I want to find in which position are all specific letters - vb.net

I have this text:
In visual basic 2008 express edition
I want to find in which position are all the ;
The result must be:

There is no existing method, but you can write one easily. For example as extension:
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Module Extensions
Public Function FindAllIndex(Of T)(ByVal items As IEnumerable(Of T), predicate As Func(Of T, Boolean)) As Int32()
Dim allIndexes As New List(Of Int32)
Dim index As Int32 = 0
For Each item As T In items
If predicate(item) Then
End If
index += 1
Return allIndexes.ToArray()
End Function
End Module
Dim allIndexes as Int32() = text.FindAllIndex(Function(c) c = ";"c)
This generic version supports any type and condition. It works under VS2008.

I'd suggest Linq and also to handle the Carriage Return / Linefeed contained in your text - at least if you expect the exact indexes specified by your desired output.
Dim chars = text.Replace(Environment.NewLine, String.Empty).ToCharArray()
Dim positions = Enumerable.Range(0, chars.Length).Where(Function(i) chars(i) = ";"c).ToArray()
This answer is tailored for the mentioned output values - however it will most likely not help you in what ever task you are doing.
Disclaimer: I translated this solution from diesel's comment on c# Array.FindAllIndexOf which FindAll IndexOf


How to order list of files by file name with number?

I have a bunch of files in a directory that I am trying to get based off their type. Once I have them I would like to order them by file name (there is a number in them and I would like to order them that way)
My files returned are:
But the order I get them in looks something more closely to this:
Right now I am using Directory.GetFiles() and attempting to using the linq OrderBy property. However, I am failing pretty badly with what I would need to do to order my list of files like the first list above.
Directory.GetFiles() seems to be returning a list of strings so I am unable to get the list of file properties such as filename or name.
Here is my code currently:
documentPages = Directory.GetFiles(documentPath, "*.txt").OrderBy(Function(p) p).ToList()
Would anyone have any ideas?
It sounds like you might be looking for a "NaturalSort" - the kind of display File Explorer uses to order filenames containing numerals. For this you need a custom comparer:
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Partial Class NativeMethods
<DllImport("shlwapi.dll", CharSet:=CharSet.Unicode)>
Private Shared Function StrCmpLogicalW(s1 As String, s2 As String) As Int32
End Function
Friend Shared Function NaturalStringCompare(str1 As String, str2 As String) As Int32
Return StrCmpLogicalW(str1, str2)
End Function
End Class
Public Class NaturalStringComparer
Implements IComparer(Of String)
Public Function Compare(x As String, y As String) As Integer Implements IComparer(Of String).Compare
Return NativeMethods.NaturalStringCompare(x, y)
End Function
End Class
Use it to sort the results you get:
Dim myComparer As New NaturalStringComparer
' OP post only shows the filename without path, so strip off path:
' (wont affect the result, just the display)
Dim files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(path_name_here).
Select(Function(s) Path.GetFileName(s)).ToList
Console.WriteLine("Before: {0}", String.Join(", ", files))
' sort the list using the Natural Comparer:
Console.WriteLine("After: {0}", String.Join(", ", files))
Results (one-lined to save space):
Before: file-1.txt, file-10.txt, file-11.txt, file-19.txt, file-2.txt, file-20.txt, file-3.txt, file-9.txt, file-99.txt
After: file-1.txt, file-2.txt, file-3.txt, file-9.txt, file-10.txt, file-11.txt, file-19.txt, file-20.txt, file-99.txt
One of the advantages of this is that it doesnt rely on a specific pattern or coding. It is more all-purpose and will handle more than one set of numbers in the text:
Game of Thrones\4 - A Feast For Crows\1 - Prologue.mp3
Game of Thrones\4 - A Feast For Crows\2 - The Prophet.mp3
Game of Thrones\4 - A Feast For Crows\10 - Brienne II.mp3
Game of Thrones\4 - A Feast For Crows\11 - Sansa.mp3
A Natural String Sort is so handy, is is something I personally dont mind polluting Intellisense with by creating an extension:
' List<string> version
Function ToNaturalSort(l As List(Of String)) As List(Of String)
l.Sort(New NaturalStringComparer())
Return l
End Function
' array version
Function ToNaturalSort(a As String()) As String()
Array.Sort(a, New NaturalStringComparer())
Return a
End Function
Usage now is even easier:
Dim files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(your_path).
Select(Function(s) Path.GetFileName(s)).
' or without the path stripping:
Dim files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(your_path).ToList.ToNaturalSort()
I'm assuming the file and .txt parts are mutable, and just here as placeholders for file names and types that can vary.
I don't use regular expressions very often, so this may need some work yet, but it's definitely the direction you need to go:
Dim exp As String = "-([0-9]+)[.][^.]*$"
documentPages = Directory.GetFiles(documentPath, "*.txt").OrderBy(Function(p) Integer.Parse(Regex.Matches(p, exp)(0).Groups(1).Value)).ToList()
Looking again, I see I missed that you are filtering by *.txt files, which can help us narrow the expression:
Dim exp As String = "-([0-9]+)[.]txt$"
Another possible improvement brought by the other answer that includes test data is to allow for whitespace between the - and numerals:
Dim exp As String = "-[ ]*([0-9]+)[.]txt$"
It's further worth noting that the above will fail if there are text files that don't follow the pattern. We can account for that if needed:
Dim exp As String = "-[ ]*([0-9]+)[.][^.]*$"
Dim docs = Directory.GetFiles(documentPath, "*.txt")
documentPages = docs.OrderBy(
Dim matches As MatchCollection = Regex.Matches(p, exp)
If matches.Count = 0 OrElse matches(0).Groups.Count < 2 Then Return 0
Return Integer.Parse(matches(0).Groups(1).Value)
End Function).ToList()
You could also use Integer.MaxValue as your default option, depending on whether you want those to appear at the beginning or end of the list.

Unique permutation in c# gives no dup but vb.net does

So I am converting an extension method to find permutations of a generic list from c# to vb
The code in c# does not return duplicate. For example: {1,2} is same as {2,1} and {1,1} is not allowed. The vb code that I convert, however gives me a duplicate. Can someone help me spot the problem. I got the c# code from accepted answer in this thread: How to Generate Combinations of Elements of a List<T> in .NET 4.0
Here is the vb code:
Module HelperPermutation
Public Function Combinations(Of T)(elements As IEnumerable(Of T), k As Integer) As IEnumerable(Of T())
Dim result As List(Of T()) = New List(Of T())
If (k = 0) Then
result.Add(New T(-1) {})
Dim current As Integer = 1
For Each element In elements
result.AddRange(elements _
.Skip(current = current + 1) _
.Combinations(k - 1) _
.Select(Function(c) (New T() {element}).Concat(c).ToArray())
End If
Return result
End Function
End module
I tried to add Distinct but it still gives me duplicates.
And this is my console app to use that extension method:
Dim list As New List(Of Integer) From {1, 2, 3}
Dim array = list.Combinations(2)
Console.WriteLine("# of permutation: " & array.Count)
For Each value In array
Console.WriteLine("-------Pairs: " & value.Count)
For i As Integer = 0 To value.Count - 1 Step 1
Console.WriteLine("value = " & value.ElementAt(i))
current = current + 1 is not doing assignment. It's an equality test, so the result of that expression is boolean. Since there is no overload for Skip() that takes a boolean, it seems like you might not be using Option Strict. I would highly suggest using it for spotting mistakes like this.
There is no post-increment built into the VB language, but luckily, you can create your own.
Function PostIncrement(ByRef arg As Integer) As Integer
arg += 1
Return arg - 1
End Function

How to write a simple Expression-like class in .NET 2.0?

I'm currently working in .NET 2.0 Visual Basic. The current project is an Active Directory Wrapper class library within which I have a Searcher(Of T) generic class that I wish to use to search the underlying directory for objects.
In this Searcher(Of T) class I have the following methods:
Private Function GetResults() As CustomSet(Of T)
Public Function ToList() As CustomSet(Of T)
Public Function Find(ByVal ParamArray filter() As Object) As CustomSet(Of T)
// And some other functions here...
The one that interests me the most is the Find() method to which I can pass property and values and would like to parse my LDAP query from this filter() ParamArray parameter. Actually, all I can figure out is this:
Public Sub SomeSub()
Dim groupSearcher As Searcher(Of Group) = New Searcher(Of Group)()
Dim groupsSet as CustomSet(Of Group) = groupSearcher.Find("Name=someName", "Description=someDescription")
// Working with the result here...
End Sub
But what I want to be able to offer to my users is this:
Public Sub SomeSub()
Dim groupSearcher As Searcher(Of Group) = New Searcher(Of Group)()
Dim groupsSet As CustomSet(Of Groupe) = groupSearcher.Find(Name = "someName", Guid = someGuid, Description = "someDescription")
// And work with the result here...
End Sub
In short, I want to offer some kind of Expression feature to my users, unless it is too much work, as this project is not the most important one and I don't have like 2 years to develop it. I think that the better thing I should do is to write something like CustomExpression that could be passed in parameters to some functions or subs.
Thanks for any suggestions that might bring me to my goal!
Interesting question. This is a language dependent feature, so I don't see this happening without some clever trickery of the IDE/compiler.
You could however have optional overloads on your Find method (vb.net is good for this), then make the search string manually to obtain the result.
Finally you could make use of lambda functions, but only in .net 3.5 and above. Even still, it would require your searcher to expose a preliminary set of data so you can recover the expression tree and build up the find string.
I've just been playing around with Reflection to see if I can retrieve the parameters passed, and build up a string dynamically depending on if they exist. This doesn't appear to be possible, due to the fact that compiled code doesn't reference the names.
This code just used was:
'-- Get all the "parameters"
Dim m As MethodInfo = GetType(Finder).GetMethod("Find")
Dim params() As ParameterInfo = m.GetParameters()
'-- We now have a reference to the parameter names, like Name and Description
Hmm. http://channel9.msdn.com/forums/TechOff/259443-Using-SystemReflection-to-obtain-parameter-values-dynamically/
Annoyingly it's not (easily) possible to recover the values sent, so we'll have to stick with building up the string in a non-dynamic fashion.
A simple optional method would look like:
Public Sub Find( _
Optional ByVal Name As String = "", _
Optional ByVal Description As String = "")
Dim query As String = String.Empty
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Name) Then
query &= "Name=" & Name
'-- ..... more go here with your string seperater.
End If
End Sub

VB.Net List.Find. Pass values to predicate

Having a bit of trouble using the List.Find with a custom predicate
i have a function that does this
private function test ()
Dim test As Integer = keys.Find(AddressOf FindByOldKeyAndName).NewKey
here's the function for the predicate
Private Shared Function FindByOldKeyAndName(ByVal k As KeyObj) As Boolean
If k.OldKey = currentKey.OldKey And k.KeyName = currentKey.KeyName Then
Return True
Return False
End If
End Function
by doing it this way means i have to have a shared "currentKey" object in the class, and i know there has to be a way to pass in the values i'm interested in of CurrentKey (namely, keyname, and oldkey)
ideally i'd like to call it by something like
keys.Find(AddressOf FindByOldKeyAndName(Name,OldVal))
however when i do this i get compiler errors.
How do i call this method and pass in the values?
You can cleanly solve this with a lambda expression, available in VS2008 and up. A silly example:
Sub Main()
Dim lst As New List(Of Integer)
Dim toFind = 2
Dim found = lst.Find(Function(value As Integer) value = toFind)
End Sub
For earlier versions you'll have to make "currentKey" a private field of your class. Check my code in this thread for a cleaner solution.
I have an object that manages a list of Unique Property Types.
obj.AddProperty(new PropertyClass(PropertyTypeEnum.Location,value))
obj.AddProperty(new PropertyClass(PropertyTypeEnum.CallingCard,value))
obj.AddProperty(new PropertyClass(PropertyTypeEnum.CallingCard,value))
//throws exception because property of type CallingCard already exists
Here is some code to check if properties already exist
Public Sub AddProperty(ByVal prop As PropertyClass)
If Properties.Count < 50 Then
'Lets verify this property does not exist
Dim existingProperty As PropertyClass = _
Properties.Find(Function(value As PropertyClass)
Return value.PropertyType = prop.PropertyType
End Function)
'if it does not exist, add it otherwise throw exception
If existingProperty Is Nothing Then
Throw New DuplicatePropertyException("Duplicate Property: " + _
End If
End If
End Sub
I haven't needed to try this in newer versions of VB.Net which might have a nicer way, but in older versions the only way that I know of would be to have a shared member in your class to set with the value before the call.
There's various samples on the net of people creating small utility classes to wrap this up to make it a little nicer.
I've found a blog with a better "real world" context example, with good variable names.
The key bit of code to Find the object in the list is this:
' Instantiate a List(Of Invoice).
Dim invoiceList As New List(Of Invoice)
' Add some invoices to List(Of Invoice).
invoiceList.Add(New Invoice(1, DateTime.Now, 22))
invoiceList.Add(New Invoice(2, DateTime.Now.AddDays(10), 24))
invoiceList.Add(New Invoice(3, DateTime.Now.AddDays(30), 22))
invoiceList.Add(New Invoice(4, DateTime.Now.AddDays(60), 36))
' Use a Predicate(Of T) to find an invoice by its invoice number.
Dim invoiceNumber As Integer = 1
Dim foundInvoice = invoiceList.Find(Function(invoice) invoice.InvoiceNumber = invoiceNumber)
For more examples, including a date search, refer to Mike McIntyre's Blog Post

VB.NET - Adding more than 1 string to .contains

I have an HTMLElementCollection that I'm going through using a For Each Loop to see if the InnerHTML contains certain words. If they do contain any of those keywords it gets saved into a file.
Everything works fine but I was wondering if there is a way to simplify. Here's a sample
For Each Helement As HtmlElement In elements
If Helement.InnerHtml.Contains("keyword1") Or Helement.InnerHtml.Contains("keyword2") Or Helement.InnerHtml.Contains("keyword3") Or Helement.InnerHtml.Contains("keyword4") Or Helement.InnerHtml.Contains("keyword5") = True Then
End If
Next Helement
Does anything exist that would work like:
If Helement.InnerHtml.Contains("keyword1", "keyword2", "keyword3", "keyword4", "keyword5")
The way I'm doing it now just seems wasteful, and I'm pretty OCD about it.
1) One approach would be to match the InnerHtml string against a regular expression containing the keywords as a list of alternatives:
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Dim keywords As New Regex("keyword1|keyword2|keyword3")
If keywords.IsMatch(HElement.InnerHtml) Then ...
This should work well if you know all your keywords beforehand.
2) An alternative approach would be to build a list of your keywords and then compare the InnerHtml string against each of the list's elements:
Dim keywords = {"keyword1", "keyword2", "keyword3"}
For Each keyword As String In keywords
If HElement.InnerHtml.Contains(keyword) Then ...
Edit: The extension method suggested by Rob would result in more elegant code than the above approach #2, IMO.
You could write an Extension Method to string that provides a multi-input option, such as:
Public Module StringExtensionMethods
Private Sub New()
End Sub
<System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension> _
Public Function Contains(ByVal str As String, ByVal ParamArray values As String()) As Boolean
For Each value In values
If str.Contains(value) Then
Return True
End If
Return False
End Function
End Module
You could then call that instead, as in your second example :)
Here's another extension method that cleans up the logic a little with LINQ:
Public Function MultiContains(str As String, ParamArray values() As String) As Boolean
Return values.Any(Function(val) str.Contains(val))
End Function