at the material.
is it possible to create another column to show count of sample_tempt times?
i mean, if the tempt1 tempt2 data are exist, the column shows 2, when tempt2, tempt4 and tempt5 data are exist, the column show 3. and so on.
Thank you for helping me ^^
Sample :
Material no | Sample_Tempt1 | Sample_Tempt2 | Sample_Tempt3 | Sample_Tempt4 | Sample_Tempt5 |
PO1025 120 150 102
PO1026 122
For the PO1025, i want to create new column that generate "3" because the sample data that exist is only 3, for the PO1026 i want it generate "1" since the sample data that exist is only "1". quite simple right?
If "by exist" you mean "value is not NULL", then you can count the number of non-NULL values in each row as:
t1.Sample_Tempt1, t1.Sample_Tempt2, t1.Sample_Tempt3, t1.Sample_Tempt4, t1.Sample_Tempt5,
((case when t1.sample_temp1 is not null then 1 else 0 end) +
(case when t1.sample_temp2 is not null then 1 else 0 end) +
(case when t1.sample_temp3 is not null then 1 else 0 end) +
(case when t1.sample_temp4 is not null then 1 else 0 end) +
(case when t1.sample_temp5 is not null then 1 else 0 end)
) as NumTempts
Note that I introduced a table alias. This makes the query easier to write and to read.