What is the alternative of jsplumb while using Vue js? - vuejs2

I'm developing an app using quasar framework and Vue js. Initially, I used Drag and drop functionality and linking them with connectors in my web app using jquery UI and jsplumb.
Basically, the jsplumb library is a plugin for jquery and jquery occupies more memory space comparing to Vue js.
So, I thought of using pure Vue js functionalities for my requirement. So is there any Vue js plugins which does following tasks?
1) Able to drag blocks from one container and drop it to the specific location in another container.
2) Able to add endpoints(as provided in jsplumb) to the dropped blocks
3) And able to draw a connecting link between any blocks in the container.
So is there any way of replacing jquery and jsplumb with only pure Vue js and Quasar?

as per documentation: JSPlumb features there's a vue version, but it looks like it's paid.
Also in other part it says "Although jsPlumb has no dependency on jQuery, it also supports jQuery selectors as arguments for elements (vanilla jsPlumb because jQuery's selector object is list-like, ie. it has a length property and indexed accessors)." So you don't need jQuery to use JsPlumb. We got that cover.
Then you can use Draggable which uses vue.sortable as well, for the drag and drop part.
So, what if you already have a bunch of selectors with jsplumb in Jquery? you could replace jquery with this selector method:
window.$ = function(selector) {
var selectorType = 'querySelectorAll';
if (selector.indexOf('#') === 0) {
selectorType = 'getElementById';
selector = selector.substr(1, selector.length);
return document[selectorType](selector);
Snippet from here: https://blog.garstasio.com/you-dont-need-jquery/selectors/
Hope it helps.


Nuxt generated HTML and JavaScript does not work everywhere

I'm using Nuxt to build a component library for use with the various CMSs that my company uses. Basically, I want to use the generated HTML to create reusable widgets for the CMS. The CMSs in question can't use Vue components directly because the client's admin area doesn't play well with Vue (for example, the inline editor in Kentico 12 does not work at all with Vue and our clients require this functionality).
Using Nuxt to build the component library works great as long as the components don't DO anything. However, if I want to create an accordion that has an #click event, it doesn't work when loaded into the CMS. I narrowed down the issue:
A) http://example.com/Accordions/
B) http://example.com/Accordions/index.html
Case A works fine. With Case B, the page loads but none of the scripts work. The events do not fire at all, and I'm getting the following error:
"DOMException: Failed to execute 'appendChild' on 'Node': This node type does not support this method."
The Accordions component doesn't work on any page that is not http://example.com/Accordions/.
Nuxt is generating the Accordions/index.html page so I'm assuming it's connecting the route with the functionality in the JS, but I'm not sure exactly what the problem is, what to search for or how to fix it. I've been searching for hours. Can anyone help me with this?

Target and manipulate single DOM element in vue

Somehow I still can't wrap my head around some core vue concepts.
I have made some simple webpage using phalcon. Created it so, that it would work without JS and now is the time to add some bells and whistles - ajax queries and the like, for the user experience to be better.
I wanted to do everything using vue, to see how it all adds up. But after hours of googling I still can't find solution for the simplest of tasks.
Say: I want to get a text paragraph in a series of <li>-s and change it somewhat. Maybe make excerpt of it and add 'see more' button behind it. Now, in jQuery I would just iterate with each() and perform the tasks. With vue targeting set of DOM elements is much harder for me, probably because of whole paradigm being "the other way round".
I know I could iterate with v-for, but these elements are already in the DOM, taken from the database and templated with volt. I had even this wild idea of creating .js files from phalcon, but it would completely negate my strategy of making functional webpage first and then enhance it progressively.
Frankly speaking I feel like I'm overcomplicating for the sake of it, right now. Is vue even fit for a project like this, or is it exclusively a tool to build app from the ground up?
Vue's templating is client-side, which means if you are delivering an already templated html page (by your backend) there is little vue can still do for you. Vue needs data, not DOM elements to build its viewmodels.
This becomes pretty obvious when building a single page application for example, which would be rendered only on the client-side. You'd simply load the data asynchronously from a backend api (REST for example) and then do all the rendering on the client.
As far as I understand your usecase you want to mix client and server side rendering, rendering most of the non-interactable content using your backend's templating engine and adding some interactivity using vue. In this case you'll need to add some vue components (with their own rendering logic) to your backend template and pass data to that component using vue's data-binding.
Here's an example:
<div id="app">
<my-vue-list :products="{% products %}"></my-vue-list>
And in your JS:
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
components: {MyVueList} // You will have to register all the components you want to use here
Vue provides the ref attribute for registering a reference to a dom element or child component:
// accessible via this.$refs.foo
<li ref="foo">...</li>
Do note, however, that refs are not reactive, as stated in the docs:
$refs is also non-reactive, therefore you should not attempt to use it in templates for data-binding.

How to add and run Three Js old code to Vue page component

I would like to know how I can add an old Three Js code to a page component in Vue Js, like just plain javascript grabed on html script tag, without using methods or computed objects from Vue
I'm using node 10.14, Vue-cli 3 and Vue scaffold
If I understand your question correctly, one way you could probably do this is to have the JavaScript extracted out into a helper file like /lib/3JS.js and then make sure to export it.
Then you could import it into your Vue file and use it there.

Using libraries such as Leaflet or OpenLayers with Vue.js without breaking DOM?

The JS libraries that are meant for showing maps on the web pages and I guess many other libraries that visualize data on the web pages often modify the DOM quite heavily.
If I want to use such library with Vue.js and there is no fitting library adaption available for Vue.js then what are the best practices for adapting them, so that the DOM is updated properly and I can use the libraries safely?
Personally, for Vue or for any library, I just play with the lifecycle of the JavaScript framework.
In Vue, I create my map in mounted cycle (see the diagram from the official doc) because Openlayers like Leaflet both need a DOM element mounted to bind the map related elements.
It's the same if using React, you just use componentDidMount (see the React lifecycle diagram)

Using Vue Components in Moqui Screens

Is it possible to use VusJS Components into Moqui Screens?
I know for sure that you can render Basic HTML but I wasn't able to find a hook for the VueJS app.
The need comes from the following scenario:
While form-single widget can be made collapsible, form-list cannot. So I wanted to use vue-collapsible (https://github.com/vue-comps/vue-collapsible) but I don't know where I am supposed to register the component.
If there's no way to use vue, maybe you can help me with my concrete issue.
In the 'vuet' render mode which is used in the /vapps path (as opposed to /apps) it isn't actually HTML sent to the client it is a Vue Template. If you look at the text returned by the server you'll see a number of Vue Components already being used (see the WebrootVue.js file for their source). You can see this in Chrome using the Sources or Network tab in the tools window or similar tools in other browsers. If you inspect an element you'll be looking at the rendered HTML, ie after Vue runs the components to change the Vue Template to HTML.
This means that if you include the necessary JavaScript file(s), and CSS file(s) if needed, then you can use any Vue component in the Vue Template returned. You can do this inline in XML Screen files using the render-mode.text element with the #type=vuet.
None of this runs under NPM in the way VueJS is used in Moqui Framework through XML Screens. In other words it isn't a pre-packaged Vue app with 100% client/browser rendering but rather is a hybrid client and server rendered approach.
You can include scripts in this Moqui hybrid approach using the script element with a #src attribute for the script file which the WebrootVue.js file loads on the fly. There are various examples of this for additional JS scripts like Chart.JS