Kotlin NullPointerException occurrence - nullpointerexception

I'm new to kotlin, I'm confused the situation at below when I starting to Null Safety.
There's some data inconsistency with regard to initialization (an uninitialized this available in a constructor is used somewhere).
Could anyone describe the situation more in detailed?

Example adapted from a Kotlin discussion on exactly this:
class Foo {
val c: String // Non-nullable
init {
c = "" // Initialised for the first time here
fun bar() {
println(c.length) // Oh dear
fun main(args: Array<String>) {


Kotlin `object` initialization order leads to unexpected null instance

Consider the following code:
sealed class DataType<T : Any> {
abstract fun inputToType(input: String): T
abstract fun typeToSql(value: T): String
companion object {
val all = listOf(StringDt, LongDt)
object StringDt : DataType<String>() {
override fun inputToType(input: String) = input
override fun typeToSql(value: String) = "\"${value}\""
object LongDt : DataType<Long>() {
override fun inputToType(input: String) = input.toLong()
override fun typeToSql(value: Long) = value.toString()
val dataTypeList = listOfNotNull(StringDt, LongDt)
Things to consider:
object as per documentation (and my understanding as well) is singleton and always instantiated
the two objects (StringDt and LongDt) are quite similar
The result of println(DataType.all) shows that one of the objects are not initialized. How is that possible? I would expect all the list elements to be initialized.
IntelliJ version: CE 2020.2
Kotlin plugin version: 1.4.0-release-IJ2020.2-1
Here's a running example which shows that the static list has a null element, while the non-static one contains both objects initialized.
It happens due to cyclical static initializations. It's pretty hard to explain this problem in two words but you can read about it here.
To fix this behavior you can change all initialization like this:
val all by lazy { listOf(StringDt, LongDt) }

"Property must be initialized or be abstract" in init block when throwing an exception

Why does kotlin report Property must be initialized or be abstract. The object construction is never finished, so it should not matter whether a is initialized or not. Could a case be demonstrated where this would be a problem?
class Foo {
private val a: Int
init {
a = 42
throw Exception()
fun main() {
kotlin playground
However these work just fine
fun bar() {
throw Exception()
class Foo {
private val a: Int
init {
a = 42
fun main() {
kotlin playground
class Foo {
private val a: Int = throw Exception()
fun main() {
kotlin playground
Similar java code works as expected:
public class Test {
private static class Foo {
private final int a;
public Foo() throws Exception {
a = 42;
throw new Exception();
public static void main(String []args) throws Exception {
new Foo();
The question is very well answered in the below link.
Kotlin: why do I need to initialize a var with custom getter?
Essentially it boils down to having a backing field for every "val" (property) . If you can provide a backing field, you need not initialize the field. Below is a small example of it.
class Foo {
private val a: Int
get() = getValue()
fun getValue():Int {
throw Exception()
fun main() {
Similar java code works as expected:
Java initializes fields to 0 (or null/false depending on type) by default. You can see it e.g. by printing a's value before the a = 42 line.
Kotlin doesn't, because this implicit initialization makes it too easy to forget to initialize a property and doesn't provide much benefit. So it requires you to initialize all properties which have backing fields.
It seems to be a compiler bug as Alexey suggested
There is similar issue posted on Kotlin bug tracer.

Why Kotlin can not override List<*> operator method?

Here is my function:
operator infix fun List<Teacher>.get(int: Int): Teacher {
var t = Teacher()
t.name = "asd"
return t ;
and my usage:
tip: b is an object that has List< Teacher > property
and the errorEmpty list doesn't contain element at index 1.
why this override operator function doesn't work?
In Kotlin, you cannot shadow a member function with an extension. A member always wins in the call resolution. So, you basically cannot call an extension with a signature same to that of a member function, that is present in the type that was declared or inferred for the expression.
class C {
fun foo() { println("member") }
fun C.foo() { println("extension") }
C().foo() // prints "member"
In your case, the member function is abstract operator fun get(index: Int): E defined in kotlin.collections.List.
See the language reference: Extensions are resolved statically
As voddan mentions in the comment, you can't overshadow a method with an extension. However, there is a way to get around this with some polymorphism. I don't think I would recommend doing this in your case, but I guess it shows off a cool Kotlin feature.
If b[0] returns an object of type B, you could do this in that class:
data class B(private val _teachers: List<Teacher> = emptyList()) {
private class Teachers(private val list: List<Teacher>) : List<Teacher> by list {
override operator fun get(int: Int): Teacher {
var t = Teacher()
t.name = "asd"
return t ;
val teachers: List<Teacher> = Teachers(_teachers)
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
println(B().teachers[0].name) // Prints "asd"
When I override the get-function it will affect everyone that uses the B class, not just where you would import the extension-function.
Note that I am delegating all other method-calls on the Teachers-class through to the underlying list.

Instantiating a generic type in Kotlin

What's the best way to get an instance of a generic type in Kotlin? I am hoping to find the best approximation of the following C# code:
public T GetValue<T>() where T : new() {
return new T();
EDIT: As mentioned in comments, this is probably a bad idea. Accepting a () -> T is probably the most reasonable way of achieving this. That said, the following technique will achieve what you're looking for, if not necessarily in the most idiomatic way.
Unfortunately, you can't achieve that directly: Kotlin is hamstrung by its Java ancestry, so generics are erased at run time, meaning T is no longer available to use directly. Using reflection and inline functions, you can work around this, though:
/* We have no way to guarantee that an empty constructor exists, so must return T? instead of T */
inline fun <reified T : Any> getValue(): T? {
val primaryConstructor = T::class.constructors.find { it.parameters.isEmpty() }
return primaryConstructor?.call()
If we add some sample classes, you can see that this will return an instance when an empty constructor exists, or null otherwise:
class Foo() {}
class Bar(val label: String) { constructor() : this("bar")}
class Baz(val label: String)
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
System.out.println("Foo: ${getValue<Foo>()}") // Foo#...
// No need to specify the type when it can be inferred
val foo : Foo? = getValue()
System.out.println("Foo: ${foo}") // Foo#...
System.out.println("Bar: ${getValue<Bar>()}") // Prints Bar#...
System.out.println("Baz: ${getValue<Baz>()}") // null

How to specify "own type" as return type in Kotlin

Is there a way to specify the return type of a function to be the type of the called object?
trait Foo {
fun bar(): <??> /* what to put here? */ {
return this
class FooClassA : Foo {
fun a() {}
class FooClassB : Foo {
fun b() {}
// this is the desired effect:
val a = FooClassA().bar() // should be of type FooClassA
a.a() // so this would work
val b = FooClassB().bar() // should be of type FooClassB
b.b() // so this would work
In effect, this would be roughly equivalent to instancetype in Objective-C or Self in Swift.
There's no language feature supporting this, but you can always use recursive generics (which is the pattern many libraries use):
// Define a recursive generic parameter Me
trait Foo<Me: Foo<Me>> {
fun bar(): Me {
// Here we have to cast, because the compiler does not know that Me is the same as this class
return this as Me
// In subclasses, pass itself to the superclass as an argument:
class FooClassA : Foo<FooClassA> {
fun a() {}
class FooClassB : Foo<FooClassB> {
fun b() {}
You can return something's own type with extension functions.
interface ExampleInterface
// Everything that implements ExampleInterface will have this method.
fun <T : ExampleInterface> T.doSomething(): T {
return this
class ClassA : ExampleInterface {
fun classASpecificMethod() {}
class ClassB : ExampleInterface {
fun classBSpecificMethod() {}
fun example() {
// doSomething() returns ClassA!
// doSomething() returns ClassB!
You can use an extension method to achieve the "returns same type" effect. Here's a quick example that shows a base type with multiple type parameters and an extension method that takes a function which operates on an instance of said type:
public abstract class BuilderBase<A, B> {}
public fun <B : BuilderBase<*, *>> B.doIt(): B {
// Do something
return this
public class MyBuilder : BuilderBase<Int,String>() {}
public fun demo() {
val b : MyBuilder = MyBuilder().doIt()
Since extension methods are resolved statically (at least as of M12), you may need to have the extension delegate the actual implementation to its this should you need type-specific behaviors.
Recursive Type Bound
The pattern you have shown in the question is known as recursive type bound in the JVM world. A recursive type is one that includes a function that uses that type itself as a type for its parameter or its return value. In your example, you are using the same type for the return value by saying return this.
Let's understand this with a simple and real example. We'll replace trait from your example with interface because trait is now deprecated in Kotlin. In this example, the interface VitaminSource returns different implementations of the sources of different vitamins.
In the following interface, you can see that its type parameter has itself as an upper bound. This is why it's known as recursive type bound:
interface VitaminSource<T: VitaminSource<T>> {
fun getSource(): T {
return this as T
We suppress the UNCHECKED_CAST warning because the compiler can't possibly know whether we passed the same class name as a type argument.
Then we extend the interface with concrete implementations:
class Carrot : VitaminSource<Carrot> {
fun getVitaminA() = println("Vitamin A")
class Banana : VitaminSource<Banana> {
fun getVitaminB() = println("Vitamin B")
While extending the classes, you must make sure to pass the same class to the interface otherwise you'll get ClassCastException at runtime:
class Banana : VitaminSource<Banana> // OK
class Banana : VitaminSource<Carrot> // No compiler error but exception at runtime
fun main() {
val carrot = Carrot().getSource()
val banana = Banana().getSource()
That's it! Hope that helps.
Depending on the exact use case, scope functions can be a good alternative. For the builder pattern apply seems to be most useful because the context object is this and the result of the scope function is this as well.
Consider this example for a builder of List with a specialized builder subclass:
open class ListBuilder<E> {
// Return type does not matter, could also use Unit and not return anything
// But might be good to avoid that to not force users to use scope functions
fun add(element: E): ListBuilder<E> {
return this
fun buildList(): List<E> {
class EnhancedListBuilder<E>: ListBuilder<E>() {
fun addTwice(element: E): EnhancedListBuilder<E> {
addNTimes(element, 2)
return this
fun addNTimes(element: E, times: Int): EnhancedListBuilder<E> {
repeat(times) {
return this
// Usage of builder:
val list = EnhancedListBuilder<String>().apply {
add("a") // Note: This would return only ListBuilder
addNTimes("c", 3)
However, this only works if all methods have this as result. If one of the methods actually creates a new instance, then that instance would be discarded.
This is based on this answer to a similar question.
You can do it also via extension functions.
class Foo
fun <T: Foo>T.someFun(): T {
return this